

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > db85c648638410ee0b385ddd185a60a9 > files > 16


Version 1.4.4
    * released 1 September 2013
    * added ctrl/shift + insert shortcuts to copy/paste in webview
    * don't try to download empty page
    * reverted forcing SSLv3 protocol for secured connections
    * is now default search engine
    * fixed: correct height of icons widget in SiteInfo
    * fixed: hide tabbar with only one tab option now works in fullscreen
    * fixed: crash with Oxygen theme when closing windows with tabs on top
    * fixed: saving IgnoreAllSSLWarnings option from SSLManager
    * fixed: crash on saving settings with unavailable theme
    * fixed: Accept-Language header now works with all sites
    * fixed: using external download manager with use defined location setting
    * GreaseMonkey: fixed buttons in script list with RTL layout
    * GreaseMonkey: run userscripts in all frames on page
    * X11: Set correct WM_CLASS property to windows

Version 1.4.3
    * released 9 May 2013
    * fixed: crash upon closing private browsing window
    * fixed: element hiding rules not working when more than 5000 in subscription
    * fixed: saving some tab icons in session file
    * fixed: make Acid3 test pass even with AdBlock enabled
    * mac: attempt to fix slow scrolling on trackpad

Version 1.4.2
    * released 22 April 2013
    * don't limit speed of loading animation in tabbar
    * fixed loading HTML5 videos on YouTube
    * fixed saving cursive font in fonts preferences
    * fixed translating edit actions in page context menu
    * fixed connecting to older secured servers by forcing older SSL protocol
    * fixed installing bash completions to correct folder
    * fixed deleting lockfile upon closing application
    * fixed occasional crash when extracting form data from page
    * fixed crash in akn plugin while closing tab with labels shown
    * fixed crash on close when tabs on top is enabled with oxygen theme
    * GreaseMonkey: fixed laoding scripts with last line commented
    * mac: correctly refreshing state of menus
    * mac: added dock menu with basic actions

Version 1.4.1
    * released 15 March 2013
    * fixed websearchbar not respecting select all on click settings
    * fixed certificates from custom path disappearing on saving preferences
    * fixed showing empty back/forward history menu upon restoring session
    * fixed duplicating current url in history when restoring session
    * fixed instantly showing popup when clicking on back/forward button

Version 1.4.0
    * released 11 March 2013
    * highlighting host in address in locationbar
    * can now be compiled using Qt 5
    * QtWebKit 2.3 new features - caret browsing, animated scrolling
    * added support for FTP listing files and downloading
    * added support for saving passwords of multiple users per site
    * added support for showing tabs on top
    * added bash autocompletion file
    * added more actions to super menu, also show menu inside window
    * possibility to select text on page with Shift+Arrow keys
    * asking user whether to allow site to use notifications/geolocation
    * option to set JavaScript privacy permissions
    * option to specify default search engine used in locationbar
    * option to disable search suggestions in websearchbar
    * option to search only whole words in source viewer
    * option to hide reload/stop buttons in navigationbar
    * option to disable alt/ctrl + numbers shortcuts
    * option to switch to tab from locationbar popup completer
    * option to set where to store network cache
    * use .qupzilla/tmp instead of /tmp for temporary data
    * saving passwords should now work for much more sites
    * don't steal Ctrl+B/U/I shortcuts from page
    * disabled by default opacity effect on tab previews - see BUILDING
    * improved showing navigation toolbar in fullscreen
    * moved config directory into ~/.config/qupzilla
    * certificates bundle is now only used on windows
    * reduced memory usage of AdBlock (saves up to 30MB with just EasyList)
    * greatly improved performance when matching regexp rules in AdBlock
    * GreaseMonkey: reload script if source file changed on disk
    * GreaseMonkey: fixed don't loading invalid scripts
    * fixed opening browser with url with ampersand (%26) as command line argument
    * fixed scrolling to anchor in background tabs
    * fixed parsing UTF-8 filenames in Content-Disposition header
    * fixed crash with context menu in websearchbar and locationbar
    * fixed loading NYTimes skimmer page
    * fixed cookie domain handling according to RFC 6265
    * fixed qvalue format in Accept-Language HTTP header
    * fixed sorting files case insensitively in file scheme handler
    * fixed possible crash in saving page screen of a really long page
    * fixed showing window in fullscreen with XFCE
    * fixed AdBlock blocking netscape plugin even without Click2Flash
    * X11: fixed Ctrl+Q shortcut for DEs other than KDE and Gnome
    * windows: fixed color of found text when searching on page
    * windows: fixed navigating to file links and x: labels in file: scheme handler
    * windows: fixed downloading utf-8 encoded adblock subscriptions
    * windows: improved installer allows registering as default web browser
    * windows: check and set as default browser from preferences
    * mac: fixed not working global menu after closing browser window

