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// Copyright (c) 1998 - 2007, The Regents of the University of California
// Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of PyCXX. For details,see The
// full copyright notice is contained in the file COPYRIGHT located at the root
// of the PyCXX distribution.
// Redistribution  and  use  in  source  and  binary  forms,  with  or  without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
//  - Redistributions of  source code must  retain the above  copyright notice,
//    this list of conditions and the disclaimer below.
//  - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
//    this  list of  conditions  and  the  disclaimer (as noted below)  in  the
//    documentation and/or materials provided with the distribution.
//  - Neither the name of the UC/LLNL nor  the names of its contributors may be
//    used to  endorse or  promote products derived from  this software without
//    specific prior written permission.

#ifndef __CXX_Objects__h
#define __CXX_Objects__h

#include "CXX/WrapPython.h"
#include "CXX/Version.hxx"
#include "CXX/Python3/Config.hxx"
#include "CXX/Python3/CxxDebug.hxx"
#include "CXX/Python3/Exception.hxx"

#include <iostream>
#include STR_STREAM
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <typeinfo>

namespace Py
    typedef int sequence_index_type;    // type of an index into a sequence

    // Forward declarations
    class Object;
    class Type;
    template<TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> class SeqBase;
    class Bytes;
    class String;
    class List;
    template<TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> class MapBase;
    class Tuple;
    class Dict;

    // class Object
    // The purpose of this class is to serve as the most general kind of
    // Python object, for the purpose of writing C++ extensions in Python
    // Objects hold a PyObject* which they own. This pointer is always a
    // valid pointer to a Python object. In children we must maintain this behavior.
    // Instructions on how to make your own class MyType descended from Object:
    // (0) Pick a base class, either Object or perhaps SeqBase<T> or MapBase<T>.
    //     This example assumes Object.

    // (1) Write a routine int MyType_Check( PyObject * ) modeled after PyInt_Check,
    //     PyFloat_Check, etc.

    // (2) Add method accepts:
    //     virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const {
    //         return pyob && MyType_Check( pyob );
    // }

    // (3) Include the following constructor and copy constructor
    explicit MyType( PyObject *pyob ): Object( pyob )

    MyType( const Object &other ): Object( other.ptr() )

    // Alernate version for the constructor to allow for construction from owned pointers:
    explicit MyType( PyObject *pyob ): Object( pyob )

    // You may wish to add other constructors; see the classes below for examples.
    // Each constructor must use "set" to set the pointer
    // and end by validating the pointer you have created.

    //( 4 ) Each class needs at least these two assignment operators:
    MyType &operator=( const Object &rhs )
        return *this = *rhs;

    Mytype &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
        if( ptr() != rhsp )
            set( rhsp );
        return *this;
    // Note on accepts: constructors call the base class
    // version of a virtual when calling the base class constructor,
    // so the test has to be done explicitly in a descendent.

    // If you are inheriting from PythonExtension<T> to define an object
    // note that it contains PythonExtension<T>::check
    // which you can use in accepts when writing a wrapper class.
    // See Demo/range.h and Demo/range.cxx for an example.

    class Object
        // the pointer to the Python object
        // Only Object sets this directly.
        // The default constructor for Object sets it to Py_None and
        // child classes must use "set" to set it
        PyObject *p;

        void set( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
            p = pyob;
            if( !owned )
                Py::_XINCREF( p );

        void release()
            Py::_XDECREF( p );
            p = NULL;

        void validate();

        // Constructor acquires new ownership of pointer unless explicitly told not to.
        explicit Object( PyObject *pyob=Py::_None(), bool owned = false )
        : p( pyob )
            if( !owned )
                Py::_XINCREF( p );

        // Copy constructor acquires new ownership of pointer
        Object( const Object &ob )
        : p( ob.p )
            Py::_XINCREF( p );

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Object &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            set( rhs.p );
            return *this;

        Object &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );

            return *this;

        // Destructor
        virtual ~Object()

        // Loaning the pointer to others, retain ownership
        PyObject *operator*() const
            return p;

        // Explicit reference_counting changes
        void increment_reference_count()
            Py::_XINCREF( p );

        void decrement_reference_count()
            // not allowed to commit suicide, however
            if( reference_count() == 1 )
            throw RuntimeError( "Object::decrement_reference_count error." );
            Py::_XDECREF( p );

        // Would like to call this pointer() but messes up STL in SeqBase<T>
        PyObject *ptr() const
            return p;

        // Queries

        // Can pyob be used in this object's constructor?
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            // allow any object or NULL
            return true;

        Py_ssize_t reference_count() const
        { // the reference count
            return p ? p->ob_refcnt : 0;

        Type type() const; // the type object associated with this one

        String str() const; // the str() representation

        std::string as_string() const;

        String repr() const; // the repr() representation

        List dir() const; // the dir() list

        bool hasAttr( const std::string &s ) const
            return PyObject_HasAttrString( p, const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ) ? true: false;

        Object getAttr( const std::string &s ) const
            return Object( PyObject_GetAttrString( p, const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ), true );

        Object callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name ) const;
        Object callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name, const Tuple &args ) const;
        Object callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name, const Tuple &args, const Dict &kw ) const;

        Object getItem( const Object &key ) const
            return Object( PyObject_GetItem( p, *key ), true );

        Py_hash_t hashValue() const
            return PyObject_Hash( p );

        // convert to bool
        bool as_bool() const
            return PyObject_IsTrue( ptr() ) != 0;

        //operator bool() const
        //    return as_bool();

        // int print( FILE *fp, int flags=Py_Print_RAW )
        //    return PyObject_Print( p, fp, flags );

        bool is( PyObject *pother ) const
        {  // identity test
            return p == pother;

        bool is( const Object &other ) const
        { // identity test
            return p == other.p;

        bool isNull() const
            return p == NULL;

        bool isNone() const
            return p == _None();

        bool isCallable() const
            return PyCallable_Check( p ) != 0;

        bool isDict() const
            return Py::_Dict_Check( p );

        bool isList() const
            return Py::_List_Check( p );

        bool isMapping() const
            return PyMapping_Check( p ) != 0;

        bool isNumeric() const
            return PyNumber_Check( p ) != 0;

        bool isSequence() const
            return PySequence_Check( p ) != 0;

        bool isTrue() const
            return PyObject_IsTrue( p ) != 0;

        bool isType( const Type &t ) const;

        bool isTuple() const
            return Py::_Tuple_Check( p );

        bool isString() const
            return Py::_Unicode_Check( p );

        bool isBytes() const
            return Py::_Bytes_Check( p );

        bool isBoolean() const
            return Py::_Boolean_Check( p );

