

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > db7a4a658d190b3e658423135710c498 > files > 743


-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock
-- See Hoogle,

-- | a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
--   Darcs is a free, open source revision control system. It is:
--   <ul>
--   <li>Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set,
--   removing boundaries between server and client or committer and
--   non-committers.</li>
--   <li>Interactive: Darcs is easy to learn and efficient to use because
--   it asks you questions in response to simple commands, giving you
--   choices in your work flow. You can choose to record one change in a
--   file, while ignoring another. As you update from upstream, you can
--   review each patch name, even the full <a>diff</a> for interesting
--   patches.</li>
--   <li>Smart: Originally developed by physicist David Roundy, darcs is
--   based on a unique algebra of patches.</li>
--   </ul>
--   This smartness lets you respond to changing demands in ways that would
--   otherwise not be possible. Learn more about spontaneous branches with
--   darcs.
@package darcs
@version 2.8.3

module URL.Request
data UrlRequest
UrlRequest :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> Priority -> UrlRequest
url :: UrlRequest -> String
file :: UrlRequest -> FilePath
cachable :: UrlRequest -> Cachable
priority :: UrlRequest -> Priority
data Cachable
Cachable :: Cachable
Uncachable :: Cachable
MaxAge :: !CInt -> Cachable
data UrlState
UrlState :: Map String (FilePath, [FilePath], Cachable) -> Q String -> Int -> String -> UrlState
inProgress :: UrlState -> Map String (FilePath, [FilePath], Cachable)
waitToStart :: UrlState -> Q String
pipeLength :: UrlState -> Int
randomJunk :: UrlState -> String
data Q a
Q :: [a] -> [a] -> Q a
readQ :: Q a -> Maybe (a, Q a)
insertQ :: a -> Q a -> Q a
pushQ :: a -> Q a -> Q a
deleteQ :: Eq a => a -> Q a -> Q a
elemQ :: Eq a => a -> Q a -> Bool
emptyQ :: Q a
nullQ :: Q a -> Bool
data Priority
High :: Priority
Low :: Priority

-- | Data type to represent a connection error. The following are the codes
--   from libcurl which map to each of the constructors: * 6 -&gt;
--   CouldNotResolveHost : The remote host was not resolved. * 7 -&gt;
--   CouldNotConnectToServer : Failed to connect() to host or proxy. * 28
--   -&gt; OperationTimeout: the specified time-out period was reached.
data ConnectionError
CouldNotResolveHost :: ConnectionError
CouldNotConnectToServer :: ConnectionError
OperationTimeout :: ConnectionError
instance Show Cachable
instance Eq Cachable
instance Eq Priority
instance Eq ConnectionError
instance Read ConnectionError
instance Show ConnectionError

module Darcs.Witnesses.Show
data ShowDict a
ShowDictClass :: ShowDict a
ShowDictRecord :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> ShowDict a
showD :: ShowDict a -> a -> String
showListD :: ShowDict a -> [a] -> ShowS
showsPrecD :: ShowDict a -> Int -> a -> ShowS
class Show1 a
showDict1 :: Show1 a => ShowDict (a x)
class Show2 a
showDict2 :: Show2 a => ShowDict (a x y)
show1 :: Show1 a => a x -> String
showsPrec1 :: Show1 a => Int -> a x -> ShowS
show2 :: Show2 a => a x y -> String
showsPrec2 :: Show2 a => Int -> a x y -> ShowS
showOp2 :: (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Int -> String -> Int -> a w x -> b y z -> String -> String
appPrec :: Int

module Darcs.Patch.OldDate

-- | Read/interpret a date string, assuming UTC if timezone is not
--   specified in the string
readUTCDate :: String -> CalendarTime
showIsoDateTime :: CalendarTime -> String

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.ObjectMap
newtype UUID
UUID :: ByteString -> UUID
type Location = (UUID, ByteString)
data Object (m :: * -> *)
Directory :: DirContent -> Object
Blob :: (m ByteString) -> !Hash -> Object
data ObjectMap (m :: * -> *)
ObjectMap :: (UUID -> m (Maybe (Object m))) -> (UUID -> Object m -> m (ObjectMap m)) -> m [UUID] -> ObjectMap
getObject :: ObjectMap -> UUID -> m (Maybe (Object m))
putObject :: ObjectMap -> UUID -> Object m -> m (ObjectMap m)
listObjects :: ObjectMap -> m [UUID]
type DirContent = Map ByteString UUID
instance Eq UUID
instance Ord UUID
instance Show UUID

module Darcs.Patch.Format

-- | Showing and reading lists of patches This class allows us to control
--   how lists of patches are formatted on disk. For legacy reasons V1
--   patches have their own special treatment (see <a>ListFormat</a>).
--   Other patch types use the default format which just puts them in a
--   sequence without separators or any prelude/epilogue.
--   This means that 'FL (FL p)' etc would be ambiguous, so there are no
--   instances for 'FL p' or other list types.
class PatchListFormat p where patchListFormat = ListFormatDefault
patchListFormat :: PatchListFormat p => ListFormat p

-- | This type is used to tweak the way that lists of <tt>p</tt> are shown
--   for a given <tt>Patch</tt> type <tt>p</tt>. It is needed to maintain
--   backwards compatibility for V1 and V2 patches.
data ListFormat (p :: * -> * -> *)

-- | Show and read lists without braces.
ListFormatDefault :: ListFormat

-- | Show lists with a single layer of braces around the outside, except
--   for singletons which have no braces. Read with arbitrary nested braces
--   and parens and flatten them out.
ListFormatV1 :: ListFormat

-- | Show lists without braces Read with arbitrary nested parens and
--   flatten them out.
ListFormatV2 :: ListFormat
data FileNameFormat
OldFormat :: FileNameFormat
NewFormat :: FileNameFormat

module Darcs.Patch.RegChars

-- | <a>regChars</a> returns a filter function that tells if a char is a
--   member of the regChar expression or not. The regChar expression is
--   basically a set of chars, but it can contain ranges with use of the
--   <a>-</a> (dash), and it can also be specified as a complement set by
--   prefixing with <a>^</a> (caret). The dash and caret, as well as the
--   backslash, can all be escaped with a backslash to suppress their
--   special meaning.
--   NOTE: The <a>.</a> (dot) is allowed to be escaped. It has no special
--   meaning if it is not escaped, but the default <tt>filename_toks</tt>
--   in Darcs.Commands.Replace uses an escaped dot (WHY?).
regChars :: String -> (Char -> Bool)

module IsoDate

-- | The current time in the format returned by <a>showIsoDateTime</a>
getIsoDateTime :: IO String

-- | Read/interpret a date string, assuming local timezone if not specified
--   in the string
readLocalDate :: String -> CalendarTime

-- | Read/interpret a date string, assuming UTC if timezone is not
--   specified in the string (see <a>readDate</a>) Warning! This errors out
--   if we fail to interpret the date
readUTCDate :: String -> CalendarTime

-- | Parse a date string, assuming a default timezone if the date string
--   does not specify one. The date formats understood are those of
--   <a>showIsoDateTime</a> and <a>dateTime</a>
parseDate :: Int -> String -> Either ParseError MCalendarTime

-- | Return the local timezone offset from UTC in seconds
getLocalTz :: IO Int

-- | In English, either a date followed by a time, or vice-versa, e.g,
--   <ul>
--   <li>yesterday at noon</li>
--   <li>yesterday tea time</li>
--   <li>12:00 yesterday</li>
--   </ul>
--   See <a>englishDate</a> and <a>englishTime</a> Uses its first argument
--   as <a>now</a>, i.e. the time relative to which <a>yesterday</a>,
--   <a>today</a> etc are to be interpreted
englishDateTime :: CalendarTime -> CharParser a CalendarTime

-- | English expressions for intervals of time,
--   <ul>
--   <li>before tea time (i.e. from the beginning of time)</li>
--   <li>after 14:00 last month (i.e. till now)</li>
--   <li>between last year and last month</li>
--   <li>in the last three months (i.e. from then till now)</li>
--   <li>4 months ago (i.e. till now; see <a>englishAgo</a>)</li>
--   </ul>
englishInterval :: CalendarTime -> CharParser a TimeInterval

-- | Durations in English that begin with the word "last", E.g. "last 4
--   months" is treated as the duration between 4 months ago and now
englishLast :: CalendarTime -> CharParser a (CalendarTime, CalendarTime)

-- | Intervals in ISO 8601, e.g.,
--   <ul>
--   <li>2008-09/2012-08-17T16:30</li>
--   <li>2008-09/P2Y11MT16H30M</li>
--   <li>P2Y11MT16H30M/2012-08-17T16:30</li>
--   </ul>
--   See <a>iso8601Duration</a>
iso8601Interval :: Int -> CharParser a (Either TimeDiff (MCalendarTime, MCalendarTime))

-- | Durations in ISO 8601, e.g.,
--   <ul>
--   <li>P4Y (four years)</li>
--   <li>P5M (five months)</li>
--   <li>P4Y5M (four years and five months)</li>
--   <li>P4YT3H6S (four years, three hours and six seconds)</li>
--   </ul>
iso8601Duration :: CharParser a TimeDiff

-- | Convert a date string into ISO 8601 format (yyyymmdd variant) assuming
--   local timezone if not specified in the string Warning! This errors out
--   if we fail to interpret the date
cleanLocalDate :: String -> String

-- | Set a calendar to UTC time any eliminate any inconsistencies within
--   (for example, where the weekday is given as <tt>Thursday</tt>, but
--   this does not match what the numerical date would lead one to expect)
resetCalendar :: CalendarTime -> CalendarTime

-- | An <tt>MCalenderTime</tt> is an underspecified <a>CalendarTime</a> It
--   is used for parsing dates. For example, if you want to parse the date
--   '4 January', it may be useful to underspecify the year by setting it
--   to <a>Nothing</a>. This uses almost the same fields as
--   <a>CalendarTime</a>, a notable exception being that we introduce
--   <a>mctWeek</a> to indicate if a weekday was specified or not
data MCalendarTime
MCalendarTime :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Month -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Day -> Maybe Int -> Maybe String -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> Bool -> MCalendarTime
mctYear :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctMonth :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Month
mctDay :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctHour :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctMin :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctSec :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctPicosec :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Integer
mctWDay :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Day
mctYDay :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctTZName :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe String
mctTZ :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Int
mctIsDST :: MCalendarTime -> Maybe Bool
mctWeek :: MCalendarTime -> Bool
subtractFromMCal :: TimeDiff -> MCalendarTime -> MCalendarTime
addToMCal :: TimeDiff -> MCalendarTime -> MCalendarTime

-- | Trivially convert a <a>CalendarTime</a> to a fully specified
--   <a>MCalendarTime</a> (note that this sets the <a>mctWeek</a> flag to
--   <tt>False</tt>
toMCalendarTime :: CalendarTime -> MCalendarTime

-- | Returns the first <a>CalendarTime</a> that falls within a
--   <a>MCalendarTime</a> This is only unsafe in the sense that it plugs in
--   default values for fields that have not been set, e.g.
--   <tt>January</tt> for the month or <tt>0</tt> for the seconds field.
--   Maybe we should rename it something happier. See also
--   <a>resetCalendar</a>
unsafeToCalendarTime :: MCalendarTime -> CalendarTime

-- | Zero the time fields of a <a>CalendarTime</a>
unsetTime :: CalendarTime -> CalendarTime
type TimeInterval = (Maybe CalendarTime, Maybe CalendarTime)
instance Show MCalendarTime

module DateMatcher

-- | <a>parseDateMatcher</a> <tt>s</tt> return the first matcher in
--   <a>getMatchers</a> that can parse <tt>s</tt>
parseDateMatcher :: String -> IO (CalendarTime -> Bool)

-- | A <a>DateMatcher</a> combines a potential parse for a date string with
--   a <a>matcher</a> function that operates on a given date. We use an
--   existential type on the matcher to allow the date string to either be
--   interpreted as a point in time or as an interval.
data DateMatcher
DM :: String -> (Either ParseError d) -> (d -> CalendarTime -> Bool) -> DateMatcher

-- | <a>getMatchers</a> <tt>d</tt> returns the list of matchers that will
--   be applied on <tt>d</tt>. If you wish to extend the date parsing code,
--   this will likely be the function that you modify to do so.
getMatchers :: String -> IO [DateMatcher]

-- | XXX: Perhaps a word of explanation here [WL]
module Ratified

-- | The <a>readFile</a> function reads a file and returns the contents of
--   the file as a string. The file is read lazily, on demand, as with
--   <a>getContents</a>.
readFile :: FilePath -> IO String

-- | Computation <a>hGetContents</a> <tt>hdl</tt> returns the list of
--   characters corresponding to the unread portion of the channel or file
--   managed by <tt>hdl</tt>, which is put into an intermediate state,
--   <i>semi-closed</i>. In this state, <tt>hdl</tt> is effectively closed,
--   but items are read from <tt>hdl</tt> on demand and accumulated in a
--   special list returned by <a>hGetContents</a> <tt>hdl</tt>.
--   Any operation that fails because a handle is closed, also fails if a
--   handle is semi-closed. The only exception is <tt>hClose</tt>. A
--   semi-closed handle becomes closed:
--   <ul>
--   <li>if <tt>hClose</tt> is applied to it;</li>
--   <li>if an I/O error occurs when reading an item from the handle;</li>
--   <li>or once the entire contents of the handle has been read.</li>
--   </ul>
--   Once a semi-closed handle becomes closed, the contents of the
--   associated list becomes fixed. The contents of this final list is only
--   partially specified: it will contain at least all the items of the
--   stream that were evaluated prior to the handle becoming closed.
--   Any I/O errors encountered while a handle is semi-closed are simply
--   discarded.
--   This operation may fail with:
--   <ul>
--   <li><a>isEOFError</a> if the end of file has been reached.</li>
--   </ul>
hGetContents :: Handle -> IO String

module Darcs.Witnesses.Unsafe
unsafeCoerceP :: a x y -> a b c
unsafeCoercePStart :: a x1 y -> a x2 y
unsafeCoercePEnd :: a x y1 -> a x y2
unsafeCoerceP2 :: t w x y z -> t a b c d
unsafeCoerceP1 :: a x -> a y

-- | This modules provides rudimentary natural language generation (NLG)
--   utilities. That is, generating natural language from a machine
--   representation. Initially, only English is supported at all.
--   Representations are implemented for:
--   <ul>
--   <li>countable nouns (plurality); and * lists of clauses (foo, bar
--   and/or baz).</li>
--   </ul>
module English

-- | <pre>
--   englishNum 0 (Noun "watch") "" == "watches"
--   englishNum 1 (Noun "watch") "" == "watch"
--   englishNum 2 (Noun "watch") "" == "watches"
--   </pre>
englishNum :: Countable n => Int -> n -> ShowS

-- | Things that have a plural and singular spelling
class Countable a
plural :: Countable a => a -> ShowS
singular :: Countable a => a -> ShowS

-- | This only distinguishes between nouns with a final -ch, and nouns
--   which do not. More irregular nouns will just need to have their own
--   type
--   <pre>
--   plural (Noun "batch") "" == "batches"
--   plural (Noun "bat")   "" == "bats"
--   plural (Noun "mouse") "" == "mouses" -- :-(
--   </pre>
newtype Noun
Noun :: String -> Noun
data Pronoun
It :: Pronoun

-- | <pre>
--   singular This (Noun "batch") "" == "this batch"
--   plural   This (Noun "batch") "" == "these batches"
--   </pre>
data This
This :: Noun -> This

-- | Given a list of things, combine them thusly:
--   <pre>
--   orClauses ["foo", "bar", "baz"] == "foo, bar or baz"
--   </pre>
andClauses, orClauses :: [String] -> String

-- | As <tt>intersperse</tt>, with a different separator for the last |
--   interspersal.
intersperseLast :: String -> String -> [String] -> String
presentParticiple :: String -> String
instance Countable This
instance Countable Pronoun
instance Countable Noun

module Workaround

-- | <tt><a>renameFile</a> old new</tt> changes the name of an existing
--   file system object from <i>old</i> to <i>new</i>. If the <i>new</i>
--   object already exists, it is atomically replaced by the <i>old</i>
--   object. Neither path may refer to an existing directory. A conformant
--   implementation need not support renaming files in all situations (e.g.
--   renaming across different physical devices), but the constraints must
--   be documented.
--   The operation may fail with:
--   <ul>
--   <li><a>HardwareFault</a> A physical I/O error has occurred.
--   <tt>[EIO]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>InvalidArgument</a> Either operand is not a valid file name.
--   <tt>[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>isDoesNotExistError</a> / <a>NoSuchThing</a> The original file
--   does not exist, or there is no path to the target. <tt>[ENOENT,
--   ENOTDIR]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>isPermissionError</a> / <a>PermissionDenied</a> The process has
--   insufficient privileges to perform the operation. <tt>[EROFS, EACCES,
--   EPERM]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>ResourceExhausted</a> Insufficient resources are available to
--   perform the operation. <tt>[EDQUOT, ENOSPC, ENOMEM, EMLINK]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>UnsatisfiedConstraints</a> Implementation-dependent constraints
--   are not satisfied. <tt>[EBUSY]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>UnsupportedOperation</a> The implementation does not support
--   renaming in this situation. <tt>[EXDEV]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>InappropriateType</a> Either path refers to an existing
--   directory. <tt>[ENOTDIR, EISDIR, EINVAL, EEXIST, ENOTEMPTY]</tt></li>
--   </ul>
renameFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
setExecutable :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()

-- | If the operating system has a notion of current directories,
--   <a>getCurrentDirectory</a> returns an absolute path to the current
--   directory of the calling process.
--   The operation may fail with:
--   <ul>
--   <li><a>HardwareFault</a> A physical I/O error has occurred.
--   <tt>[EIO]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>isDoesNotExistError</a> / <a>NoSuchThing</a> There is no path
--   referring to the current directory. <tt>[EPERM, ENOENT,
--   ESTALE...]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>isPermissionError</a> / <a>PermissionDenied</a> The process has
--   insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
--   <tt>[EACCES]</tt></li>
--   <li><a>ResourceExhausted</a> Insufficient resources are available to
--   perform the operation.</li>
--   <li><a>UnsupportedOperation</a> The operating system has no notion of
--   current directory.</li>
--   </ul>
--   Note that in a concurrent program, the current directory is global
--   state shared between all threads of the process. When using filesystem
--   operations from multiple threads, it is therefore highly recommended
--   to use absolute rather than relative <a>FilePath</a>s.
getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath

-- | <tt>installHandler int handler iset</tt> calls <tt>sigaction</tt> to
--   install an interrupt handler for signal <tt>int</tt>. If
--   <tt>handler</tt> is <tt>Default</tt>, <tt>SIG_DFL</tt> is installed;
--   if <tt>handler</tt> is <tt>Ignore</tt>, <tt>SIG_IGN</tt> is installed;
--   if <tt>handler</tt> is <tt>Catch action</tt>, a handler is installed
--   which will invoke <tt>action</tt> in a new thread when (or shortly
--   after) the signal is received. If <tt>iset</tt> is <tt>Just s</tt>,
--   then the <tt>sa_mask</tt> of the <tt>sigaction</tt> structure is set
--   to <tt>s</tt>; otherwise it is cleared. The previously installed
--   signal handler for <tt>int</tt> is returned
installHandler :: Signal -> Handler -> Maybe SignalSet -> IO Handler

-- | <tt>raiseSignal int</tt> calls <tt>kill</tt> to signal the current
--   process with interrupt signal <tt>int</tt>.
raiseSignal :: Signal -> IO ()

-- | The actions to perform when a signal is received.
data Handler :: *
Default :: Handler
Ignore :: Handler
Catch :: IO () -> Handler
CatchOnce :: IO () -> Handler
type Signal = CInt
sigINT :: CInt
sigHUP :: CInt
sigABRT :: CInt
sigALRM :: CInt
sigTERM :: CInt
sigPIPE :: CInt

module Darcs.Witnesses.Eq

-- | <a>EqCheck</a> is used to pass around evidence (or lack thereof) of
--   two witness types being equal.
data EqCheck a b
IsEq :: EqCheck a a
NotEq :: EqCheck a b

-- | An witness aware equality class. A minimal definition defines any one
--   of <a>unsafeCompare</a>, <a>=\/=</a> and <a>=/\=</a>.
class MyEq p where unsafeCompare a b = IsEq == (a =/\= unsafeCoerceP b) a =\/= b | unsafeCompare a b = unsafeCoerceP IsEq | otherwise = NotEq a =/\= b | IsEq == (a =\/= unsafeCoerceP b) = unsafeCoerceP IsEq | otherwise = NotEq
unsafeCompare :: MyEq p => p a b -> p c d -> Bool
(=\/=) :: MyEq p => p a b -> p a c -> EqCheck b c
(=/\=) :: MyEq p => p a c -> p b c -> EqCheck a b
isIsEq :: EqCheck a b -> Bool
instance Show (EqCheck a b)
instance Eq (EqCheck a b)

module Darcs.SignalHandler
withSignalsHandled :: IO a -> IO a
withSignalsBlocked :: IO a -> IO a
catchInterrupt :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
catchNonSignal :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
tryNonSignal :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
stdoutIsAPipe :: IO Bool
instance Typeable SignalException
instance Show SignalException
instance Exception SignalException

module Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed
data Sealed a
Sealed :: a x -> Sealed a
seal :: a x -> Sealed a
unseal :: (forall x. a x -> b) -> Sealed a -> b
mapSeal :: (forall x. a x -> b x) -> Sealed a -> Sealed b
unsafeUnseal :: Sealed a -> a x
unsafeUnsealFlipped :: FlippedSeal a y -> a x y
unsafeUnseal2 :: Sealed2 a -> a x y
data Sealed2 a
Sealed2 :: !a x y -> Sealed2 a
seal2 :: a x y -> Sealed2 a
unseal2 :: (forall x y. a x y -> b) -> Sealed2 a -> b
mapSeal2 :: (forall x y. a x y -> b x y) -> Sealed2 a -> Sealed2 b
data FlippedSeal a y
FlippedSeal :: !a x y -> FlippedSeal a y
flipSeal :: a x y -> FlippedSeal a y
unsealFlipped :: (forall x y. a x y -> b) -> FlippedSeal a z -> b
mapFlipped :: (forall x. a x y -> b x z) -> FlippedSeal a y -> FlippedSeal b z
unsealM :: Monad m => m (Sealed a) -> (forall x. a x -> m b) -> m b
liftSM :: Monad m => (forall x. a x -> b) -> m (Sealed a) -> m b

-- | <a>Gap</a> abstracts over <a>FreeLeft</a> and <a>FreeRight</a> for
--   code constructing these values
class Gap w
emptyGap :: Gap w => (forall x. p x x) -> w p
freeGap :: Gap w => (forall x y. p x y) -> w p
joinGap :: Gap w => (forall x y z. p x y -> q y z -> r x z) -> w p -> w q -> w r

-- | 'FreeLeft p' is 'forall x . exists y . p x y' In other words the
--   caller is free to specify the left witness, and then the right witness
--   is an existential. Note that the order of the type constructors is
--   important for ensuring that <tt>y</tt> is dependent on the <tt>x</tt>
--   that is supplied. This is why <a>Stepped</a> is needed, rather than
--   writing the more obvious 'Sealed (Poly p)' which would notionally have
--   the same quantification of the type witnesses.
data FreeLeft p

-- | Unwrap a <a>FreeLeft</a> value
unFreeLeft :: FreeLeft p -> Sealed (p x)

-- | 'FreeLeft p' is 'forall y . exists x . p x y' In other words the
--   caller is free to specify the right witness, and then the left witness
--   is an existential. Note that the order of the type constructors is
--   important for ensuring that <tt>x</tt> is dependent on the <tt>y</tt>
--   that is supplied.
data FreeRight p

-- | Unwrap a <a>FreeRight</a> value
unFreeRight :: FreeRight p -> FlippedSeal p x
instance Gap FreeRight
instance Gap FreeLeft
instance Show2 a => Show (Sealed2 a)
instance Show1 a => Show (Sealed a)
instance MyEq a => Eq (Sealed (a x))

-- | This was originally Tomasz Zielonka's AtExit module, slightly
--   generalised to include global variables. Here, we attempt to cover
--   broad, global features, such as exit handlers. These features slightly
--   break the Haskellian purity of darcs, in favour of programming
--   convenience.
module Darcs.Global

-- | Registers an IO action to run just before darcs exits. Useful for
--   removing temporary files and directories, for example. Referenced in
--   Issue1914.
atexit :: IO () -> IO ()
withAtexit :: IO a -> IO a
data SshSettings
SshSettings :: String -> String -> String -> SshSettings
ssh :: SshSettings -> String
scp :: SshSettings -> String
sftp :: SshSettings -> String
defaultSsh :: SshSettings
timingsMode :: Bool
setTimingsMode :: IO ()
whenDebugMode :: IO () -> IO ()
withDebugMode :: (Bool -> IO a) -> IO a
setDebugMode :: IO ()
debugMessage :: String -> IO ()
debugFail :: String -> IO a
putTiming :: IO ()
addCRCWarning :: FilePath -> IO ()
getCRCWarnings :: IO [FilePath]
resetCRCWarnings :: IO ()
addBadSource :: String -> IO ()
getBadSourcesList :: IO [String]
isBadSource :: IO (String -> Bool)
darcsdir :: String
isReachableSource :: IO (String -> Bool)
addReachableSource :: String -> IO ()
windows :: Bool
instance Show SshSettings
instance Eq SshSettings

module Darcs.Patch.MatchData
data PatchMatch
PatternMatch :: String -> PatchMatch
patchMatch :: String -> PatchMatch
instance Eq PatchMatch
instance Show PatchMatch

-- | Utility functions for tracking progress of long-running actions.
module Progress

-- | <tt>beginTedious k</tt> starts a tedious process and registers it in
--   <a>_progressData</a> with the key <tt>k</tt>. A tedious process is one
--   for which we want a progress indicator.
--   Wouldn't it be safer if it had type String -&gt; IO ProgressDataKey,
--   so that we can ensure there is no collision? What happens if you call
--   beginTedious twice with the same string, without calling endTedious in
--   the meantime?
beginTedious :: String -> IO ()

-- | <tt>endTedious k</tt> unregisters the tedious process with key
--   <tt>k</tt>, printing <a>Done</a> if such a tedious process exists.
endTedious :: String -> IO ()
tediousSize :: String -> Int -> IO ()
debugMessage :: String -> IO ()
debugFail :: String -> IO a
withoutProgress :: IO a -> IO a
progress :: String -> a -> a
progressKeepLatest :: String -> a -> a
finishedOne :: String -> String -> a -> a
finishedOneIO :: String -> String -> IO ()
progressList :: String -> [a] -> [a]

-- | XXX: document this constant
minlist :: Int
setProgressMode :: Bool -> IO ()

module Exec
exec :: String -> [String] -> Redirects -> IO ExitCode
execInteractive :: String -> String -> IO ExitCode
withoutNonBlock :: IO a -> IO a
type Redirects = (Redirect, Redirect, Redirect)
data Redirect
AsIs :: Redirect
Null :: Redirect
File :: FilePath -> Redirect
Stdout :: Redirect
data ExecException
ExecException :: String -> [String] -> Redirects -> String -> ExecException
instance Typeable ExecException
instance Show Redirect
instance Show ExecException
instance Exception ExecException

