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<h1><u>Using Preprojected Grids</u></h1>
  <span class="plaintext"><a href="#polar">Polar Stereo Preprojected Data</a><br>
  <a href="#lambert">Lambert Conformal Preprojected Data</a><br>
  <a href="#eta">NMC Eta model</a><br>
  <a href="#nmc">NMC high accuracy polar stereo for SSM/I data</a><br>
  <a href="#csu">CSU RAMS Oblique Polar Stereo Grids</a><br>
  <a href="#pit">Pitfalls when using preprojected data</a> </span> 
  <b><span class="plaintext">Preprojected</span></b><span class="plaintext"> data 
  are data <b>already</b> on a map projection. GrADS supports four types of preprojected 
  data: </span> 
    <li class="plaintext">N polar stereo (NMC model projection); 
    <li class="plaintext">S polar stereo (NMC model projection) ; 
    <li class="plaintext">Lambert Conformal (originally for Navy NORAPS model); 
    <li class="plaintext">NMC eta model (unstaggered). 
    <li class="plaintext">More precise N and S polar stereo (hi res SSM/I data) 
    <li class="plaintext">Colorado State University RAMS model (oblique polar 
      stereo; beta)<br>
      When preprojected grids are opened in GrADS, bilinear interpolation constants 
      are calculated and all date are displayed on an internal GrADS lat/lon grid 
      defined by the <code>xdef</code> and <code>ydef</code> card in the data 
      description or <code>.ctl</code> file (that's why it takes longer to "open" 
      a preprojected grid data set). 
      <p class="plaintext"> It is very important to point out that the internal 
        GrADS grid can be any grid as it is completely independent of the preprojected 
        data grid. Thus, there is nothing stopping you displaying preprojected 
        data on a very high res lon/lat grid (again, defined in the <code>.ctl</code> 
        by <code>xdef</code> and <code>ydef</code>). In fact, you could create 
        and open multiple .ctl files with different resolutions and/or regions 
        which pointed to the same preprojected data file. 
      <p class="plaintext"> When you do a <a
href="gradcomddisplay.html"><code>display</code></a> (i.e., get a grid of data), 
        the preprojected data are bilinearly interpolated to the GrADS internal 
        lat/lon grid. For preprojected scalar fields (e.g., 500 mb heights), the 
        display is adequate and the precision of the interpolation can be controlled 
        by <code>xdef</code> and <code>ydef</code> to define a higher spatial 
        resolution grid. 
      <p class="plaintext"> The big virtue of this approach is that all built 
        in GrADS analytic functions (e.g., <a
href="gradfuncaave.html"><code>aave</code></a>, <a href="gradfunchcurl.html"><code>hcurl</code></a>...) 
        continue to work even though the data were not originally on a lon/lat 
        grid. The downside is that you are not looking directly at your data on 
        a geographic map. However, one could always define a .ctl file which simply 
        opened the data file as i,j data and displayed without the map (<a href="gradcomdsetmpdraw.html"><code>set 
        mpdraw</code></a><code> off</code>). So, in my opinion, this compromise 
        is not that limiting even if as a modeller you wanted to look at the grid--you 
        just don't get the map background. 
      <p> <span class="plaintext"><code>Preprojected vector fields</code> are 
        a little trickier, depending on whether the vector is defined relative 
        to the data grid or relative to the Earth. For example, NMC polar stereo 
        grids use winds relative to the data grid and thus must be rotated to 
        the internal GrADS lat/lon grid (again defined in the <code>.ctl</code> 
        file by the <code>xdef</code> and <code>ydef</code> cards). </span>
      <p class="plaintext"> The only potential problem with working with preprojected 
        data is defining the projection for GrADS. This is accomplished using 
        a <code>pdef</code> card in the data descriptor <code>.ctl</code> file. 