        // Commands
        void setAttr( const std::string &s, const Object &value )
            if( PyObject_SetAttrString( p, const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ), *value ) == -1 )
                throw AttributeError( "getAttr failed." );

        void delAttr( const std::string &s )
            if( PyObject_DelAttrString( p, const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ) == -1 )
                throw AttributeError( "delAttr failed." );

        // PyObject_SetItem is too weird to be using from C++
        // so it is intentionally omitted.

        void delItem( const Object &key )
            //if( PyObject_DelItem( p, *key ) == -1 )
            // failed to link on Windows?
            throw KeyError( "delItem failed." );
        // Equality and comparison use PyObject_Compare

    // End of class Object

    // Null can be return from when it is require to return NULL to Python from a method
    class Null: public Object
        : Object( NULL )
        virtual ~Null()

        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob == NULL;

    bool operator==( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );
    bool operator!=( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );
    bool operator>=( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );
    bool operator<=( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );
    bool operator<( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );
    bool operator>( const Object &o1, const Object &o2 );


    //    Convert an owned Python pointer into a PyCXX Object
    inline Object asObject( PyObject *p )
        return Object( p, true );

    // new_reference_to also overloaded below on Object
    inline PyObject *new_reference_to( PyObject *p )
        Py::_XINCREF( p );
        return p;

    inline PyObject *new_reference_to( const Object &g )
        PyObject *p = g.ptr();
        Py::_XINCREF( p );
        return p;

    // Python special None value
    inline Object None()
        return Object( Py::_None() );

    // Python special Boolean values
    inline Object False()
        return Object( Py::_False() );

    inline Object True()
        return Object( Py::_True() );

    // TMM: 31May'01 - Added the #ifndef so I can exlude iostreams.
    std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &os, const Object &ob );

    // Class Type
    class Type: public Object
        explicit Type( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Type( const Object &ob )
        : Object( *ob )

        Type( const Type &t )
        : Object( t )

        Type &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Type &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Type_Check( pyob );

    // ===============================================
    // class boolean
    class Boolean: public Object
        // Constructor
        Boolean( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Boolean( const Boolean &ob )
        : Object( *ob )

        // create from bool
        Boolean( bool v=false )
            set( PyBool_FromLong( v ? 1 : 0 ), true );

        explicit Boolean( const Object &ob )
        : Object( *ob )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Boolean &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Boolean &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            // accepts any object that can be converted to a boolean
            return pyob && PyObject_IsTrue( pyob ) != -1;

        Boolean &operator=( bool v )
            set( PyBool_FromLong( v ? 1 : 0 ), true );
            return *this;

        operator bool() const
            return as_bool();

    // ===============================================
    // class Long
    class Long: public Object
        // Constructor
        explicit Long( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Long( const Long &ob )
        : Object( ob.ptr() )

        // try to create from any object
        explicit Long( const Object &ob )
        : Object( PyNumber_Long( *ob ), true )

        // create from long
        explicit Long( long v = 0L )
        : Object( PyLong_FromLong( v ), true )

        // create from unsigned long
        explicit Long( unsigned long v )
        : Object( PyLong_FromUnsignedLong( v ), true )

        // create from int
        explicit Long( int v )
        : Object( PyLong_FromLong( static_cast<long>( v ) ), true )

        // create from long long
        explicit Long( PY_LONG_LONG v )
        : Object( PyLong_FromLongLong( v ), true )

        // create from unsigned long long
        explicit Long( unsigned PY_LONG_LONG v )
        : Object( PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong( v ), true )

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Long_Check( pyob );

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Long &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Long &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( PyNumber_Long( rhsp ), true );
            return *this;

        // assign from an int
        Long &operator=( int v )
            set( PyLong_FromLong( long( v ) ), true );
            return *this;

        // assign from long
        Long &operator=( long v )
            set( PyLong_FromLong( v ), true );
            return *this;

        // assign from unsigned long
        Long &operator=( unsigned long v )
            set( PyLong_FromUnsignedLong( v ), true );
            return *this;

        Long &operator=( PY_LONG_LONG v )
            set( PyLong_FromLongLong( v ), true );
            return *this;

        Long &operator=( unsigned PY_LONG_LONG v )
            set( PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong( v ), true );
            return *this;

        //operator bool() const
        //    return as_bool();

        // convert to long
        long as_long() const
            return PyLong_AsLong( ptr() );

        operator long() const
            return as_long();

        operator int() const
            return static_cast<int>( as_long() );

        // convert to unsigned
        long as_unsigned_long() const
            return PyLong_AsUnsignedLong( ptr() );

        operator unsigned long() const
            return as_unsigned_long();

        double as_double() const
            return PyLong_AsDouble( ptr() );

        operator double() const
            return as_double();

        PY_LONG_LONG as_long_long() const
            return PyLong_AsLongLong( ptr() );

        operator PY_LONG_LONG() const
           return as_long_long();

        unsigned PY_LONG_LONG as_unsigned_long_long() const
            return PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong( ptr() );

        operator unsigned PY_LONG_LONG() const
            return as_unsigned_long_long();

        // prefix ++
        Long operator++()
            set( PyNumber_Add( ptr(), *Long( 1 ) ) );
            return *this;

        // postfix ++
        Long operator++( int )
            Long a = *this;
            set( PyNumber_Add( ptr(), *Long( 1 ) ) );
            return a;

        // prefix --
        Long operator--()
            set( PyNumber_Subtract( ptr(), *Long( 1 ) ) );
            return *this;

        // postfix --
        Long operator--( int )
            Long a = *this;
            set( PyNumber_Subtract( ptr(), *Long( 1 ) ) );
            return a;

    // PyCXX for Python2 had an Int and LongLong classes
    typedef Long Int;
    typedef Long LongLong;

#if 1
    // compare operators
    bool operator!=( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator!=( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator!=( const Long &a, long b );
    bool operator!=( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator!=( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator==( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator==( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator==( const Long &a, long b );
    bool operator==( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator==( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator>( const Long &a, long b );
    bool operator>( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>=( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>=( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator>=( const Long &a, long b );
    bool operator>=( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>=( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator<( const Long &a, long b );
    bool operator<( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<=( const Long &a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<=( int a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<=( long a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<=( const Long &a, int b );
    bool operator<=( const Long &a, long b );

    bool operator!=( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator!=( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );
    bool operator==( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator==( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator>( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );
    bool operator>=( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator>=( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator<( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );
    bool operator<=( const Long &a, PY_LONG_LONG b );
    bool operator<=( PY_LONG_LONG a, const Long &b );