-- | GZIp and MMap IO for ByteStrings, encoding utilities, and
--   miscellaneous functions for Data.ByteString
module ByteStringUtils

-- | Do something with the internals of a PackedString. Beware of altering
--   the contents!
unsafeWithInternals :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | Decodes a <tt>ByteString</tt> containing UTF-8 to a <a>String</a>.
--   Decoding errors are flagged with the U+FFFD character.
unpackPSFromUTF8 :: ByteString -> String
packStringToUTF8 :: String -> ByteString

-- | Read an entire file, which may or may not be gzip compressed, directly
--   into a <a>ByteString</a>.
gzReadFilePS :: FilePath -> IO ByteString

-- | Like readFilePS, this reads an entire file directly into a
--   <a>ByteString</a>, but it is even more efficient. It involves directly
--   mapping the file to memory. This has the advantage that the contents
--   of the file never need to be copied. Also, under memory pressure the
--   page may simply be discarded, wile in the case of readFilePS it would
--   need to be written to swap. If you read many small files, mmapFilePS
--   will be less memory-efficient than readFilePS, since each mmapFilePS
--   takes up a separate page of memory. Also, you can run into bus errors
--   if the file is modified. NOTE: as with <tt>readFilePS</tt>, the string
--   representation in the file is assumed to be ISO-8859-1.
mmapFilePS :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
gzWriteFilePS :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
gzWriteFilePSs :: FilePath -> [ByteString] -> IO ()

-- | Read standard input, which may or may not be gzip compressed, directly
--   into a <a>ByteString</a>.
gzReadStdin :: IO ByteString
isGZFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Int)

-- | Decompress the given bytestring into a lazy list of chunks, along with
--   a boolean flag indicating (if True) that the CRC was corrupted.
--   Inspecting the flag will cause the entire list of chunks to be
--   evaluated (but if you throw away the list immediately this should run
--   in constant space).
gzDecompress :: Maybe Int -> ByteString -> ([ByteString], Bool)

-- | <a>dropSpace</a> efficiently returns the <tt>ByteString</tt> argument
--   with white space Chars removed from the front. It is more efficient
--   than calling dropWhile for removing whitespace. I.e.
--   <pre>
--   dropWhile isSpace == dropSpace
--   </pre>
dropSpace :: ByteString -> ByteString

-- | <a>breakSpace</a> returns the pair of ByteStrings when the argument is
--   broken at the first whitespace byte. I.e.
--   <pre>
--   break isSpace == breakSpace
--   </pre>
breakSpace :: ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
linesPS :: ByteString -> [ByteString]

-- | This function acts exactly like the <a>Prelude</a> unlines function,
--   or like <a>Data.ByteString.Char8</a> <a>unlines</a>, but with one
--   important difference: it will produce a string which may not end with
--   a newline! That is:
--   <pre>
--   unlinesPS ["foo", "bar"]
--   </pre>
--   evaluates to "foo\nbar", not "foo\nbar\n"! This point should hold true
--   for <a>linesPS</a> as well.
--   TODO: rename this function.
unlinesPS :: [ByteString] -> ByteString
hashPS :: ByteString -> Int32
breakFirstPS :: Char -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
breakLastPS :: Char -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
substrPS :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe Int

-- | readIntPS skips any whitespace at the beginning of its argument, and
--   reads an Int from the beginning of the PackedString. If there is no
--   integer at the beginning of the string, it returns Nothing, otherwise
--   it just returns the int read, along with a B.ByteString containing the
--   remainder of its input.
readIntPS :: ByteString -> Maybe (Int, ByteString)
isFunky :: ByteString -> Bool
fromHex2PS :: ByteString -> ByteString
fromPS2Hex :: ByteString -> ByteString

-- | betweenLinesPS returns the B.ByteString between the two lines given,
--   or Nothing if they do not appear.
betweenLinesPS :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString)
breakAfterNthNewline :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
breakBeforeNthNewline :: Int -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)

-- | <i>O(n)</i> The <a>intercalate</a> function takes a <a>ByteString</a>
--   and a list of <a>ByteString</a>s and concatenates the list after
--   interspersing the first argument between each element of the list.
intercalate :: ByteString -> [ByteString] -> ByteString

-- | Test if a ByteString is made of ascii characters
isAscii :: ByteString -> Bool

-- | Decode a ByteString to a String according to the current locale
--   unsafePerformIO in the locale function is ratified by the fact that
--   GHC 6.12 and above also supply locale conversion with functions with a
--   pure type. Unrecognized byte sequences in the input are skipped.
decodeLocale :: ByteString -> String

-- | Encode a String to a ByteString according to the current locale
encodeLocale :: String -> ByteString

-- | Take a <tt>String</tt> that represents byte values and re-decode it
--   acording to the current locale.
decodeString :: String -> String

module Darcs.Patch.TokenReplace
tryTokInternal :: String -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe [ByteString]
forceTokReplace :: String -> String -> String -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString

-- | This module defines our parsing monad. In the past there have been
--   lazy and strict parsers in this module. Currently we have only the
--   strict variant and it is used for parsing patch files.
module Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Alternative m, Monad m, MonadPlus m) => ParserM m
parse :: ParserM m => m a -> ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)

-- | Takes exactly <tt>n</tt> bytes, or fails.
take :: ParserM m => Int -> m ByteString

-- | <a>parseStrictly</a> applies the parser functions to a string and
--   checks that each parser produced a result as it goes. The strictness
--   is in the <a>ParserM</a> instance for <a>SM</a>.
parseStrictly :: SM a -> ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)

-- | Accepts only the specified character. Consumes a character, if
--   available.
char :: ParserM m => Char -> m ()

-- | Parse an integer and return it. Skips leading whitespaces and | uses
--   the efficient ByteString readInt.
int :: ParserM m => m Int

-- | If <tt>p</tt> fails it returns <tt>x</tt>, otherwise it returns the
--   result of <tt>p</tt>.
option :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a

-- | Attempts each option until one succeeds.
choice :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a

-- | Discards spaces until a non-space character is encountered. Always
--   succeeds.
skipSpace :: ParserM m => m ()

-- | Discards any characters as long as <tt>p</tt> returns True. Always |
--   succeeds.
skipWhile :: ParserM m => (Char -> Bool) -> m ()

-- | Only succeeds if the characters in the input exactly match
--   <tt>str</tt>.
string :: ParserM m => ByteString -> m ()

-- | <a>lexChar</a> checks if the next space delimited token from the input
--   stream matches a specific <a>Char</a>. Uses <a>Maybe</a> inside
--   <a>ParserM</a> to handle failed matches, so that it always returns ()
--   on success.
lexChar :: ParserM m => Char -> m ()

-- | <a>lexString</a> fetches the next whitespace delimited token from from
--   the input and checks if it matches the <tt>ByteString</tt> input. Uses
--   <a>Maybe</a> inside <a>ParserM</a> to handle failed matches, so that
--   it always returns () on success.
lexString :: ParserM m => ByteString -> m ()

-- | <a>lexEof</a> looks for optional spaces followed by the end of input.
--   Uses <a>Maybe</a> inside <a>ParserM</a> to handle failed matches, so
--   that it always returns () on success.
lexEof :: ParserM m => m ()

-- | Equivalent to <tt>takeTill (==c)</tt>, except that it is optimized for
--   | the equality case.
takeTillChar :: ParserM m => Char -> m ByteString

-- | Like <a>myLex</a> except that it is in ParserM
myLex' :: ParserM m => m ByteString

-- | Accepts the next character and returns it. Only fails at end of input.
anyChar :: ParserM m => m Char

-- | Only succeeds at end of input, consumes no characters.
endOfInput :: ParserM m => m ()

-- | Takes characters while <tt>p</tt> returns True. Always succeeds.
takeTill :: ParserM m => (Char -> Bool) -> m ByteString

-- | Ensure that a parser consumes input when producing a result Causes the
--   initial state of the input stream to be held on to while the parser
--   runs, so use with caution.
checkConsumes :: ParserM m => m a -> m a

-- | This is a highly optimized way to read lines that start with a
--   particular character. To implement this efficiently we need access to
--   the parser's internal state. If this is implemented in terms of the
--   other primitives for the parser it requires us to consume one
--   character at a time. That leads to <tt>(&gt;&gt;=)</tt> wasting
--   significant time.
linesStartingWith :: ParserM m => Char -> m [ByteString]

-- | This is a highly optimized way to read lines that start with a
--   particular character, and stops when it reaches a particular |
--   character. See <a>linesStartingWith</a> for details on why this |
--   defined here as a primitive.
linesStartingWithEndingWith :: ParserM m => Char -> Char -> m [ByteString]
instance Alternative SM
instance Applicative SM
instance Functor SM
instance MonadPlus SM
instance ParserM SM
instance Monad SM

module Printer

-- | A <a>Printable</a> is either a String, a packed string, or a chunk of
--   text with both representations.
data Printable
S :: !String -> Printable
PS :: !ByteString -> Printable
Both :: !String -> !ByteString -> Printable

-- | a <a>Doc</a> is a bit of enriched text. <a>Doc</a>s get concatanated
--   using <a>&lt;&gt;</a>, which is right-associative.
newtype Doc
Doc :: (St -> Document) -> Doc
unDoc :: Doc -> St -> Document
type Printers = Handle -> Printers'

-- | A set of printers to print different types of text to a handle.
data Printers'
Printers :: !Color -> Printer -> !Printer -> !Printer -> !Printer -> !Printer -> !Color -> Doc -> Doc -> ![Printable] -> [Printable] -> Printers'
colorP :: Printers' -> !Color -> Printer
invisibleP :: Printers' -> !Printer
hiddenP :: Printers' -> !Printer
userchunkP :: Printers' -> !Printer
defP :: Printers' -> !Printer
lineColorT :: Printers' -> !Color -> Doc -> Doc
lineColorS :: Printers' -> ![Printable] -> [Printable]
type Printer = Printable -> St -> Document
data Color
Blue :: Color
Red :: Color
Green :: Color
Cyan :: Color
Magenta :: Color

-- | <tt>hputDoc</tt> puts a doc on the given handle using
--   <a>simplePrinters</a>
hPutDoc :: Handle -> Doc -> IO ()
hPutDocLn :: Handle -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | <a>putDoc</a> puts a doc on stdout using the simple printer
--   <a>simplePrinters</a>.
putDoc :: Doc -> IO ()

-- | <a>putDocLn</a> puts a doc, followed by a newline on stdout using
--   <a>simplePrinters</a>
putDocLn :: Doc -> IO ()

-- | <tt>hputDocWith</tt> puts a doc on the given handle using the given
--   printer.
hPutDocWith :: Printers -> Handle -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | <tt>hputDocLnWith</tt> puts a doc, followed by a newline on the given
--   handle using the given printer.
hPutDocLnWith :: Printers -> Handle -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | <a>putDocWith</a> puts a doc on stdout using the given printer.
putDocWith :: Printers -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | <a>putDocLnWith</a> puts a doc, followed by a newline on stdout using
--   the given printer.
putDocLnWith :: Printers -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | renders a <a>Doc</a> into a <a>String</a> with control codes for the
--   special features of the doc.
renderString :: Doc -> String

-- | renders a <a>Doc</a> into a <a>String</a> using a given set of
--   printers.
renderStringWith :: Printers' -> Doc -> String

-- | renders a <a>Doc</a> into <a>ByteString</a> with control codes for the
--   special features of the Doc. See also <tt>readerString</tt>.
renderPS :: Doc -> ByteString

-- | renders a doc into a <a>ByteString</a> using a given set of printers.
renderPSWith :: Printers' -> Doc -> ByteString

-- | renders a <a>Doc</a> into a list of <tt>PackedStrings</tt>, one for
--   each line.
renderPSs :: Doc -> [ByteString]

-- | renders a <a>Doc</a> into a list of <tt>PackedStrings</tt>, one for
--   each chunk of text that was added to the doc, using the given set of
--   printers.
renderPSsWith :: Printers' -> Doc -> [ByteString]
lineColor :: Color -> Doc -> Doc
prefix :: String -> Doc -> Doc
insertBeforeLastline :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <a>colorText</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> containing colored text from a
--   <tt>String</tt>
colorText :: Color -> String -> Doc

-- | <a>invisibleText</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> containing invisible text
--   from a <tt>String</tt>
invisibleText :: String -> Doc

-- | <a>hiddenText</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> containing hidden text from a
--   <tt>String</tt>
hiddenText :: String -> Doc
hiddenPrefix :: String -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <a>userchunk</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> containing a user chunk from a
--   <tt>String</tt>
userchunk :: String -> Doc

-- | <a>text</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> from a <tt>String</tt>, using
--   <a>printable</a>.
text :: String -> Doc

-- | 'printable x' creates a <a>Doc</a> from any <a>Printable</a>.
printable :: Printable -> Doc

-- | <tt><a>wrapText</a> n s</tt> is a <a>Doc</a> representing <tt>s</tt>
--   line-wrapped at <tt>n</tt> characters
wrapText :: Int -> String -> Doc

-- | <a>blueText</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> containing blue text from a
--   <tt>String</tt>
blueText, cyanText, magentaText, greenText, redText :: String -> Doc

-- | <a>unsafeText</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> from a <a>String</a>, using
--   <a>simplePrinter</a> directly
unsafeText :: String -> Doc

-- | <a>unsafeBoth</a> builds a Doc from a <a>String</a> and a
--   <a>ByteString</a> representing the same text, but does not check that
--   they do.
unsafeBoth :: String -> ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>unsafeBothText</a> builds a <a>Doc</a> from a <a>String</a>. The
--   string is stored in the Doc as both a String and a <a>ByteString</a>.
unsafeBothText :: String -> Doc

-- | <a>unsafeChar</a> creates a Doc containing just one character.
unsafeChar :: Char -> Doc

-- | <a>invisiblePS</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> with invisible text from a
--   <a>ByteString</a>
invisiblePS :: ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>packedString</a> builds a <a>Doc</a> from a <a>ByteString</a> using
--   <a>printable</a>
packedString :: ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>unsafePackedString</a> builds a <a>Doc</a> from a <a>ByteString</a>
--   using <a>simplePrinter</a>
unsafePackedString :: ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>userchunkPS</a> creates a <a>Doc</a> representing a user chunk from
--   a <a>ByteString</a>.
userchunkPS :: ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>simplePrinters</a> is a <a>Printers</a> which uses the set
--   'simplePriners\'' on any handle.
simplePrinters :: Printers

-- | <a>invisiblePrinter</a> is the <a>Printer</a> for hidden text. It just
--   replaces the document with <a>empty</a>. It's useful to have a printer
--   that doesn't actually do anything because this allows you to have
--   tunable policies, for example, only printing some text if it's to the
--   terminal, but not if it's to a file or vice-versa.
invisiblePrinter :: Printer

-- | <a>simplePrinter</a> is the simplest <a>Printer</a>: it just
--   concatenates together the pieces of the <a>Doc</a>
simplePrinter :: Printer
doc :: ([Printable] -> [Printable]) -> Doc

-- | The empty <a>Doc</a>.
empty :: Doc

-- | '(<a></a>)' is the concatenation operator for <a>Doc</a>s
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <tt>a <a>&lt;?&gt;</a> b</tt> is <tt>a <a></a> b</tt> if <tt>a</tt> is
--   not empty, else empty.
(<?>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <tt>a <a>&lt;+&gt;</a> b</tt> is <tt>a</tt> followed by a space, then
--   <tt>b</tt>.
(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <tt>a <a>$$</a> b</tt> is <tt>a</tt> above <tt>b</tt>.
($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

-- | <a>vcat</a> piles vertically a list of <a>Doc</a>s.
vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc

-- | <a>vsep</a> piles vertically a list of <a>Doc</a>s leaving a blank
--   line between each.
vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc

-- | <a>hcat</a> concatenates (horizontally) a list of <a>Doc</a>s
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc

-- | Minimal <a>Doc</a>s representing the common characters <a>space</a>,
--   <a>newline</a> <a>minus</a>, <a>plus</a>, and <a>backslash</a>.
space, backslash, minus, plus, newline :: Doc

-- | <a>lparen</a> is the <a>Doc</a> that represents <tt>"("</tt>
lparen :: Doc

-- | <a>rparen</a> is the <a>Doc</a> that represents <tt>")"</tt>
rparen :: Doc

-- | <tt><a>parens</a> doc</tt> returns a <a>Doc</a> with the content of
--   <tt>doc</tt> put within a pair of parenthesis.
parens :: Doc -> Doc
errorDoc :: Doc -> a

module Darcs.Bug
_bug :: BugStuff -> String -> a
_bugDoc :: BugStuff -> Doc -> a
_impossible :: BugStuff -> a
_fromJust :: BugStuff -> Maybe a -> a

-- | Path resolving:
--   <ul>
--   <li>An http URL contains the sequence <tt>"http(s)://"</tt>.</li>
--   <li>A local filepath does not contain colons, except as second
--   character (windows drives) when this filepath is meant to be used as
--   repository name</li>
--   <li>A path that is neither an http URL nor a local file is an
--   ssh-path.</li>
--   </ul>
--   Examples:
--   <pre>
--   /usr/repo/foo                 -- local file
--   c:/src/darcs                  -- local file
--             -- URL
--   peter@host:/path              -- ssh
--   droundy@host:                 -- ssh
--   host:/path                    -- ssh
--   </pre>
--   This means that single-letter hosts in ssh-paths do not work, unless a
--   username is provided.
--   Perhaps ssh-paths should use <tt>"ssh://user@host/path"</tt>-syntax
--   instead?
module Darcs.URL
isFile :: String -> Bool
isHttpUrl :: String -> Bool
isSshUrl :: String -> Bool
isRelative :: String -> Bool
isAbsolute :: String -> Bool
isSshNopath :: String -> Bool
data SshFilePath
sshRepo :: SshFilePath -> String
sshUhost :: SshFilePath -> String
sshFile :: SshFilePath -> String
urlOf :: SshFilePath -> String

-- | Gives the (user, host, dir) out of an ssh url
splitSshUrl :: String -> SshFilePath

module Darcs.Email
makeEmail :: String -> [(String, String)] -> (Maybe Doc) -> Maybe String -> Doc -> (Maybe String) -> Doc
readEmail :: ByteString -> ByteString

-- | Formats an e-mail header by encoding any non-ascii characters using
--   UTF-8 and Q-encoding, and folding lines at appropriate points. It
--   doesn't do more than that, so the header name and header value should
--   be well-formatted give or take line length and encoding. So no
--   non-ASCII characters within quoted-string, quoted-pair, or atom; no
--   semantically meaningful signs in names; no non-ASCII characters in the
--   header name; etcetera.
formatHeader :: String -> String -> ByteString

-- | LCS stands for Longest Common Subsequence, and it is a relatively
--   challenging problem to find an LCS efficiently. This module implements
--   the algorithm described in:
--   <a>An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations</a>, Eugene Myers,
--   Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, pp. 251-266; especially the variation
--   described in section 4.2 and most refinements implemented in GNU diff
--   (D is the edit-distance).
--   There is currently no heuristic to reduce the running time and produce
--   suboptimal output for large inputs with many differences. It behaves
--   like GNU diff with the -d option in this regard.
--   In the first step, a hash value for every line is calculated and
--   collisions are marked with a special value. This reduces a string
--   comparison to an int comparison for line tuples where at least one of
--   the hash values is not equal to the special value. After that, lines
--   which only exists in one of the files are removed and marked as
--   changed which reduces the running time of the following difference
--   algorithm. GNU diff additionally removes lines that appear very often
--   in the other file in some cases. The last step tries to create longer
--   changed regions and line up deletions in the first file to insertions
--   in the second by shifting changed lines forward and backward.
module Lcs

-- | create a list of changes between a and b, each change has the form
--   (starta, lima, startb, limb) which means that a[starta, lima) has to
--   be replaced by b[startb, limb)
getChanges :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [(Int, [ByteString], [ByteString])]

-- | try to create nicer diffs by shifting around regions of changed lines
shiftBoundaries :: BSTArray s -> BSTArray s -> PArray -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()

module Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered
data (:>) a1 a2 x y
(:>) :: (a1 x z) -> (a2 z y) -> :> a1 a2 x y
data (:<) a1 a2 x y
(:<) :: (a1 z y) -> (a2 x z) -> :< a1 a2 x y
data (:\/:) a1 a2 x y
(:\/:) :: (a1 z x) -> (a2 z y) -> :\/: a1 a2 x y
data (:/\:) a1 a2 x y
(:/\:) :: (a1 x z) -> (a2 y z) -> :/\: a1 a2 x y
data (:||:) a1 a2 x y
(:||:) :: (a1 x y) -> (a2 x y) -> :||: a1 a2 x y
data FL a x z
(:>:) :: a x y -> FL a y z -> FL a x z
NilFL :: FL a x x
data RL a x z
(:<:) :: a y z -> RL a x y -> RL a x z
NilRL :: RL a x x
lengthFL :: FL a x z -> Int
mapFL :: (forall w z. a w z -> b) -> FL a x y -> [b]
mapFL_FL :: (forall w y. a w y -> b w y) -> FL a x z -> FL b x z
spanFL :: (forall w y. a w y -> Bool) -> FL a x z -> (FL a :> FL a) x z
foldlFL :: (forall w y. a -> b w y -> a) -> a -> FL b x z -> a
allFL :: (forall x y. a x y -> Bool) -> FL a w z -> Bool
anyFL :: (forall x y. a x y -> Bool) -> FL a w z -> Bool
filterFL :: (forall x y. a x y -> Bool) -> FL a w z -> [Sealed2 a]
splitAtFL :: Int -> FL a x z -> (FL a :> FL a) x z
splitAtRL :: Int -> RL a x z -> (RL a :< RL a) x z
bunchFL :: Int -> FL a x y -> FL (FL a) x y
foldlRL :: (forall w y. a -> b w y -> a) -> a -> RL b x z -> a
lengthRL :: RL a x z -> Int
isShorterThanRL :: RL a x y -> Int -> Bool
mapRL :: (forall w z. a w z -> b) -> RL a x y -> [b]
mapRL_RL :: (forall w y. a w y -> b w y) -> RL a x z -> RL b x z
zipWithFL :: (forall x y. a -> p x y -> q x y) -> [a] -> FL p w z -> FL q w z
filterFLFL :: (forall x y. p x y -> EqCheck x y) -> FL p w z -> FL p w z
filterRL :: (forall x y. p x y -> Bool) -> RL p a b -> [Sealed2 p]
reverseFL :: FL a x z -> RL a x z
reverseRL :: RL a x z -> FL a x z
(+>+) :: FL a x y -> FL a y z -> FL a x z
(+<+) :: RL a y z -> RL a x y -> RL a x z
nullFL :: FL a x z -> Bool
concatFL :: FL (FL a) x z -> FL a x z
concatRL :: RL (RL a) x z -> RL a x z
consRLSealed :: a y z -> FlippedSeal (RL a) y -> FlippedSeal (RL a) z
nullRL :: RL a x z -> Bool
toFL :: [FreeLeft a] -> Sealed (FL a x)
dropWhileFL :: (forall x y. a x y -> Bool) -> FL a r v -> FlippedSeal (FL a) v
dropWhileRL :: (forall x y. a x y -> Bool) -> RL a r v -> Sealed (RL a r)
spanFL_M :: Monad m => (forall w y. a w y -> m Bool) -> FL a x z -> m ((FL a :> FL a) x z)

-- | Check that two <a>FL</a>s are equal element by element. This differs
--   from the <a>MyEq</a> instance for <a>FL</a> which uses commutation.
eqFL :: MyEq a => FL a x y -> FL a x z -> EqCheck y z
eqFLRev :: MyEq a => FL a x z -> FL a y z -> EqCheck x y
eqFLUnsafe :: MyEq a => FL a x y -> FL a z w -> Bool
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show1 ((:>) a b x)
instance Show2 a => Show2 (RL a)
instance Show2 a => Show1 (RL a x)
instance Show2 a => Show (RL a x z)
instance Show2 a => Show2 (FL a)
instance Show2 a => Show1 (FL a x)
instance Show2 a => Show (FL a x z)
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show2 (a :\/: b)
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show ((:\/:) a b x y)
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show2 (a :> b)
instance (MyEq a, MyEq b) => Eq ((:<) a b x y)
instance (MyEq a, MyEq b) => MyEq (a :< b)
instance (MyEq a, MyEq b) => Eq ((:>) a b x y)
instance (MyEq a, MyEq b) => MyEq (a :> b)
instance (Show2 a, Show2 b) => Show ((:>) a b x y)

module Darcs.Patch.Commute

-- | Things that can commute.
class Commute p
commute :: Commute p => (p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> p) x y)
commuteFL :: Commute p => (p :> FL p) x y -> Maybe ((FL p :> p) x y)
commuteFLorComplain :: Commute p => (p :> FL p) x y -> Either (Sealed2 p) ((FL p :> p) x y)
commuteRL :: Commute p => (RL p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> RL p) x y)
commuteRLFL :: Commute p => (RL p :> FL p) x y -> Maybe ((FL p :> RL p) x y)

-- | Swaps the ordered pair type so that commute can be called directly.
toFwdCommute :: (Commute p, Commute q, Monad m) => ((p :< q) x y -> m ((q :< p) x y)) -> (q :> p) x y -> m ((p :> q) x y)

-- | Swaps the ordered pair type from the order expected by commute to the
--   reverse order.
toRevCommute :: (Commute p, Commute q, Monad m) => ((p :> q) x y -> m ((q :> p) x y)) -> (q :< p) x y -> m ((p :< q) x y)
instance Commute p => Commute (RL p)
instance Commute p => Commute (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Invert
class Invert p
invert :: Invert p => p x y -> p y x
invertFL :: Invert p => FL p x y -> RL p y x
invertRL :: Invert p => RL p x y -> FL p y x

module Darcs.Patch.Permutations

-- | <a>removeFL</a> <tt>x xs</tt> removes <tt>x</tt> from <tt>xs</tt> if
--   <tt>x</tt> can be commuted to its head. Otherwise it returns
--   <a>Nothing</a>
removeFL :: (MyEq p, Commute p) => p x y -> FL p x z -> Maybe (FL p y z)

-- | <a>removeRL</a> is like <a>removeFL</a> except with <a>RL</a>
removeRL :: (MyEq p, Commute p) => p y z -> RL p x z -> Maybe (RL p x y)
removeCommon :: (MyEq p, Commute p) => (FL p :\/: FL p) x y -> (FL p :\/: FL p) x y
commuteWhatWeCanFL :: Commute p => (p :> FL p) x y -> (FL p :> (p :> FL p)) x y
commuteWhatWeCanRL :: Commute p => (RL p :> p) x y -> (RL p :> (p :> RL p)) x y
genCommuteWhatWeCanRL :: (forall a b. (p :> p) a b -> Maybe ((p :> p) a b)) -> (RL p :> p) x y -> (RL p :> (p :> RL p)) x y