<span class="plaintext"><br>
</span> <br>
<span class="plaintextbold"><a name="polar"></a>Polar Stereographic Preprojected 
  <span class="plaintext">Preprojected data on polar stereographic projections 
  (N and S) is defined as at NMC. For the NCEP model GRIB data distributed via 
  anon ftp from, the <code>pdef</code> card is: </span> 
    <span class="plaintext"><code> pdef isize jsize projtype ipole jpole lonref 
    pdef 53 45 nps 27 49 -105 190.5 </code> </span> 
  <p class="plaintext"> where, 
    <span class="plaintext"><code>ipole</code> and <code>jpole</code> are the 
    (i,j) of the pole referenced from the lower left corner at (1,1) and <code>gridinc</code> 
    is the dx in km. </span> 
    <a name="lambert"><b><i>Lambert Conformal Preprojected Data</i></b></a> 
  The Lambert Conformal projection (lcc) was implemented for use with data from 
  the U.S. Navy's limited area model NORAPS. Thus, to work with your lcc data 
  you must express your grid in the context of the Navy lcc grid. 
  <p> A typical NORAPS Lambert-Conformal grid is described below, including the 
    C code which sets up the internal interpolation. 
  <p> The<code> pdef record for a typical NORAPS Lambert-Conformal grid might 
    be:</code><code> <br>
    pdef 103 69 lcc 30 -88 51.5 34.5 20 40 -88 90000 90000 <br>
    </code> </p>
  <p> where, 
    <code>103&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= #pts in x <br>
    <code>69&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= #pts in y <br>
    <code>lcc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= Lambert-Conformal <br>
    <code>30&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= lat of ref point <br>
    <code>88&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= lon of ref point (E is positive, 
    W is negative) <br>
    <code>51.5&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= i of ref point <br>
    <code>34.5&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= j of ref point <br>
    <code>20&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= S true lat <br>
    <code>40&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= N true lat <br>
    <code>88&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>= standard lon <br>
    <code>90000&nbsp</code>= dx in M <br>
    <code>90000&nbsp</code>= dy in M 
  <p> <br>
    <a name="eta"><b><i>NMC Eta model (unstaggered grids)</i></b></a> 
  The NMC eta model "native" grid is awkward to work with because the variables 
  are on staggered (e.g., the grid for winds is not the same as the grid for mass 
  points) <i>and</i> non rectangular (number of points in i is <i>not</i> constant 
  with j) grids. Because any contouring of irregularly gridded data involves interpolation 
  at some point, NMC creates "unstaggered" eta model fields for practical application 
  programs such as GrADS. In the unstaggered grids all variables are placed on 
  a common <i>and</i> rectangular grid (the mass points). 
  <p> Wind rotation has also been added so that vector data will be properly displayed. 
  <p> The pdef card for a typical eta model grid is: 
    <code>pdef 181 136 eta.u -97.0 41.0 0.38888888 0.37037037</code> 
    <p> <code>181</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = #pts 
      in x <br>
      <code>136</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = #pts 
      in y <br>
      <code>eta.u</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = eta grid, unstaggered<br>
      <code>-97.0</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = lon of ref point (E is positive 
      in GrADS, W is negative) [deg] <br>
      <code>41.0</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = lat of ref point 
      [deg] <br>
      <code>0.3888</code>&nbsp;&nbsp; = dlon [deg] <br>
      <code>0.37037</code> = dlat [deg] 
<a name="nmc"><b><i>NMC high accuracy polar stereo for SSM/I data</i></b></a>
  The polar stereo projection used by the original NMC models is not very precise 
  because it assumes the earth is round (eccentricity = 0). While this approximation 
  was reasonable for coarse resolution NWP models, it is inadequate to work with 
  higher resolution data such as SSM/I. 