    // ===============================================
    // class Float
    class Float: public Object
        // Constructor
        explicit Float( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Float( const Float &f )
        : Object( f )

        // make from double
        explicit Float( double v=0.0 )
        : Object( PyFloat_FromDouble( v ), true )

        // try to make from any object
        Float( const Object &ob )
        : Object( PyNumber_Float( *ob ), true )

        Float &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Float &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( PyNumber_Float( rhsp ), true );
            return *this;

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Float_Check( pyob );

        double as_double() const
            return PyFloat_AsDouble( ptr() );

        // convert to double
        operator double() const
            return as_double();

        // assign from a double
        Float &operator=( double v )
            set( PyFloat_FromDouble( v ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from an int
        Float &operator=( int v )
            set( PyFloat_FromDouble( double( v ) ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from long
        Float &operator=( long v )
            set( PyFloat_FromDouble( double( v ) ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from an Long
        Float &operator=( const Long &iob )
            set( PyFloat_FromDouble( double( iob.as_long() ) ), true );
            return *this;

    // compare operators
    bool operator!=( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator!=( const Float &a, double b );
    bool operator!=( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator==( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator==( const Float &a, double b );
    bool operator==( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator>( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator>( const Float &a, double b );
    bool operator>( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator>=( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator>=( const Float &a, double b );
    bool operator>=( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator<( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator<( const Float &a, double b );
    bool operator<( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator<=( const Float &a, const Float &b );
    bool operator<=( double a, const Float &b );
    bool operator<=( const Float &a, double b );

    // ===============================================
    // class Complex
    class Complex: public Object
        // Constructor
        explicit Complex( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Complex( const Complex &f )
        : Object( f )

        // make from double
        explicit Complex( double v=0.0, double w=0.0 )
        :Object( PyComplex_FromDoubles( v, w ), true )

        Complex &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Complex &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Complex_Check( pyob );
        // convert to Py_complex
        operator Py_complex() const
            return PyComplex_AsCComplex( ptr() );
        // assign from a Py_complex
        Complex &operator=( const Py_complex &v )
            set( PyComplex_FromCComplex( v ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from a double
        Complex &operator=( double v )
            set( PyComplex_FromDoubles( v, 0.0 ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from an int
        Complex &operator=( int v )
            set( PyComplex_FromDoubles( double( v ), 0.0 ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from long
        Complex &operator=( long v )
            set( PyComplex_FromDoubles( double( v ), 0.0 ), true );
            return *this;
        // assign from an Long
        Complex &operator=( const Long &iob )
            set( PyComplex_FromDoubles( double( iob.as_long() ), 0.0 ), true );
            return *this;

        double real() const
            return PyComplex_RealAsDouble( ptr() );

        double imag() const
            return PyComplex_ImagAsDouble( ptr() );
    // Sequences
    // Sequences are here represented as sequences of items of type T.
    // The base class SeqBase<T> represents that.
    // In basic Python T is always "Object".

    // seqref<T> is what you get if you get elements from a non-const SeqBase<T>.
    // Note: seqref<T> could probably be a nested class in SeqBase<T> but that might stress
    // some compilers needlessly. Simlarly for mapref later.

    // While this class is not intended for enduser use, it needs some public
    // constructors for the benefit of the STL.

    // See Scott Meyer's More Essential C++ for a description of proxies.
    // This application is even more complicated. We are doing an unusual thing
    // in having a double proxy. If we want the STL to work
    // properly we have to compromise by storing the rvalue inside. The
    // entire Object API is repeated so that things like s[i].isList() will
    // work properly.

    // Still, once in a while a weird compiler message may occur using expressions like x[i]
    // Changing them to Object( x[i] ) helps the compiler to understand that the
    // conversion of a seqref to an Object is wanted.

    class seqref
        SeqBase<T> &s; // the sequence
        int offset; // item number
        T the_item; // lvalue

        seqref( SeqBase<T> &seq, sequence_index_type j )
        : s( seq )
        , offset( j )
        , the_item( s.getItem( j ) )

        seqref( const seqref<T> &range )
        : s( range.s )
        , offset( range.offset )
        , the_item( range.the_item )

        // TMM: added this seqref ctor for use with STL algorithms
        seqref( Object &obj )
        : s( dynamic_cast< SeqBase<T>&>( obj ) )
        , offset( NULL )
        , the_item( s.getItem( offset ) )


        operator T() const
        { // rvalue
            return the_item;

        seqref<T> &operator=( const seqref<T> &rhs )
        { //used as lvalue
            the_item = rhs.the_item;
            s.setItem( offset, the_item );
            return *this;

        seqref<T> &operator=( const T &ob )
        { // used as lvalue
            the_item = ob;
            s.setItem( offset, ob );
            return *this;

        // forward everything else to the item
        PyObject *ptr() const
            return the_item.ptr();

        int reference_count() const
        { // the reference count
            return the_item.reference_count();

        Type type() const
            return the_item.type();

        String str() const;
        String repr() const;

        bool hasAttr( const std::string &attr_name ) const
            return the_item.hasAttr( attr_name );

        Object getAttr( const std::string &attr_name ) const
            return the_item.getAttr( attr_name );

        Object getItem( const Object &key ) const
            return the_item.getItem( key );

        Py_hash_t hashValue() const
            return the_item.hashValue();

        bool isCallable() const
            return the_item.isCallable();

        bool isInstance() const
            return the_item.isInstance();

        bool isDict() const
            return the_item.isDict();

        bool isList() const
            return the_item.isList();

        bool isMapping() const
            return the_item.isMapping();

        bool isNumeric() const
            return the_item.isNumeric();

        bool isSequence() const
            return the_item.isSequence();

        bool isTrue() const
            return the_item.isTrue();

        bool isType( const Type &t ) const
            return the_item.isType( t );

        bool isTuple() const
            return the_item.isTuple();

        bool isString() const
            return the_item.isString();
        // Commands
        void setAttr( const std::string &attr_name, const Object &value )
            the_item.setAttr( attr_name, value );

        void delAttr( const std::string &attr_name )
            the_item.delAttr( attr_name );

        void delItem( const Object &key )
            the_item.delItem( key );

        bool operator==( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item == o2;

        bool operator!=( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item != o2;

        bool operator>=( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item >= o2;

        bool operator<=( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item <= o2;

        bool operator<( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item < o2;

        bool operator>( const Object &o2 ) const
            return the_item > o2;
    }; // end of seqref