Version 1.3.5
    * released 16 September 2012
    * new Persian translation
    * option to remove web search bar
    * warning user when removing page from speed dial
    * option to align pages to center in speed dial
    * added shortcut for Clear private data
    * new options in AdBlock menu to disable it for domain and for single page
    * added option to disable search suggestions in search bar
    * added option to choose what to suggest in address bar
    * Save x as ... actions will always show file dialog
    * possibility to choose to use external download manager on every download
    * remember last section in preferences
    * much more tabs now fits into tabbar without overflowing into tab buttons
    * smarter address bar completer will show better search results
    * support for bookmarks manager and sidebar drag&drop managing bookmarks
    * new User Agent manager lets you set User Agent per site
    * new restore session page lets you choose which tabs you want to restore
    * new scheme handler for file protocol allows browsing through directories
    * new option to show loading progress in address bar
    * new option to hide close button on tabs
    * new option to start new instance with --no-remote option
    * X11: restore windows on correct virtual desktops
    * MouseGestures: added 2 new gestures for switching tabs
    * fixed visibility of navigation bar in fullscreen
    * fixed bad position of add tab button when there is a lot of tabs
    * fixed gui with RTL languages
    * fixed issue with infinite opening mailto links
    * fixed issue with showing warning after creating new profile
    * fixed clearing highlight when search text not found
    * fixed closing bookmarks menu when menu toolbar is hidden
    * fixed occasional crashes when closing tab while it is still loading

Version 1.3.1
    * released 16 July 2012
    * Ctrl+= shortcut for + zoom in webview
    * Ctrl+Enter shortcut in PIM plugin now also works with enter on numpad
    * don't append QupZilla string to changed user agent
    * fixed ' and " chars in speed dial's input fields
    * fixed zooming with Ctrl+Wheel for some users
    * fixed issues with cookies filtering
    * fixed $subdocument matching in AdBlock
    * fixed $third-party in AdBlock rules when Referer header is empty
    * fixed issue with notification settings always reverting to osd notifications
    * fixed downloading UTF-8 subscriptions in AdBlock (eg. Ru Adlist)

Version 1.3.0
    * released 11 July 2012
    * new Ukrainian translation
    * new plugins: GreaseMonkey and PIM (Personal Information Manager)
    * new command line option to open new window with url
    * can now open .xhtml files from open file dialog
    * added animated tab previews with option to turn animations off
    * possibility to change icon of bookmarks
    * ssl manager now can import own certificate
    * clear recent history now remembers last checked options
    * new urlbar completion widget can now show also entries from bookmarks
    * little changes in speed dial's preferences
    * support for 3rd party subscriptions in AdBlock
    * improved performance of AdBlock rules matching
    * possibility to add subscriptions with loading abp: links
    * private browsing is now opened in new window and new process
    * improved AdBlock dialog distinguishes rule types with colors
    * popup windows now have loading animation in urlbar
    * new gif for loading animation (spinner)
    * possibility to add RSS feed into external reader
    * option to specify preferred behaviour when opening new tab
    * inverting preferred new tab behaviour with shift modifier (eg. shift+middle click on link)
    * better support for Content-Disposition header (downloads)
    * Linux: middle clicking on add tab button will open new tab with global mouse selection's contents
    * Linux: generating backtrace and saving it into file upon application crash
    * Windows: fixed theme loading delay (showing ugly interface for a second when starting app)
    * fixed all issues with saving passwords (i hope so)
    * fixed saving passwords on some sites (parsing WebKit's data format)
    * fixed "go to web address" action when newlines were in string
    * fixed excessive ssl warnings when rejecting untrusted certificate
    * fixed dragging the whole text from some labels
    * fixed handling special characters when searching with shortcuts in urlbar
    * fixed "open external protocol" dialog overflowing out of desktop if url is too long
    * fixed "hide when there is only one tab" option in preferences
    * fixed "close other tabs" action in tabbar context menu
    * fixed rss popup in urlbar overflowing out of desktop if feed's title is too long
    * fixed animations occasionally stop working without any reason

Version 1.2.0
    * released 5 April 2012
    * Brazilian Portuguese, Indonesian, Georgian, Japanese and Romanian translation
    * added information about configuration page qupzilla:config
    * added option to show only icons in bookmarks toolbar
    * added alt+d shortcut for focusing urlbar
    * added possibility to import bookmarks folder structure on html import
    * added option to create search engines from input element on page
    * added "don't load tabs until selected" option when restoring session
    * added option to separate http and https proxy configuration
    * added new page into site info: databases
    * added command line option to open url in current tab
    * support for utf-8 filenames in Content-Disposition header (downloads)
    * support for whitelisting/blacklisting cookies
    * improved source viewer, it now shows line numbers
    * improved html import - support for importing folders
    * improved performance of bookmarks import and deleting
    * sending referer header when opening new tab from webview
    * user agent workaround for google sites
    * fixed history of frames not saving
    * fixed loading unicode urls from command line
    * fixed removing local certificates
    * fixed dark color of text in urlbar when using dark theme
    * fixed garbled rendering of desktop notifications
    * fixed text in urlbar on https sites when using dark theme
    * fixed not saving cookies on crash
    * fixed option not to send Referer header to servers
    * fixed showing bad total + downloaded size when starting download
    * fixed toggling WebInspector

