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<title>GrADS Command: set gxout</title>
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<h2><b>set gxout</b></h2>
<code>set gxout <i>graphics_type</i></code>

Where <code><i>graphics_type</i></code> can be one of the following:

Bar chart (The <a href="library.html">library</a> contains an <a href="">example script</a> demonstrating how to use gxout bar and errbar)<br>

Wind barbs <br>

Contour plot<br>

Error bars (The <a href="library.html">library</a> contains an <a href="">example script</a> demonstrating how to use gxout bar and errbar)<br>

 (<span class="style1">2.0.a5+</span>) Generates a GeoTIFF format data file; options specified by <code><a href="gradcomdsetgeotiff.html">set geotiff</a></code><br>

Shaded grid boxes<br>

Shaded grid boxes with values specified by 
<a href="gradcomdsetfgvals.html"><code>set fgvals</code></a><br>

Writes data to file instead of drawing a plot; options specified by <code><a href="gradcomdsetfwrite.html">set fwrite</a></code><br>

Grid boxes with printed values<br> 
(<span class="style1">2.0.a8+</span>) Quickly drawn shaded grid boxes. No metafile, so no hard copy; image output only with <code><a href="gradcomdoutxwd.html">outxwd</a></code>.<br> 
 (<span class="style1">2.0.a5+</span>) Generates a TIFF  image file and a KML  text file; options specified by <code><a href="gradcomdsetkml.html">set kml</a></code><br>

Line Graph <br>

Color fill between two lines <br>

Generates ascii output for anything displayed; controlled by
<a href="gradcomdsetprnopts.html"><code>set prnopts</code></a><br>

<code>scatter&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code> Generates a <a href="scatterplot.html">scatter diagram</a>. Requires two grid expressions as arguments, separated by a semicolon. See Usage Note #2 below.<br>

Shaded contour plot, alias for original algorithm (shade1)<br> 
(<span class="style1">2.0.0+</span>) Shaded contour plot, original  algorithm<br> 
(<span class="style1">2.0.0+</span>) Shaded contour plot, new algorithm, polygons merged to be larger and fewer in number (faster to render)<br> 
(<span class="style1">2.0.0+</span>) Shaded contour plot, new algorithm, polygons all on sub-grid scale (slower to render)<br> 

(<span class="style1">2.0.a9+</span>) Generates a shapefile; options specified by <code><a href="gradcomdsetshp.html">set shp</a></code><br> 

Wind streamlines <br>

Prints statistical output to terminal instead of drawing a plot<br>

Wind vector arrows<br>
For station data, these additional graphics output types are also available:
Finds nearest station<br> 

Plots station model<br>

Plots a mark at station location that is colorized by data value<br>

Time series of wind barbs at a point (1-D)<br>

Time series of weather symbols at a point (1-D)<br>

Plots station values<br> 

Plots weather symbols at station, controlled by 
<a href="gradcomdsetwxopt.html"><code>set wxopt</code></a><br> 

<h3>Usage Notes</h3>
  <li>For the graphics output types <code>vector, stream, </code>and <code>barb</code>, 
    the plotting routines need two result grids, where the first result grid is 
    treated as the U component, and the second result grid is treated as the V 
    component. These two result grids are provided with the <a href="gradcomddisplay.html">display</a> 
    command by entering two expressions separated by a semicolon:
      <code> display u ; v<br>
      display ave(u,t=1,t=10) ; ave(v,t=1,t=10)</code> 
  <li>For the graphics output types <code>vector</code> and <code>stream</code>, 
    you can specify a third  grid expression that will be used to colorize the vectors 
    or streamlines:
      <code> display u ; v ; mag(u,v)<br>
        display u ; v ; hcurl(u,v)</code> 
    Beginning with <span class="red">GrADS version 2.0.2</span>, the graphics output type <code>scatter</code> will also take a third grid expression to colorize the points in the scatter diagrm.
  <li>To draw a 1-D time series with graphics output types vector or barb, set 
    the dimension environment so that only time is varying, then :
      <code> display const(u,0); u ; v </code> 
  <li>For the graphics output type <code>wxsym</code>, each value at a station 
    location is assumed to be a wx symbol code number. To see a chart of all available 
    wx symbols and their corresponding code numbers, run the sample script <code></code>. 
  <li>The graphics output type <code>findstn</code> requires three arguments to 
    be provided with the <a
href="gradcomddisplay.html"><code>display</code></a> command. The first argument 
    is a station data expression. The 2nd and 3rd arguments are the X and Y screen 
    coordinates of the of the desired search location. GrADS will find the station 
    closest to the specified X and Y position, and print its stid, lon, and lat. 
    This graphics output type should only be used when X and Y are the varying 
    dimensions and AFTER a regular display command (that results in graphics output) 
    is entered. 
  <li>For the graphics output type <code>stnmark</code>, the size and style of 
    the mark are controled by <a href="gradcomdsetdigsiz.html"><code>set digsiz</code></a> 
    and <a href="gradcomdsetcmark.html"><code>set cmark</code></a>. To turn off 
    rainbow colorizing and use a single color instead, use <code><a href="gradcomdsetccolor.html">set 
    ccolor</a> <i>color#</i></code>. 

<h3>Examples </h3>

  The <a href="library.html">library</a> contains an <a href="">example script</a> demonstrating how to use gxout bar and errbar
