

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 7e03e96dde1cbbdbc7cc96424cd9e059 > files > 61


.. _reference.entry.enclosures:


A list of links to external files associated with this entry.

Some aggregators automatically download enclosures (although this technique has
`known problems <>`_).  Some aggregators
render each enclosure as a link.  Most aggregators ignore them.

The :abbr:`RSS (Rich Site Summary)` specification states that there can be at
most one enclosure per item.  However, because some feeds break this rule,
:program:`Universal Feed Parser` captures all of them and makes them available
as a list.

.. rubric:: Comes from

- /atom10:feed/atom10:entry/atom10:link[@rel="enclosure"]
- /rss/channel/item/enclosure
- additionally, :ref:`certain links within embedded markup <advanced.microformats.relenclosure>`

.. _reference.entry.enclosures.href:


The :abbr:`URL (Uniform Resource Locator)` of the linked file.

If this is a relative :abbr:`URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)`, it is
:ref:`resolved according to a set of rules <advanced.base>`.

.. _reference.entry.enclosures.length:


The length of the linked file.

.. _reference.entry.enclosures.type:


The content type of the linked file.