-- | split an <a>FL</a> into <a>left</a> and <a>right</a> lists according
--   to a predicate <tt>p</tt>, using commutation as necessary. If a patch
--   does satisfy the predicate but cannot be commuted past one that does
--   not satisfy the predicate, it goes in the <a>middle</a> list; to sum
--   up, we have: <tt>all p left</tt> and <tt>all (not.p) right</tt>, while
--   midddle is mixed.
partitionFL :: Commute p => (forall u v. p u v -> Bool) -> FL p x y -> ((FL p :> (FL p :> FL p)) x y)

-- | split an <a>RL</a> into <a>left</a> and <a>right</a> lists according
--   to a predicate, using commutation as necessary. If a patch does
--   satisfy the predicate but cannot be commuted past one that does not
--   satisfy the predicate, it goes in the <a>left</a> list.
partitionRL :: Commute p => (forall u v. p u v -> Bool) -> RL p x y -> (RL p :> RL p) x y

-- | This is a minor variant of <a>headPermutationsFL</a> with each
--   permutation is simply returned as a <a>FL</a>
simpleHeadPermutationsFL :: Commute p => FL p x y -> [FL p x y]

-- | <a>headPermutationsRL</a> is like <a>headPermutationsFL</a>, except
--   that we operate on an <a>RL</a> (in other words, we are pushing things
--   to the end of a patch sequence instead of to the beginning).
headPermutationsRL :: Commute p => RL p x y -> [RL p x y]

-- | <a>headPermutationsFL</a> <tt>p:&gt;:ps</tt> returns all the
--   permutations of the list in which one element of <tt>ps</tt> is
--   commuted past <tt>p</tt>
--   Suppose we have a sequence of patches
--   <pre>
--   X h a y s-t-c k
--   </pre>
--   Suppose furthermore that the patch <tt>c</tt> depends on <tt>t</tt>,
--   which in turn depends on <tt>s</tt>. This function will return
--   <pre>
--   X :&gt; h a y s t c k
--   h :&gt; X a y s t c k
--   a :&gt; X h y s t c k
--   y :&gt; X h a s t c k
--   s :&gt; X h a y t c k
--   k :&gt; X h a y s t c
--   </pre>
headPermutationsFL :: Commute p => FL p x y -> [(p :> FL p) x y]

-- | <a>removeSubsequenceFL</a> <tt>ab abc</tt> returns <tt>Just c'</tt>
--   where all the patches in <tt>ab</tt> have been commuted out of it, if
--   possible. If this is not possible for any reason (the set of patches
--   <tt>ab</tt> is not actually a subset of <tt>abc</tt>, or they can't be
--   commuted out) we return <a>Nothing</a>.
removeSubsequenceFL :: (MyEq p, Commute p) => FL p a b -> FL p a c -> Maybe (FL p b c)

-- | <a>removeSubsequenceRL</a> is like <tt>removeSubsequenceFL</tt> except
--   that it works on <a>RL</a>
removeSubsequenceRL :: (MyEq p, Commute p) => RL p ab abc -> RL p a abc -> Maybe (RL p a ab)

-- | Partition a list into the patches that commute with the given patch
--   and those that don't (including dependencies)
partitionConflictingFL :: (Commute p1, Invert p1) => CommuteFn p1 p2 -> FL p1 x y -> p2 x z -> (FL p1 :> FL p1) x y

-- | CommuteFn is the basis of a general framework for building up
--   commutation operations between different patch types in a generic
--   manner. Unfortunately type classes are not well suited to the problem
--   because of the multiple possible routes by which the commuter for (FL
--   p1, FL p2) can be built out of the commuter for (p1, p2) - and more
--   complicated problems when we start building multiple constructors on
--   top of each other. The type class resolution machinery really can't
--   cope with selecting some route, because it doesn't know that all
--   possible routes should be equivalent.
type CommuteFn p1 p2 = forall x y. (p1 :> p2) x y -> Maybe ((p2 :> p1) x y)

-- | Build a commuter between a patch and itself using the operation from
--   the type class.
selfCommuter :: Commute p => CommuteFn p p
commuterIdFL :: CommuteFn p1 p2 -> CommuteFn p1 (FL p2)
commuterFLId :: CommuteFn p1 p2 -> CommuteFn (FL p1) p2
commuterIdRL :: CommuteFn p1 p2 -> CommuteFn p1 (RL p2)
instance (Commute p, Invert p) => Invert (RL p)
instance (MyEq p, Commute p) => MyEq (RL p)
instance (Invert p, Commute p) => Invert (FL p)
instance (MyEq p, Commute p) => MyEq (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Bracketed

-- | This type exists for legacy support of on-disk format patch formats.
--   It is a wrapper type that explicitly tracks the nesting of braces and
--   parens in the on-disk representation of such patches. It is used as an
--   intermediate form when reading such patches normally, and also for
--   round-tripping such patches when checking the hash in bundles. It
--   shouldn't be used for anything else.
data Bracketed p x y
Singleton :: p x y -> Bracketed p x y
Braced :: BracketedFL p x y -> Bracketed p x y
Parens :: BracketedFL p x y -> Bracketed p x y
mapBracketed :: (forall a b. p a b -> q a b) -> Bracketed p x y -> Bracketed q x y
unBracketed :: Bracketed p x y -> FL p x y
type BracketedFL p x y = FL (Bracketed p) x y
mapBracketedFL_FL :: (forall a b. p a b -> q a b) -> BracketedFL p x y -> BracketedFL q x y
unBracketedFL :: BracketedFL p x y -> FL p x y
instance PatchListFormat (Bracketed p)

module Darcs.Patch.Merge

-- | Things that can always be merged
class Commute p => Merge p
merge :: Merge p => (p :\/: p) x y -> (p :/\: p) x y
mergeFL :: Merge p => (p :\/: FL p) x y -> (FL p :/\: p) x y
instance Merge p => Merge (RL p)
instance Merge p => Merge (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Inspect
class PatchInspect p
listTouchedFiles :: PatchInspect p => p x y -> [FilePath]
hunkMatches :: PatchInspect p => (ByteString -> Bool) -> p x y -> Bool
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (RL p)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (FL p)

module Darcs.Witnesses.WZipper
data FZipper a x z
FZipper :: RL a x y -> FL a y z -> FZipper a x z
focus :: FZipper a x y -> Maybe (Sealed2 a)
leftmost :: FZipper p x y -> Bool
left :: FZipper p x y -> FZipper p x y
rightmost :: FZipper p x y -> Bool
right :: FZipper p x y -> FZipper p x y

-- | See <a>clowns</a>
jokers :: FZipper a x y -> FlippedSeal (FL a) y

-- | "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in
--   the middle of you"
--   <a></a>
clowns :: FZipper a x y -> Sealed ((RL a) x)
flToZipper :: FL a x y -> FZipper a x y
lengthFZ :: FZipper a x y -> Int
nullFZ :: FZipper a x y -> Bool
toEnd :: FZipper p x y -> FZipper p x y
toStart :: FZipper p x y -> FZipper p x y

-- | FileName is an abstract type intended to facilitate the input and
--   output of unicode filenames.
module Darcs.Patch.FileName
data FileName
fp2fn :: FilePath -> FileName
fn2fp :: FileName -> FilePath
fn2ps :: FileName -> ByteString
ps2fn :: ByteString -> FileName
niceps2fn :: ByteString -> FileName
fn2niceps :: FileName -> ByteString
breakOnDir :: FileName -> Maybe (FileName, FileName)
normPath :: FileName -> FileName
ownName :: FileName -> FileName
superName :: FileName -> FileName
movedirfilename :: FileName -> FileName -> FileName -> FileName

-- | <a>encodeWhite</a> translates whitespace in filenames to a
--   darcs-specific format (numerical representation according to
--   <a>ord</a> surrounded by backslashes). Note that backslashes are also
--   escaped since they are used in the encoding.
--   <pre>
--   encodeWhite "hello there" == "hello\32\there"
--   encodeWhite "hello\there" == "hello\92\there"
--   </pre>
encodeWhite :: FilePath -> String

-- | <a>decodeWhite</a> interprets the Darcs-specific "encoded" filenames
--   produced by <a>encodeWhite</a>
--   <pre>
--   decodeWhite "hello\32\there"  == "hello there"
--   decodeWhite "hello\92\there"  == "hello\there"
--   decodeWhite "hello\there"   == error "malformed filename"
--   </pre>
decodeWhite :: String -> FilePath
(///) :: FileName -> FileName -> FileName

-- | Split a file path at the slashes
breakup :: String -> [String]
isParentOrEqOf :: FileName -> FileName -> Bool
instance Eq FileName
instance Ord FileName
instance Show FileName

-- | Various abstractions for dealing with paths.
module Darcs.RepoPath
data AbsolutePath

-- | Take an absolute path and a string representing a (possibly relative)
--   path and combine them into an absolute path. If the second argument is
--   already absolute, then the first argument gets ignored. This function
--   also takes care that the result is converted to Posix convention and
--   normalized. Also, parent directories ("..") at the front of the string
--   argument get canceled out against trailing directory parts of the
--   absolute path argument.
--   Regarding the last point, someone more familiar with how these
--   functions are used should verify that this is indeed necessary or at
--   least useful.
makeAbsolute :: AbsolutePath -> FilePath -> AbsolutePath

-- | Interpret a possibly relative path wrt the current working directory.
ioAbsolute :: FilePath -> IO AbsolutePath

-- | The root directory as an absolute path.
rootDirectory :: AbsolutePath

-- | This is for situations where a string (e.g. a command line argument)
--   may take the value "-" to mean stdin or stdout (which one depends on
--   context) instead of a normal file path.
data AbsolutePathOrStd
makeAbsoluteOrStd :: AbsolutePath -> String -> AbsolutePathOrStd
ioAbsoluteOrStd :: String -> IO AbsolutePathOrStd

-- | Execute either the first or the second argument action, depending on
--   whether the given path is an <a>AbsolutePath</a> or stdin/stdout.
useAbsoluteOrStd :: (AbsolutePath -> a) -> a -> AbsolutePathOrStd -> a
stdOut :: AbsolutePathOrStd
data AbsoluteOrRemotePath
ioAbsoluteOrRemote :: String -> IO AbsoluteOrRemotePath
isRemote :: AbsoluteOrRemotePath -> Bool

-- | Paths which are relative to the local darcs repository and normalized.
--   Note: These are understood not to have the dot in front.
data SubPath

-- | Make the second path relative to the first, if possible
makeSubPathOf :: AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath -> Maybe SubPath
simpleSubPath :: FilePath -> Maybe SubPath
sp2fn :: SubPath -> FileName
class FilePathOrURL a
toPath :: FilePathOrURL a => a -> String
class FilePathOrURL a => FilePathLike a
toFilePath :: FilePathLike a => a -> FilePath
getCurrentDirectory :: IO AbsolutePath
setCurrentDirectory :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO ()
instance Eq SubPath
instance Ord SubPath
instance Eq AbsolutePath
instance Ord AbsolutePath
instance Eq AbsolutePathOrStd
instance Ord AbsolutePathOrStd
instance Eq AbsoluteOrRemotePath
instance Ord AbsoluteOrRemotePath
instance Show AbsoluteOrRemotePath
instance Show AbsolutePathOrStd
instance Show SubPath
instance Show AbsolutePath
instance CharLike c => FilePathLike [c]
instance CharLike Char
instance FilePathLike SubPath
instance FilePathLike AbsolutePath
instance FilePathLike FileName
instance FilePathOrURL FileName
instance FilePathOrURL AbsoluteOrRemotePath
instance CharLike c => FilePathOrURL [c]
instance FilePathOrURL SubPath
instance FilePathOrURL AbsolutePath

-- | Various utility functions that do not belong anywhere else.
module Darcs.Utils

-- | Given two shell commands as arguments, execute the former. The latter
--   is then executed if the former failed because the executable wasn't
--   found (code 127), wasn't executable (code 126) or some other exception
--   occurred. Other failures (such as the user holding ^C) do not cause
--   the second command to be tried.
ortryrunning :: IO ExitCode -> IO ExitCode -> IO ExitCode
nubsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
breakCommand :: String -> (String, [String])
showHexLen :: (Integral a, Show a) => Int -> a -> String
maybeGetEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)

-- | Format a path for screen output, so that the user sees where the path
--   begins and ends. Could (should?) also warn about unprintable
--   characters here.
formatPath :: String -> String

-- | The firstJustIO is a slight modification to firstJustM: the entries in
--   the list must be IO monad operations and the firstJustIO will silently
--   turn any monad call that throws an exception into Nothing, basically
--   causing it to be ignored.
firstJustIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)

-- | Ask the user to press Enter
askEnter :: String -> IO ()

-- | Ask the user for a line of input.
askUser :: String -> IO String

-- | <tt>askUserListItem prompt xs</tt> enumerates <tt>xs</tt> on the
--   screen, allowing the user to choose one of the items
askUserListItem :: String -> [String] -> IO String
data PromptConfig
PromptConfig :: String -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Maybe Char -> [Char] -> PromptConfig
pPrompt :: PromptConfig -> String
pBasicCharacters :: PromptConfig -> [Char]

-- | only shown on help
pAdvancedCharacters :: PromptConfig -> [Char]
pDefault :: PromptConfig -> Maybe Char
pHelp :: PromptConfig -> [Char]

-- | Prompt the user for a yes or no
promptYorn :: [Char] -> IO Bool
promptChar :: PromptConfig -> IO Char
getViewer :: IO String

-- | <tt>editFile f</tt> lets the user edit a file which could but does not
--   need to already exist. This function returns the exit code from the
--   text editor and a flag indicating if the user made any changes.
editFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO (ExitCode, Bool)
runEditor :: FilePath -> IO ExitCode
stripCr :: String -> String
environmentHelpEditor :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpPager :: ([String], [String])
catchall :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
clarifyErrors :: IO a -> String -> IO a
prettyException :: SomeException -> String
prettyError :: IOError -> String
addToErrorLoc :: IOException -> String -> IOException
getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FileStatus)
withCurrentDirectory :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO a -> IO a
withUMask :: String -> IO a -> IO a

-- | In some environments, darcs requires that certain global GHC library
--   variables that control the encoding used in internal translations are
--   set to specific values.
--   <tt>setDarcsEncoding</tt> enforces those settings, and should be
--   called before the first time any darcs operation is run, and again if
--   anything else might have set those encodings to different values.
--   Note that it isn't thread-safe and has a global effect on your
--   program.
--   The current behaviour of this function is as follows, though this may
--   change in future:
--   Encodings are only set on GHC 7.4 and up, on any non-Windows platform.
--   Two encodings are set, both to <tt>GHC.IO.Encoding.char8</tt>:
--   <tt>GHC.IO.Encoding.setFileSystemEncoding</tt> and
--   <tt>GHC.IO.Encoding.setForeignEncoding</tt>.
setDarcsEncodings :: IO ()
getSystemEncoding :: IO String

-- | <tt>isUTF8</tt> checks if an encoding is UTF-8 (or ascii, since it is
--   a subset of UTF-8).
isUTF8Locale :: String -> Bool

-- | Same as <tt>filterPath</tt>, but for ordinary <a>FilePath</a>s (as
--   opposed to AnchoredPath).
filterFilePaths :: [FilePath] -> AnchoredPath -> t -> Bool

-- | Construct a filter from a list of AnchoredPaths, that will accept any
--   path that is either a parent or a child of any of the listed paths,
--   and discard everything else.
filterPaths :: [AnchoredPath] -> AnchoredPath -> t -> Bool
treeHas :: (MonadError e m, Functor m, Monad m) => Tree m -> FilePath -> m Bool
treeHasDir :: (MonadError e m, Functor m, Monad m) => Tree m -> FilePath -> m Bool
treeHasFile :: (MonadError e m, Functor m, Monad m) => Tree m -> FilePath -> m Bool
treeHasAnycase :: (MonadError e m, Functor m, Monad m) => Tree m -> FilePath -> m Bool

module Darcs.Compat
stdoutIsAPipe :: IO Bool
mkStdoutTemp :: String -> IO String
canonFilename :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
maybeRelink :: String -> String -> IO Bool
atomicCreate :: FilePath -> IO ()
sloppyAtomicCreate :: FilePath -> IO ()

module Darcs.Flags

-- | The <a>DarcsFlag</a> type is a list of all flags that can ever be
--   passed to darcs, or to one of its commands.
data DarcsFlag
Help :: DarcsFlag
ListOptions :: DarcsFlag
NoTest :: DarcsFlag
Test :: DarcsFlag
OnlyChangesToFiles :: DarcsFlag
ChangesToAllFiles :: DarcsFlag
LeaveTestDir :: DarcsFlag
NoLeaveTestDir :: DarcsFlag
Timings :: DarcsFlag
Debug :: DarcsFlag
DebugVerbose :: DarcsFlag
DebugHTTP :: DarcsFlag
Verbose :: DarcsFlag
NormalVerbosity :: DarcsFlag
Quiet :: DarcsFlag
Target :: String -> DarcsFlag
Cc :: String -> DarcsFlag
Output :: AbsolutePathOrStd -> DarcsFlag
OutputAutoName :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Subject :: String -> DarcsFlag
InReplyTo :: String -> DarcsFlag
Charset :: String -> DarcsFlag
SendmailCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
Author :: String -> DarcsFlag
PatchName :: String -> DarcsFlag
OnePatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
SeveralPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
AfterPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
UpToPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
TagName :: String -> DarcsFlag
LastN :: Int -> DarcsFlag
MaxCount :: Int -> DarcsFlag
PatchIndexRange :: Int -> Int -> DarcsFlag
NumberPatches :: DarcsFlag
OneTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
AfterTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
UpToTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
GenContext :: DarcsFlag
Context :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Count :: DarcsFlag
LogFile :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
RmLogFile :: DarcsFlag
DontRmLogFile :: DarcsFlag
DistName :: String -> DarcsFlag
All :: DarcsFlag
Recursive :: DarcsFlag
NoRecursive :: DarcsFlag
Reorder :: DarcsFlag
RestrictPaths :: DarcsFlag
DontRestrictPaths :: DarcsFlag
AskDeps :: DarcsFlag
NoAskDeps :: DarcsFlag
IgnoreTimes :: DarcsFlag
DontIgnoreTimes :: DarcsFlag
LookForAdds :: DarcsFlag
NoLookForAdds :: DarcsFlag
AnyOrder :: DarcsFlag
CreatorHash :: String -> DarcsFlag
Intersection :: DarcsFlag
Union :: DarcsFlag
Complement :: DarcsFlag
Sign :: DarcsFlag
SignAs :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoSign :: DarcsFlag
SignSSL :: String -> DarcsFlag
HappyForwarding :: DarcsFlag
NoHappyForwarding :: DarcsFlag
Verify :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
VerifySSL :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
RemoteDarcsOpt :: String -> DarcsFlag
EditDescription :: DarcsFlag
NoEditDescription :: DarcsFlag
Toks :: String -> DarcsFlag
EditLongComment :: DarcsFlag
NoEditLongComment :: DarcsFlag
PromptLongComment :: DarcsFlag
KeepDate :: DarcsFlag
NoKeepDate :: DarcsFlag
AllowConflicts :: DarcsFlag
MarkConflicts :: DarcsFlag
NoAllowConflicts :: DarcsFlag
SkipConflicts :: DarcsFlag
Boring :: DarcsFlag
SkipBoring :: DarcsFlag
AllowCaseOnly :: DarcsFlag
DontAllowCaseOnly :: DarcsFlag
AllowWindowsReserved :: DarcsFlag
DontAllowWindowsReserved :: DarcsFlag
DontGrabDeps :: DarcsFlag
DontPromptForDependencies :: DarcsFlag
PromptForDependencies :: DarcsFlag
Compress :: DarcsFlag
NoCompress :: DarcsFlag
UnCompress :: DarcsFlag
WorkRepoDir :: String -> DarcsFlag
WorkRepoUrl :: String -> DarcsFlag
RemoteRepo :: String -> DarcsFlag
NewRepo :: String -> DarcsFlag
Reply :: String -> DarcsFlag
ApplyAs :: String -> DarcsFlag
MachineReadable :: DarcsFlag
HumanReadable :: DarcsFlag
Pipe :: DarcsFlag
Interactive :: DarcsFlag
DiffCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
ExternalMerge :: String -> DarcsFlag
Summary :: DarcsFlag
NoSummary :: DarcsFlag
PauseForGui :: DarcsFlag
NoPauseForGui :: DarcsFlag
Unified :: DarcsFlag
NonUnified :: DarcsFlag
Reverse :: DarcsFlag
Forward :: DarcsFlag
Complete :: DarcsFlag
Lazy :: DarcsFlag
FixFilePath :: AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
DiffFlags :: String -> DarcsFlag
XMLOutput :: DarcsFlag
ForceReplace :: DarcsFlag
OnePattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
SeveralPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
AfterPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
UpToPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
NonApply :: DarcsFlag
NonVerify :: DarcsFlag
NonForce :: DarcsFlag
DryRun :: DarcsFlag
SetDefault :: Bool -> DarcsFlag
NoSetDefault :: Bool -> DarcsFlag
Disable :: DarcsFlag
SetScriptsExecutable :: DarcsFlag
DontSetScriptsExecutable :: DarcsFlag
Bisect :: DarcsFlag
UseHashedInventory :: DarcsFlag
UseFormat2 :: DarcsFlag
UseNoWorkingDir :: DarcsFlag
UseWorkingDir :: DarcsFlag
NoUpdateWorking :: DarcsFlag
Sibling :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Relink :: DarcsFlag
OptimizePristine :: DarcsFlag
OptimizeHTTP :: DarcsFlag
UpgradeFormat :: DarcsFlag
Files :: DarcsFlag
NoFiles :: DarcsFlag
Directories :: DarcsFlag
NoDirectories :: DarcsFlag
Pending :: DarcsFlag
NoPending :: DarcsFlag
PosthookCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoPosthook :: DarcsFlag
AskPosthook :: DarcsFlag
RunPosthook :: DarcsFlag
PrehookCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoPrehook :: DarcsFlag
AskPrehook :: DarcsFlag
RunPrehook :: DarcsFlag
UMask :: String -> DarcsFlag
StoreInMemory :: DarcsFlag
ApplyOnDisk :: DarcsFlag
NoHTTPPipelining :: DarcsFlag
Packs :: DarcsFlag
NoPacks :: DarcsFlag
NoCache :: DarcsFlag
AllowUnrelatedRepos :: DarcsFlag
Check :: DarcsFlag
Repair :: DarcsFlag
JustThisRepo :: DarcsFlag
NullFlag :: DarcsFlag
RecordRollback :: DarcsFlag
NoRecordRollback :: DarcsFlag
NoAmendUnrecord :: DarcsFlag
AmendUnrecord :: DarcsFlag
data Compression
NoCompression :: Compression
GzipCompression :: Compression
data UseIndex
UseIndex :: UseIndex
IgnoreIndex :: UseIndex
data ScanKnown

-- | Just files already known to darcs
ScanKnown :: ScanKnown

-- | All files, i.e. look for new ones
ScanAll :: ScanKnown

-- | All files, even boring ones
ScanBoring :: ScanKnown
data RemoteDarcs
RemoteDarcs :: String -> RemoteDarcs
DefaultRemoteDarcs :: RemoteDarcs
compression :: [DarcsFlag] -> Compression
remoteDarcs :: [DarcsFlag] -> RemoteDarcs
diffingOpts :: [DarcsFlag] -> (UseIndex, ScanKnown)
wantExternalMerge :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
wantGuiPause :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
isInteractive :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
maxCount :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe Int
willIgnoreTimes :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
willRemoveLogFile :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
isUnified :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
isNotUnified :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
doHappyForwarding :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
includeBoring :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
doAllowCaseOnly :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
doAllowWindowsReserved :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
doReverse :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
usePacks :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
showChangesOnlyToFiles :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
rollbackInWorkingDir :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
removeFromAmended :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool

-- | Set flags to a default value, but only one has not already been
--   provided
defaultFlag :: [DarcsFlag] -> DarcsFlag -> [DarcsFlag] -> [DarcsFlag]
instance Eq DarcsFlag
instance Show DarcsFlag

module Darcs.Ssh
copySSH :: RemoteDarcs -> SshFilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
data SSHCmd

-- | Return the command and arguments needed to run an ssh command First
--   try the appropriate darcs environment variable and SSH_PORT defaulting
--   to <a>ssh</a> and no specified port.
getSSH :: SSHCmd -> IO (String, [String])
environmentHelpSsh :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpScp :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpSshPort :: ([String], [String])
remoteDarcs :: RemoteDarcs -> String

module Darcs.Lock
withLock :: String -> IO a -> IO a

-- | Tries to perform some task if it can obtain the lock, Otherwise, just
--   gives up without doing the task
withLockCanFail :: String -> IO a -> IO (Either () a)

-- | <a>withTemp</a> safely creates an empty file (not open for writing)
--   and returns its name.
--   The temp file operations are rather similar to the locking operations,
--   in that they both should always try to clean up, so exitWith causes
--   trouble.
withTemp :: (String -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | <a>withOpenTemp</a> creates a temporary file, and opens it. Both of
--   them run their argument and then delete the file. Also, both of them
--   (to my knowledge) are not susceptible to race conditions on the
--   temporary file (as long as you never delete the temporary file; that
--   would reintroduce a race condition).
withOpenTemp :: ((Handle, String) -> IO a) -> IO a
withStdoutTemp :: (String -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | <a>withTempDir</a> creates an empty directory and then removes it when
--   it is no longer needed. withTempDir creates a temporary directory. The
--   location of that directory is determined by the contents of
--   _darcs<i>prefs</i>tmpdir, if it exists, otherwise by
--   <tt>$DARCS_TMPDIR</tt>, and if that doesn't exist then whatever your
--   operating system considers to be a a temporary directory (e.g.
--   <tt>$TMPDIR</tt> under Unix, <tt>$TEMP</tt> under Windows).
--   If none of those exist it creates the temporary directory in the
--   current directory, unless the current directory is under a _darcs
--   directory, in which case the temporary directory in the parent of the
--   highest _darcs directory to avoid accidentally corrupting darcs's
--   internals. This should not fail, but if it does indeed fail, we go
--   ahead and use the current directory anyway. If
--   <tt>$DARCS_KEEP_TMPDIR</tt> variable is set temporary directory is not
--   removed, this can be useful for debugging.
withTempDir :: String -> (AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | <a>withPermDir</a> is like <a>withTempDir</a>, except that it doesn't
--   delete the directory afterwards.
withPermDir :: String -> (AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withDelayedDir :: String -> (AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withNamedTemp :: String -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
writeToFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
appendToFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
writeBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> String -> IO ()

-- | Writes a file. Differs from writeBinFile in that it writes the string
--   encoded with the current locale instead of what GHC thinks is right.
writeLocaleFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> String -> IO ()
writeDocBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> Doc -> IO ()
appendBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> String -> IO ()
appendDocBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> Doc -> IO ()
readBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO String

