

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > a502f967ce4a25ee95946e5754304c66 > files > 9


# This is a very simple sample configuration file sufficient to start an  #
# xrootd data server using the default port 1094 and its companion cmsd.  #
# Trying to use the xrootd will cause the client to simply wait because   #
# there is no redirector and this configuration file is insufficient to   #
# start one. Consult the reference manuals on how to create a usable      #
# configuration file to completely describe a functional xrootd cluster.  #
#                                                                         #
# On start-up the xrootd will complain about not connecting to the pipe   #
# named '/var/spool/xrootd/.olb/olbd.admin'. This will continue until the #
# cmsd starts. When the cmsd start is will say ' Waiting for primary      #
# server to login.' Once xrootd is started and connects to the cmsd, the  #
# cmsd will complain 'Unable to connect socket to localhost' because      #
# there is no redirector. However, this shows that xrootd and cmsd have   #
# been correctly installed.                                               #
#                                                                         #
# Note: You should always create a *single* configuration file and use it #
# when starting each daemon that you need to run in the cluster!          #

# The export directive indicates which paths are to be exported. While the
# default is '/tmp', we indicate it anyway and add the 'stages attribute
# to allow you to start the frm_xfrd to bring in missing files into '/tmp'.
# Remove this attribute if you don't want to enable this feature.
all.export /tmp stage

# The role directive tells xrootd to run as a data server as part of a
# cluster. The causes the xrootd to try to contact the local cmsd which
# needs to started as part of of initialization. As a side note, a
# redirector would have a manager role.
all.role server

# The cmsd running on a data server node needs to know where the redirector
# (i.e. manager) is running. In this generic config we simply say that it
# is on this host to allow initialization to succeed. However, the final
# result is not practically usable.
all.manager localhost 3121

# The copycmd directive tells the frm_xfrd what to use to copy files into
# an exported path with the 'stage' attribute. Here we just say this will
# be '/bin/cp' to allow the frm_xfrd to actual start to show that it works.
# Here missing files are created in /tmp as zero-length files.
frm.xfr.copycmd /bin/cp /dev/null $PFN

# The adminpath and pidpath variables indicate where the pid and various
# IPC files should be placed
all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd