

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 8c84f699d419c9a248bb4cee0f143177 > files > 2


# Configuration file for pmsnap(1)
# This file controls the output of pmsnap.
# See the manual page for pmsnap(1) for full details.
# Although not mandatory, it is strongly advised that you follow
# the instructions described in the manual page for pmlogger_daily(1)
# before proceeding with the instructions described in pmsnap(1).
# Each line below (which is not a comment) has 4 columns, with
# the following meaning ..
# (1) Name    : name of the output file. This is typically
#             in the local Web content directory hierarchy.
# (2) Folio   : use the named PCP archive, OR use the archives
#             in the named PCP archive folio. This is usually
#             in PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/HOSTNAME, but may be the path of an
#             archive on an NFS/CIFS mounted filesystem if logging is done
#             on a remote host. Note that pmlogger_daily(1) automatically
#             creates the folio PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/LOCALHOSTNAME/Latest.
# (3) Config  : the pmchart "view" to use. If not found in the
#             local directory (relative to the -o flag), pmsnap
#             will also search the directories $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmsnap,
#             $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmchart, and $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmchart.
# (4) Arguments : passed to pmchart, see pmchart(1). Note that $commonargs
#             will be prepended to the argument list (see the assignment to
#             $commonargs below). Do NOT include any of the following
#             arguments: -o -c -a
# Notes     : the string LOCALHOSTNAME in this file will be substituted
#             by the name of the local host by pmsnap at run-time.
#             If pmlogger is logging Snap metrics on the local host,
#             the example below should work virtually out of the box,
#             provided you want the output images in /var/www/htdocs/snapshots.
#             You will of course need to publish an html page that shows
#             the generated gif images - you can use the example provided
#             in the file $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmsnap/Snap.html.
#           : lines beginning with $ are assumed to be assignments to
#	      environment variables in the style of sh(1), and all text
#	      following the $ will be eval'ed by the script reading
#	      this control file, and the corresponding variable
#	      exported into the environment.
# Recommended pmchart arguments :
# -g 650x600  (raw image size, Width x Height)
# -t 1min  (update interval, i.e. time between ticks on the X-Axis)
# -v 30  (number of visible points)
# -O -0  (show end of archive, backwards by (-vh) * (-t) seconds)
# -A 10min  (aligned to start at the nearest 10 minutes)
# -W  (generated image has a white background, not transparent)

# === Variable Assignments ===

# Common pmchart Arguments. Edit as required.

# === pmsnap Control Specifications ===
# Name (Output Image)                     Folio|Archive        Config  Arguments
/var/www/pcp/LOCALHOSTNAME.1hour.summary  LOCALHOSTNAME/Latest  Snap   -O-0 -A 10min -t 2min -v 30
/var/www/pcp/LOCALHOSTNAME.12hour.summary LOCALHOSTNAME/Latest  Snap   -O-0 -A 1hour -t 30min -v 30