-- | Reads a file. Differs from readBinFile in that it interprets the file
--   in the current locale instead of as ISO-8859-1.
readLocaleFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO String
readDocBinFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO Doc
writeAtomicFilePS :: FilePathLike p => p -> ByteString -> IO ()
gzWriteAtomicFilePS :: FilePathLike p => p -> ByteString -> IO ()
gzWriteAtomicFilePSs :: FilePathLike p => p -> [ByteString] -> IO ()
gzWriteDocFile :: FilePathLike p => p -> Doc -> IO ()
rmRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileMayNotExist :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO ()
canonFilename :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
maybeRelink :: String -> String -> IO Bool
worldReadableTemp :: String -> IO String
tempdirLoc :: IO FilePath
editText :: String -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
environmentHelpTmpdir :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpKeepTmpdir :: ([String], [String])

module Darcs.Patch.Read
class ReadPatch p
readPatch' :: (ReadPatch p, ParserM m) => m (Sealed (p x))
readPatch :: ReadPatch p => ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p x))
readPatchPartial :: ReadPatch p => ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p x), ByteString)
bracketedFL :: ParserM m => (forall y. m (Sealed (p y))) -> Char -> Char -> m (Sealed (FL p x))
peekfor :: ParserM m => ByteString -> m a -> m a -> m a
readFileName :: FileNameFormat -> ByteString -> FileName
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (RL p)
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (FL p)
instance ReadPatch p => ReadPatch (Bracketed p)

module Darcs.Patch.SummaryData
data SummDetail
SummAddDir :: FileName -> SummDetail
SummRmDir :: FileName -> SummDetail
SummFile :: SummOp -> FileName -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SummDetail
SummMv :: FileName -> FileName -> SummDetail
SummNone :: SummDetail
data SummOp
SummAdd :: SummOp
SummRm :: SummOp
SummMod :: SummOp
instance Ord SummOp
instance Eq SummOp
instance Ord SummDetail
instance Eq SummDetail

module Crypt.SHA256
sha256sum :: ByteString -> String

-- | |A parser for commandlines, returns an arg list and expands format
--   strings given in a translation table. Additionally the commandline can
--   end with <a>%&lt;</a> specifying that the command expects input on
--   stdin.
--   Some tests for the parser.
--   <pre>
--   formatTable = [('s',"&lt;insert subject here&gt;"),
--                  ('a',"&lt;insert author here&gt;")]
--   testParser :: (Show a, Eq a) =&gt; Parser a -&gt; String -&gt; a -&gt; a
--   testParser p s ok = case parse p "" s of
--                       Left e -&gt; error $ "Parser failed with: " ++ (show e)
--                       Right res -&gt; if res == ok
--                                    then res
--                                    else error $ "Parser failed: got "
--                                           ++ (show res) ++ ", expected "
--                                           ++ (show ok)
--   testCases = [("a b",(["a","b"], False)),
--                ("a b %&lt;",(["a","b"], True)),
--                ("a b %&lt; ",(["a","b"], True)),
--                ("\"arg0 contains spaces \\\"quotes\\\"\" b",
--                 (["arg0 contains spaces \"quotes\"","b"],False)),
--                ("a %s %&lt;",(["a","&lt;insert subject here&gt;"], True))]
--   runTests = map (uncurry $ testParser (commandline formatTable)) testCases
--   </pre>
module CommandLine

-- | parse a commandline returning a list of strings (intended to be used
--   as argv) and a bool value which specifies if the command expects input
--   on stdin format specifiers with a mapping in ftable are accepted and
--   replaced by the given strings. E.g. if the ftable is
--   [(<tt>s</tt>,<a>Some subject</a>)], then <a>%s</a> is replaced by
--   <a>Some subject</a>
parseCmd :: FTable -> String -> Either ParseError ([String], Bool)

-- | for every mapping (c,s), add a mapping with uppercase c and the
--   urlencoded string s
addUrlencoded :: FTable -> FTable

module URL
copyUrl :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
copyUrlFirst :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
setDebugHTTP :: IO ()
disableHTTPPipelining :: IO ()
maxPipelineLength :: IO Int
waitUrl :: String -> IO ()
data Cachable
Cachable :: Cachable
Uncachable :: Cachable
MaxAge :: !CInt -> Cachable
environmentHelpProxy :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpProxyPassword :: ([String], [String])

-- | Data type to represent a connection error. The following are the codes
--   from libcurl which map to each of the constructors: * 6 -&gt;
--   CouldNotResolveHost : The remote host was not resolved. * 7 -&gt;
--   CouldNotConnectToServer : Failed to connect() to host or proxy. * 28
--   -&gt; OperationTimeout: the specified time-out period was reached.
data ConnectionError
CouldNotResolveHost :: ConnectionError
CouldNotConnectToServer :: ConnectionError
OperationTimeout :: ConnectionError

module Darcs.External
backupByRenaming :: FilePath -> IO ()
backupByCopying :: FilePath -> IO ()
copyFileOrUrl :: RemoteDarcs -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
speculateFileOrUrl :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyLocal :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
cloneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
cloneTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
cloneTreeExcept :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | <tt>fetchFile fileOrUrl cache</tt> returns the content of its argument
--   (either a file or an URL). If it has to download an url, then it will
--   use a cache as required by its second argument.
--   We always use default remote darcs, since it is not fatal if the
--   remote darcs does not exist or is too old -- anything that supports
--   transfer-mode should do, and if not, we will fall back to SFTP or SCP.
fetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO ByteString

-- | <tt>fetchFileLazyPS fileOrUrl cache</tt> lazily reads the content of
--   its argument (either a file or an URL). Warning: this function may
--   constitute a fd leak; make sure to force consumption of file contents
--   to avoid that. See <a>fetchFilePS</a> for details.
fetchFileLazyPS :: String -> Cachable -> IO ByteString
gzFetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO ByteString
sendEmail :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
generateEmail :: Handle -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Doc -> IO ()

-- | Send an email, optionally containing a patch bundle (more precisely,
--   its description and the bundle itself)
sendEmailDoc :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Maybe (Doc, Doc) -> Doc -> IO ()
resendEmail :: String -> String -> ByteString -> IO ()
signString :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO Doc
verifyPS :: [DarcsFlag] -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
execDocPipe :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc
execPipeIgnoreError :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc
getTermNColors :: IO Int
pipeDoc :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode
pipeDocSSH :: SshFilePath -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode

-- | Run a command on a remote location without passing it any input or
--   reading its output. Return its ExitCode
execSSH :: SshFilePath -> String -> IO ExitCode
maybeURLCmd :: String -> String -> IO (Maybe (String))
data Cachable
Cachable :: Cachable
Uncachable :: Cachable
MaxAge :: !CInt -> Cachable
viewDoc :: Doc -> IO ()
viewDocWith :: Printers -> Doc -> IO ()
haveSendmail :: IO Bool
sendmailPath :: IO String
diffProgram :: IO String

-- | Get the name of the darcs executable (as supplied by
--   <tt>getProgName</tt>)
darcsProgram :: IO String

module Darcs.ColorPrinter
errorDoc :: Doc -> a
traceDoc :: Doc -> a -> a
assertDoc :: Maybe Doc -> a -> a

-- | <tt><a>fancyPrinters</a> h</tt> returns a set of printers suitable for
--   outputting to <tt>h</tt>
fancyPrinters :: Printers
instance Show Doc

module Darcs.MonadProgress
class Monad m => MonadProgress m
runProgressActions :: MonadProgress m => String -> [ProgressAction m ()] -> m ()

-- | a monadic action, annotated with a progress message that could be
--   printed out while running the action, and a message that could be
--   printed out on error. Actually printing out these messages is optional
--   to allow non-IO monads to just run the action.
data ProgressAction m a
ProgressAction :: m a -> Doc -> Doc -> ProgressAction m a
paAction :: ProgressAction m a -> m a
paMessage :: ProgressAction m a -> Doc
paOnError :: ProgressAction m a -> Doc

-- | run a list of <a>ProgressAction</a>s without any feedback messages
silentlyRunProgressActions :: Monad m => String -> [ProgressAction m ()] -> m ()
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadProgress (TreeMonad m)
instance MonadProgress IO

module Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad
class (Functor m, Monad m, Functor (ApplyMonadBase m), Monad (ApplyMonadBase m), ToTree state) => ApplyMonad m (state :: (* -> *) -> *) where type family ApplyMonadBase m :: * -> * mReadFilePSs f = linesPS `fmap` mReadFilePS f mCreateFile f = mModifyFilePS f $ \ _ -> return empty mModifyFilePSs f j = mModifyFilePS f (fmap unlinesPS . j . linesPS) mChangePref _ _ _ = return ()
nestedApply :: ApplyMonad m state => m x -> state (ApplyMonadBase m) -> m (x, state (ApplyMonadBase m))
liftApply :: ApplyMonad m state => (state (ApplyMonadBase m) -> (ApplyMonadBase m) x) -> state (ApplyMonadBase m) -> m (x, state (ApplyMonadBase m))
getApplyState :: ApplyMonad m state => m (state (ApplyMonadBase m))
putApplyState :: ApplyMonad m state => state m -> m ()
editFile :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ ObjectMap) => UUID -> (ByteString -> ByteString) -> m ()
editDirectory :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ ObjectMap) => UUID -> (DirContent -> DirContent) -> m ()
mDoesDirectoryExist :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m Bool
mDoesFileExist :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m Bool
mReadFilePS :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m ByteString
mReadFilePSs :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m [ByteString]
mCreateDirectory :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m ()
mRemoveDirectory :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m ()
mCreateFile :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m ()
mRemoveFile :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> m ()
mRename :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> FileName -> m ()
mModifyFilePS :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> (ByteString -> m ByteString) -> m ()
mModifyFilePSs :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => FileName -> ([ByteString] -> m [ByteString]) -> m ()
mChangePref :: (ApplyMonad m state, state ~ Tree) => String -> String -> String -> m ()
class (Functor m, Monad m, ApplyMonad (ApplyMonadOver m state) state) => ApplyMonadTrans m (state :: (* -> *) -> *) where type family ApplyMonadOver m state :: * -> *
runApplyMonad :: ApplyMonadTrans m state => (ApplyMonadOver m state) x -> state m -> m (x, state m)

-- | withFileNames takes a maybe list of existing rename-pairs, a list of
--   filenames and an action, and returns the resulting triple of affected
--   files, updated filename list and new rename details. If the
--   rename-pairs are not present, a new list is generated from the
--   filesnames.
withFileNames :: (Maybe [OrigFileNameOf]) -> [FileName] -> FilePathMonad a -> FilePathMonadState
withFiles :: [(FileName, ByteString)] -> RestrictedApply a -> [(FileName, ByteString)]
class ToTree s
toTree :: ToTree s => s m -> Tree m
instance MonadProgress RestrictedApply
instance ApplyMonad RestrictedApply Tree
instance MonadProgress FilePathMonad
instance ApplyMonad FilePathMonad Tree
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => ApplyMonad (TreeMonad m) Tree
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => ApplyMonadTrans m Tree
instance ToTree Tree

module Darcs.Patch.Apply
class Apply p where type family ApplyState p :: (* -> *) -> *
apply :: (Apply p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m ()
applyToFilePaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> Maybe [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> [FilePath] -> ([FilePath], [FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)])

-- | Apply a patch to a <a>Tree</a>, yielding a new <a>Tree</a>.
applyToTree :: (Apply p, Functor m, Monad m, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> Tree m -> m (Tree m)
applyToState :: (Apply p, ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> (ApplyState p) m -> m ((ApplyState p) m)
effectOnFilePaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
instance Apply p => Apply (RL p)
instance Apply p => Apply (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Repair

-- | <a>Repair</a> and <a>RepairToFL</a> deal with repairing old patches
--   that were were written out due to bugs or that we no longer wish to
--   support. <a>Repair</a> is implemented by collections of patches (FL,
--   Named, PatchInfoAnd) that might need repairing.
class Repair p
applyAndTryToFix :: (Repair p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m (Maybe (String, p x y))

-- | <a>RepairToFL</a> is implemented by single patches that can be
--   repaired (Prim, Patch, RealPatch) There is a default so that patch
--   types with no current legacy problems don't need to have an
--   implementation.
class Apply p => RepairToFL p where applyAndTryToFixFL p = do { apply p; return Nothing }
applyAndTryToFixFL :: (RepairToFL p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m (Maybe (String, FL p x y))
mapMaybeSnd :: (a -> b) -> Maybe (c, a) -> Maybe (c, b)
class Check p where isInconsistent _ = Nothing
isInconsistent :: Check p => p x y -> Maybe Doc
instance RepairToFL p => Repair (FL p)
instance Check p => Check (RL p)
instance Check p => Check (FL p)

module Darcs.Repository.Format

-- | <tt>RepoFormat</tt> is the representation of the format of a
--   repository. Each sublist corresponds to a line in the format file.
--   Each line is decomposed into words.
newtype RepoFormat
RF :: [[ByteString]] -> RepoFormat
data RepoProperty
Darcs1_0 :: RepoProperty
Darcs2 :: RepoProperty
HashedInventory :: RepoProperty
NoWorkingDir :: RepoProperty

-- | <tt>identifyRepoFormat URL</tt> identifies the format of the
--   repository at the given address. Fails if we weren't able to identify
--   the format.
identifyRepoFormat :: String -> IO RepoFormat

-- | <tt>tryIdentifyRepoFormat URL</tt> identifies the format of the
--   repository at the given address. Return <tt>Left reason</tt> if it
--   fails, where <tt>reason</tt> explains why we weren't able to identify
--   the format.
tryIdentifyRepoFormat :: String -> IO (Either String RepoFormat)
createRepoFormat :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoFormat

-- | <tt>writeRepoFormat</tt> writes the repo format to the given file.
writeRepoFormat :: RepoFormat -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | <tt>writeProblem form</tt> tells if we can write to a repo in format
--   <tt>form</tt>. It returns <tt>Nothing</tt> if there's no problem
--   writing to such a repository.
writeProblem :: RepoFormat -> Maybe String

-- | <tt>readProblem form</tt> tells if we can read from a repo in format
--   <tt>form</tt>. It returns <tt>Nothing</tt> if there's no problem
--   reading from such a repository.
readProblem :: RepoFormat -> Maybe String

-- | <tt>readfromAndWritetoProblem form</tt> tells if we can read from and
--   write to a repo in format <tt>form</tt>. It returns <tt>Nothing</tt>
--   if there's no problem reading and writing to such a repository.
readfromAndWritetoProblem :: RepoFormat -> RepoFormat -> Maybe String
formatHas :: RepoProperty -> RepoFormat -> Bool
instance Show RepoFormat
instance Show RepoProperty

module Darcs.Repository.Motd

-- | Fetch and return the message of the day for a given repository.
getMotd :: String -> IO ByteString

-- | Display the message of the day for a given repository, unless either
--   the <a>XMLOutput</a> or the <a>Quiet</a> flags are passed in
showMotd :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO ()

-- | This module is used by the push and put commands to apply the a bundle
--   to a remote repository. By remote I do not necessarily mean a
--   repository on another machine, it is just not the repository we're
--   located in.
module Darcs.RemoteApply
remoteApply :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> Doc -> IO ExitCode
applyAs :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String

module SHA1
sha1PS :: ByteString -> String

module Darcs.Patch.Info

-- | A PatchInfo value contains the metadata of a patch. The date, name,
--   author and log fields are UTF-8 encoded text in darcs 2.4 and later,
--   and just sequences of bytes (decoded with whatever is the locale when
--   displayed) in earlier darcs.
--   The members with names that start with '_' are not supposed to be used
--   directly in code that does not care how the patch info is stored.
data PatchInfo
PatchInfo :: !ByteString -> !ByteString -> !ByteString -> ![ByteString] -> !Bool -> PatchInfo
_piDate :: PatchInfo -> !ByteString
_piName :: PatchInfo -> !ByteString
_piAuthor :: PatchInfo -> !ByteString
_piLog :: PatchInfo -> ![ByteString]
isInverted :: PatchInfo -> !Bool
patchinfo :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> IO PatchInfo
invertName :: PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
idpatchinfo :: PatchInfo

-- | addJunk adds a line that contains a random number to make the patch
--   unique.
addJunk :: PatchInfo -> IO PatchInfo
makePatchname :: PatchInfo -> String

-- | This makes darcs-1 (non-hashed repos) filenames, and is also generally
--   used in both in hashed and non-hashed repo code for making patch
--   <a>hashes</a>.
--   The name consists of three segments:
--   <ul>
--   <li>timestamp (ISO8601-compatible yyyymmmddHHMMSS, UTC)</li>
--   <li>SHA1 hash of the author</li>
--   <li>SHA1 hash of the patch name, author, date, log, and "inverted"
--   flag.</li>
--   </ul>
makeFilename :: PatchInfo -> String
makeAltFilename :: PatchInfo -> String

-- | Parser for <a>PatchInfo</a> as stored in patch bundles and inventory
--   files, for example:
--   <pre>
--   [Document the foo interface
--   John Doe &lt;;**20110615084241
--    Ignore-this: 85b94f67d377c4ab671101266ef9c229
--    Nobody knows what a 'foo' is, so describe it.
--   ]
--   </pre>
--   See <a>showPatchInfo</a> for the inverse operation.
readPatchInfo :: ParserM m => m (PatchInfo)

-- | Get the name, including an <a>UNDO: </a> prefix if the patch is
--   inverted.
justName :: PatchInfo -> String

-- | Returns the author of a patch.
justAuthor :: PatchInfo -> String
justLog :: PatchInfo -> String
repopatchinfo :: String -> PatchInfo -> RepoPatchInfo
data RepoPatchInfo
humanFriendly :: PatchInfo -> Doc
toXml :: PatchInfo -> Doc
piDate :: PatchInfo -> CalendarTime
setPiDate :: String -> PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
piDateString :: PatchInfo -> String
piDateBytestring :: PatchInfo -> ByteString

-- | Returns the name of the patch. Unlike <a>justName</a>, it does not
--   preprend <a>UNDO: </a> to the name if the patch is inverted.
piName :: PatchInfo -> String
piRename :: PatchInfo -> String -> PatchInfo

-- | Returns the author of a patch.
piAuthor :: PatchInfo -> String

-- | Get the tag name, if the patch is a tag patch.
piTag :: PatchInfo -> Maybe String

-- | Get the log message of a patch.
piLog :: PatchInfo -> [String]

-- | Patch is stored between square brackets.
--   <pre>
--   [ &lt;patch name&gt;
--   &lt;patch author&gt;*&lt;patch date&gt;
--    &lt;patch log (may be empty)&gt; (indented one)
--    &lt;can have multiple lines in patch log,&gt;
--    &lt;as long as they're preceded by a space&gt;
--    &lt;and don't end with a square bracket.&gt;
--   ]
--   </pre>
--   note that below I assume the name has no newline in it. See
--   <a>readPatchInfo</a> for the inverse operation.
showPatchInfo :: PatchInfo -> Doc
isTag :: PatchInfo -> Bool
readPatchInfos :: ByteString -> [PatchInfo]
escapeXML :: String -> Doc
instance Eq PatchInfo
instance Ord PatchInfo
instance Show PatchInfo
instance HTML RepoPatchInfo

module Darcs.Patch.Show
class ShowPatchBasic p
showPatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => p x y -> Doc
class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatch p where showNicely = showPatch showContextPatch p = return $ showPatch p description = showPatch thing _ = "patch" things x = plural (Noun $ thing x) ""
showNicely :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
showContextPatch :: (ShowPatch p, Monad m, ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p), ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m Doc
description :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
summary :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
summaryFL :: ShowPatch p => FL p x y -> Doc
thing :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String
things :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String
showNamedPrefix :: PatchInfo -> [PatchInfo] -> Doc
writePatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => FilePath -> p x y -> IO ()
gzWritePatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => FilePath -> p x y -> IO ()
formatFileName :: FileNameFormat -> FileName -> Doc

module Darcs.Patch.Patchy
class (MyEq p, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ShowPatch p, ReadPatch p, Invert p) => Patchy p
class Apply p where type family ApplyState p :: (* -> *) -> *
apply :: (Apply p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m ()

-- | Things that can commute.
class Commute p
commute :: Commute p => (p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> p) x y)
class Invert p
invert :: Invert p => p x y -> p y x
class PatchInspect p
listTouchedFiles :: PatchInspect p => p x y -> [FilePath]
hunkMatches :: PatchInspect p => (ByteString -> Bool) -> p x y -> Bool
class ReadPatch p
readPatch' :: (ReadPatch p, ParserM m) => m (Sealed (p x))
showPatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => p x y -> Doc
class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatch p where showNicely = showPatch showContextPatch p = return $ showPatch p description = showPatch thing _ = "patch" things x = plural (Noun $ thing x) ""
showNicely :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
showContextPatch :: (ShowPatch p, Monad m, ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p), ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m Doc
description :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
summary :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
summaryFL :: ShowPatch p => FL p x y -> Doc
thing :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String
things :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String

module Darcs.Patch.FileHunk
data FileHunk x y
FileHunk :: !FileName -> !Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> FileHunk x y
class IsHunk p
isHunk :: IsHunk p => p x y -> Maybe (FileHunk x y)
showFileHunk :: FileNameFormat -> FileHunk x y -> Doc

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.Class
class PrimConstruct prim
addfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
rmfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
adddir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
rmdir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
move :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> FilePath -> prim x y
changepref :: PrimConstruct prim => String -> String -> String -> prim x y
hunk :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> prim x y
tokreplace :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> prim x y
binary :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> prim x y
primFromHunk :: PrimConstruct prim => FileHunk x y -> prim x y
anIdentity :: PrimConstruct prim => prim x x
class PrimCanonize prim
tryToShrink :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
tryShrinkingInverse :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> Maybe (FL prim x y)
sortCoalesceFL :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
canonize :: PrimCanonize prim => prim x y -> FL prim x y
canonizeFL :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
join :: PrimCanonize prim => (prim :> prim) x y -> Maybe (FL prim x y)
class PrimClassify prim
primIsAddfile :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsRmfile :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsAdddir :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsRmdir :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsMove :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsHunk :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsTokReplace :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsBinary :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsSetpref :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
is_filepatch :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Maybe FileName
class PrimDetails prim
summarizePrim :: PrimDetails prim => prim x y -> [SummDetail]
class PrimShow prim
showPrim :: PrimShow prim => FileNameFormat -> prim a b -> Doc
showPrimFL :: PrimShow prim => FileNameFormat -> FL prim a b -> Doc
class PrimRead prim
readPrim :: (PrimRead prim, ParserM m) => FileNameFormat -> m (Sealed (prim x))
class PrimApply prim
applyPrimFL :: (PrimApply prim, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState prim)) => FL prim x y -> m ()
class (Patchy prim, PatchListFormat prim, IsHunk prim, RepairToFL prim, PrimConstruct prim, PrimCanonize prim, PrimClassify prim, PrimDetails prim, PrimShow prim, PrimRead prim, PrimApply prim) => PrimPatch prim
class PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase p where type family PrimOf (p :: * -> * -> *) :: * -> * -> *
class FromPrim p
fromPrim :: FromPrim p => PrimOf p x y -> p x y
class FromPrims p
fromPrims :: FromPrims p => FL (PrimOf p) x y -> p x y
joinPatches :: FromPrims p => FL p x y -> p x y
class FromPrim p => ToFromPrim p
toPrim :: ToFromPrim p => p x y -> Maybe (PrimOf p x y)
instance FromPrim p => FromPrims (RL p)
instance FromPrim p => FromPrims (FL p)
instance FromPrim p => FromPrim (FL p)
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RL p)
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Prim
showPrim :: PrimShow prim => FileNameFormat -> prim a b -> Doc
showPrimFL :: PrimShow prim => FileNameFormat -> FL prim a b -> Doc
primIsAddfile :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsHunk :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsBinary :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsSetpref :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsAdddir :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
is_filepatch :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Maybe FileName

-- | It can sometimes be handy to have a canonical representation of a
--   given patch. We achieve this by defining a canonical form for each
--   patch type, and a function <a>canonize</a> which takes a patch and
--   puts it into canonical form. This routine is used by the diff function
--   to create an optimal patch (based on an LCS algorithm) from a simple
--   hunk describing the old and new version of a file.
canonize :: PrimCanonize prim => prim x y -> FL prim x y
tryToShrink :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y

-- | <a>sortCoalesceFL</a> <tt>ps</tt> coalesces as many patches in
--   <tt>ps</tt> as possible, sorting the results in some standard order.
sortCoalesceFL :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
join :: PrimCanonize prim => (prim :> prim) x y -> Maybe (FL prim x y)

-- | <a>canonizeFL</a> <tt>ps</tt> puts a sequence of primitive patches
--   into canonical form. Even if the patches are just hunk patches, this
--   is not necessarily the same set of results as you would get if you
--   applied the sequence to a specific tree and recalculated a diff.
--   Note that this process does not preserve the commutation behaviour of
--   the patches and is therefore not appropriate for use when working with
--   already recorded patches (unless doing amend-record or the like).
canonizeFL :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
tryShrinkingInverse :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> Maybe (FL prim x y)
summarizePrim :: PrimDetails prim => prim x y -> [SummDetail]
applyPrimFL :: (PrimApply prim, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState prim)) => FL prim x y -> m ()
readPrim :: (PrimRead prim, ParserM m) => FileNameFormat -> m (Sealed (prim x))
class FromPrim p
fromPrim :: FromPrim p => PrimOf p x y -> p x y
class FromPrims p
fromPrims :: FromPrims p => FL (PrimOf p) x y -> p x y
joinPatches :: FromPrims p => FL p x y -> p x y
class FromPrim p => ToFromPrim p
toPrim :: ToFromPrim p => p x y -> Maybe (PrimOf p x y)
class (Patchy prim, PatchListFormat prim, IsHunk prim, RepairToFL prim, PrimConstruct prim, PrimCanonize prim, PrimClassify prim, PrimDetails prim, PrimShow prim, PrimRead prim, PrimApply prim) => PrimPatch prim
class PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase p where type family PrimOf (p :: * -> * -> *) :: * -> * -> *
class PrimConstruct prim
addfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
rmfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
adddir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
rmdir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
move :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> FilePath -> prim x y
changepref :: PrimConstruct prim => String -> String -> String -> prim x y
hunk :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> prim x y
tokreplace :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> prim x y
binary :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> prim x y
primFromHunk :: PrimConstruct prim => FileHunk x y -> prim x y
anIdentity :: PrimConstruct prim => prim x x