    // class SeqBase<T>
    // ...the base class for all sequence types

    class SeqBase: public Object
        // STL definitions
        typedef size_t size_type;
        typedef seqref<T> reference;
        typedef T const_reference;
        typedef seqref<T> *pointer;
        typedef int difference_type;
        typedef T value_type;        // TMM: 26Jun'01

        virtual size_type max_size() const
            return std::string::npos; // ?

        virtual size_type capacity() const
            return size();

        virtual void swap( SeqBase<T> &c )
            SeqBase<T> temp = c;
            c = ptr();
            set( temp.ptr() );

        virtual size_type size() const
            return PySequence_Length( ptr() );

        explicit SeqBase<T>()
        :Object( PyTuple_New( 0 ), true )

        explicit SeqBase<T>( PyObject *pyob, bool owned=false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        SeqBase<T>( const Object &ob )
        : Object( ob )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer

        SeqBase<T> &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        SeqBase<T> &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && PySequence_Check( pyob );

        size_type length() const
            return PySequence_Length( ptr() );

        // Element access
        const T operator[]( sequence_index_type index ) const
            return getItem( index );

        seqref<T> operator[]( sequence_index_type index )
            return seqref<T>( *this, index );

        virtual T getItem( sequence_index_type i ) const
            return T( asObject( PySequence_GetItem( ptr(), i ) ) );

        virtual void setItem( sequence_index_type i, const T &ob )
            if( PySequence_SetItem( ptr(), i, *ob ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        SeqBase<T> repeat( int count ) const
            return SeqBase<T>( PySequence_Repeat( ptr(), count ), true );

        SeqBase<T> concat( const SeqBase<T> &other ) const
            return SeqBase<T>( PySequence_Concat( ptr(), *other ), true );

        // more STL compatability
        const T front() const
            return getItem( 0 );

        seqref<T> front()
            return seqref<T>( *this, 0 );

        const T back() const
            return getItem( size()-1 );

        seqref<T> back()
            return seqref<T>( *this, size()-1 );

        void verify_length( size_type required_size ) const
            if( size() != required_size )
                throw IndexError( "Unexpected SeqBase<T> length." );

        void verify_length( size_type min_size, size_type max_size ) const
            size_type n = size();
            if( n < min_size || n > max_size )
                throw IndexError( "Unexpected SeqBase<T> length." );

        class iterator
        : public random_access_iterator_parent( seqref<T> )
            friend class SeqBase<T>;
            SeqBase<T> *seq;
            int count;


            : seq( 0 )
            , count( 0 )

            iterator( SeqBase<T> *s, int where )
            : seq( s )
            , count( where )

            iterator( const iterator &other )
            : seq( other.seq )
            , count( other.count )

            bool eql( const iterator &other ) const
                return seq->ptr() == other.seq->ptr() && count == other.count;

            bool neq( const iterator &other ) const
                return seq->ptr() != other.seq->ptr() || count != other.count;

            bool lss( const iterator &other ) const
                return count < other.count;

            bool gtr( const iterator &other ) const
                return count > other.count;

            bool leq( const iterator &other ) const
                return count <= other.count;

            bool geq( const iterator &other ) const
                return count >= other.count;

            seqref<T> operator*()
                return seqref<T>( *seq, count );

            seqref<T> operator[]( sequence_index_type i )
                return seqref<T>( *seq, count + i );

            iterator &operator=( const iterator &other )
                if( this != &other )
                    seq = other.seq;
                    count = other.count;
                return *this;

            iterator operator+( int n ) const
                return iterator( seq, count + n );

            iterator operator-( int n ) const
                return iterator( seq, count - n );

            iterator &operator+=( int n )
                count = count + n;
                return *this;

            iterator &operator-=( int n )
                count = count - n;
                return *this;

            int operator-( const iterator &other ) const
              if( seq->ptr() != other.seq->ptr() )
                    throw RuntimeError( "SeqBase<T>::iterator comparison error" );

                return count - other.count;

            // prefix ++
            iterator &operator++()
                return *this;

            // postfix ++
            iterator operator++( int )
                return iterator( seq, count++ );

            // prefix --
            iterator &operator--()
                return *this;

            // postfix --
            iterator operator--( int )
                return iterator( seq, count-- );

            std::string diagnose() const
                std::OSTRSTREAM oss;
                oss << "iterator diagnosis " << seq << ", " << count << std::ends;
                return std::string( oss.str() );

        };    // end of class SeqBase<T>::iterator

        iterator begin()
            return iterator( this, 0 );

        iterator end()
            return iterator( this, length() );

        class const_iterator
        : public random_access_iterator_parent( const Object )
            friend class SeqBase<T>;
            const SeqBase<T> *seq;
            sequence_index_type count;


            : seq( 0 )
            , count( 0 )

            const_iterator( const SeqBase<T> *s, int where )
            : seq( s )
            , count( where )

            const_iterator( const const_iterator &other )
            : seq( other.seq )
            , count( other.count )

            const T operator*() const
                return seq->getItem( count );

            const T operator[]( sequence_index_type i ) const
                return seq->getItem( count + i );

            const_iterator &operator=( const const_iterator &other )
                if( this != &other )
                    seq = other.seq;
                    count = other.count;
                return *this;

            const_iterator operator+( int n ) const
                return const_iterator( seq, count + n );

            bool eql( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return seq->ptr() == other.seq->ptr() && count == other.count;

            bool neq( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return seq->ptr() != other.seq->ptr() || count != other.count;

            bool lss( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return count < other.count;

            bool gtr( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return count > other.count;

            bool leq( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return count <= other.count;

            bool geq( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return count >= other.count;

            const_iterator operator-( int n )
                return const_iterator( seq, count - n );

            const_iterator &operator+=( int n )
                count = count + n;
                return *this;

            const_iterator &operator-=( int n )
                count = count - n;
                return *this;

            int operator-( const const_iterator &other ) const
                if( *seq != *other.seq )
                    throw RuntimeError( "SeqBase<T>::const_iterator::- error" );
                return count - other.count;

            // prefix ++
            const_iterator &operator++()
                return *this;

            // postfix ++
            const_iterator operator++( int )
                return const_iterator( seq, count++ );