  <p> <i>Wind rotation has not been implemented!!! Use only for scalar fields.</i> 
    <code>pdef ni nj pse slat slon polei polej dx dy sgn</code> 
    <p> <code>ni</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
      = # points in x <br>
      <code>nj</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 
      # points in y <br>
      <code>slat</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = absolute value of the 
      standard latitude <br>
      <code>slon</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = absolute value of the 
      standard longitude <br>
      <code>pse</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = polar stereo, 
      <code>polei</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = x index position of the pole (where 
      (0,0) is the index of the first point vice the more typical (1,1) ) <br>
      <code>polej</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = y index position of the pole (where 
      (0,0) is the index of the first point vice the more typical (1,1) ) <br>
      <code>dx</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 
      delta x in km <br>
      <code>dy</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 
      delta y in km <br>
      <code>sgn</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 1 for N polar 
      stereo and -1 for S polar stereo 
  <p> Source code in GrADS for the lon,lat -> i,j mapping: 

<a name="csu"><b><i>Oblique Polar Stereo Grids</i></b></a> 
  The CSU RAMS model uses an oblique polar stereo projection. <i>Wind rotation 
  has not been implemented!!! Use only for scalar fields.</i> 
    <code> pdef 26 16 ops 40.0 -100.0 90000.0 90000.0 14.0 9.0 180000.0 180000.0</code> 
    <p> <code>26</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
      = #pts in x <br>
      = #pts in y <br>
      = oblique polar stereo<br>
      = lat of ref point (14.0, 9.0) <br>
      <code>-100.0</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = lon of ref point (14.0, 
      9.0 (E is positive in GrADS, W is negative) <br>
      <code>90000.0</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = xref offset [m] <br>
      <code>90000.0</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = yref offset [m]<br>
      = i of ref point <br>
      = j of ref point <br>
      <code>180000.0</code>&nbsp; = dx [m] <br>
      <code>180000.0</code>&nbsp; = dy [m] 
<a name="pit"><b><i>Pitfalls when using preprojected data</i></b></a>
  There are a few <i>gotchas</i> with using preprojected data:
    <li>the units in the variable definition for the <code>u</code> and <code>v</code> 
      components <b>must</b> be <code>33</code> and <code>34</code> (the GRIB 
      standard) respectively, e.g., 
        <code>u 15 33</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; u component of the wind at 15 pressure 
        levels <br>
        <code>v 15 34</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; v component of the wind at 15 pressure 
    <li>wind rotation is handled for polar stereo (N and S) preprojected data, 
      but <i>not</i> for Lambert Conformal, as the Navy rotates the winds relative 
      to earth. 
    <li>the <code>eta.u</code> <b>and</b> <code>ops</code> projection are still 
<a name="proj">
<h2><u>GrADS Display Projections</u></h2>
  Now that you hopefully understand GrADS data grids, it is time to discuss display 
  projections. Graphics in GrADS are calculated relative to the internal GrADS 
  data grid <code>i,j</code> space, transformed to the display device coordinates 
  (e.g., the screen) and then displayed. That is, the i,j of the graphic element 
  is converted to <code>lat/lon</code> and then to <code>x,y</code> on the screen 
  via a map projection.
  <p> GrADS currently supports four <code>display projections</code>:
    <li>lat/lon (or spherical); 
    <li>N polar stereo (<a href="gradcomdsetmproj.html"><code>set mproj</code></a><code> 
    <li>S polar stereo (<a href="gradcomdsetmproj.html"><code>set mproj</code></a><code> 
    <li>the Robinson projection (set lon -180 180, set lat -90 90, set mproj robinson).
  <p> As you can probably appreciate, the i,j-to-lon/lat-to-screen x,y for <code>lon/lat</code> 
    displays is very simple and is considerably more complicated for N and S <code>polar 
    stereo</code> projections.
  <p> In principle, a Lambert Conformal display projection could be implemented. 
    It just takes work and a simple user interface for setting up that display 
    projection. Actually, the user interface (i.e., "set" calls) is the most difficult 
<a name="summary">
<h2><u>Summary and Plans</u></h2>
  GrADS handles map projections in two different ways. The first is preprojected 
  data where the fields are <i>already</i> on a projection (e.g., Lambert Conformal). 
  It is fairly straightforward to implement other preprojected data projections 
  and we will be fully implementing the NMC eta grid both staggered and unstaggered, 
  "thinned" gaussian grids and the CSU RAMS oblique polar stereo projection. The 
  second is in how i,j graphics (calculated in "grid" space) are displayed on 
  a map background. Currently, only a few basic projections (lon/lat, polar stereo 
  and robinson) are supported, but perhaps the development group will tackle this 