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Core
data Patch prim x y
PP :: prim x y -> Patch prim x y
Merger :: FL (Patch prim) x y -> RL (Patch prim) x b -> Patch prim c b -> Patch prim c d -> Patch prim x y
Regrem :: FL (Patch prim) x y -> RL (Patch prim) x b -> Patch prim c b -> Patch prim c a -> Patch prim y x
isMerger :: Patch prim a b -> Bool
mergerUndo :: Patch prim x y -> FL (Patch prim) x y
instance Check (Patch prim)
instance PatchListFormat (Patch prim)
instance FromPrim (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (Patch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Show
showPatch_ :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim a b -> Doc
instance PrimPatch prim => Show2 (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Show1 (Patch prim x)
instance PrimPatch prim => Show (Patch prim x y)

module Darcs.Patch.Effect

-- | Patches whose concrete effect which can be expressed as a list of
--   primitive patches.
--   A minimal definition would be either of <tt>effect</tt> or
--   <tt>effectRL</tt>.
class Effect p where effect = reverseRL . effectRL effectRL = reverseFL . effect
effect :: Effect p => p x y -> FL (PrimOf p) x y
effectRL :: Effect p => p x y -> RL (PrimOf p) x y
instance Effect p => Effect (RL p)
instance Effect p => Effect (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Conflict
class (Effect p, PatchInspect (PrimOf p)) => Conflict p where listConflictedFiles p = nubsort $ concatMap (unseal listTouchedFiles) $ concat $ resolveConflicts p conflictedEffect x = case listConflictedFiles x of { [] -> mapFL (IsC Okay) $ effect x _ -> mapFL (IsC Conflicted) $ effect x }
listConflictedFiles :: Conflict p => p x y -> [FilePath]
resolveConflicts :: Conflict p => p x y -> [[Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) y)]]
conflictedEffect :: Conflict p => p x y -> [IsConflictedPrim (PrimOf p)]
class CommuteNoConflicts p
commuteNoConflicts :: CommuteNoConflicts p => (p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> p) x y)
data IsConflictedPrim prim
IsC :: !ConflictState -> !prim x y -> IsConflictedPrim prim
data ConflictState
Okay :: ConflictState
Conflicted :: ConflictState
Duplicated :: ConflictState
instance Eq ConflictState
instance Ord ConflictState
instance Show ConflictState
instance Read ConflictState
instance CommuteNoConflicts p => CommuteNoConflicts (RL p)
instance (CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p) => Conflict (RL p)
instance CommuteNoConflicts p => CommuteNoConflicts (FL p)
instance (CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p) => Conflict (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Summary
plainSummary :: (Conflict e, Effect e, PrimPatchBase e) => e x y -> Doc
plainSummaryPrim :: PrimDetails prim => prim x y -> Doc
plainSummaryPrims :: PrimDetails prim => FL prim x y -> Doc
xmlSummary :: (Effect p, Conflict p, PrimPatchBase p) => p x y -> Doc
instance Ord SummChunk
instance Eq SummChunk

module Darcs.Patch.ConflictMarking
mangleUnravelled :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed (FL prim x)] -> Sealed (FL prim x)

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute
merge :: Merge p => (p :\/: p) x y -> (p :/\: p) x y
merger :: PrimPatch prim => String -> Patch prim x y -> Patch prim x z -> Sealed (Patch prim y)
unravel :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim x y -> [Sealed (FL prim x)]
publicUnravel :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim x y -> [Sealed (FL prim y)]
instance MyEq prim => Eq (Patch prim x y)
instance MyEq prim => MyEq (Patch prim)
instance Invert prim => Invert (Patch prim)
instance IsHunk prim => IsHunk (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Effect (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Conflict (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => PatchInspect (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Commute (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Merge (Patch prim)
instance MonadPlus Perhaps
instance Monad Perhaps

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Apply
instance PrimPatch prim => RepairToFL (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Apply (Patch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Read
instance PrimPatch prim => ReadPatch (Patch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Core
data Prim x y
Move :: !FileName -> !FileName -> Prim x y
DP :: !FileName -> !DirPatchType x y -> Prim x y
FP :: !FileName -> !FilePatchType x y -> Prim x y
ChangePref :: !String -> !String -> !String -> Prim x y
data DirPatchType x y
RmDir :: DirPatchType x y
AddDir :: DirPatchType x y
data FilePatchType x y
RmFile :: FilePatchType x y
AddFile :: FilePatchType x y
Hunk :: !Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> FilePatchType x y
TokReplace :: !String -> !String -> !String -> FilePatchType x y
Binary :: ByteString -> ByteString -> FilePatchType x y
isIdentity :: Prim x y -> EqCheck x y

-- | <a>comparePrim</a> <tt>p1 p2</tt> is used to provide an arbitrary
--   ordering between <tt>p1</tt> and <tt>p2</tt>. Basically, identical
--   patches are equal and <tt>Move &lt; DP &lt; FP &lt; ChangePref</tt>.
--   Everything else is compared in dictionary order of its arguments.
comparePrim :: Prim x y -> Prim w z -> Ordering
instance Eq (FilePatchType x y)
instance Ord (FilePatchType x y)
instance Eq (DirPatchType x y)
instance Ord (DirPatchType x y)
instance Eq (Prim x y)
instance MyEq Prim
instance PatchInspect Prim
instance Invert Prim
instance IsHunk Prim
instance PrimConstruct Prim
instance PrimClassify Prim
instance MyEq DirPatchType
instance MyEq FilePatchType

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Commute
data Perhaps a
Unknown :: Perhaps a
Failed :: Perhaps a
Succeeded :: a -> Perhaps a
subcommutes :: [(String, WrappedCommuteFunction)]
newtype WrappedCommuteFunction
WrappedCommuteFunction :: CommuteFunction -> WrappedCommuteFunction
runWrappedCommuteFunction :: WrappedCommuteFunction -> CommuteFunction
instance Commute Prim
instance MonadPlus Perhaps
instance Monad Perhaps

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Details
instance PrimDetails Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Read
instance PrimRead Prim
instance ReadPatch Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Core
data Prim x y
BinaryHunk :: !UUID -> Hunk x y -> Prim x y
TextHunk :: !UUID -> Hunk x y -> Prim x y
Manifest :: !UUID -> Location -> Prim x y
Demanifest :: !UUID -> Location -> Prim x y
Move :: !UUID -> Location -> Location -> Prim x y
Identity :: Prim x x
data Hunk x y
Hunk :: !Int -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Hunk x y
newtype UUID
UUID :: ByteString -> UUID
type Location = (UUID, ByteString)
data Object (m :: * -> *)
Directory :: DirContent -> Object
Blob :: (m ByteString) -> !Hash -> Object
touches :: Prim x y -> [UUID]
hunkEdit :: Hunk x y -> ByteString -> ByteString
instance Eq (Prim x y)
instance MyEq Prim
instance PatchInspect Prim
instance Invert Prim
instance IsHunk Prim
instance PrimConstruct Prim
instance PrimClassify Prim
instance MyEq Hunk

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Apply
data ObjectMap (m :: * -> *)
ObjectMap :: (UUID -> m (Maybe (Object m))) -> (UUID -> Object m -> m (ObjectMap m)) -> m [UUID] -> ObjectMap
getObject :: ObjectMap -> UUID -> m (Maybe (Object m))
putObject :: ObjectMap -> UUID -> Object m -> m (ObjectMap m)
listObjects :: ObjectMap -> m [UUID]
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => ApplyMonadTrans m ObjectMap
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => ApplyMonad (StateT (ObjectMap m) m) ObjectMap
instance ToTree ObjectMap
instance PrimApply Prim
instance RepairToFL Prim
instance Apply Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Coalesce
instance PrimCanonize Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Commute
class Monad m => CommuteMonad m
commuteFail :: CommuteMonad m => m a
instance Commute' Prim
instance Commute Prim
instance CommuteMonad Maybe

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Details
instance PrimDetails Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Read
instance ReadPatch Prim
instance PrimRead Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Dummy
data DummyPatch x y
instance Patchy DummyPatch
instance Apply DummyPatch
instance Commute DummyPatch
instance ShowPatch DummyPatch
instance ShowPatchBasic DummyPatch
instance ReadPatch DummyPatch
instance PatchInspect DummyPatch
instance Invert DummyPatch
instance MyEq DummyPatch
instance PatchListFormat DummyPatch
instance IsHunk DummyPatch

module Darcs.Patch.Bracketed.Instances
instance ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatchBasic (Bracketed p)

module Darcs.Patch.Viewing
showContextHunk :: ApplyMonad m Tree => FileHunk x y -> m Doc
showContextSeries :: (Apply p, ShowPatch p, IsHunk p, ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p), ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => FL p x y -> m Doc
instance (Apply p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => ShowPatch (RL p)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (RL p)
instance (Apply p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => ShowPatch (FL p)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.Split

-- | A splitter is something that can take a patch and (possibly) render it
--   as text in some format of its own choosing. This text can then be
--   presented to the user for editing, and the result given to the
--   splitter for parsing. If the parse succeeds, the result is a list of
--   patches that could replace the original patch in any context.
--   Typically this list will contain the changed version of the patch,
--   along with fixup pieces to ensure that the overall effect of the list
--   is the same as the original patch. The individual elements of the list
--   can then be offered separately to the user, allowing them to accept
--   some and reject others.
--   There's no immediate application for a splitter for anything other
--   than Prim (you shouldn't go editing named patches, you'll break them!)
--   However you might want to compose splitters for FilePatchType to make
--   splitters for Prim etc, and the generality doesn't cost anything.
data Splitter p
Splitter :: (forall x y. p x y -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString -> Maybe (FL p x y))) -> (forall x y. FL p x y -> FL p x y) -> Splitter p
applySplitter :: Splitter p -> forall x y. p x y -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString -> Maybe (FL p x y))
canonizeSplit :: Splitter p -> forall x y. FL p x y -> FL p x y

-- | This generic splitter just lets the user edit the printed
--   representation of the patch Should not be used expect for testing and
--   experimentation.
rawSplitter :: (ShowPatch p, ReadPatch p, Invert p) => Splitter p

-- | Never splits. In other code we normally pass around Maybe Splitter
--   instead of using this as the default, because it saves clients that
--   don't care about splitting from having to import this module just to
--   get noSplitter.
noSplitter :: Splitter p

-- | Split a primitive hunk patch up by allowing the user to edit both the
--   before and after lines, then insert fixup patches to clean up the
--   mess.
primSplitter :: PrimPatch p => Splitter p
reversePrimSplitter :: PrimPatch prim => Splitter prim

module Darcs.Patch.Named

-- | The <tt>Named</tt> type adds a patch info about a patch, that is a
--   name.
--   <tt>NamedP info deps p</tt> represents patch <tt>p</tt> with name
--   <tt>info</tt>. <tt>deps</tt> is a list of dependencies added at the
--   named patch level, compared with the unnamed level (ie, dependencies
--   added with <tt>darcs record --ask-deps</tt>).
data Named p x y
NamedP :: !PatchInfo -> ![PatchInfo] -> !FL p x y -> Named p x y
infopatch :: Patchy p => PatchInfo -> FL p x y -> Named p x y
adddeps :: Named p x y -> [PatchInfo] -> Named p x y
namepatch :: Patchy p => String -> String -> String -> [String] -> FL p x y -> IO (Named p x y)
anonymous :: Patchy p => FL p x y -> IO (Named p x y)
getdeps :: Named p x y -> [PatchInfo]
patch2patchinfo :: Named p x y -> PatchInfo
patchname :: Named p x y -> String
patchcontents :: Named p x y -> FL p x y
fmapNamed :: (forall a b. p a b -> q a b) -> Named p x y -> Named q x y
fmapFL_Named :: (FL p x y -> FL q x y) -> Named p x y -> Named q x y
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => Show2 (Named p)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => Show1 (Named p x)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => Show (Named p x y)
instance (Apply p, CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ShowPatch p) => ShowPatch (Named p)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (Named p)
instance Check p => Check (Named p)
instance (CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p) => Conflict (Named p)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (Named p)
instance Merge p => Merge (Named p)
instance Commute p => Commute (Named p)
instance (Commute p, Invert p) => Invert (Named p)
instance (Commute p, MyEq p) => MyEq (Named p)
instance RepairToFL p => Repair (Named p)
instance Apply p => Apply (Named p)
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (Named p)
instance PatchListFormat (Named p)
instance IsHunk (Named p)
instance Effect p => Effect (Named p)
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (Named p)

module Darcs.Patch.Patchy.Instances
instance (IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, Patchy p) => Patchy (RL p)
instance (IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, Patchy p) => Patchy (FL p)

module Darcs.Patch.RepoPatch
class (Patchy p, Merge p, Effect p, IsHunk p, FromPrim p, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p, Check p, RepairToFL p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, Patchy (PrimOf p), IsHunk (PrimOf p)) => RepoPatch p

module Darcs.Patch
class (Patchy p, Merge p, Effect p, IsHunk p, FromPrim p, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p, Check p, RepairToFL p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, Patchy (PrimOf p), IsHunk (PrimOf p)) => RepoPatch p

-- | The <tt>Named</tt> type adds a patch info about a patch, that is a
--   name.
--   <tt>NamedP info deps p</tt> represents patch <tt>p</tt> with name
--   <tt>info</tt>. <tt>deps</tt> is a list of dependencies added at the
--   named patch level, compared with the unnamed level (ie, dependencies
--   added with <tt>darcs record --ask-deps</tt>).
data Named p x y
class (MyEq p, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ShowPatch p, ReadPatch p, Invert p) => Patchy p
joinPatches :: FromPrims p => FL p x y -> p x y
fromPrim :: FromPrim p => PrimOf p x y -> p x y
fromPrims :: FromPrims p => FL (PrimOf p) x y -> p x y
rmfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
addfile :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
rmdir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
adddir :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> prim x y
move :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> FilePath -> prim x y
hunk :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> prim x y
tokreplace :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> prim x y
namepatch :: Patchy p => String -> String -> String -> [String] -> FL p x y -> IO (Named p x y)
anonymous :: Patchy p => FL p x y -> IO (Named p x y)
binary :: PrimConstruct prim => FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> prim x y
description :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc

-- | showContextPatch is used to add context to a patch, as diff -u does.
--   Thus, it differs from showPatch only for hunks. It is used for
--   instance before putting it into a bundle. As this unified context is
--   not included in patch representation, this requires access to the
--   tree.
showContextPatch :: (ShowPatch p, Monad m, ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p), ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m Doc
showPatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => p x y -> Doc
showNicely :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
infopatch :: Patchy p => PatchInfo -> FL p x y -> Named p x y
changepref :: PrimConstruct prim => String -> String -> String -> prim x y
thing :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String
things :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> String
primIsAddfile :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsHunk :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
primIsSetpref :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
merge :: Merge p => (p :\/: p) x y -> (p :/\: p) x y
commute :: Commute p => (p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> p) x y)
listTouchedFiles :: PatchInspect p => p x y -> [FilePath]
hunkMatches :: PatchInspect p => (ByteString -> Bool) -> p x y -> Bool
forceTokReplace :: String -> String -> String -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
class (Patchy prim, PatchListFormat prim, IsHunk prim, RepairToFL prim, PrimConstruct prim, PrimCanonize prim, PrimClassify prim, PrimDetails prim, PrimShow prim, PrimRead prim, PrimApply prim) => PrimPatch prim
resolveConflicts :: Conflict p => p x y -> [[Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) y)]]

-- | Patches whose concrete effect which can be expressed as a list of
--   primitive patches.
--   A minimal definition would be either of <tt>effect</tt> or
--   <tt>effectRL</tt>.
class Effect p where effect = reverseRL . effectRL effectRL = reverseFL . effect
effect :: Effect p => p x y -> FL (PrimOf p) x y
primIsBinary :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
gzWritePatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => FilePath -> p x y -> IO ()
writePatch :: ShowPatchBasic p => FilePath -> p x y -> IO ()
primIsAdddir :: PrimClassify prim => prim x y -> Bool
invert :: Invert p => p x y -> p y x
invertFL :: Invert p => FL p x y -> RL p y x
invertRL :: Invert p => RL p x y -> FL p y x
commuteFLorComplain :: Commute p => (p :> FL p) x y -> Either (Sealed2 p) ((FL p :> p) x y)
commuteRL :: Commute p => (RL p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> RL p) x y)
readPatch :: ReadPatch p => ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p x))
readPatchPartial :: ReadPatch p => ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p x), ByteString)

-- | It can sometimes be handy to have a canonical representation of a
--   given patch. We achieve this by defining a canonical form for each
--   patch type, and a function <a>canonize</a> which takes a patch and
--   puts it into canonical form. This routine is used by the diff function
--   to create an optimal patch (based on an LCS algorithm) from a simple
--   hunk describing the old and new version of a file.
canonize :: PrimCanonize prim => prim x y -> FL prim x y

-- | <a>sortCoalesceFL</a> <tt>ps</tt> coalesces as many patches in
--   <tt>ps</tt> as possible, sorting the results in some standard order.
sortCoalesceFL :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
tryToShrink :: PrimCanonize prim => FL prim x y -> FL prim x y
patchname :: Named p x y -> String
patchcontents :: Named p x y -> FL p x y
applyToFilePaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> Maybe [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> [FilePath] -> ([FilePath], [FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)])
apply :: (Apply p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => p x y -> m ()

-- | Apply a patch to a <a>Tree</a>, yielding a new <a>Tree</a>.
applyToTree :: (Apply p, Functor m, Monad m, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> Tree m -> m (Tree m)
effectOnFilePaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => p x y -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
patch2patchinfo :: Named p x y -> PatchInfo
summary :: ShowPatch p => p x y -> Doc
summaryFL :: ShowPatch p => FL p x y -> Doc
plainSummary :: (Conflict e, Effect e, PrimPatchBase e) => e x y -> Doc
xmlSummary :: (Effect p, Conflict p, PrimPatchBase p) => p x y -> Doc
plainSummaryPrims :: PrimDetails prim => FL prim x y -> Doc
adddeps :: Named p x y -> [PatchInfo] -> Named p x y
getdeps :: Named p x y -> [PatchInfo]
listConflictedFiles :: Conflict p => p x y -> [FilePath]
isInconsistent :: Check p => p x y -> Maybe Doc
instance (CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Patchy (Named p)

module Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd

-- | <tt><a>Hopefully</a> p C</tt> <tt>(x y)</tt> is <tt><a>Either</a>
--   String (p C</tt> <tt>(x y))</tt> in a form adapted to darcs patches.
--   The <tt>C</tt> <tt>(x y)</tt> represents the type witness for the
--   patch that should be there. The <tt>Hopefully</tt> type just tells
--   whether we expect the patch to be hashed or not, and
--   <a>SimpleHopefully</a> does the real work of emulating <a>Either</a>.
--   <tt>Hopefully sh</tt> represents an expected unhashed patch, and
--   <tt>Hashed hash sh</tt> represents an expected hashed patch with its
--   hash.
data Hopefully a x y

-- | <tt><a>PatchInfoAnd</a> p a b</tt> represents a hope we have to get a
--   patch through its info. We're not sure we have the patch, but we know
--   its info.
data PatchInfoAnd p a b

-- | <tt><a>WPatchInfo</a> a b</tt> represents the info of a patch, marked
--   with the patch's witnesses.
data WPatchInfo a b
unWPatchInfo :: WPatchInfo a b -> PatchInfo
compareWPatchInfo :: WPatchInfo a b -> WPatchInfo c d -> EqCheck (a, b) (c, d)

-- | <tt><a>piap</a> i p</tt> creates a PatchInfoAnd containing p with info
--   i.
piap :: PatchInfo -> Named p a b -> PatchInfoAnd p a b

-- | <tt>n2pia</tt> creates a PatchInfoAnd representing a <tt>Named</tt>
--   patch.
n2pia :: Named p x y -> PatchInfoAnd p x y
patchInfoAndPatch :: PatchInfo -> Hopefully (Named p) a b -> PatchInfoAnd p a b
fmapPIAP :: (forall a b. p a b -> q a b) -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> PatchInfoAnd q x y
fmapFL_PIAP :: (FL p x y -> FL q x y) -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> PatchInfoAnd q x y

-- | <tt><a>conscientiously</a> er hp</tt> tries to extract a patch from a
--   <a>PatchInfoAnd</a>. If it fails, it applies the error handling
--   function <tt>er</tt> to a description of the patch info component of
--   <tt>hp</tt>.
conscientiously :: (Doc -> Doc) -> PatchInfoAnd p a b -> Named p a b

-- | <tt><a>hopefully</a> hp</tt> tries to get a patch from a
--   <a>PatchInfoAnd</a> value. If it fails, it outputs an error "failed to
--   read patch: &lt;description of the patch&gt;". We get the description
--   of the patch from the info part of <tt>hp</tt>
hopefully :: PatchInfoAnd p a b -> Named p a b
info :: PatchInfoAnd p a b -> PatchInfo
winfo :: PatchInfoAnd p a b -> WPatchInfo a b

-- | <tt>hopefullyM</tt> is a version of <tt>hopefully</tt> which calls
--   <tt>fail</tt> in a monad instead of erroring.
hopefullyM :: Monad m => PatchInfoAnd p a b -> m (Named p a b)
createHashed :: String -> (String -> IO (Sealed (a x))) -> IO (Sealed (Hopefully a x))
extractHash :: PatchInfoAnd p a b -> Either (Named p a b) String
actually :: a x y -> Hopefully a x y
unavailable :: String -> Hopefully a x y
patchDesc :: PatchInfoAnd p x y -> String
instance (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Patchy (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance IsHunk (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance Effect p => Effect (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance RepairToFL p => Repair (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance Apply p => Apply (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance Merge p => Merge (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance Commute p => Commute (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance (Apply p, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ShowPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => ShowPatch (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance PatchListFormat (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance (Commute p, Invert p) => Invert (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance (Commute p, MyEq p) => MyEq (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance MyEq WPatchInfo
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (PatchInfoAnd p)

module Darcs.Annotate
annotate :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> FileName -> ByteString -> Annotated
annotateDirectory :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> FileName -> [FileName] -> Annotated
format :: ByteString -> Annotated -> String
machineFormat :: ByteString -> Annotated -> String
instance Show FileOrDirectory
instance Eq FileOrDirectory
instance Show Annotated
instance ApplyMonad AnnotatedM Tree

module Darcs.Patch.Set
data PatchSet p start y
PatchSet :: RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> RL (Tagged p) start x -> PatchSet p start y
data Tagged p x z
Tagged :: PatchInfoAnd p y z -> Maybe String -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> Tagged p x z
type SealedPatchSet p start = Sealed ((PatchSet p) start)
data Origin

-- | Runs a progress action for each tag and patch in a given PatchSet,
--   using the passed progress message. Does not alter the PatchSet.
progressPatchSet :: String -> PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start x

-- | tags returns the PatchInfos corresponding to the tags of a given
--   PatchSet.
tags :: PatchSet p start x -> [PatchInfo]

-- | appendPSFL takes a PatchSet and a FL of patches that <tt>follow</tt>
--   the PatchSet, and concatenates the patches into the PatchSet.
appendPSFL :: PatchSet p start x -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> PatchSet p start y

-- | newset2RL takes a PatchSet and returns an equivalent, linear RL of
--   patches.
newset2RL :: PatchSet p start x -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) start x

-- | newset2FL takes a PatchSet and returns an equivalent, linear FL of
--   patches.
newset2FL :: PatchSet p start x -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) start x

module Darcs.ProgressPatches

-- | Evaluate an <a>RL</a> list and report progress.
progressRL :: String -> RL a x y -> RL a x y

-- | Evaluate an <a>FL</a> list and report progress.
progressFL :: String -> FL a x y -> FL a x y

-- | Evaluate an <a>RL</a> list and report progress. In addition to
--   printing the number of patches we got, show the name of the last tag
--   we got.
progressRLShowTags :: String -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y

module Darcs.CommandsAux

-- | A convenience function to call from all darcs command functions before
--   applying any patches. It checks for malicious paths in patches, and
--   prints an error message and fails if it finds one.
checkPaths :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> FL p x y -> IO ()

-- | Filter out patches that contains some malicious file path
maliciousPatches :: Patchy p => [Sealed2 p] -> [Sealed2 p]
hasMaliciousPath :: Patchy p => p x y -> Bool

-- | What is a malicious path?
--   A spoofed path is a malicious path.
--   <ol>
--   <li>Darcs only creates explicitly relative paths (beginning with
--   <tt>"./"</tt>), so any not explicitly relative path is surely
--   spoofed.</li>
--   <li>Darcs normalizes paths so they never contain <tt>"/../"</tt>, so
--   paths with <tt>"/../"</tt> are surely spoofed.</li>
--   </ol>
--   A path to a darcs repository's meta data can modify "trusted" patches
--   or change safety defaults in that repository, so we check for paths
--   containing <tt>"/_darcs/"</tt> which is the entry to darcs meta data.
--   To do?
--   <ul>
--   <li>How about get repositories?</li>
--   <li>Would it be worth adding a --semi-safe-paths option for allowing
--   changes to certain preference files (_darcs/prefs/) in sub
--   repositories'?</li>
--   </ul>
isMaliciousPath :: String -> Bool

-- | Warning : this is less rigorous than isMaliciousPath but it's to allow
--   for subpath representations that don't start with ./
isMaliciousSubPath :: String -> Bool

module Darcs.Patch.Depends

-- | <tt>getTagsRight ps</tt> returns the <a>PatchInfo</a> for all the
--   patches in <tt>ps</tt> that are not depended on by anything else
--   *through explicit dependencies*. Tags are a likely candidate, although
--   we may also find some non-tag patches in this list.
--   Keep in mind that in a typical repository with a lot of tags, only a
--   small fraction of tags would be returned as they would be at least
--   indirectly depended on by the topmost ones.
getTagsRight :: PatchSet p start x -> [PatchInfo]
areUnrelatedRepos :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> Bool
mergeThem :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> Sealed (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x)
findCommonWithThem :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> (PatchSet p :> FL (PatchInfoAnd p)) start x
countUsThem :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> (Int, Int)
removeFromPatchSet :: RepoPatch p => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> PatchSet p start y -> Maybe (PatchSet p start x)

-- | <tt>optimizePatchset</tt> is similar to
--   <tt>slightlyOptimizePatchset</tt> in that it only works on the surface
--   inventory (see below), but it works a bit harder and can optimize
--   several tags.
--   <ul>
--   <li>surface inventory: the sequence of patches that corresponds to the
--   <tt>_darcs<i>hashed\_inventory@ or @\_darcs</i>inventory</tt>
--   files</li>
--   <li>deep inventory: the sequence of sequences of patches that
--   corresponds to the <tt>_darcs/inventories</tt> directory</li>
--   </ul>
optimizePatchset :: PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start x

-- | <tt>deepOptimizePatchset</tt> runs through all patches whether they
--   are in the surface inventory or the deep one.
deepOptimizePatchset :: PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start x

-- | <tt>slightlyOptimizePatchset</tt> only works on the surface inventory
--   (see <a>optimizePatchset</a>) and only optimises at most one tag in
--   there, going for the most recent tag which has no non-depended patch
--   after it. Older tags won't be <tt>clean</tt>, which means the PatchSet
--   will not be in 'unclean :&lt; clean' state.
slightlyOptimizePatchset :: PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start x
getPatchesBeyondTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p start x -> FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) x

-- | <tt>getPatchesInTag t ps</tt> returns a <a>SealedPatchSet</a> of all
--   patches in <tt>ps</tt> which are contained in <tt>t</tt>.
getPatchesInTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p start x -> SealedPatchSet p start
splitOnTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p start x -> (PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) start x
newsetUnion :: RepoPatch p => [SealedPatchSet p start] -> SealedPatchSet p start
newsetIntersection :: RepoPatch p => [SealedPatchSet p start] -> SealedPatchSet p start
commuteToEnd :: RepoPatch p => RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> PatchSet p start y -> (PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) start x
findUncommon :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) :\/: FL (PatchInfoAnd p)) x y