            // prefix --
            const_iterator &operator--()
                return *this;

            // postfix --
            const_iterator operator--( int )
                return const_iterator( seq, count-- );

        };    // end of class SeqBase<T>::const_iterator

        const_iterator begin() const
            return const_iterator( this, 0 );

        const_iterator end() const
            return const_iterator( this, length() );

    // Here's an important typedef you might miss if reading too fast...
    typedef SeqBase<Object> Sequence;

    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator==( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator!=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator< ( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator> ( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator<=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator>=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::iterator &right );

    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator==( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator!=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator< ( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator> ( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator<=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator>=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME SeqBase<T>::const_iterator &right ); 

    extern bool operator==( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator!=( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator< ( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator> ( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator<=( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator>=( const Sequence::iterator &left, const Sequence::iterator &right );

    extern bool operator==( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator!=( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator< ( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator> ( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator<=( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator>=( const Sequence::const_iterator &left, const Sequence::const_iterator &right ); 

    // ==================================================
    // class Char
    // Python strings return strings as individual elements.
    // I'll try having a class Char which is a String of length 1
    typedef std::basic_string<Py_UNICODE> unicodestring;
    extern Py_UNICODE unicode_null_string[1];

    class Byte: public Object
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob != NULL
                && Py::_Unicode_Check( pyob )
                && PySequence_Length( pyob ) == 1;

        explicit Byte( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Byte( const Object &ob )
        : Object( ob )

        Byte( const std::string &v = "" )
        : Object( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( v.c_str() ), 1 ), true )

        Byte( char v )
        : Object( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( &v, 1 ), true )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Byte &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Byte &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        // Assignment from C string
        Byte &operator=( const std::string &v )
            set( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( v.c_str() ),1 ), true );
            return *this;

        Byte &operator=( char v )
            set( PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( &v, 1 ), true );
            return *this;

        // Conversion
        operator Bytes() const;

    class Bytes: public SeqBase<Byte>
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob != NULL && Py::_Bytes_Check( pyob );

        virtual size_type capacity() const
            return max_size();

        explicit Bytes( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( pyob, owned )

        Bytes( const Object &ob )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( ob )

        : SeqBase<Byte>( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( "", 0 ), true )

        Bytes( const std::string &v )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( ), static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true )

        Bytes( const std::string &v, Py_ssize_t vsize )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( ), static_cast<int>( vsize ) ), true )

        Bytes( const char *v )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( PyBytes_FromString( v ), true )

        Bytes( const char *v, Py_ssize_t vsize )
        : SeqBase<Byte>( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( v ), vsize ), true )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Bytes &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Bytes &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        // Assignment from C string
        Bytes &operator=( const std::string &v )
            set( PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( ), static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true );
            return *this;

        String decode( const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" );

        // Queries
        virtual size_type size() const
            return static_cast<size_type>( PyBytes_Size( ptr() ) );

        operator std::string() const
            return as_std_string();

        std::string as_std_string() const
            return std::string( PyBytes_AsString( ptr() ), static_cast<size_type>( PyBytes_Size( ptr() ) ) );

    class Char: public Object
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob != 0 &&( Py::_Unicode_Check( pyob ) ) && PySequence_Length( pyob ) == 1;

        explicit Char( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Char( const Object &ob )
        : Object( ob )

        Char( int v )
        : Object( PyUnicode_FromOrdinal( v ), true )

        Char( Py_UNICODE v )
        : Object( PyUnicode_FromOrdinal( v ), true )

        Char( const unicodestring &v )
        : Object( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( const_cast<Py_UNICODE*>( ),1 ), true )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Char &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Char &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        Char &operator=( const unicodestring &v )
            set( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( const_cast<Py_UNICODE*>( ), 1 ), true );
            return *this;

        Char &operator=( int v_ )
            Py_UNICODE v( v_ );
            set( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( &v, 1 ), true );
            return *this;

        Char &operator=( Py_UNICODE v )
            set( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( &v, 1 ), true );
            return *this;

        // Conversion
        operator String() const;

    class String: public SeqBase<Char>
        virtual size_type capacity() const
            return max_size();

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob != NULL && Py::_Unicode_Check( pyob );

        explicit String( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : SeqBase<Char>( pyob, owned )

        String( const Object &ob )
        : SeqBase<Char>( ob )

        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_FromString( "" ) )

        String( const char *latin1 )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_FromString( latin1 ) )

        String( const std::string &latin1 )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( latin1.c_str(), latin1.size() ) )

        String( const char *latin1, Py_ssize_t size )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( latin1, size ) )

        /* [Taken from Pythons's unicode.h]

           Many of these APIs take two arguments encoding and errors. These
           parameters encoding and errors have the same semantics as the ones
           of the builtin unicode() API. 

           Setting encoding to NULL causes the default encoding to be used.

           Error handling is set by errors which may also be set to NULL
           meaning to use the default handling defined for the codec. Default
           error handling for all builtin codecs is "strict" (ValueErrors are

           The codecs all use a similar interface. Only deviation from the
           generic ones are documented.

        String( const std::string &s, const char *encoding, const char *errors=NULL )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s.c_str(), s.size(), encoding, errors ), true )

        String( const char *s, const char *encoding, const char *errors=NULL )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s, strlen(s), encoding, errors ), true )

        String( const char *s, Py_ssize_t size, const char *encoding, const char *errors=NULL )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s, size, encoding, errors ), true )

        String( const Py_UNICODE *s, int length )
        : SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( s, length ), true )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        String &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        String &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        String &operator=( const unicodestring &v )
            set( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( const_cast<Py_UNICODE *>( ), static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true );
            return *this;

        // Encode
        Bytes encode( const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" ) const
            return Bytes( PyUnicode_AsEncodedString( ptr(), encoding, error ), true );

        // Queries
        virtual size_type size() const
            return static_cast<size_type>( PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( ptr() ) );

        unicodestring as_unicodestring() const
            return unicodestring( PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE( ptr() ), static_cast<size_type>( PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( ptr() ) ) );

        operator std::string() const
            // use the default encoding
            return as_std_string( NULL );

        std::string as_std_string( const char *encoding=NULL, const char *error="strict" ) const
            Bytes b( encode( encoding, error ) );
            return b.as_std_string();

        const Py_UNICODE *unicode_data() const
            return PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE( ptr() );

