

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > b2c02ac2b1da8b591dd5b382eea35ef6 > files > 20


#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# slrnrc-conv - converts an old ~/.slrnrc file to new format
# by Matthias Friedrich <>
# Usage: perl slrnrc-conv ~/.slrnrc > new_config
use strict;

# group functions conversation table
my %group = (
	down          =>    'line_down',
	group_bob     =>    'bob',
	group_eob     =>    'eob',
	group_search  =>    'group_search_forward',
	pagedown      =>    'page_down',
	pageup        =>    'page_up',
	toggle_group_display => 'toggle_group_formats',
	uncatch_up    =>    'uncatchup',
	up            =>    'line_up'

# article functions conversation table
my %article = (
	art_bob                 =>   'article_bob',
	art_eob                 =>   'article_eob',
	art_xpunge              =>   'expunge',
	article_linedn          =>   'article_line_down',
	article_line_dn          =>   'article_line_down',
	article_lineup          =>   'article_line_up',
	article_pagedn          =>   'article_page_down',
	article_pageup          =>   'article_page_up',
	down                    =>   'header_line_down',
	enlarge_window          =>   'enlarge_article_window',
	goto_beginning          =>   'article_bob',
	goto_end                =>   'article_eob',
	left                    =>   'article_left',
	locate_header_by_msgid	=>   'locate_article',
	pagedn                  =>   'header_page_down',
	pageup                  =>   'header_page_up',
	pipe_article            =>   'pipe',
	prev                    =>   'previous',
	print_article           =>   'print',
	right                   =>   'article_right',
	scroll_dn               =>   'article_page_down',
	scroll_up               =>   'article_page_up',
	scroll_page_dn          =>   'scroll_page_down',
	shrink_window           =>   'shrink_article_window',
	skip_to_prev_group      =>   'skip_to_previous_group',
	toggle_show_author      =>   'toggle_header_formats',
	up                      =>   'header_line_up'

# variable conversation table
my %variables = (
	process_verbatum_marks	=>	'process_verbatim_marks',
	followup		=>	'followup_string'

# obsolete variables that can't be rewritten automatically
# they will be commented out and an explanatory message is printed to stderr
my %obsolete_variables = (
	prompt_next_group	=>
		'The feature controlled by this variable has been removed.',
	query_reconnect		=>
		'There is no need to confirm reconnects anymore.',
	use_xgtitle		=>
		'slrn does not use XGTITLE anymore.',
	author_display		=>
		'Please use the %f escape of header_display_format.',
	display_author_realname	=>
		'Please use the %r escape of header_display_format.',
	display_score		=>
		'Please use the %S escape of header_display_format.',
	group_dsc_start_column	=>
		'Please customize group_display_format instead.',
	show_descriptions	=>
		'Please use the %d escape of group_display_format.'

# colors conversation table
my %colors = (
	verbatum		=>	'verbatim'

# obsolete commands, rewrite them to variables
my @commands = (
                 'hostname', 'username', 'replyto',
                 'organization', 'scorefile', 'signature',
                 'realname', 'followup', 'cc_followup_string',
                 'quote_string', 'decode_directory', 'editor_command'

# regexps that match a (possibly quoted) string
my $str_rx = '\S+';
my $qstr_rx = '"(?:\\\\|\\.|.)*"|\S+';

# read input file line by line
while ( <> )
	# rewrite key bindings
	if ( m/^(\s*setkey\s*"?)(group|article)("?\s*"?)([^\s"]+)(\s*.*)$/ )
		if ( $2 eq 'group' and $group{$4} )
			$_ = "$1$2$3$group{$4}$5\n";
		elsif ( $2 eq 'article' and $article{$4} )
			$_ = "$1$2$3$article{$4}$5\n";
	# rewrite color names
	elsif ( m/^(\s*color\s*)(${qstr_rx})(.*)$/ )
		my $name = $colors{$2} || $2;

		$_ =  "$1${name}$3\n";
	# rewrite variable names
	elsif ( m/^(\s*set\s*)(${qstr_rx})(.*)$/ )
		my $why;
		my $name = $variables{$2} || $2;
		$_ = "$1${name}$3\n";

		if ( $why = $obsolete_variables{$name} )
			print STDERR "The variable $name is obsolete.\n",

			print "% slrnrc-conv: The variable $name ",
				"is obsolete.\n", "% $why\n";
			$_ = '% ' . $_;
	# probably this is a command, rewriting doesn't even need a table
	elsif ( m/^(\s*)(${str_rx})(.*)$/ )
		my $cmd = $2;
		my $set = '';

		$set = 'set ' if grep {m/$cmd/} @commands;

		$_ = "$set$1$2$3\n";

		redo if $set; # maybe the resulting variable needs rewriting
	# no else case needed, simply print line