-- | Merge two FLs (say L and R), starting in a common context. The result
--   is a FL starting in the original end context of L, going to a new
--   context that is the result of applying all patches from R on top of
--   patches from L.
--   While this function is similar to <a>mergeFL</a>, there are three
--   important differences to keep in mind:
--   <ul>
--   <li><a>mergeFL</a> does not correctly deal with duplicate patches
--   whereas this one does (Question from Eric Kow: in what sense? Why not
--   fix the mergeFL instance?)</li>
--   <li><a>mergeFL</a> returns both paths of the merge diamond, but this
--   version only returns one, so you'd better choose the order carefully,
--   eg. (<tt>merge2FL l r</tt>)</li>
--   <li>The conventional order we use in this function is reversed from
--   <a>mergeFL</a> (so <tt>mergeFL r l</tt> vs. <tt>merge2FL l r</tt>.
--   This does not matter so much for the former since you get both paths.
--   (Question from Eric Kow: should we flip merge2FL for more uniformity
--   in the code?)</li>
--   </ul>
merge2FL :: RepoPatch p => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x z -> Sealed (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) y)

module Darcs.Patch.Match
data PatchMatch

-- | A <tt>Matcher</tt> is made of a <a>MatchFun</a> which we will use to
--   match patches and a <tt>String</tt> representing it.
data Matcher p

-- | A type for predicates over patches which do not care about contexts
type MatchFun p = Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p) -> Bool
patchMatch :: String -> PatchMatch
matchPattern :: Patchy p => PatchMatch -> Matcher p

-- | <tt>applyMatcher</tt> applies a matcher to a patch.
applyMatcher :: Matcher p -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> Bool
makeMatcher :: String -> (Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p) -> Bool) -> Matcher p
parseMatch :: Patchy p => PatchMatch -> Either String (MatchFun p)
matchParser :: Patchy p => CharParser st (MatchFun p)

-- | The string that is emitted when the user runs <tt>darcs help
--   --match</tt>.
helpOnMatchers :: String
instance Show (Matcher p)

module Darcs.Repository.Old
readOldRepo :: RepoPatch p => String -> IO (SealedPatchSet p Origin)
revertTentativeChanges :: IO ()
oldRepoFailMsg :: String

-- | PatchChoices divides a sequence of patches into three sets:
--   <a>first</a>, <a>middle</a> and <a>last</a>, such that all patches can
--   be applied, if you first apply the first ones then the middle ones and
--   then the last ones. Obviously if there are dependencies between the
--   patches that will put a constraint on how you can choose to divide
--   them up. The PatchChoices data type and associated functions are here
--   to deal with many of the common cases that come up when choosing a
--   subset of a group of patches.
--   <a>forceLast</a> tells PatchChoices that a particular patch is
--   required to be in the <a>last</a> group, which also means that any
--   patches that depend on it must be in the <a>last</a> group.
--   Internally, a PatchChoices doesn't always reorder the patches until it
--   is asked for the final output (e.g. by <tt>get_first_choice</tt>).
--   Instead, each patch is placed in a state of definitely first,
--   definitely last and undecided; undecided leans towards <a>middle</a>.
--   The patches that are first are commuted to the head immediately, but
--   patches that are middle and last are mixed together. In case you're
--   wondering about the first-middle-last language, it's because in some
--   cases the <a>yes</a> answers will be last (as is the case for the
--   revert command), and in others first (as in record, pull and push).
--   Some patch marked <a>middle</a> may in fact be unselectable because of
--   dependencies: when a patch is marked <a>last</a>, its dependencies are
--   not updated until patchSlot is called on them.
module Darcs.Patch.Choices
data PatchChoices p x y
patchChoices :: Patchy p => FL p x y -> PatchChoices p x y

-- | Tag a sequence of patches.
patchChoicesTps :: Patchy p => FL p x y -> (PatchChoices p x y, FL (TaggedPatch p) x y)

-- | Tag a sequence of patches as subpatches of an existing tag. This is
--   intended for use when substituting a patch for an equivalent patch or
--   patches.
patchChoicesTpsSub :: Patchy p => Maybe Tag -> FL p x y -> (PatchChoices p x y, FL (TaggedPatch p) x y)
patchSlot :: Patchy p => TaggedPatch p a b -> PatchChoices p x y -> (Slot, PatchChoices p x y)
patchSlot' :: Patchy p => TaggedPatch p a b -> StateT (PatchChoices p x y) Identity Slot

-- | <tt>getChoices</tt> evaluates a <tt>PatchChoices</tt> into the first,
--   middle and last sequences by doing the commutes that were needed.
getChoices :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p x y -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p))) x y

-- | <tt>refineChoices act</tt> performs <tt>act</tt> on the middle part of
--   a sequence of choices, in order to hopefully get more patches into the
--   <tt>first</tt> and <tt>last</tt> parts of a <tt>PatchChoices</tt>.
refineChoices :: (Patchy p, Monad m, Functor m) => (forall u v. FL (TaggedPatch p) u v -> PatchChoices p u v -> m (PatchChoices p u v)) -> PatchChoices p x y -> m (PatchChoices p x y)
separateFirstMiddleFromLast :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p x z -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) x z
separateFirstFromMiddleLast :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p x z -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) x z
forceFirst :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
forceFirsts :: Patchy p => [Tag] -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
forceLast :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
forceLasts :: Patchy p => [Tag] -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
forceMatchingFirst :: Patchy p => (forall x y. TaggedPatch p x y -> Bool) -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
forceMatchingLast :: Patchy p => (forall x y. TaggedPatch p x y -> Bool) -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
selectAllMiddles :: Patchy p => Bool -> PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
makeUncertain :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p a b -> PatchChoices p a b
makeEverythingLater :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
makeEverythingSooner :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
data TaggedPatch p x y

-- | <a>TG</a> <tt>mp i</tt> acts as a temporary identifier to help us keep
--   track of patches during the selection process. These are useful for
--   finding patches that may have moved around during patch selection
--   (being pushed forwards or backwards as dependencies arise).
--   The identifier is implemented as a tuple <tt>TG mp i</tt>. The
--   <tt>i</tt> is just some arbitrary label, expected to be unique within
--   the patches being scrutinised. The <tt>mp</tt> is motivated by patch
--   splitting; it provides a convenient way to generate a new identifier
--   from the patch being split. For example, if we split a patch
--   identified as <tt>TG Nothing 5</tt>, the resulting sub-patches could
--   be identified as <tt>TG (TG Nothing 5) 1</tt>, <tt>TG (TG Nothing 5)
--   2</tt>, etc.
data Tag
tag :: TaggedPatch p x y -> Tag
tpPatch :: TaggedPatch p x y -> p x y

-- | See module documentation for <a>Choices</a>
data Slot
InFirst :: Slot
InMiddle :: Slot
InLast :: Slot

-- | <a>substitute</a> <tt>(a :||: bs)</tt> <tt>pcs</tt> replaces
--   <tt>a</tt> with <tt>bs</tt> in <tt>pcs</tt> preserving the choice
--   associated with <tt>a</tt>
substitute :: Patchy p => Sealed2 (TaggedPatch p :||: FL (TaggedPatch p)) -> PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
instance Eq Tag
instance Ord Tag
instance MyEq p => MyEq (PatchChoice p)
instance Merge p => Merge (PatchChoice p)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (PatchChoice p)
instance Commute p => Commute (PatchChoice p)
instance Merge p => Merge (TaggedPatch p)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (TaggedPatch p)
instance Commute p => Commute (TaggedPatch p)
instance Invert p => Invert (TaggedPatch p)
instance MyEq p => MyEq (TaggedPatch p)

module Darcs.Patch.TouchesFiles
lookTouch :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> [FilePath] -> p x y -> (Bool, [FilePath], [FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)])
chooseTouching :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [FilePath] -> FL p x y -> Sealed (FL p x)
choosePreTouching :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [FilePath] -> FL p x y -> Sealed (FL p x)
selectTouching :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [FilePath] -> PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
deselectNotTouching :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [FilePath] -> PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y
selectNotTouching :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Maybe [FilePath] -> PatchChoices p x y -> PatchChoices p x y

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Show
showHunk :: FileNameFormat -> FileName -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> Doc
instance PrimShow Prim
instance Show (DirPatchType x y)
instance Show (FilePatchType x y)
instance Show1 (Prim x)
instance Show2 Prim
instance Show (Prim x y)
instance ApplyState Prim ~ Tree => ShowPatch Prim
instance ShowPatchBasic Prim
instance PatchListFormat Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Apply
instance PrimApply Prim
instance RepairToFL Prim
instance Apply Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Coalesce
instance Show (Simple x y)
instance PrimCanonize Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1
data Prim x y
instance FromPrim Prim
instance PrimPatchBase Prim
instance Patchy Prim
instance PrimPatch Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Show
showHunk :: String -> UUID -> Hunk x y -> Doc
instance PrimShow Prim
instance Show1 (Prim x)
instance Show2 Prim
instance Show (Prim x y)
instance ShowPatch Prim
instance ShowPatchBasic Prim
instance PatchListFormat Prim

module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3
data Prim x y
instance FromPrim Prim
instance PrimPatchBase Prim
instance Patchy Prim
instance PrimPatch Prim

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Viewing
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatch (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatchBasic (Patch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.V1
data Patch prim x y
instance PrimPatch prim => RepoPatch (Patch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Patchy (Patch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.V2.Non

-- | A <a>Non</a> stores a context with a <tt>Prim</tt> patch. It is a
--   patch whose effect isn't visible - a Non-affecting patch.
data Non p x
Non :: FL p x y -> PrimOf p y z -> Non p x

-- | Nonable represents the class of patches that can be turned into a Non.
class Nonable p
non :: Nonable p => p x y -> Non p x

-- | unNon converts a Non into a FL of its context followed by the
--   primitive patch.
unNon :: FromPrim p => Non p x -> Sealed (FL p x)

-- | showNon creates a Doc representing a Non.
showNon :: (ShowPatchBasic p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p) => Non p x -> Doc

-- | showNons creates a Doc representing a list of Nons.
showNons :: (ShowPatchBasic p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p) => [Non p x] -> Doc

-- | readNon is a parser that attempts to read a single Non.
readNon :: (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ParserM m) => m (Non p x)

-- | readNons is a parser that attempts to read a list of Nons.
readNons :: (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ParserM m) => m [Non p x]

-- | commutePrimsOrAddToCtx takes a WL of prims and attempts to commute
--   them past a Non.
commutePrimsOrAddToCtx :: (WL l, Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => l (PrimOf p) x y -> Non p y -> Non p x

-- | <a>commuteOrAddToCtx</a> <tt>x cy</tt> tries to commute <tt>x</tt>
--   past <tt>cy</tt> and always returns some variant <tt>cy'</tt>. If
--   commutation suceeds, the variant is just straightforwardly the
--   commuted version. If commutation fails, the variant consists of
--   <tt>x</tt> prepended to the context of <tt>cy</tt>.
commuteOrAddToCtx :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => p x y -> Non p y -> Non p x

-- | commuteOrRemFromCtx attempts to remove a given patch from a Non. If
--   the patch was not in the Non, then the commute will succeed and the
--   modified Non will be returned. If the commute fails then the patch is
--   either in the Non context, or the Non patch itself; we attempt to
--   remove the patch from the context and then return the non with the
--   updated context.
--   TODO: understand if there is any case where p is equal to the prim
--   patch of the Non, in which case, we return the original Non, is that
--   right?
commuteOrRemFromCtx :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => p x y -> Non p x -> Maybe (Non p y)

-- | <a>commuteOrAddToCtxRL</a> <tt>xs cy</tt> commutes as many patches of
--   <tt>xs</tt> past <tt>cy</tt> as possible, adding any that don't
--   commute to the context of cy. Suppose we have
--   <pre>
--   x1 x2 x3 [c1 c2 y]
--   </pre>
--   and that in our example <tt>x1</tt> fails to commute past <tt>c1</tt>,
--   this function would commute down to
--   <pre>
--   x1 [c1'' c2'' y''] x2' x3'
--   </pre>
--   and return <tt>[x1 c1'' c2'' y'']</tt>
commuteOrAddToCtxRL :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => RL p x y -> Non p y -> Non p x

-- | commuteOrRemFromCtxFL attempts to remove a FL of patches from a Non,
--   returning Nothing if any of the individual removes fail.
commuteOrRemFromCtxFL :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => FL p x y -> Non p x -> Maybe (Non p y)
remNons :: (Nonable p, Effect p, Patchy p, ToFromPrim p, PrimPatchBase p, MyEq (PrimOf p)) => [Non p x] -> Non p x -> Non p x

-- | (*&gt;) attemts to modify a Non by commuting it past a given patch.
(*>) :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => Non p x -> p x y -> Maybe (Non p y)

-- | (&gt;*) attempts to modify a Non, by commuting a given patch past it.
(>*) :: (Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => p x y -> Non p y -> Maybe (Non p x)

-- | (*&gt;&gt;) attempts to modify a Non by commuting it past a given WL
--   of patches.
(*>>) :: (WL l, Patchy p, ToFromPrim p, PrimPatchBase p) => Non p x -> l (PrimOf p) x y -> Maybe (Non p y)

-- | (&gt;&gt;*) attempts to modify a Non by commuting a given WL of
--   patches past it.
(>>*) :: (WL l, Patchy p, ToFromPrim p) => l (PrimOf p) x y -> Non p y -> Maybe (Non p x)
instance WL RL
instance WL FL
instance (Commute p, MyEq p, MyEq (PrimOf p)) => Eq (Non p x)
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show1 (Non p)
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show (Non p x)

module Darcs.Patch.V2.Real

-- | <a>RealPatch</a> is used to represents prim patches that are
--   duplicates of, or conflict with, another prim patch in the repository.
--   <tt>Normal prim</tt>: A primitive patch
--   <tt>Duplicate x</tt>: This patch has no effect since <tt>x</tt> is
--   already present in the repository.
--   <pre>
--   Etacilpud x: invert (Duplicate x)
--   </pre>
--   <tt>Conflictor ix xx x</tt>: <tt>ix</tt> is the set of patches: * that
--   conflict with <tt>x</tt> and also conflict with another patch in the
--   repository. * that conflict with a patch that conflict with <tt>x</tt>
--   <tt>xx</tt> is the sequence of patches that conflict *only* with
--   <tt>x</tt>
--   <tt>x</tt> is the original, conflicting patch.
--   <tt>ix</tt> and <tt>x</tt> are stored as <tt>Non</tt> objects, which
--   include any necessary context to uniquely define the patch that is
--   referred to.
--   The intuition is that a Conflictor should have the effect of inverting
--   any patches that <tt>x</tt> conflicts with, that haven't already been
--   undone by another Conflictor in the repository. Therefore, the effect
--   of a Conflictor is <tt>invert xx</tt>.
--   <tt>InvConflictor ix xx x</tt>: like <tt>invert (Conflictor ix xx
--   x)</tt>
data RealPatch prim x y
Duplicate :: Non (RealPatch prim) x -> RealPatch prim x x
Etacilpud :: Non (RealPatch prim) x -> RealPatch prim x x
Normal :: prim x y -> RealPatch prim x y
Conflictor :: [Non (RealPatch prim) x] -> FL prim x y -> Non (RealPatch prim) x -> RealPatch prim y x
InvConflictor :: [Non (RealPatch prim) x] -> FL prim x y -> Non (RealPatch prim) x -> RealPatch prim x y
prim2real :: prim x y -> RealPatch prim x y

-- | This is used for unit-testing and for internal sanity checks
isConsistent :: PrimPatch prim => RealPatch prim x y -> Maybe Doc

-- | <a>isForward</a> <tt>p</tt> is <tt>True</tt> if <tt>p</tt> is either
--   an <a>InvConflictor</a> or <a>Etacilpud</a>.
isForward :: PrimPatch prim => RealPatch prim s y -> Maybe Doc

-- | <a>isDuplicate</a> <tt>p</tt> is <tt>True</tt> if <tt>p</tt> is either
--   a <a>Duplicate</a> or <a>Etacilpud</a> patch.
isDuplicate :: RealPatch prim s y -> Bool

-- | <a>mergeUnravelled</a> is used when converting from Darcs V1 patches
--   (Mergers) to Darcs V2 patches (Conflictors).
mergeUnravelled :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed ((FL prim) x)] -> Maybe (FlippedSeal (RealPatch prim) x)
instance IsHunk prim => IsHunk (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Effect (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Nonable (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Show2 (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Show (RealPatch prim x y)
instance PrimPatch prim => ReadPatch (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatch (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatchBasic (RealPatch prim)
instance PatchListFormat (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => RepairToFL (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Apply (RealPatch prim)
instance PatchInspect prim => PatchInspect (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Merge (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Commute (RealPatch prim)
instance Invert prim => Invert (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => MyEq (RealPatch prim)
instance ToFromPrim (RealPatch prim)
instance FromPrim (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Check (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Conflict (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => Patchy (RealPatch prim)
instance PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RealPatch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.V2

-- | <a>RealPatch</a> is used to represents prim patches that are
--   duplicates of, or conflict with, another prim patch in the repository.
--   <tt>Normal prim</tt>: A primitive patch
--   <tt>Duplicate x</tt>: This patch has no effect since <tt>x</tt> is
--   already present in the repository.
--   <pre>
--   Etacilpud x: invert (Duplicate x)
--   </pre>
--   <tt>Conflictor ix xx x</tt>: <tt>ix</tt> is the set of patches: * that
--   conflict with <tt>x</tt> and also conflict with another patch in the
--   repository. * that conflict with a patch that conflict with <tt>x</tt>
--   <tt>xx</tt> is the sequence of patches that conflict *only* with
--   <tt>x</tt>
--   <tt>x</tt> is the original, conflicting patch.
--   <tt>ix</tt> and <tt>x</tt> are stored as <tt>Non</tt> objects, which
--   include any necessary context to uniquely define the patch that is
--   referred to.
--   The intuition is that a Conflictor should have the effect of inverting
--   any patches that <tt>x</tt> conflicts with, that haven't already been
--   undone by another Conflictor in the repository. Therefore, the effect
--   of a Conflictor is <tt>invert xx</tt>.
--   <tt>InvConflictor ix xx x</tt>: like <tt>invert (Conflictor ix xx
--   x)</tt>
data RealPatch prim x y
prim2real :: prim x y -> RealPatch prim x y
instance PrimPatch prim => RepoPatch (RealPatch prim)

module Darcs.Patch.Bundle

-- | hashBundle creates a SHA1 string of a given a FL of named patches.
--   This allows us to ensure that the patches in a received patchBundle
--   have not been modified in transit.
hashBundle :: (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => FL (Named p) x y -> String

-- | In makeBundle2, it is presumed that the two patch sequences are
--   identical, but that they may be lazily generated. If two different
--   patch sequences are passed, a bundle with a mismatched hash will be
--   generated, which is not the end of the world, but isn't very useful
--   either.
makeBundle2 :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Maybe (Tree IO) -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) start x -> FL (Named p) x y -> FL (Named p) x y -> IO Doc
makeBundleN :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Maybe (Tree IO) -> PatchSet p start x -> FL (Named p) x y -> IO Doc
scanBundle :: RepoPatch p => ByteString -> Either String (SealedPatchSet p Origin)
contextPatches :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p Origin x -> (PatchSet p :> (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) Origin x
scanContext :: RepoPatch p => ByteString -> PatchSet p Origin x

-- | patchFilename maps a patch description string to a safe (lowercased,
--   spaces removed and ascii-only characters) patch filename.
patchFilename :: String -> String

-- | getContext parses a context list, returning a tuple containing the
--   list, and remaining ByteString input.
getContext :: ByteString -> ([PatchInfo], ByteString)
parseBundle :: RepoPatch p => ByteString -> Either String (Sealed ((PatchSet p :> FL (PatchInfoAnd p)) Origin))

module Darcs.Repository.Cache

-- | <a>cacheHash</a> computes the cache hash (i.e. filename) of a packed
--   string.
cacheHash :: ByteString -> String
okayHash :: String -> Bool
takeHash :: ByteString -> Maybe (String, ByteString)
newtype Cache
Ca :: [CacheLoc] -> Cache
data CacheType
Repo :: CacheType
Directory :: CacheType
data CacheLoc
Cache :: !CacheType -> !WritableOrNot -> !String -> CacheLoc
cacheType :: CacheLoc -> !CacheType
cacheWritable :: CacheLoc -> !WritableOrNot
cacheSource :: CacheLoc -> !String
data WritableOrNot
Writable :: WritableOrNot
NotWritable :: WritableOrNot
data HashedDir
HashedPristineDir :: HashedDir
HashedPatchesDir :: HashedDir
HashedInventoriesDir :: HashedDir
hashedDir :: HashedDir -> String
unionCaches :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache

-- | unionRemoteCaches merges caches. It tries to do better than just
--   blindly copying remote cache entries:
--   <ul>
--   <li>If remote repository is accessed through network, do not copy any
--   cache entries from it. Taking local entries does not make sense and
--   using network entries can lead to darcs hang when it tries to get to
--   unaccessible host.</li>
--   <li>If remote repositoty is local, copy all network cache entries. For
--   local cache entries if the cache directory exists and is writable it
--   is added as writable cache, if it exists but is not writable it is
--   added as read-only cache.</li>
--   </ul>
--   This approach should save us from bogus cache entries. One case it
--   does not work very well is when you fetch from partial repository over
--   network. Hopefully this is not a common case.
unionRemoteCaches :: Cache -> Cache -> String -> IO (Cache)
cleanCaches :: Cache -> HashedDir -> IO ()
cleanCachesWithHint :: Cache -> HashedDir -> [String] -> IO ()

-- | <tt>fetchFileUsingCache cache dir hash</tt> receives a list of caches
--   <tt>cache</tt>, the directory for which that file belongs <tt>dir</tt>
--   and the <tt>hash</tt> of the file to fetch. It tries to fetch the file
--   from one of the sources, trying them in order one by one. If the file
--   cannot be fetched from any of the sources, this operation fails.
fetchFileUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO (String, ByteString)

-- | <tt>speculateFileUsingCache cache subdirectory name</tt> takes note
--   that the file <tt>name</tt> is likely to be useful soon: pipelined
--   downloads will add it to the (low-priority) queue, for the rest it is
--   a noop.
speculateFileUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO ()

-- | Note that the files are likely to be useful soon: pipelined downloads
--   will add them to the (low-priority) queue, for the rest it is a noop.
speculateFilesUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> [String] -> IO ()

-- | <tt>writeFileUsingCache cache compression subdir contents</tt> write
--   the string <tt>contents</tt> to the directory subdir, except if it is
--   already in the cache, in which case it is a noop. Warning (?) this
--   means that in case of a hash collision, writing using
--   writeFileUsingCache is a noop. The returned value is the filename that
--   was given to the string.
writeFileUsingCache :: Cache -> Compression -> HashedDir -> ByteString -> IO String

-- | <tt>peekInCache cache subdir hash</tt> tells whether <tt>cache</tt>
--   and contains an object with hash <tt>hash</tt> in a writable position.
--   Florent: why do we want it to be in a writable position?
peekInCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO Bool
repo2cache :: String -> Cache
writable :: CacheLoc -> Bool
isthisrepo :: CacheLoc -> Bool

-- | <tt>hashedFilePath cachelocation subdir hash</tt> returns the physical
--   filename of hash <tt>hash</tt> in the <tt>subdir</tt> section of
--   <tt>cachelocation</tt>.
hashedFilePath :: CacheLoc -> HashedDir -> String -> String
allHashedDirs :: [HashedDir]

-- | Compares two caches, a remote cache is greater than a local one. The
--   order of the comparison is given by: local &lt; http &lt; ssh
compareByLocality :: CacheLoc -> CacheLoc -> Ordering

-- | Prints an error message with a list of bad caches.
reportBadSources :: IO ()
instance Show WritableOrNot
instance Eq CacheType
instance Show CacheType
instance Eq OrOnlySpeculate
instance Eq FromWhere
instance Show Cache
instance Show CacheLoc
instance Eq CacheLoc

module Darcs.Repository.Prefs
addToPreflist :: String -> String -> IO ()
getPreflist :: String -> IO [String]
setPreflist :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
getGlobal :: String -> IO [String]
environmentHelpHome :: ([String], [String])
defaultrepo :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
setDefaultrepo :: String -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
getPrefval :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
setPrefval :: String -> String -> IO ()
changePrefval :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
defPrefval :: String -> String -> IO String
writeDefaultPrefs :: IO ()
boringRegexps :: IO [Regex]
boringFileFilter :: IO ([FilePath] -> [FilePath])
darcsdirFilter :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
data FileType
BinaryFile :: FileType
TextFile :: FileType
filetypeFunction :: IO (FilePath -> FileType)
getCaches :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO Cache
binariesFileHelp :: [String]
boringFileHelp :: [String]
globalCacheDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)

-- | The relative path of the global preference directory;
--   <tt>~/.darcs</tt> on Unix, and <tt>%APPDATA%/darcs</tt> on Windows.
--   This is used for online documentation.
globalPrefsDirDoc :: String
instance Eq FileType

module Darcs.Diff
treeDiff :: (Functor m, Monad m, Gap w, PrimPatch prim) => (FilePath -> FileType) -> Tree m -> Tree m -> m (w (FL prim))

module Darcs.Resolution
standardResolution :: RepoPatch p => FL p x y -> Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) y)
externalResolution :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Tree IO -> String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PrimOf p) x y -> FL (PrimOf p) x z -> FL p y a -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) a))
patchsetConflictResolutions :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p Origin x -> Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) x)

module Darcs.IO
runTolerantly :: TolerantIO a -> IO a
runSilently :: SilentIO a -> IO a
instance ApplyMonad SilentIO Tree
instance ApplyMonad TolerantIO Tree
instance Monad SilentIO
instance Functor SilentIO
instance Monad TolerantIO
instance Functor TolerantIO
instance TolerantMonad SilentIO
instance TolerantMonad TolerantIO
instance ApplyMonad IO Tree

module Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches
applyPatches :: (MonadProgress m, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p), Patchy p) => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> m ()

module Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
data Repository (p :: * -> * -> *) recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate
Repo :: !String -> ![DarcsFlag] -> !RepoFormat -> !RepoType p -> Repository recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate
data RepoType (p :: * -> * -> *)
DarcsRepository :: !Pristine -> Cache -> RepoType
data Pristine
NoPristine :: Pristine
PlainPristine :: Pristine
HashedPristine :: Pristine
extractCache :: Repository p r u t -> Cache
extractOptions :: Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag]

-- | <a>modifyCache</a> <tt>repository function</tt> modifies the cache of
--   <tt>repository</tt> with <tt>function</tt>, remove duplicates and sort
--   the results with <a>compareByLocality</a>.
modifyCache :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> (Cache -> Cache) -> Repository p r u t
instance Show Pristine
instance Eq Pristine
instance Show (RepoType p)
instance Show (Repository p recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate)

module Darcs.Repository.LowLevel

-- | Read the contents of pending. CWD should be the repository directory.
--   The return type is currently incorrect as it refers to the tentative
--   state rather than the recorded state.
readPending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) t))