    // ==================================================
    // class Tuple
    class Tuple: public Sequence
        virtual void setItem( sequence_index_type offset, const Object&ob )
            // note PyTuple_SetItem is a thief...
            if( PyTuple_SetItem( ptr(), offset, new_reference_to( ob ) ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        // Constructor
        explicit Tuple( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Sequence( pyob, owned )

        Tuple( const Object &ob )
        : Sequence( ob )

        // New tuple of a given size
        explicit Tuple( int size = 0 )
            set( PyTuple_New( size ), true );
            for( sequence_index_type i=0; i < size; i++ )
                if( PyTuple_SetItem( ptr(), i, new_reference_to( Py::_None() ) ) == -1 )
                    throw Exception();
        // Tuple from any sequence
        explicit Tuple( const Sequence &s )
            sequence_index_type limit( sequence_index_type( s.length() ) );

            set( PyTuple_New( limit ), true );
            for( sequence_index_type i=0; i < limit; i++ )
                if( PyTuple_SetItem( ptr(), i, new_reference_to( s[i] ) ) == -1 )
                    throw Exception();
        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer

        Tuple &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Tuple &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Tuple_Check( pyob );

        Tuple getSlice( int i, int j ) const
            return Tuple( PySequence_GetSlice( ptr(), i, j ), true );


    class TupleN: public Tuple
        : Tuple( 0 )

        TupleN( const Object &obj1 )
        : Tuple( 1 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2 )
        : Tuple( 2 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3 )
        : Tuple( 3 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4 )
        : Tuple( 4 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4, const Object &obj5 )
        : Tuple( 5 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );
            setItem( 4, obj5 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4, const Object &obj5, const Object &obj6 )
        : Tuple( 6 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );
            setItem( 4, obj5 );
            setItem( 5, obj6 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4, const Object &obj5, const Object &obj6,
                const Object &obj7 )
        : Tuple( 7 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );
            setItem( 4, obj5 );
            setItem( 5, obj6 );
            setItem( 6, obj7 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4, const Object &obj5, const Object &obj6,
                const Object &obj7, const Object &obj8 )
        : Tuple( 8 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );
            setItem( 4, obj5 );
            setItem( 5, obj6 );
            setItem( 6, obj7 );
            setItem( 7, obj8 );

        TupleN( const Object &obj1, const Object &obj2, const Object &obj3,
                const Object &obj4, const Object &obj5, const Object &obj6,
                const Object &obj7, const Object &obj8, const Object &obj9 )
        : Tuple( 9 )
            setItem( 0, obj1 );
            setItem( 1, obj2 );
            setItem( 2, obj3 );
            setItem( 3, obj4 );
            setItem( 4, obj5 );
            setItem( 5, obj6 );
            setItem( 6, obj7 );
            setItem( 7, obj8 );
            setItem( 8, obj9 );

        virtual ~TupleN()
        { }

    // ==================================================
    // class List

    class List: public Sequence
        // Constructor
        explicit List( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Sequence( pyob, owned )
        List( const Object &ob )
        : Sequence( ob )
        // Creation at a fixed size
        List( int size = 0 )
            set( PyList_New( size ), true );
            for( sequence_index_type i=0; i < size; i++ )
                if( PyList_SetItem( ptr(), i, new_reference_to( Py::_None() ) ) == -1 )
                    throw Exception();

        // List from a sequence
        List( const Sequence &s )
        : Sequence()
            int n =( int )s.length();
            set( PyList_New( n ), true );
            for( sequence_index_type i=0; i < n; i++ )
                if( PyList_SetItem( ptr(), i, new_reference_to( s[i] ) ) == -1 )
                    throw Exception();

        virtual size_type capacity() const
            return max_size();
        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer

        List &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        List &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_List_Check( pyob );

        List getSlice( int i, int j ) const
            return List( PyList_GetSlice( ptr(), i, j ), true );

        void setSlice( int i, int j, const Object &v )
            if( PyList_SetSlice( ptr(), i, j, *v ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void append( const Object &ob )
            if( PyList_Append( ptr(), *ob ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void extend( const Object &ob )
            setSlice( size(), size(), ob );

        void insert( int i, const Object &ob )
            if( PyList_Insert( ptr(), i, *ob ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void sort()
            if( PyList_Sort( ptr() ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void reverse()
            if( PyList_Reverse( ptr() ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

    // Mappings
    // ==================================================
    class mapref
        MapBase<T> &s; // the map
        Object key; // item key
        T the_item;

        mapref<T>( MapBase<T> &map, const std::string &k )
        : s( map ), the_item()
            key = String( k );
            if( map.hasKey( key ) ) the_item = map.getItem( key );

        mapref<T>( MapBase<T> &map, const Object &k )
        : s( map ), key( k ), the_item()
            if( map.hasKey( key ) ) the_item = map.getItem( key );

        virtual ~mapref<T>()

        // MapBase<T> stuff
        // lvalue
        mapref<T> &operator=( const mapref<T> &other )
            if( this != &other )
                the_item = other.the_item;
                s.setItem( key, other.the_item );
            return *this;

        mapref<T> &operator=( const T &ob )
            the_item = ob;
            s.setItem( key, ob );
            return *this;

        // rvalue
        operator T() const
            return the_item;

        // forward everything else to the_item
        PyObject *ptr() const
            return the_item.ptr();

        int reference_count() const
        { // the mapref count
            return the_item.reference_count();

        Type type() const
            return the_item.type();

        String str() const
            return the_item.str();

        String repr() const
            return the_item.repr();

        bool hasAttr( const std::string &attr_name ) const
            return the_item.hasAttr( attr_name );

        Object getAttr( const std::string &attr_name ) const
            return the_item.getAttr( attr_name );

        Object getItem( const Object &k ) const
            return the_item.getItem( k );

        Py_hash_t hashValue() const
            return the_item.hashValue();

        bool isCallable() const
            return the_item.isCallable();

        bool isInstance() const
            return the_item.isInstance();

        bool isList() const
            return the_item.isList();

        bool isMapping() const
            return the_item.isMapping();

        bool isNumeric() const
            return the_item.isNumeric();

        bool isSequence() const
            return the_item.isSequence();

        bool isTrue() const
            return the_item.isTrue();

        bool isType( const Type &t ) const
            return the_item.isType( t );

        bool isTuple() const
            return the_item.isTuple();

        bool isString() const
            return the_item.isString();

        // Commands
        void setAttr( const std::string &attr_name, const Object &value )
            the_item.setAttr( attr_name, value );

        void delAttr( const std::string &attr_name )
            the_item.delAttr( attr_name );

        void delItem( const Object &k )
            the_item.delItem( k );
    }; // end of mapref

