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    <title>LIBLINEAR FAQ</title>
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    <h1><a href=>LIBLINEAR</a> FAQ</h1>

Last modified:

Some questions are listed in <a href=../libsvm/faq.html>LIBSVM FAQ</a>. 
<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
<a href="#introduction_installation_and_documents"> Introduction, Installation, and Documents <br>
<a href="#data"> Data <br>
<a href="#training_and_prediction"> Training and Prediction <br>
<a href="#python_interface"> Python Interface <br>
<a href="#l1_regularized_classification"> L1-regularized Classification <br>
<a href="#l2_regularized_support_vector_regression"> L2-regularized Support Vector Regression <br>

<a name="introduction_installation_and_documents"> <h3>Introduction, Installation, and Documents</h3>

<b>Q: When to use LIBLINEAR but not LIBSVM?</b>

Please check our explanation on the <a href=./index.html>LIBLINEAR</a> webpage. Also see 
appendix C of our 
<a href=../papers/guide/guide.pdf>SVM guide</a>.

<b>Q: Where can I find documents of LIBLINEAR?</b>

Please see <a href=index.html#document>the descriptions</a>
at LIBLINEAR page.


<b>Q: I would like to cite LIBLINEAR. Which paper should I cite?</b>
Please cite the following paper:
R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin.
LIBLINEAR: A Library for Large Linear Classification, Journal of
Machine Learning Research 9(2008), 1871-1874. Software available at

The bibtex format is 
  author = 	 {Rong-En Fan and Kai-Wei Chang and Cho-Jui Hsieh and Xiang-Rui Wang and Chih-Jen Lin},
  title = 	 {{LIBLINEAR}: A Library for Large Linear Classification},
  journal = 	 {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
  year = 	 {2008},
  volume =	 {9},
  pages =	 {1871--1874}


<b>Q: Where are change log and earlier versions?


See the change <a href=log>log</a> and <a href=oldfiles>directory
for earlier/current versions</a>.

<b>Q: How do I choose the solver? Should I use logistic regression or linear SVM? How about L1/L2 regularization?</b>

Generally we recommend linear SVM as its training is faster and the accuracy is competitive.
However, if you would like to have
probability outputs, you may consider
logistic regression.

<p> Moreover, try L2 regularization first unless
you need a sparse model. 
For most cases, L1 regularization does not give 
higher accuracy but may be slightly slower in training.

<p> Among L2-regularized SVM solvers, try the 
default one (L2-loss SVC dual) first. If it
is too slow, 
use the option -s 2 to solve the primal problem.


<a name="data"> <h3>Data</h3>

<b>Q: Is it important to normalize each instance?</b>

For document classification,
our experience indicates that if you normalize each document to unit length, then not only the training time is shorter, but also the performance is better.


<b>Q: How could I use MATLAB/OCTAVE interface for fast dataload?</b>

If you need to read the same data set several
times, saving data in MATLAB/OCTAVE binary
formats can significantly reduce the loading time.
The following
MATLAB code generates a
binary file rcv1_test.mat:
[rcv1_test_labels,rcv1_test_inst] = libsvmread('../rcv1_test.binary');
save rcv1_test.mat rcv1_test_labels rcv1_test_inst;
For OCTAVE user, use
save -mat7-binary rcv1_test.mat rcv1_test_labels rcv1_test_inst;
to save rcv1_test.mat in MATLAB 7 binary format.
(Or you can use -binary to save in OCTAVE binary format)
Then, type
load rcv1_test.mat
to read data.
A simple experiment shows that read_sparse takes 88 seconds to read a
data set rcv1 with half million instances,
but it costs only 7 seconds to load the MATLAB binary file.
Please type
help save
in MATLAB/OCTAVE for further information.


<a name="training_and_prediction"> <h3>Training and Prediction</h3>

<b>Q: LIBLINEAR is slow for my data (reaching the maximal number of iterations)?

Very likely you use a large C or don't scale data.
If your number of features is small, you may
use the option <pre>-s 2</pre>by solving the primal
problem. More examples are in 
the appendix C of our 
<a href=../papers/guide/guide.pdf>SVM guide</a>.

<b>Q: Is LIBLINEAR gives the same result as LIBSVM with linear kernel?