-- | Read the contents of tentative pending. CWD should be the repository
--   directory.
readTentativePending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) t))

-- | Read the contents of tentative pending. CWD should be the repository
--   directory.
writeTentativePending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) t y -> IO ()

-- | Read the contents of tentative pending. CWD should be the repository
--   directory.
readNewPending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) t))

-- | Read the contents of new pending. CWD should be the repository
--   directory.
writeNewPending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) t y -> IO ()
pendingName :: RepoType p -> String
instance ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatchBasic (FLM p)
instance ReadPatch p => ReadPatch (FLM p)

module Darcs.Repository.State

-- | From a repository and a list of SubPath's, construct a filter that can
--   be used on a Tree (recorded or unrecorded state) of this repository.
--   This constructed filter will take pending into account, so the
--   subpaths will be translated correctly relative to pending move
--   patches.
restrictSubpaths :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [SubPath] -> IO (TreeFilter m)

-- | Construct a Tree filter that removes any boring files the Tree might
--   have contained. Additionally, you should (in most cases) pass an
--   (expanded) Tree that corresponds to the recorded content of the
--   repository. This is important in the cases when the repository
--   contains files that would be boring otherwise. (If you pass emptyTree
--   instead, such files will simply be discarded by the filter, which is
--   usually not what you want.)
--   This function is most useful when you have a plain Tree corresponding
--   to the full working copy of the repository, including untracked files.
--   Cf. whatsnew, record --look-for-adds. NB. Assumes that our CWD is the
--   repository root.
restrictBoring :: Tree m -> IO (TreeFilter m)
newtype TreeFilter m
TreeFilter :: (forall tr. FilterTree tr m => tr m -> tr m) -> TreeFilter m
applyTreeFilter :: TreeFilter m -> forall tr. FilterTree tr m => tr m -> tr m

-- | For a repository and an optional list of paths (when Nothing, take
--   everything) compute a (forward) list of prims (i.e. a patch) going
--   from the recorded state of the repository (pristine) to the unrecorded
--   state of the repository (the working copy + pending). When a list of
--   paths is given, at least the files that live under any of these paths
--   in either recorded or unrecorded will be included in the resulting
--   patch. NB. More patches may be included in this list, eg. the full
--   contents of the pending patch. This is usually not a problem, since
--   selectChanges will properly filter the results anyway.
--   This also depends on the options given: with LookForAdds, we will
--   include any non-boring files (i.e. also those that do not exist in the
--   <a>recorded</a> state) in the working in the <a>unrecorded</a> state,
--   and therefore they will show up in the patches as addfiles.
--   The IgnoreTimes option disables index usage completely -- for each
--   file, we read both the unrecorded and the recorded copy and run a diff
--   on them. This is very inefficient, although in extremely rare cases,
--   the index could go out of sync (file is modified, index is updated and
--   file is modified again within a single second).
unrecordedChanges :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (UseIndex, ScanKnown) -> Repository p r u t -> Maybe [SubPath] -> IO (FL (PrimOf p) t u)
readPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO, Sealed (FL p t))

-- | Obtains a Tree corresponding to the <a>recorded</a> state of the
--   repository: this is the same as the pristine cache, which is the same
--   as the result of applying all the repository's patches to an empty
--   directory.
--   Handles the plain and hashed pristine cases. Currently does not handle
--   the no-pristine case, as that requires replaying patches. Cf.
--   <a>readDarcsHashed</a> and <a>readPlainTree</a> in hashed-storage that
--   are used to do the actual <a>Tree</a> construction.
readRecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO)

-- | Obtains a Tree corresponding to the <a>unrecorded</a> state of the
--   repository: the working tree plus the <a>pending</a> patch. The
--   optional list of paths allows to restrict the query to a subtree.
--   Limiting the query may be more efficient, since hashes on the
--   uninteresting parts of the index do not need to go through an
--   up-to-date check (which involves a relatively expensive lstat(2) per
--   file.
readUnrecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Maybe [SubPath] -> IO (Tree IO)
readRecordedAndPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO)

-- | Obtains a Tree corresponding to the working copy of the repository.
--   NB. Almost always, using readUnrecorded is the right choice. This
--   function is only useful in not-completely-constructed repositories.
readWorking :: IO (Tree IO)
readIndex :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO Index

-- | Mark the existing index as invalid. This has to be called whenever the
--   listing of pristine changes and will cause darcs to update the index
--   next time it tries to read it. (NB. This is about files added and
--   removed from pristine: changes to file content in either pristine or
--   working are handled transparently by the index reading code.)
invalidateIndex :: t -> IO ()
data UseIndex
UseIndex :: UseIndex
IgnoreIndex :: UseIndex
data ScanKnown

-- | Just files already known to darcs
ScanKnown :: ScanKnown

-- | All files, i.e. look for new ones
ScanAll :: ScanKnown

-- | All files, even boring ones
ScanBoring :: ScanKnown

module Darcs.Repository.HashedIO
type HashedIO p = StateT (HashDir RW p) IO
copyHashed :: String -> Cache -> Compression -> String -> IO ()
copyPartialsHashed :: FilePathLike fp => Cache -> Compression -> String -> [fp] -> IO ()
cleanHashdir :: Cache -> HashedDir -> [String] -> IO ()
data RW
RW :: RW
instance Eq ObjType
instance ApplyMonad (HashedIO p) Tree

module Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo
revertTentativeChanges :: IO ()
finalizeTentativeChanges :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> IO ()
cleanPristine :: Repository p r u t -> IO ()
copyPristine :: Cache -> Compression -> String -> String -> IO ()
copyPartialsPristine :: FilePathLike fp => Cache -> Compression -> String -> String -> [fp] -> IO ()
applyToTentativePristine :: (ApplyState q ~ Tree, Patchy q) => q x y -> IO ()
addToSpecificInventory :: RepoPatch p => String -> Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO FilePath
addToTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO FilePath
removeFromTentativeInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> IO ()
readRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> IO (PatchSet p Origin r)
readTentativeRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> IO (PatchSet p Origin t)
readRepoUsingSpecificInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => String -> Repository p r u t -> String -> IO (PatchSet p Origin s)
writeAndReadPatch :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO (PatchInfoAnd p x y)
writeTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchSet p Origin x -> IO ()
copyRepo :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> RemoteDarcs -> String -> IO ()
readHashedPristineRoot :: Repository p r u t -> IO (Maybe String)
pris2inv :: String -> ByteString -> Doc

-- | <a>copySources</a> copies the prefs/sources file to the local repo,
--   from the remote, having first filtered the local filesystem sources.
copySources :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> String -> IO ()
listInventories :: IO [String]
writePatchIfNecessary :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO (PatchInfo, String)
readRepoFromInventoryList :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Cache -> (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)]) -> IO (SealedPatchSet p Origin)

-- | 'readPatchIds inventory' parses the content of a hashed_inventory file
--   after the <a>pristine:</a> and <a>Starting with inventory:</a> header
--   lines have been removed. The second value in the resulting tuples is
--   the file hash of the associated patch (the <a>hash:</a> line).
readPatchIds :: ByteString -> [(PatchInfo, String)]

module Darcs.Repository.Internal
data Repository (p :: * -> * -> *) recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate
Repo :: !String -> ![DarcsFlag] -> !RepoFormat -> !RepoType p -> Repository recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate
data RepoType (p :: * -> * -> *)
DarcsRepository :: !Pristine -> Cache -> RepoType

-- | Repository IO monad. This monad-like datatype is responsible for
--   sequencing IO actions that modify the tentative recorded state of the
--   repository.
data RIO p r u t t1 a
data RepoJob a
RepoJob :: (forall p r u. (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree) => Repository p r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
V1Job :: (forall r u. Repository (Patch Prim) r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
V2Job :: (forall r u. Repository (RealPatch Prim) r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
PrimV1Job :: (forall p r u. (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, PrimOf p ~ Prim) => Repository p r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a

-- | Tries to identify the repository in a given directory
maybeIdentifyRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO (IdentifyRepo p r u t)

-- | identifyDarcsRepository identifies the repo at <tt>url</tt>. Warning:
--   you have to know what kind of patches are found in that repo.
identifyDarcsRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO (Repository p r u t)

-- | <tt>identifyRepositoryFor repo url</tt> identifies (and returns) the
--   repo at <tt>url</tt>, but fails if it is not compatible for reading
--   from and writing to.
identifyRepositoryFor :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> String -> IO (Repository p r u t)

-- | The status of a given directory: is it a darcs repository?
data IdentifyRepo p r u t

-- | looks like a repository with some error
BadRepository :: String -> IdentifyRepo p r u t

-- | safest guess
NonRepository :: String -> IdentifyRepo p r u t
GoodRepository :: (Repository p r u t) -> IdentifyRepo p r u t
findRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amInRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amNotInRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amInHashedRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
revertRepositoryChanges :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
announceMergeConflicts :: (PrimPatch p, PatchInspect p) => String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL p x y -> IO Bool

-- | setTentativePending is basically unsafe. It overwrites the pending
--   state with a new one, not related to the repository state.
setTentativePending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) x y -> IO ()
checkUnrecordedConflicts :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> FL (Named p) t y -> IO Bool
withRecorded :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> ((AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a) -> (AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a
readRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin r)
readTentativeRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin t)
readRepoUsingSpecificInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => String -> Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin t)
prefsUrl :: Repository p r u t -> String
makePatchLazy :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO (PatchInfoAnd p x y)
withRepoLock :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepoReadLock :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepositoryDirectory :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withGutsOf :: Repository p r u t -> IO a -> IO a
tentativelyAddPatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p t y -> IO (Repository p r u y)
tentativelyRemovePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> IO (Repository p r u x)

-- | This fuction is unsafe because it accepts a patch that works on the
--   tentative pending and we don't currently track the state of the
--   tentative pending.
tentativelyAddToPending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PrimOf p) x y -> IO ()
tentativelyAddPatch_ :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => UpdatePristine -> Repository p r u t -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p t y -> IO (Repository p r u y)
tentativelyReplacePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> IO (Repository p r u t)
finalizeRepositoryChanges :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
unrevertUrl :: Repository p r u t -> String
applyToWorking :: (ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PrimOf p) u y -> IO (Repository p r y t)
patchSetToPatches :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p x y -> FL (Named p) x y
createPristineDirectoryTree :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | Used by the commands dist and diff
createPartialsPristineDirectoryTree :: (FilePathLike fp, RepoPatch p) => Repository p r u t -> [fp] -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | Writes out a fresh copy of the inventory that minimizes the amount of
--   inventory that need be downloaded when people pull from the
--   repository.
--   Specifically, it breaks up the inventory on the most recent tag. This
--   speeds up most commands when run remotely, both because a smaller file
--   needs to be transfered (only the most recent inventory). It also gives
--   a guarantee that all the patches prior to a given tag are included in
--   that tag, so less commutation and history traversal is needed. This
--   latter issue can become very important in large repositories.
optimizeInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
cleanRepository :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
setScriptsExecutable :: IO ()
setScriptsExecutablePatches :: Patchy p => p x y -> IO ()

-- | Similar to the <tt>ask</tt> function of the MonadReader class. This
--   allows actions in the RIO monad to get the current repository. FIXME:
--   Don't export this. If we don't export this it makes it harder for
--   arbitrary IO actions to access the repository and hence our code is
--   easier to audit.
getRepository :: RIO p r u t t (Repository p r u t)

-- | This the <tt>RIO</tt> equivalent of <tt>liftIO</tt>.
rIO :: IO a -> RIO p r u t t a
testTentative :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (ExitCode)
testRecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (ExitCode)
data UpdatePristine
UpdatePristine :: UpdatePristine
DontUpdatePristine :: UpdatePristine
data MakeChanges
MakeChanges :: MakeChanges
DontMakeChanges :: MakeChanges
applyToTentativePristine :: (ApplyState q ~ Tree, Effect q, Patchy q, PrimPatchBase q) => Repository p r u t -> q t y -> IO ()
makeNewPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) t y -> IO ()

-- | hunt upwards for the darcs repository This keeps changing up one
--   parent directory, testing at each step if the current directory is a
--   repository or not. $ The result is: Nothing, if no repository found
--   Just (Left errorMessage), if bad repository found Just (Right ()), if
--   good repository found. WARNING this changes the current directory for
--   good if matchFn succeeds
seekRepo :: IO (Maybe (Either String ()))
instance Eq MakeChanges
instance Eq UpdatePristine
instance Monad (RIO p r u t t)
instance Functor (RIO p r u t t)

module Darcs.Repository.Merge
tentativelyMergePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) u))
considerMergeToWorking :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) u))

module Darcs.Repository
data Repository (p :: * -> * -> *) recordedstate unrecordedstate tentativestate
data HashedDir
HashedPristineDir :: HashedDir
HashedPatchesDir :: HashedDir
HashedInventoriesDir :: HashedDir
newtype Cache
Ca :: [CacheLoc] -> Cache
data CacheLoc
Cache :: !CacheType -> !WritableOrNot -> !String -> CacheLoc
cacheType :: CacheLoc -> !CacheType
cacheWritable :: CacheLoc -> !WritableOrNot
cacheSource :: CacheLoc -> !String
data WritableOrNot
Writable :: WritableOrNot
NotWritable :: WritableOrNot
data RepoJob a
RepoJob :: (forall p r u. (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree) => Repository p r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
V1Job :: (forall r u. Repository (Patch Prim) r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
V2Job :: (forall r u. Repository (RealPatch Prim) r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a
PrimV1Job :: (forall p r u. (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, PrimOf p ~ Prim) => Repository p r u r -> IO a) -> RepoJob a

-- | Tries to identify the repository in a given directory
maybeIdentifyRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO (IdentifyRepo p r u t)

-- | <tt>identifyRepositoryFor repo url</tt> identifies (and returns) the
--   repo at <tt>url</tt>, but fails if it is not compatible for reading
--   from and writing to.
identifyRepositoryFor :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> String -> IO (Repository p r u t)
withRepoLock :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepoReadLock :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepositoryDirectory :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withGutsOf :: Repository p r u t -> IO a -> IO a
makePatchLazy :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> IO (PatchInfoAnd p x y)

-- | writePatchSet is like patchSetToRepository, except that it doesn't
--   touch the working directory or pristine cache.
writePatchSet :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => PatchSet p Origin x -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Repository p r u t)
findRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amInRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amNotInRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
amInHashedRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())

-- | Replace the existing pristine with a new one (loaded up in a Tree
--   object).
replacePristine :: Repository p r u t -> Tree IO -> IO ()
withRecorded :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> ((AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a) -> (AbsolutePath -> IO a) -> IO a
readRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin r)
prefsUrl :: Repository p r u t -> String
readRepoUsingSpecificInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => String -> Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin t)
addToPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) u y -> IO ()
tentativelyAddPatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p t y -> IO (Repository p r u y)
tentativelyRemovePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> IO (Repository p r u x)

-- | This fuction is unsafe because it accepts a patch that works on the
--   tentative pending and we don't currently track the state of the
--   tentative pending.
tentativelyAddToPending :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PrimOf p) x y -> IO ()
tentativelyReplacePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Compression -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> IO (Repository p r u t)
readTentativeRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (PatchSet p Origin t)
tentativelyMergePatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) u))
considerMergeToWorking :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) u))
revertRepositoryChanges :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
finalizeRepositoryChanges :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
createRepository :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
copyRepository :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Bool -> IO ()

-- | patchSetToRepository takes a patch set, and writes a new repository in
--   the current directory that contains all the patches in the patch set.
--   This function is used when 'darcs get'ing a repository with the
--   --to-match flag and the new repository is not in hashed format. This
--   function does not (yet) work for hashed repositories. If the passed
--   <tt>DarcsFlag</tt>s tell darcs to create a hashed repository, this
--   function will call <tt>error</tt>.
patchSetToRepository :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r1 u1 r1 -> PatchSet p Origin x -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Repository p r u t)
unrevertUrl :: Repository p r u t -> String
applyToWorking :: (ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PrimOf p) u y -> IO (Repository p r y t)
patchSetToPatches :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet p x y -> FL (Named p) x y
createPristineDirectoryTree :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | Used by the commands dist and diff
createPartialsPristineDirectoryTree :: (FilePathLike fp, RepoPatch p) => Repository p r u t -> [fp] -> FilePath -> IO ()

-- | Writes out a fresh copy of the inventory that minimizes the amount of
--   inventory that need be downloaded when people pull from the
--   repository.
--   Specifically, it breaks up the inventory on the most recent tag. This
--   speeds up most commands when run remotely, both because a smaller file
--   needs to be transfered (only the most recent inventory). It also gives
--   a guarantee that all the patches prior to a given tag are included in
--   that tag, so less commutation and history traversal is needed. This
--   latter issue can become very important in large repositories.
optimizeInventory :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
cleanRepository :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> IO ()
data PatchSet p start y
type SealedPatchSet p start = Sealed ((PatchSet p) start)

-- | <tt><a>PatchInfoAnd</a> p a b</tt> represents a hope we have to get a
--   patch through its info. We're not sure we have the patch, but we know
--   its info.
data PatchInfoAnd p a b
setScriptsExecutable :: IO ()
setScriptsExecutablePatches :: Patchy p => p x y -> IO ()
checkUnrelatedRepos :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p start x -> PatchSet p start y -> IO ()
testTentative :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (ExitCode)
testRecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (ExitCode)
extractOptions :: Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag]

-- | <a>modifyCache</a> <tt>repository function</tt> modifies the cache of
--   <tt>repository</tt> with <tt>function</tt>, remove duplicates and sort
--   the results with <a>compareByLocality</a>.
modifyCache :: RepoPatch p => Repository p r u t -> (Cache -> Cache) -> Repository p r u t

-- | Prints an error message with a list of bad caches.
reportBadSources :: IO ()

-- | Obtains a Tree corresponding to the <a>recorded</a> state of the
--   repository: this is the same as the pristine cache, which is the same
--   as the result of applying all the repository's patches to an empty
--   directory.
--   Handles the plain and hashed pristine cases. Currently does not handle
--   the no-pristine case, as that requires replaying patches. Cf.
--   <a>readDarcsHashed</a> and <a>readPlainTree</a> in hashed-storage that
--   are used to do the actual <a>Tree</a> construction.
readRecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO)

-- | Obtains a Tree corresponding to the <a>unrecorded</a> state of the
--   repository: the working tree plus the <a>pending</a> patch. The
--   optional list of paths allows to restrict the query to a subtree.
--   Limiting the query may be more efficient, since hashes on the
--   uninteresting parts of the index do not need to go through an
--   up-to-date check (which involves a relatively expensive lstat(2) per
--   file.
readUnrecorded :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Maybe [SubPath] -> IO (Tree IO)

-- | For a repository and an optional list of paths (when Nothing, take
--   everything) compute a (forward) list of prims (i.e. a patch) going
--   from the recorded state of the repository (pristine) to the unrecorded
--   state of the repository (the working copy + pending). When a list of
--   paths is given, at least the files that live under any of these paths
--   in either recorded or unrecorded will be included in the resulting
--   patch. NB. More patches may be included in this list, eg. the full
--   contents of the pending patch. This is usually not a problem, since
--   selectChanges will properly filter the results anyway.
--   This also depends on the options given: with LookForAdds, we will
--   include any non-boring files (i.e. also those that do not exist in the
--   <a>recorded</a> state) in the working in the <a>unrecorded</a> state,
--   and therefore they will show up in the patches as addfiles.
--   The IgnoreTimes option disables index usage completely -- for each
--   file, we read both the unrecorded and the recorded copy and run a diff
--   on them. This is very inefficient, although in extremely rare cases,
--   the index could go out of sync (file is modified, index is updated and
--   file is modified again within a single second).
unrecordedChanges :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (UseIndex, ScanKnown) -> Repository p r u t -> Maybe [SubPath] -> IO (FL (PrimOf p) t u)
readPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO, Sealed (FL p t))
readRecordedAndPending :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO (Tree IO)
readIndex :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> IO Index

-- | Mark the existing index as invalid. This has to be called whenever the
--   listing of pristine changes and will cause darcs to update the index
--   next time it tries to read it. (NB. This is about files added and
--   removed from pristine: changes to file content in either pristine or
--   working are handled transparently by the index reading code.)
invalidateIndex :: t -> IO ()

module Darcs.Arguments

-- | The <a>DarcsFlag</a> type is a list of all flags that can ever be
--   passed to darcs, or to one of its commands.
data DarcsFlag
Help :: DarcsFlag
ListOptions :: DarcsFlag
NoTest :: DarcsFlag
Test :: DarcsFlag
OnlyChangesToFiles :: DarcsFlag
ChangesToAllFiles :: DarcsFlag
LeaveTestDir :: DarcsFlag
NoLeaveTestDir :: DarcsFlag
Timings :: DarcsFlag
Debug :: DarcsFlag
DebugVerbose :: DarcsFlag
DebugHTTP :: DarcsFlag
Verbose :: DarcsFlag
NormalVerbosity :: DarcsFlag
Quiet :: DarcsFlag
Target :: String -> DarcsFlag
Cc :: String -> DarcsFlag
Output :: AbsolutePathOrStd -> DarcsFlag
OutputAutoName :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Subject :: String -> DarcsFlag
InReplyTo :: String -> DarcsFlag
Charset :: String -> DarcsFlag
SendmailCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
Author :: String -> DarcsFlag
PatchName :: String -> DarcsFlag
OnePatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
SeveralPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
AfterPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
UpToPatch :: String -> DarcsFlag
TagName :: String -> DarcsFlag
LastN :: Int -> DarcsFlag
MaxCount :: Int -> DarcsFlag
PatchIndexRange :: Int -> Int -> DarcsFlag
NumberPatches :: DarcsFlag
OneTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
AfterTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
UpToTag :: String -> DarcsFlag
GenContext :: DarcsFlag
Context :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Count :: DarcsFlag
LogFile :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
RmLogFile :: DarcsFlag
DontRmLogFile :: DarcsFlag
DistName :: String -> DarcsFlag
All :: DarcsFlag
Recursive :: DarcsFlag
NoRecursive :: DarcsFlag
Reorder :: DarcsFlag
RestrictPaths :: DarcsFlag
DontRestrictPaths :: DarcsFlag
AskDeps :: DarcsFlag
NoAskDeps :: DarcsFlag
IgnoreTimes :: DarcsFlag
DontIgnoreTimes :: DarcsFlag
LookForAdds :: DarcsFlag
NoLookForAdds :: DarcsFlag
AnyOrder :: DarcsFlag
CreatorHash :: String -> DarcsFlag
Intersection :: DarcsFlag
Union :: DarcsFlag
Complement :: DarcsFlag
Sign :: DarcsFlag
SignAs :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoSign :: DarcsFlag
SignSSL :: String -> DarcsFlag
HappyForwarding :: DarcsFlag
NoHappyForwarding :: DarcsFlag
Verify :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
VerifySSL :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
RemoteDarcsOpt :: String -> DarcsFlag
EditDescription :: DarcsFlag
NoEditDescription :: DarcsFlag
Toks :: String -> DarcsFlag
EditLongComment :: DarcsFlag
NoEditLongComment :: DarcsFlag
PromptLongComment :: DarcsFlag
KeepDate :: DarcsFlag
NoKeepDate :: DarcsFlag
AllowConflicts :: DarcsFlag
MarkConflicts :: DarcsFlag
NoAllowConflicts :: DarcsFlag
SkipConflicts :: DarcsFlag
Boring :: DarcsFlag
SkipBoring :: DarcsFlag
AllowCaseOnly :: DarcsFlag
DontAllowCaseOnly :: DarcsFlag
AllowWindowsReserved :: DarcsFlag
DontAllowWindowsReserved :: DarcsFlag
DontGrabDeps :: DarcsFlag
DontPromptForDependencies :: DarcsFlag
PromptForDependencies :: DarcsFlag
Compress :: DarcsFlag
NoCompress :: DarcsFlag
UnCompress :: DarcsFlag
WorkRepoDir :: String -> DarcsFlag
WorkRepoUrl :: String -> DarcsFlag
RemoteRepo :: String -> DarcsFlag
NewRepo :: String -> DarcsFlag
Reply :: String -> DarcsFlag
ApplyAs :: String -> DarcsFlag
MachineReadable :: DarcsFlag
HumanReadable :: DarcsFlag
Pipe :: DarcsFlag
Interactive :: DarcsFlag
DiffCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
ExternalMerge :: String -> DarcsFlag
Summary :: DarcsFlag
NoSummary :: DarcsFlag
PauseForGui :: DarcsFlag
NoPauseForGui :: DarcsFlag
Unified :: DarcsFlag
NonUnified :: DarcsFlag
Reverse :: DarcsFlag
Forward :: DarcsFlag
Complete :: DarcsFlag
Lazy :: DarcsFlag
FixFilePath :: AbsolutePath -> AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
DiffFlags :: String -> DarcsFlag
XMLOutput :: DarcsFlag
ForceReplace :: DarcsFlag
OnePattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
SeveralPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
AfterPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
UpToPattern :: PatchMatch -> DarcsFlag
NonApply :: DarcsFlag
NonVerify :: DarcsFlag
NonForce :: DarcsFlag
DryRun :: DarcsFlag
SetDefault :: Bool -> DarcsFlag
NoSetDefault :: Bool -> DarcsFlag
Disable :: DarcsFlag
SetScriptsExecutable :: DarcsFlag
DontSetScriptsExecutable :: DarcsFlag
Bisect :: DarcsFlag
UseHashedInventory :: DarcsFlag
UseFormat2 :: DarcsFlag
UseNoWorkingDir :: DarcsFlag
UseWorkingDir :: DarcsFlag
NoUpdateWorking :: DarcsFlag
Sibling :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag
Relink :: DarcsFlag
OptimizePristine :: DarcsFlag
OptimizeHTTP :: DarcsFlag
UpgradeFormat :: DarcsFlag
Files :: DarcsFlag
NoFiles :: DarcsFlag
Directories :: DarcsFlag
NoDirectories :: DarcsFlag
Pending :: DarcsFlag
NoPending :: DarcsFlag
PosthookCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoPosthook :: DarcsFlag
AskPosthook :: DarcsFlag
RunPosthook :: DarcsFlag
PrehookCmd :: String -> DarcsFlag
NoPrehook :: DarcsFlag
AskPrehook :: DarcsFlag
RunPrehook :: DarcsFlag
UMask :: String -> DarcsFlag
StoreInMemory :: DarcsFlag
ApplyOnDisk :: DarcsFlag
NoHTTPPipelining :: DarcsFlag
Packs :: DarcsFlag
NoPacks :: DarcsFlag
NoCache :: DarcsFlag
AllowUnrelatedRepos :: DarcsFlag
Check :: DarcsFlag
Repair :: DarcsFlag
JustThisRepo :: DarcsFlag
NullFlag :: DarcsFlag
RecordRollback :: DarcsFlag
NoRecordRollback :: DarcsFlag
NoAmendUnrecord :: DarcsFlag
AmendUnrecord :: DarcsFlag
flagToString :: [DarcsOption] -> DarcsFlag -> Maybe String
applyDefaults :: [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> [DarcsFlag]
nubOptions :: [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> [DarcsFlag]
maxCount :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe Int
isin :: DarcsAtomicOption -> [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
arein :: DarcsOption -> [DarcsFlag] -> Bool