#if 0
    // TMM: now for mapref<T>
    template< class T >
    bool operator==( const mapref<T> &left, const mapref<T> &right )
        return true;    // NOT completed.

    template< class T >
    bool operator!=( const mapref<T> &left, const mapref<T> &right )
        return true;    // not completed.

    class MapBase: public Object
        explicit MapBase<T>()
        // reference: proxy class for implementing []
        // TMM: 26Jun'01 - the types
        // If you assume that Python mapping is a hash_map...
        // hash_map::value_type is not assignable, but
        //( *it ).second = data must be a valid expression
        typedef size_t size_type;
        typedef Object key_type;
        typedef mapref<T> data_type;
        typedef std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
        typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > reference;
        typedef const std::pair< const T, const T > const_reference;
        typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > pointer;

        // Constructor
        explicit MapBase<T>( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        // TMM: 02Jul'01 - changed MapBase<T> to Object in next line
        MapBase<T>( const Object &ob )
        : Object( ob )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        MapBase<T> &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        MapBase<T> &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && PyMapping_Check( pyob );

        // Clear -- PyMapping Clear is missing

        void clear()
            List k = keys();
            for( List::iterator i = k.begin(); i != k.end(); i++ )
                delItem( *i );

        virtual size_type size() const
            return PyMapping_Length( ptr() );

        // Element Access
        T operator[]( const std::string &key ) const
            return getItem( key );

        T operator[]( const Object &key ) const
            return getItem( key );

        mapref<T> operator[]( const char *key )
            return mapref<T>( *this, key );

        mapref<T> operator[]( const std::string &key )
            return mapref<T>( *this, key );

        mapref<T> operator[]( const Object &key )
            return mapref<T>( *this, key );

        int length() const
            return PyMapping_Length( ptr() );

        bool hasKey( const std::string &s ) const
            return PyMapping_HasKeyString( ptr(),const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ) != 0;

        bool hasKey( const Object &s ) const
            return PyMapping_HasKey( ptr(), s.ptr() ) != 0;

        T getItem( const std::string &s ) const
            return T( asObject( PyMapping_GetItemString( ptr(),const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ) ) );

        T getItem( const Object &s ) const
            return T( asObject( PyObject_GetItem( ptr(), s.ptr() ) ) );

        virtual void setItem( const char *s, const Object &ob )
            if( PyMapping_SetItemString( ptr(), const_cast<char*>( s ), *ob ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        virtual void setItem( const std::string &s, const Object &ob )
            if( PyMapping_SetItemString( ptr(), const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ), *ob ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        virtual void setItem( const Object &s, const Object &ob )
            if( PyObject_SetItem( ptr(), s.ptr(), ob.ptr() ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void delItem( const std::string &s )
            if( PyMapping_DelItemString( ptr(), const_cast<char*>( s.c_str() ) ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        void delItem( const Object &s )
            if( PyMapping_DelItem( ptr(), *s ) == -1 )
                throw Exception();

        // Queries
        List keys() const
            return List( PyMapping_Keys( ptr() ), true );

        List values() const
            // each returned item is a (key, value) pair
            return List( PyMapping_Values( ptr() ), true );

        List items() const
            return List( PyMapping_Items( ptr() ), true );

        class iterator
            // : public forward_iterator_parent( std::pair<const T,T> ) {
            typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
            typedef std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
            typedef int difference_type;
            typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> >    pointer;
            typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> >    reference;

            friend class MapBase<T>;
            MapBase<T>      *map;
            List            keys;       // for iterating over the map
            int             pos;        // index into the keys


            : map( 0 )
            , keys()
            , pos( 0 )

            iterator( MapBase<T> *m, bool end = false )
            : map( m )
            , keys( m->keys() )
            , pos( end ? keys.length() : 0 )

            iterator( const iterator &other )
            : map( )
            , keys( other.keys )
            , pos( other.pos )

            iterator( MapBase<T> *map_, List keys_, int pos_ )
            : map( map_ )
            , keys( keys_ )
            , pos( pos_ )

            reference operator*()
                Object key = keys[ pos ];
                return std::make_pair( key, mapref<T>( *map, key ) );

            iterator &operator=( const iterator &other )
                if( this != &other )
                    map =;
                    keys = other.keys;
                    pos = other.pos;
                return *this;

            bool eql( const iterator &other ) const
                return map->ptr() ==>ptr() && pos == other.pos;

            bool neq( const iterator &other ) const
                return map->ptr() !=>ptr() || pos != other.pos;

            // pointer operator->() {
            //    return ;
            // }

            // prefix ++
            iterator &operator++()
                return *this;

            // postfix ++
            iterator operator++( int )
                return iterator( map, keys, pos++ );

            // prefix --
            iterator &operator--()
                return *this;

            // postfix --
            iterator operator--( int )
                return iterator( map, keys, pos-- );

            std::string diagnose() const
                std::OSTRSTREAM oss;
                oss << "iterator diagnosis " << map << ", " << pos << std::ends;
                return std::string( oss.str() );
        };    // end of class MapBase<T>::iterator

        iterator begin()
            return iterator( this, false );

        iterator end()
            return iterator( this, true );

        class const_iterator
            typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
            typedef const std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
            typedef int difference_type;
            typedef const std::pair< const T, T > pointer;
            typedef const std::pair< const T, T > reference;

            friend class MapBase<T>;
            const MapBase<T>    *map;
            List                keys;   // for iterating over the map
            int                 pos;    // index into the keys


            : map( 0 )
            , keys()
            , pos()

            const_iterator( const MapBase<T> *m, List k, int p )
            : map( m )
            , keys( k )
            , pos( p )

            const_iterator( const const_iterator &other )
            : map( )
            , keys( other.keys )
            , pos( other.pos )

            bool eql( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return map->ptr() ==>ptr() && pos == other.pos;

            bool neq( const const_iterator &other ) const
                return map->ptr() !=>ptr() || pos != other.pos;

            //            const_reference    operator*() {
            //                Object key = *pos;
            //                return std::make_pair( key, map->[key] );
            // GCC < 3 barfes on this line at the '['.
            //         }

            const_reference operator*()
                Object key = keys[ pos ];
                return std::make_pair( key, mapref<T>( *map, key ) );

            const_iterator &operator=( const const_iterator &other )
                if( this != &other )
                    map =;
                    keys = other.keys;
                    pos = other.pos;
                return *this;

