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## Holland mysqldump Example Backup-Set
## This implements a vanilla backup-set using the mysqldump provider which,
## in turn, uses the 'mysqldump' utility.
## Many of these options have global defaults which can be found in the
## configuration file for the provider (which can be found, by default
## in /etc/holland/providers).

plugin = mysqldump
backups-to-keep = 1
auto-purge-failures = yes
purge-policy = after-backup
estimated-size-factor = 1.0

# This section defines the configuration options specific to the backup
# plugin. In other words, the name of this section should match the name
# of the plugin defined above.

## Override the path where we can find mysql command line utilities
#mysql-binpath       = /usr/bin/mysqldump

## One of: flush-lock, lock-tables, single-transaction, auto-detect, none
## flush-lock will run a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK prior to the backup
## lock-tables will instruct 'mysqldump' to lock all tables involved
## in the backup.
## single-transaction will force running a backup within a transaction.
## This allows backing up of transactional tables without imposing a lock
## howerver will NOT properly backup non-transacitonal tables.
## Auto-detect will choose single-transaction unless Holland finds
## non-transactional tables in the backup-set.
## None will completely disable locking. This is generally only viable
## on a MySQL slave and only after traffic has been diverted, or slave
## services suspended.
lock-method         = auto-detect

## comma-delimited glob patterns for matching databases
## only databases matching these patterns will be backed up
## default: include everything
databases           = "*"

## comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular 
## databases
#exclude-databases   = 

## only include the specified tables
tables              = "*"

## exclude specific tables
#exclude-tables      = ""

## Whether to dump routines explicitly
## (routines are implicitly included in the mysql database)
dump-routines       = no

## Whether to dump events explicitly.
## Note that this feature requires MySQL 5.1 or later.
dump-events			= no

## Whether to stop the slave before commencing with the backup
stop-slave          = no

## Whether to record the binary log name and position at the time of the
## backup.
bin-log-position    = no

## Whether or not to run FLUSH LOGS in MySQL with the backup. When FLUSH
## LOGS is actually executed depends on which if database filtering is being
## used and whether or not file-per-database is enabled. Generally speaking,
## it does not make sense to use flush-logs with file-per-database since the 
## binary logs will not be consistent with the backup.
flush-logs			= no

## Whether to run a separate mysqldump for each database. Note that while
## this may initially sound like a good idea, it is far simpler to backup
## all databases in one file, although that makes the restore process
## more difficult when only certain data needs to be restored.
file-per-database   = no

## any additional options to the 'mysqldump' command-line utility
## these should show up exactly as they are on the command line
## e.g.: --flush-privileges --reset-master
additional-options  = ""

## Compression Settings

## compress method: gzip, gzip-rsyncable, bzip2, pbzip2, lzop, or xz
## Which compression method to use, which can be either gzip, bzip2, or lzop.
## Note that pbzip2 and lzop are not often installed by default on many Linux 
## distributions and may need to be installed separately.
method              = gzip

## Whether to compress data as it is provided from 'mysqldump', or to
## compress after a dump has finished. In general, it is often better to use
## inline compression. The overhead, particularly when using a lower 
## compression level, is often minial since the entire process is often I/O
## bound (as opposed to being CPU bound).
inline              = yes

## What compression level to use. Lower numbers mean faster compression, 
## though also generally a worse compression ratio. Generally, levels 1-3
## are considered fairly fast and still offer good compression for textual
## data. Levels above 7 can often cause a larger impact on the system due to
## needing much more CPU resources. Setting the level to 0 effectively 
## disables compresion.
level               = 1

## If the path to the compression program is in a non-standard location,
## or not in the system-path, you can provide it here.
#bin-path           = /usr/bin/gzip

## MySQL connection settings. Note that these can be inherited from the
## provider itself allowing for global defaults. Providing connection 
## information for a backup-set can often be helpful when, for instance
## a backup-set is backing up a remote MySQL server.
#user                = hollandbackup
#password            = "hollandpw"
#socket              = /tmp/mysqld.sock
#host                = localhost
#port                = 3306