Version 1.1.8
    * released 14 February 2012
    * added Swedish, Serbian and Traditional Chinese translation
    * added option to set Minimum font size in web pages
    * added option to edit bookmark from bookmarks toolbar context menu
    * added option to enable/disable HTML5 local storage (and to clear it)
    * added option not to send Referer header to servers
    * added option to use external download manager
    * added option to add/remove page in speed dial from bookmark star icon
    * added option to import/export passwords into xml file
    * added option to change user agent
    * added global shortcuts for loading sites in speed dial (Ctrl+1,2,...9)
    * added global shortcuts for switch to tabs (Alt+1,2,3...9)
    * added possibility to create new rss feeds in rss manager
    * added alt+left/right click shortcuts to navigate in page history
    * restoring / saving pinned tabs only on first window
    * Paste & Go option in urlbar and websearchbar
    * support for JavaScript Popup windows
    * improved History menu -> added Most visited menu here
    * don't saving icons in private mode
    * improved and refactored context menu on page
    * little improvements in speed dial
    * using global QSettings object, should save some writed to disk
    * remember last folder when saving new bookmarks
    * disabling adblock on local schemes
    * showing size of file going to be downloaded
    * improved browser responsibility when loading a lot of cookies/history
    * possibility to change background in Speed Dial
    * possibility to change number of dials in row in Speed Dial
    * possibility to change maximum number of dials in a row in Speed Dial
    * using QImages to store icons in database now - older icons won't work!
    * fixed showing file type when download file
    * fixed saving usernames with spaces in password manager
    * fixed loading of some rss feeds
    * fixed loading incomplete urls in speed dial
    * fixed all crashes/issues with web inspector
    * fixed memory leak when canceling download
    * fixed open new tab after active option
    * fixed saving of sidebar width
    * fixed occasional fails to restore session
    * fixed occasional crash when closing tabs/windows
    * fixed wrong tab focus order
    * fixed loss of speed dial settings
    * fixed cancelled downloads now no longer leak memory
    * fixed showing of "Are you sure to close x tabs?" question
    * fixed searching strings with special characters
    * fixed sending report in Report Bug page

Version 1.1.5
    * released 7 January 2012
    * added Portuguese, French, Greek translation
    * support for loading long locale named qt translations
    * support for printing page through javascript window.print()
    * context menu in webview now handles also frames
    * using own CA certificates database instead of system one (+ automatic updates)
    * improved commandline options, possibility to use multiple options at once
    * hiding new tab while moving tabs
    * using bigger icons in Linux default theme
    * opens all bookmarks from folder on middle click
    * Ctrl+Enter in urlbar now appends .com & start loading
    * opening links in new tab now opens new tab next to current tab
    * drag&drop site icon on bookmarks toolbar creates bookmark
    * improved performance of deleting history entries -> moved into separate thread
    * fixed loading of local files from menu file -> open file...
    * fixed showing rss feeds without title
    * fixed searching on page when highlight is enabled + added shortcuts
    * fixed Click2Flash plugin and enables it by default again
    * fixed crash when closing WebInspector with QtWebKit 2.2
    * fixed crash in Click2Flash plugin when element is not found
    * fixed "hide tabs when there is only one tab" option
    * fixed cookies loss when closing browser with private browsing
    * fixed overflowing bookmarks toolbar when there is a lot of bookmarks
    * fixed going to history items in history back/forward menu in new tab
    * fixed showing custom rules in AdBlock
    * fixed problem with downloading with right click -> download link
    * fixed suggestions for google and youtube

Version 1.1.0
    * released 14 December 2011
    * option to turn on XSS Auditing
    * option to select all text in urlbar when clicking on it
    * added Speed Dial
    * possibility to select + copy text on a lot of labels
    * improved source code viewer performance + highlighting
    * importing bookmarks from html files
    * restoring closed tabs now remember position
    * multiple sizes icon in linux
    * fixed saving certificate exception
    * fixed overriding cursor by some flash objects
    * fixed problem with loading urls with % characters from history
    * fixed favicon of qupzilla internal pages in ubuntu
    * fixed loading of user defined stylesheet
    * fixed saving of user defined fonts