They should be very similar. However, sometimes
the difference may not be small.
Note that LIBLINEAR does not use the bias term
b by default. If you observe very different
results, try to set -B 1 for LIBLINEAR.
This will add the bias term to the loss function
as well as the regularization term (w^Tw + b^2).
Then, results should be closer.

<b>Q: How to select the regularization parameter C?</b>

You can use of LIBSVM (after version 3.16) to check
cross validation accuracy of different C.
Two options must be specified.

`-svmtrain train': use the command `train' of LIBLINEAR
`-log2g null': do not grid with `g'
For example, you can run
> python -log2c -3,0,1 -log2g null -svmtrain ./train heart_scale
to check CV values at C=2^-3, 2^-2, 2^-1, and 2^0.
<b>Q: Why in some situations the software seems to be slower than that used  in the JMLR paper (logistic regression)?</b>

We guess that you are comparing 
> time ./train -s 0 -v 5 -e 0.001 data
with the environment used in our paper,
and find that LIBLINEAR is slower.
Two reasons may cause the diffierence.
The above timeing of LIBLINEAR includes time
for reading data, but in the paper
we exclude that part.
In the paper, to conduct
5-fold (or 2-fold) CV we group folds used
for training as a separate matrix, but LIBLINEAR
simply uses pointers of the corresponding
Therefore, in doing matrix-vector 
multiplications, the former sequentially 
uses rows in a continuous segment of the memory,
but the latter does not. Thus, LIBLINEAR may
be slower but it saves the memory.

<b>Q: Why in linear.cpp you don't call log1p for log(1+...)? Also gradient/Hessian calculation may involve catastrophic cancellations?</b>

We carefully studied such issues, and decided
to use the current setting. For data classification,
one doesn't need very accurate solution, so
numerical issues are less important. Moreover,
log1p is not available on all platforms.
Please let us know if you observe any
numerical problems.

<b>Q: Can you explain more about the model file?</b>

Assume k is the total number of classes
and n is the number of features.
In the model file,
after the parameters, there is an n*k matrix W,
whose columns are obtained
from solving 
two-class problems:
1 vs rest, 2 vs rest, 3 vs rest, ...., k vs rest.
For example, if there are 4 classes, the file looks like:
| w_1vR | w_2vR | w_3vR | w_4vR |

<b>Q: Why the sign of predicted labels and decision values are sometimes reversed?</b>

Please see the answer in LIBSVM faq.

<p> To correctly obtain decision values, you
need to check the array <pre>label</pre> in the

<b>Q: Why you support probability outputs for logistic regression only?</b>

LIBSVM uses more advanced techniques for
SVM probability outputs. The code is a bit complicated
so we haven't decided if including it is suitable or not.

<p> If you really would like to have 
probability outputs for SVM in LIBLINEAR, you
can consider using the simple probability model
of logistic regression. Simply modify
the following subrutine 
in linear.cpp.
int check_probability_model(const struct model *model_)
	return (model_->param.solver_type==L2R_LR ||
int check_probability_model(const struct model *model_)
	return 1;

<b>Q: How could I know which training instances are support vectors?</b>

Some LIBLINEAR solvers consider the primal problem, so support
vectors are not obtained during the training procedure.
For dual solvers, we output only the primal weight vector w,
so support vectors are not stored in the model. This is 
different from LIBSVM.

<p> To know support vectors, you can modify
the following loop in solve_l2r_l1l2_svc() of linear.cpp
to print out indices:
	for(i=0; i&lt;l; i++)
		v += alpha[i]*(alpha[i]*diag[GETI(i)] - 2);
		if(alpha[i] > 0)
Note that we group data in the same class together before
calling this subroutine. Thus the order of your training 
instances has been changed. You can sort your data 
(e.g., positive instances before negative ones) before
using liblinear. Then indices will be the same.

<b>Q: How to speedup LIBLINEAR using OpenMP for primal solvers?</b>

This FAQ is for solvers. For multiclass classification, please check 
<a href='#how_to_speedup_multiclass_classification_using_openmp'>How to
speedup multiclass classification using OpenMP</a>

Because of the design of LIBLINEAR's solvers,
it is not easy to achieve good speedup using OpenMP.
However, by the following steps, we can still achieve
some speedup for 
<b>primal solvers (-s 0, 2, 11)</b>.