-- | Set the DARCS_PATCHES and DARCS_PATCHES_XML environment variables with
--   info about the given patches, for use in post-hooks.
setEnvDarcsPatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO ()

-- | Set the DARCS_FILES environment variable to the files touched by the
--   given patch, one per line, for use in post-hooks.
setEnvDarcsFiles :: Patchy p => p x y -> IO ()
fixFilePathOrStd :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> IO AbsolutePathOrStd
fixUrl :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO String
fixUrlFlag :: [DarcsFlag] -> DarcsFlag -> IO DarcsFlag

-- | <tt>fixSubPaths files</tt> returns the <tt>SubPath</tt>s for the paths
--   in <tt>files</tt> that are inside the repository, preserving their
--   order. Paths in <tt>files</tt> that are outside the repository
--   directory are not in the result.
--   When converting a relative path to an absolute one, this function
--   first tries to interpret the relative path with respect to the current
--   working directory. If that fails, it tries to interpret it with
--   respect to the repository directory. Only when that fails does it omit
--   the path from the result.
--   It is intended for validating file arguments to darcs commands.
fixSubPaths :: [DarcsFlag] -> [FilePath] -> IO [SubPath]

-- | <tt>maybeFixSubPaths files</tt> tries to turn the file paths in its
--   argument into <tt>SubPath</tt>s.
--   When converting a relative path to an absolute one, this function
--   first tries to interpret the relative path with respect to the current
--   working directory. If that fails, it tries to interpret it with
--   respect to the repository directory. Only when that fails does it put
--   a <tt>Nothing</tt> in the result at the position of the path that
--   cannot be converted.
--   It is intended for validating file arguments to darcs commands.
maybeFixSubPaths :: [DarcsFlag] -> [FilePath] -> IO [Maybe SubPath]

-- | A type for darcs' options. The value contains the command line
--   switch(es) for the option, a help string, and a function to build a
--   <tt>DarcsFlag</tt> from the command line arguments. for each
--   constructor, <tt>shortSwitches</tt> represents the list of short
--   command line switches which invoke the option, longSwitches the list
--   of long command line switches, optDescr the description of the option,
--   and argDescr the description of its argument, if any. mkFlag is a
--   function which makes a <tt>DarcsFlag</tt> from the arguments of the
--   option.
data DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsArgOption shortSwitches longSwitches mkFlag ArgDescr
--   OptDescr</tt> The constructor for options with a string argument, such
--   as <tt>--tag</tt>
DarcsArgOption :: [Char] -> [String] -> (String -> DarcsFlag) -> String -> String -> DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsAbsPathOption shortSwitches longSwitches mkFlag ArgDescr
--   OptDescr</tt> The constructor for options with an absolute path
--   argument, such as <tt>--sibling</tt>
DarcsAbsPathOption :: [Char] -> [String] -> (AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag) -> String -> String -> DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsAbsPathOrStdOption shortSwitches longSwitches mkFlag ArgDescr
--   OptDescr</tt> The constructor for options with a path argument, such
--   as <tt>-o</tt>
DarcsAbsPathOrStdOption :: [Char] -> [String] -> (AbsolutePathOrStd -> DarcsFlag) -> String -> String -> DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsOptAbsPathOrStdOption shortSwitches longSwitches defaultPath
--   mkFlag ArgDescr OptDescr</tt> where defaultPath is a default value for
--   the Path, as a string to be parsed as if it had been given on the
--   command line. The constructor for options with an optional path
--   argument, such as <tt>-O</tt>
DarcsOptAbsPathOption :: [Char] -> [String] -> String -> (AbsolutePath -> DarcsFlag) -> String -> String -> DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsNoArgOption shortSwitches longSwitches mkFlag optDescr</tt>
--   The constructon fon options with no arguments.
DarcsNoArgOption :: [Char] -> [String] -> DarcsFlag -> String -> DarcsAtomicOption

-- | <tt>DarcsInternalOption</tt> An option just for internal use (e.g.
--   defaulting), not directly available to the user.
DarcsInternalOption :: DarcsFlag -> DarcsAtomicOption
atomicOptions :: DarcsOption -> [DarcsAtomicOption]
data DarcsOption
DarcsSingleOption :: DarcsAtomicOption -> DarcsOption

-- | A constructor for grouping related options together, such as
--   <tt>--hashed</tt> and <tt>--darcs-2</tt>.
DarcsMultipleChoiceOption :: [DarcsAtomicOption] -> DarcsOption
DarcsMutuallyExclusive :: [DarcsAtomicOption] -> ([DarcsFlag] -> [DarcsFlag]) -> DarcsOption
optionFromDarcsOption :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsOption -> [OptDescr DarcsFlag]
pipeInteractive, amendUnrecord, recordRollback, fromOpt, leaveTestDir, rmlogfile, logfile, sendmailCmd, matchSeveral, matchRange, matchOne, allowUnrelatedRepos, forceReplace, help, notest, test, ignoretimes, lookforadds, askdeps, author, matchSeveralOrLast, matchSeveralOrRange, nocompress, inReplyTo, charset, subject, uncompressNocompress, summary, unified, repoCombinator, unidiff, outputAutoName, output, editDescription, patchnameOption, distnameOption, xmloutput, reply, applyConflictOptions, ccApply, ccSend, target, pullConflictOptions, pauseForGui, useExternalMerge, storeInMemory, diffCmdFlag, sendToContext, happyForwarding, matchOneContext, changesFormat, creatorhash, changesReverse, matchOneNontag, askLongComment, noskipBoring, allowProblematicFilenames, diffflags, machineReadable, humanReadable, allInteractive, allPipeInteractive :: DarcsOption

-- | <tt>list_option</tt> is an option which lists the command's arguments
listOptions :: DarcsOption

-- | Get a list of all non-boring files and directories in the working
--   copy.
listFiles :: IO [String]
anyVerbosity :: [DarcsOption]
disable :: DarcsOption
restrictPaths :: DarcsOption
workingRepoDir :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>remoteRepo</a> is the option used to specify the URL of the remote
--   repository to work with
remoteRepo :: DarcsOption
possiblyRemoteRepoDir :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>getRepourl</a> takes a list of flags and returns the url of the
--   repository specified by <tt>Repodir "directory"</tt> in that list of
--   flags, if any. This flag is present if darcs was invoked with
--   <tt>--repodir=DIRECTORY</tt>
getRepourl :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String

-- | <a>listRegisteredFiles</a> returns the list of all registered files in
--   the repository.
listRegisteredFiles :: IO [String]

-- | <a>listUnregisteredFiles</a> returns the list of all non-boring
--   unregistered files in the repository.
listUnregisteredFiles :: IO [String]

-- | <a>getAuthor</a> takes a list of flags and returns the author of the
--   change specified by <tt>Author "Leo Tolstoy"</tt> in that list of
--   flags, if any. Otherwise, if <tt>Pipe</tt> is present, asks the user
--   who is the author and returns the answer. If neither are present, try
--   to guess the author, from <tt>_darcs/prefs</tt>, and if it's not
--   possible, ask the user.
getAuthor :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO String

-- | <a>getEasyAuthor</a> tries to get the author name first from the
--   repository preferences, then from global preferences, then from
--   environment variables. Returns <tt>[]</tt> if it could not get it.
--   Note that it may only return multiple possibilities when reading from
--   global preferences
getEasyAuthor :: IO [String]

-- | <a>getSendmailCmd</a> takes a list of flags and returns the sendmail
--   command to be used by <tt>darcs send</tt>. Looks for a command
--   specified by <tt>SendmailCmd "command"</tt> in that list of flags, if
--   any. This flag is present if darcs was invoked with
--   <tt>--sendmail-command=COMMAND</tt> Alternatively the user can set
--   <tt>$S</tt><tt>ENDMAIL</tt> which will be used as a fallback if
--   present.
getSendmailCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO String
fileHelpAuthor :: [String]
environmentHelpEmail :: ([String], [String])

-- | <a>getSubject</a> takes a list of flags and returns the subject of the
--   mail to be sent by <tt>darcs send</tt>. Looks for a subject specified
--   by <tt>Subject "subject"</tt> in that list of flags, if any. This flag
--   is present if darcs was invoked with <tt>--subject=SUBJECT</tt>
getSubject :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
getCharset :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
getInReplyTo :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String

-- | <a>getCc</a> takes a list of flags and returns the addresses to send a
--   copy of the patch bundle to when using <tt>darcs send</tt>. looks for
--   a cc address specified by <tt>Cc "address"</tt> in that list of flags.
--   Returns the addresses as a comma separated string.
getCc :: [DarcsFlag] -> String
recursive :: String -> DarcsOption
patchFormatChoices :: DarcsOption
upgradeFormat :: DarcsOption
useWorkingDir :: DarcsOption
keepDate :: DarcsOption
environmentHelpSendmail :: ([String], [String])
sign, verify, applyas :: DarcsOption
reponame :: DarcsOption
depsSel :: DarcsOption
optionsLatex :: [DarcsOption] -> String
reorderPatches :: DarcsOption
onlyToFiles :: DarcsOption
matchMaxcount :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>getContext</a> takes a list of flags and returns the context
--   specified by <tt>Context c</tt> in that list of flags, if any. This
--   flag is present if darcs was invoked with <tt>--context=FILE</tt>
getContext :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe AbsolutePath
tokens :: DarcsOption
partial :: DarcsOption
dryRun :: [DarcsOption]
dryRunNoxml :: DarcsOption

-- | <tt><a>printDryRunMessageAndExit</a> action opts patches</tt> prints a
--   string representing the action that would be taken if the
--   <tt>--dry-run</tt> option had not been passed to darcs. Then darcs
--   exits successfully. <tt>action</tt> is the name of the action being
--   taken, like <tt>"push"</tt> <tt>opts</tt> is the list of flags which
--   were sent to darcs <tt>patches</tt> is the sequence of patches which
--   would be touched by <tt>action</tt>.
printDryRunMessageAndExit :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x y -> IO ()

-- | <tt><a>showFriendly</a> flags patch</tt> returns a <a>Doc</a>
--   representing the right way to show <tt>patch</tt> given the list
--   <tt>flags</tt> of flags darcs was invoked with.
showFriendly :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> p x y -> Doc
setDefault :: Bool -> DarcsOption
setScriptsExecutableOption :: DarcsOption
bisect :: DarcsOption
relink, sibling :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>flagsToSiblings</a> collects the contents of all <tt>Sibling</tt>
--   flags in a list of flags.
flagsToSiblings :: [DarcsFlag] -> [AbsolutePath]
files :: DarcsOption
directories :: DarcsOption
pending :: DarcsOption
posthookCmd :: DarcsOption
posthookPrompt :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>getPosthookCmd</a> takes a list of flags and returns the posthook
--   command specified by <tt>PosthookCmd a</tt> in that list of flags, if
--   any.
getPosthookCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
prehookCmd :: DarcsOption
prehookPrompt :: DarcsOption

-- | <a>getPrehookCmd</a> takes a list of flags and returns the prehook
--   command specified by <tt>PrehookCmd a</tt> in that list of flags, if
--   any.
getPrehookCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
nullFlag :: DarcsOption
umaskOption :: DarcsOption

-- | <tt><a>patchSelectFlag</a> f</tt> holds whenever <tt>f</tt> is a way
--   of selecting patches such as <tt>PatchName n</tt>.
patchSelectFlag :: DarcsFlag -> Bool
networkOptions :: [DarcsOption]
noCache :: DarcsOption
checkOrRepair :: DarcsOption
justThisRepo :: DarcsOption
optimizePristine :: DarcsOption
optimizeHTTP :: DarcsOption
getOutput :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> Maybe AbsolutePathOrStd
makeScriptsExecutable :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> p x y -> IO ()
usePacks :: DarcsOption
instance Eq FlagContent
instance Show FlagContent
instance Ord FlagContent

module Darcs.Commands
data CommandControl
CommandData :: DarcsCommand -> CommandControl
HiddenCommand :: DarcsCommand -> CommandControl
GroupName :: String -> CommandControl
data DarcsCommand
DarcsCommand :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> [String] -> ([DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()) -> ([DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())) -> IO [String] -> ([DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> [String] -> IO [String]) -> [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsOption] -> DarcsCommand
commandProgramName :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandName :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandHelp :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandDescription :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandExtraArgs :: DarcsCommand -> Int
commandExtraArgHelp :: DarcsCommand -> [String]
commandCommand :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
commandPrereq :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
commandGetArgPossibilities :: DarcsCommand -> IO [String]
commandArgdefaults :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
commandBasicOptions :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsOption]
commandAdvancedOptions :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsOption]
SuperCommand :: String -> String -> String -> String -> ([DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())) -> [CommandControl] -> DarcsCommand
commandProgramName :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandName :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandHelp :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandDescription :: DarcsCommand -> String
commandPrereq :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Either String ())
commandSubCommands :: DarcsCommand -> [CommandControl]
commandAlias :: String -> Maybe DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand
commandStub :: String -> String -> String -> DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand
commandOptions :: AbsolutePath -> DarcsCommand -> ([OptDescr DarcsFlag], [OptDescr DarcsFlag])
commandAlloptions :: DarcsCommand -> ([DarcsOption], [DarcsOption])
disambiguateCommands :: [CommandControl] -> String -> [String] -> Either String (CommandArgs, [String])
data CommandArgs
CommandOnly :: DarcsCommand -> CommandArgs
SuperCommandOnly :: DarcsCommand -> CommandArgs
SuperCommandSub :: DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand -> CommandArgs
getCommandHelp :: Maybe DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand -> String
getCommandMiniHelp :: Maybe DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand -> String
getSubcommands :: DarcsCommand -> [CommandControl]
usage :: [CommandControl] -> String
usageHelper :: [CommandControl] -> String
subusage :: DarcsCommand -> String
chompNewline :: String -> String
extractCommands :: [CommandControl] -> [DarcsCommand]
superName :: Maybe DarcsCommand -> String
nodefaults :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
putInfo :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO ()
putVerbose :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO ()
putWarning :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO ()
abortRun :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO ()

module Darcs.PrintPatch

-- | <a>printPatch</a> prints a patch on standard output.
printPatch :: Patchy p => p x y -> IO ()

-- | <a>contextualPrintPatch</a> prints a patch, together with its context,
--   on standard output.
contextualPrintPatch :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Tree IO -> p x y -> IO ()

-- | <a>printPatchPager</a> runs '$PAGER' and shows a patch in it.
printPatchPager :: Patchy p => p x y -> IO ()

-- | <tt><a>printFriendly</a> opts patch</tt> prints <tt>patch</tt> in
--   accordance with the flags in opts, ie, whether <tt>--verbose</tt> or
--   <tt>--summary</tt> were passed at the command-line.
printFriendly :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (Maybe (Tree IO)) -> [DarcsFlag] -> p x y -> IO ()

module Darcs.Test
getTest :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (IO ExitCode)
runPosthook :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode
runPrehook :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode

module Darcs.Commands.Add
add :: DarcsCommand
expandDirs :: [SubPath] -> IO [SubPath]

module Darcs.Commands.Util
announceFiles :: Maybe [SubPath] -> String -> IO ()
filterExistingFiles :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [SubPath] -> IO [SubPath]

-- | <i>First matcher, Second matcher and Nonrange matcher</i>
--   When we match for patches, we have a PatchSet, of which we want a
--   subset. This subset is formed by the patches in a given interval which
--   match a given criterion. If we represent time going left to right,
--   then we have (up to) three <a>Matcher</a>s:
--   <ul>
--   <li>the <a>firstMatcher</a> is the left bound of the interval,</li>
--   <li>the <a>secondMatcher</a> is the right bound, and</li>
--   <li>the <a>nonrangeMatcher</a> is the criterion we use to select among
--   patches in the interval.</li>
--   </ul>
module Darcs.Match

-- | <tt>matchFirstPatchset fs ps</tt> returns the part of <tt>ps</tt>
--   before its first matcher, ie the one that comes first dependencywise.
--   Hence, patches in <tt>matchFirstPatchset fs ps</tt> are the context
--   for the ones we don't want.
matchFirstPatchset :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p start x -> SealedPatchSet p start

-- | <tt>matchSecondPatchset fs ps</tt> returns the part of <tt>ps</tt>
--   before its second matcher, ie the one that comes last dependencywise.
matchSecondPatchset :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p start x -> SealedPatchSet p start
matchPatch :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p start x -> Sealed2 (Named p)

-- | <tt>matchAPatch fs p</tt> tells whether <tt>p</tt> matches the
--   matchers in the flags <tt>fs</tt>
matchAPatch :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Named p x y -> Bool

-- | <tt>matchAPatchread fs p</tt> tells whether <tt>p</tt> matches the
--   matchers in the flags listed in <tt>fs</tt>.
matchAPatchread :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfoAnd p x y -> Bool
getFirstMatch :: (ApplyMonad IO (ApplyState p), RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
getNonrangeMatch :: (ApplyMonad IO (ApplyState p), RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
getNonrangeMatchS :: (ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p), MonadProgress m, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p Origin x -> m ()
getPartialFirstMatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyMonad IO (ApplyState p), ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe [FileName] -> IO ()
getPartialSecondMatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyMonad IO (ApplyState p), ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe [FileName] -> IO ()
getPartialNonrangeMatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyMonad IO (ApplyState p), ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> [FileName] -> IO ()

-- | <tt>firstMatch fs</tt> tells whether <tt>fs</tt> implies a <a>first
--   match</a>, that is if we match against patches from a point in the
--   past on, rather than against all patches since the creation of the
--   repository.
firstMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool

-- | <tt>secondMatch fs</tt> tells whether <tt>fs</tt> implies a <a>second
--   match</a>, that is if we match against patches up to a point in the
--   past on, rather than against all patches until now.
secondMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool

-- | <tt>haveNonrangeMatch flags</tt> tells whether there is a flag in
--   <tt>flags</tt> which corresponds to a match that is <a>non-range</a>.
--   Thus, <tt>--match</tt>, <tt>--patch</tt> and <tt>--index</tt> make
--   <tt>haveNonrangeMatch</tt> true, but not <tt>--from-patch</tt> or
--   <tt>--to-patch</tt>.
haveNonrangeMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool

-- | <tt>havePatchsetMatch flags</tt> tells whether there is a <a>patchset
--   match</a> in the flag list. A patchset match is <tt>--match</tt> or
--   <tt>--patch</tt>, or <tt>--context</tt>, but not <tt>--from-patch</tt>
--   nor (!) <tt>--index</tt>. Question: Is it supposed not to be a subset
--   of <tt>haveNonrangeMatch</tt>?
havePatchsetMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
getOnePatchset :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (SealedPatchSet p Origin)
checkMatchSyntax :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
applyInvToMatcher :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => InclusiveOrExclusive -> Matcher p -> PatchSet p Origin x -> m ()

-- | <tt>nonrangeMatcher</tt> is the criterion that is used to match
--   against patches in the interval. It is 'Just m' when the
--   <tt>--patch</tt>, <tt>--match</tt>, <tt>--tag</tt> options are passed
--   (or their plural variants).
nonrangeMatcher :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Matcher p)
data InclusiveOrExclusive
Inclusive :: InclusiveOrExclusive
Exclusive :: InclusiveOrExclusive

-- | <tt>matchExists m ps</tt> tells whether there is a patch matching
--   <tt>m</tt> in <tt>ps</tt>
matchExists :: Matcher p -> PatchSet p start x -> Bool

-- | <tt>applyNInv</tt> n ps applies the inverse of the last <tt>n</tt>
--   patches of <tt>ps</tt>.
applyNInv :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p)) => Int -> PatchSet p Origin x -> m ()
hasIndexRange :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
instance Eq InclusiveOrExclusive

module Darcs.SelectChanges

-- | Select patches from a <tt>FL</tt>.
selectChanges :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => WhichChanges -> FL p x y -> PatchSelection p x y

-- | When asking about patches, we either ask about them in oldest-first or
--   newest first (with respect to the current ordering of the repository),
--   and we either want an initial segment or a final segment of the poset
--   of patches.
--   <tt>First</tt>: ask for an initial segment, first patches first
--   (default for all pull-like commands)
--   <tt>FirstReversed</tt>: ask for an initial segment, last patches first
--   (used to ask about dependencies in record, and for pull-like commands
--   with the <tt>--reverse</tt> flag).
--   <tt>LastReversed</tt>: ask for a final segment, last patches first.
--   (default for unpull-like commands, except for selecting *primitive*
--   patches in rollback)
--   <tt>Last</tt>: ask for a final segment, first patches first. (used for
--   selecting primitive patches in rollback, and for unpull-like commands
--   with the <tt>--reverse</tt> flag
data WhichChanges
Last :: WhichChanges
LastReversed :: WhichChanges
First :: WhichChanges
FirstReversed :: WhichChanges

-- | The equivalent of <a>selectChanges</a> for the <tt>darcs changes</tt>
--   command
viewChanges :: (Patchy p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => [DarcsFlag] -> [Sealed2 p] -> IO ()

-- | The function for selecting a patch to amend record. Read at your own
--   risks.
withSelectedPatchFromRepo :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => String -> Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> (forall a. (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) :> PatchInfoAnd p) a r -> IO ()) -> IO ()

-- | Optionally remove any patches (+dependencies) from a sequence that
--   conflict with the recorded or unrecorded changes in a repo
filterOutConflicts :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => [DarcsFlag] -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) x t -> Repository p r u t -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x z -> IO (Bool, Sealed (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) x))

-- | runs a <a>PatchSelection</a> action in the given
--   <a>PatchSelectionContext</a>.
runSelection :: Patchy p => PatchSelection p x y -> PatchSelectionContext p -> IO ((FL p :> FL p) x y)

-- | A <a>PatchSelectionContext</a> for selecting <tt>Prim</tt> patches.
selectionContextPrim :: PrimPatch prim => String -> [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Splitter prim) -> Maybe [FilePath] -> Maybe (Tree IO) -> PatchSelectionContext prim

-- | A <a>PatchSelectionContext</a> for selecting full patches
--   (<a>PatchInfoAnd</a> patches)
selectionContext :: RepoPatch p => String -> [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Splitter (PatchInfoAnd p)) -> Maybe [FilePath] -> PatchSelectionContext (PatchInfoAnd p)
instance Eq WhichChanges
instance Show WhichChanges

module Darcs.Commands.Record
record :: DarcsCommand
commit :: DarcsCommand
getDate :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO String
getLog :: (Patchy prim, PrimPatch prim) => [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (String, [String]) -> IO String -> FL prim x y -> IO (String, [String], Maybe String)
askAboutDepends :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) t y -> [DarcsFlag] -> [PatchInfo] -> IO [PatchInfo]

module Darcs.Commands.AmendRecord
amendrecord :: DarcsCommand
amendunrecord :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Annotate
annotate :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Apply
apply :: DarcsCommand
getPatchBundle :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> ByteString -> IO (Either String (SealedPatchSet p Origin))

module Darcs.Commands.Changes
changes :: DarcsCommand
log :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Repository.Repair
replayRepository :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> (RepositoryConsistency p r -> IO a) -> IO a
checkIndex :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> Bool -> IO Bool
replayRepositoryInTemp :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (RepositoryConsistency p r)
data RepositoryConsistency p x
RepositoryConsistent :: RepositoryConsistency p x
BrokenPristine :: (Tree IO) -> RepositoryConsistency p x
BrokenPatches :: (Tree IO) -> (PatchSet p Origin x) -> RepositoryConsistency p x

module Darcs.Commands.Check
check :: DarcsCommand
repair :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Convert
convert :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Diff
diffCommand :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Dist
dist :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Get
get :: DarcsCommand
clone :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.GZCRCs
gzcrcs :: DarcsCommand

-- | This is designed for use in an atexit handler, e.g. in
--   Darcs.RunCommand
doCRCWarnings :: Bool -> IO ()

module Darcs.Commands.Init
initialize :: DarcsCommand
initializeCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()

module Darcs.Commands.MarkConflicts
markconflicts :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Move
move :: DarcsCommand
mv :: DarcsCommand
instance Show FileKind
instance Eq FileKind
instance Show FileStatus

module Darcs.Commands.Optimize
optimize :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Push
push :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Put
put :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Remove
remove :: DarcsCommand
rm :: DarcsCommand
unadd :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Replace
replace :: DarcsCommand
defaultToks :: String

module Darcs.Commands.Unrevert
unrevert :: DarcsCommand
writeUnrevert :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository p r u t -> FL (PrimOf p) x y -> Tree IO -> FL (PrimOf p) r x -> IO ()

module Darcs.Commands.Revert
revert :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Unrecord
unrecord :: DarcsCommand
unpull :: DarcsCommand
obliterate :: DarcsCommand
getLastPatches :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p Origin r -> ((PatchSet p) :> (FL (PatchInfoAnd p))) Origin r

module Darcs.Commands.Rollback
rollback :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.SetPref
setpref :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowAuthors
showAuthors :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowBug
showBug :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowContents
showContents :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowFiles
showFiles :: DarcsCommand
manifestCmd :: ([DarcsFlag] -> Tree IO -> [FilePath]) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
toListManifest :: [DarcsFlag] -> Tree m -> [FilePath]
manifest :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO [FilePath]

module Darcs.Commands.ShowTags
showTags :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowIndex
showIndex :: DarcsCommand
showPristineCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()

module Darcs.Commands.Tag
tag :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Test
test :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.TrackDown
trackdown :: DarcsCommand
instance Show BisectDir

module Darcs.Commands.TransferMode
transferMode :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.WhatsNew
whatsnew :: DarcsCommand

-- | status is an alias for whatsnew, with implicit Summary and LookForAdds
--   flags. We override the default description, to include the implicit
--   flags.
status :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Pull
pull :: DarcsCommand
fetch :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.ShowRepo
showRepo :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.Commands.Show
showCommand :: DarcsCommand
list :: DarcsCommand
query :: DarcsCommand

module URL.HTTP
fetchUrl :: String -> IO String
postUrl :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
requestUrl :: String -> FilePath -> a -> IO String
waitNextUrl :: IO (String, String, Maybe ConnectionError)

module Darcs.Commands.Send
send :: DarcsCommand

module Darcs.TheCommands

-- | The commands that darcs knows about (e.g. whatsnew, record), organized
--   into thematic groups. Note that hidden commands are also listed here.
commandControlList :: [CommandControl]

module Darcs.Commands.Help
helpCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
commandControlList :: [CommandControl]

-- | Help on each environment variable in which Darcs is interested.
environmentHelp :: [([String], [String])]
printVersion :: IO ()
listAvailableCommands :: IO ()

module Darcs.ArgumentDefaults
getDefaultFlags :: String -> [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO [DarcsFlag]

module Darcs.RunCommand
runTheCommand :: [CommandControl] -> String -> [String] -> IO ()