Version 1.0.0
    * released 9 November 2011
    * possibility to place folders on bookmarks toolbar
    * password manager has now all passwords hidden by default
    * added a lot of keyboard shortcuts
    * fixed right click on back/next buttons shows menu
    * fixed fetching icons in bookmarks importing
    * fixed duplicated entries in back/next menus
    * fixed problem with adding addition tab when restoring more windows
    * fixed error handling in download manager
    * fixed various crashes
    * fixed updating AdBlock EasyList
    * fixed html highlighter

Version 1.0.0-rc1
    * possibility to delete click2flash object on page
    * improved SSL Manager (you can add paths to look for CA Certs)
    * Search Engines Manager + OpenSearch support with suggestions
    * add tab button is now shown next to last tab
    * you can open bookmark / history entry in new tab with middle button
    * fixed problem with bookmarks toolbar
    * fixed loading animation ending with page still loading
    * fixed occasional problem with updating address when going next/back in history
    * fixed crash when clearing history

Version 1.0.0-beta4
    * from this version, QupZilla is now fully skinnable
    * introduced 4 basic themes including Chrome, Windows and Mac theme
    * private browsing is now indicated in window title
    * added qupzilla: scheme - qupzilla:about, qupzilla:reportbug and new start page qupzilla:start
    * saving and restoring position and size of window
    * added "page screenshot" feature
    * fixed occasional problem with searching on Google from location bar
    * fixed crash in download manager

Version 1.0.0-beta3
    * whole urlbar has been rewritten - now every tab has own separate urlbar
    * click2flash now offers information about flash object
    * when downloading file with the name it already exists, it will be automatically renamed
    * history in menubar is refreshed only when needed, not with every click
    * added new library containing bookmarks, history and rss manager in single window
    * rewritten all animations, they are now smoother
    * fixed performance issue with web icons

Version 1.0.0-beta2
    * fixed issue with downloading secured content on Windows
    * image previews in site information dialog now properly handle relative links
    * reload with bypass cache feature (Shift+F5)
    * if download content is offered in empty tab with empty history, thus will be closed
    * hovered link url is shown even when statusbar is hidden
    * option to specify own CSS Style loaded with every page
    * fixed and enhanced command line interface
    * private browsing now uses temporary cookie jar
    * javascript prompts/alerts/confirms are now non-blocking
    * JumpList for Windows 7 integration

Version 1.0.0-beta1
    * duplicate panel feature added
    * added sidebars for history and bookmarks
    * close other tabs now keep pinned tabs open
    * option to hide 'add new tab' button
    * fixed some bugs in downloadmanager (with W7API also)
    * rewritten icon database, no longer forgetting icons
    * navigation in fullscreen is automatically showing/hiding
    * added support for notifications (OSD + native desktop on Linux)
    * added support for configuring Proxy (system configuration or your own)

Version 0.9.9
    * pinning tab feature added
    * basic AdBlock support
    * fixed some issues with restoring sessions
    * new Site Informations dialog including preview of pictures at the page
    * download manager now offers option to just open file (downloaded into temp folder)
    * added profiles support
    * edited look of some widgets for Windows Vista/7

Version 0.9.8
    * added character encoding option in View menu
    * added option to change default fonts in Preferences
    * source viewer has now more features including HTML highlighter
    * option to specify how long history you want to delete from Clear Recent History in Tools menu
    * improved Windows installer, you can now choose which component to install

Version 0.9.7
    * fixed Flash issues on Windows
    * added SSL Exceptions Manager
    * added animated notifications for "save password" dialog

Version 0.9.6
    * fixed some issues with user background
    * added option to change font color (for dark backgrounds)
    * improved bookmarks / history / RSS Reader
    * new Windows installer
    * initial support for Plugins

Version 0.9.5
    * support for user specific background image for browser
    * new icons in navigation bar
    * brand new browser icon
    * new About dialog

Version 0.9.4
    * completely new design preferences + few changes in browser design
    * network disk cache added to speed up browsing
    * new options in preference with option to change maximum disk quota for cache
    * complete integration into Linux desktop
    * fixes in Debian packages

Version 0.9.3
    * another stability improves
    * added autosaver in case of browser crash
    * improved saving and restoring sessions with multiple windows
    * first Debian package for Linux

Version 0.9.2
    * lot of bugs fixed, including crash fixes
    * improved stability and speed of browser
    * added source viewer (without highlighting for now)
    * added simple download manager

Version 0.9.1
    * added bookmarks and history manager
    * added RSS Reader + indicator to location bar whether the page offers feeds
    * new design for Windows Vista/7

Version 0.9.0
    * first version written in C++, built with mingw32
    * almost all features from Python version implemented
    * finally fixed all problems relating to tabs
    * HTML5 supported from this version, including offline storage
    * added cookies manager
    * added simple Windows installer

Version 0.x.x
    * written in Python