In Makefile, add -fopenmp to CFLAGS.

In classes l2r_lr_fun and l2r_l2_svc_fun of linear.cpp, 
modify the for loop Xv to:
#pragma omp parallel for private (i)
In l2r_l2_svc_fun, modify the 
for loop in subXv to:
#pragma omp parallel for private (i)

Using 8 cores on the sets <a href=../libsvmtools/datasets/binary/rcv1_test.binary.bz2>rcv1_test.binary</a> and <a href=../libsvmtools/datasets/multiclass/mnist8m.scale.bz2>mnist8m.scale</a>.
%time ./train -s 2 rcv1_test.binary
%time ./train -s 2 mnist8m.scale
Using standard LIBLINEAR
%time ./train -s 2 rcv1_test.binary
%time ./train -s 2 mnist8m.scale




<a name='how_to_speedup_multiclass_classification_using_openmp'><b>Q: How to speedup multiclass classification using OpenMP?</b></a>

Please take the following steps. <b>Note that it works only for
-s 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.</b>

In Makefile, add -fopenmp to CFLAGS.

In linear.cpp, replace the following segment of code

				model_->w=Malloc(double, w_size*nr_class);
				double *w=Malloc(double, w_size);
					int si = start[i];
					int ei = si+count[i];

					for(; k&lt;si; k++)
						sub_prob.y[k] = -1;
					for(; k&lt;ei; k++)
						sub_prob.y[k] = +1;
					for(; k&lt;sub_prob.l; k++)
						sub_prob.y[k] = -1;

					train_one(&sub_prob, param, w, weighted_C[i], param->C);

					for(int j=0;j&lt;w_size;j++)
						model_->w[j*nr_class+i] = w[j];
				model_->w=Malloc(double, w_size*nr_class);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i) 
					problem sub_prob_omp;
					sub_prob_omp.l = l;
					sub_prob_omp.n = n;
					sub_prob_omp.x = x;
					sub_prob_omp.y = Malloc(double,l);

					int si = start[i];
					int ei = si+count[i];

					double *w=Malloc(double, w_size);

					int t=0;
					for(; t&lt;si; t++)
						sub_prob_omp.y[t] = -1;
					for(; t&lt;ei; t++)
						sub_prob_omp.y[t] = +1;
					for(; t&lt;sub_prob_omp.l; t++)
						sub_prob_omp.y[t] = -1;

					train_one(&sub_prob_omp, param, w, weighted_C[i], param->C);

					for(int j=0;j&lt;w_size;j++)
						model_->w[j*nr_class+i] = w[j];
Using 8 cores on the set <a href=../libsvmtools/datasets/multiclass/rcv1_test.multiclass.bz2>rcv1_test.multiclass.bz2</a>.

%time ./train -s 2 rcv1_test.multiclass
%time ./train -s 1 rcv1_test.multiclass
Using standard LIBLINEAR
%time ./train -s 2 rcv1_test.multiclass
%time ./train -s 1 rcv1_test.multiclass

<a name="python_interface"> <h3>Python Interface</h3>

<b>Q: While using the Python interface, I have memory efficiency issue on storing instances in the required data structure. What should I do?</b>

Please check <a href=faqfiles/python_datastructures.html>this page</a>

<a name="l1_regularized_classification"> <h3>L1-regularized Classification</h3>

<b>Q: When should I use L1-regularized classifiers?</b>

If you would like to identify important features.
For most cases, L1 regularization does not give 
higher accuracy but may be slower in training.

<p> We hope to know situations where L1 is useful.
Please contact us if you have some success


<b>Q: Why you don't save a sparse weight vector
in the model file?

We don't have any application which really needs
this setting. However, please email us if
your application must use a sparse weight

<a name="l2_regularized_support_vector_regression"> <h3>L2-regularized Support Vector Regression</h3>

<b>Q: Does LIBLINEAR supports least-square regression?</b>

Yes. L2-loss SVR with epsilon = 0 (i.e., -p 0) reduces to regularized
least-square regression (ridge regression).

Please contact <a href="">Chih-Jen Lin</a> for any question.