            // prefix ++
            const_iterator &operator++()
                return *this;

            // postfix ++
            const_iterator operator++( int )
                return const_iterator( map, keys, pos++ );

            // prefix --
            const_iterator &operator--()
                return *this;

            // postfix --
            const_iterator operator--( int )
                return const_iterator( map, keys, pos-- );
        };    // end of class MapBase<T>::const_iterator

        const_iterator begin() const
            return const_iterator( this, keys(), 0 );

        const_iterator end() const
            return const_iterator( this, keys(), length() );

    };    // end of MapBase<T>

    typedef MapBase<Object> Mapping;

    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator==( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator!=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator==( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::const_iterator &right );
    template <TEMPLATE_TYPENAME T> bool operator!=( const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::const_iterator &left, const EXPLICIT_TYPENAME MapBase<T>::const_iterator &right );

    extern bool operator==( const Mapping::iterator &left, const Mapping::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator!=( const Mapping::iterator &left, const Mapping::iterator &right );
    extern bool operator==( const Mapping::const_iterator &left, const Mapping::const_iterator &right );
    extern bool operator!=( const Mapping::const_iterator &left, const Mapping::const_iterator &right );

    // ==================================================
    // class Dict
    class Dict: public Mapping
        // Constructor
        explicit Dict( PyObject *pyob, bool owned=false )
        : Mapping( pyob, owned )

        Dict( const Object &ob )
        : Mapping( ob )

        // Creation
            set( PyDict_New(), true );
        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer

        Dict &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Dict &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;
        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && Py::_Dict_Check( pyob );

    class Callable: public Object
        // Constructor
        explicit Callable()
        : Object()

        explicit Callable( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        Callable( const Object &ob )
        : Object( ob )

        // Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
        Callable &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Callable &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        // Membership
        virtual bool accepts( PyObject *pyob ) const
            return pyob && PyCallable_Check( pyob );

        // Call
        Object apply( const Tuple &args ) const
            return asObject( PyObject_CallObject( ptr(), args.ptr() ) );

        // Call with keywords
        Object apply( const Tuple &args, const Dict &kw ) const
            return asObject( PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords( ptr(), args.ptr(), kw.ptr() ) );

        Object apply( PyObject *pargs = 0 ) const
            return apply( Tuple( pargs ) );

    class Module: public Object
        explicit Module( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
        : Object( pyob, owned )

        // Construct from module name
        explicit Module( const std::string &s )
        : Object()
            PyObject *m = PyImport_AddModule( const_cast<char *>( s.c_str() ) );
            set( m, false );

        // Copy constructor acquires new ownership of pointer
        Module( const Module &ob )
        : Object( *ob )

        Module &operator=( const Object &rhs )
            return *this = *rhs;

        Module &operator=( PyObject *rhsp )
            if( ptr() != rhsp )
                set( rhsp );
            return *this;

        Dict getDict() const
            return Dict( PyModule_GetDict( ptr() ) );
            // Caution -- PyModule_GetDict returns borrowed reference!

    // Call function helper
    inline Object Object::callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name ) const
        Callable target( getAttr( function_name ) );
        Tuple args( 0 );
        return target.apply( args );

    inline Object Object::callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name, const Tuple &args ) const
        Callable target( getAttr( function_name ) );
        return target.apply( args );

    inline Object Object::callMemberFunction( const std::string &function_name, const Tuple &args, const Dict &kw ) const
        Callable target( getAttr( function_name ) );
        return target.apply( args, kw );

    // Numeric interface
    inline Object operator+( const Object &a )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Positive( *a ) );

    inline Object operator-( const Object &a )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Negative( *a ) );

    inline Object abs( const Object &a )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Absolute( *a ) );

    // operator +
    inline Object operator+( const Object &a, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *a, *b ) );

    inline Object operator+( const Object &a, int j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator+( const Object &a, long j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator+( const Object &a, double v )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *a, *Float( v ) ) );

    inline Object operator+( int j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator+( long j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator+( double v, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Add( *Float( v ), *b ) );

    // operator -
    inline Object operator-( const Object &a, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Subtract( *a, *b ) );

    inline Object operator-( const Object &a, int j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Subtract( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator-( const Object &a, double v )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Subtract( *a, *Float( v ) ) );

    inline Object operator-( int j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Subtract( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator-( double v, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Subtract( *Float( v ), *b ) );

    // operator *
    inline Object operator*( const Object &a, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Multiply( *a, *b ) );

    inline Object operator*( const Object &a, int j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Multiply( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator*( const Object &a, double v )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Multiply( *a, *Float( v ) ) );

    inline Object operator*( int j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Multiply( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator*( double v, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Multiply( *Float( v ), *b ) );

    // operator /
    inline Object operator/( const Object &a, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_TrueDivide( *a, *b ) );

    inline Object operator/( const Object &a, int j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_TrueDivide( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator/( const Object &a, double v )
        return asObject( PyNumber_TrueDivide( *a, *Float( v ) ) );

    inline Object operator/( int j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_TrueDivide( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator/( double v, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_TrueDivide( *Float( v ), *b ) );

    // operator %
    inline Object operator%( const Object &a, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Remainder( *a, *b ) );

    inline Object operator%( const Object &a, int j )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Remainder( *a, *Long( j ) ) );

    inline Object operator%( const Object &a, double v )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Remainder( *a, *Float( v ) ) );

    inline Object operator%( int j, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Remainder( *Long( j ), *b ) );

    inline Object operator%( double v, const Object &b )
        return asObject( PyNumber_Remainder( *Float( v ), *b ) );

    // type
    inline Object type( const Exception &) // return the type of the error
        PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
        PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace );
        Object result;
        if( ptype )
            result = ptype;
        PyErr_Restore( ptype, pvalue, ptrace );
        return result;

    inline Object value( const Exception &) // return the value of the error
        PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
        PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace );
        Object result;
        if( pvalue )
            result = pvalue;
        PyErr_Restore( ptype, pvalue, ptrace );
        return result;

    inline Object trace( const Exception &) // return the traceback of the error
        PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
        PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace );
        Object result;
        if( ptrace )
            result = ptrace;
        PyErr_Restore( ptype, pvalue, ptrace );
        return result;

    String seqref<T>::str() const
        return the_item.str();

    String seqref<T>::repr() const
        return the_item.repr();

} // namespace Py
#endif    // __CXX_Objects__h