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   <meta name="description" content="logistic regression, support vector machines, linear classification, document classification">
   <title>LIBLINEAR Experiments
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LIBLINEAR Experiments

<a href="">Machine Learning Group</a> at
National Taiwan University

This page provides the source codes for the papers related to <b>LIBLINEAR</b>.

<a name=linear_ranksvm>
Experiments on linear rankSVM</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
C.-P. Lee and
C.-J. Lin.
<a href=../papers/ranksvm/ranksvml2.pdf>
Large-scale Linear RankSVM</a>.
Technical report, 2013.
can be found in this

<a href=../papers/ranksvm/ranksvml2_exp-1.2.tar.gz>tar.gz file</a>.
Use files here only if you are interested in redoing our
experiments. To apply the method
for your applications, all
you need is a LIBLINEAR extension. Check "Large-scale linear rankSVM" at
<a href=../libsvmtools>LIBSVM Tools</a>.

<a name=linear_svr>
Experiments on linear support vector regression</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
C.-H. Ho, and
C.-J. Lin.
<a href=../papers/linear-svr.pdf>
Large-scale Linear Support Vector Regression</a>.
JMLR, 2012.
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.

<a name=disk_decomposition>
Experiments on linear classification when data cannot fit in memory</h3>

An algorithm in
H.-F. Yu, 
C.-J. Hsieh,
K.-W. Chang,
C.-J. Lin</b>,
<A HREF="../papers/disk_decomposition/tkdd_disk_decomposition.pdf">
Large linear classification when data cannot fit in memory</a>. ACM KDD 2010 (Best research paper award). Extended version appeared
in <a href=>ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data</a>, 5:23:1--23:23, 2012.

has been implemented as 
an extension of LIBLINEAR. It aims to handle data
larger than your memory capacity.
It can be found in 
<a href=../libsvmtools>LIBSVM Tools</a>. 

<p> To repeat experiments in our paper, check
<a href="">tgz file</a>.
Don't use it unlesse you want to regenerate
For you own experiments, you should use the LIBLINEAR extension at 
LIBSVM tools.


<a name=maxent_dual_exp>
Experiments on Dual Logistic Regression and Maximum Entropy</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
Hsiang-Fu Yu, Fang-Lan Huang, and Chih-Jen Lin.
<a href=../papers/maxent_dual.pdf>
Dual Coordinate Descent Methods for Logistic Regression
and Maximum Entropy Models
</a>. <I><A HREF=
Machine Learning</A></I>, 85(2011), 41-75.
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.

<a name=l1_exp>
Large-scale L1-regularized Linear Classifiers

The following paper compares various L1-regularized 
solvers for logistic regression and SVM.
The algorithm CDN used in <b>LIBLINEAR</b> now for L1-regularized
SVM was proposed here.
Guo-Xun Yuan, Kai-Wei Chang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, and Chih-Jen Lin.
<a href=../papers/l1.pdf>
A Comparison of Optimization Methods for Large-scale
L1-regularized Linear Classification.</a>
JMLR 2010.

Programs for generating experimental results 
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.

For L1-regularized logistic regression, the 
following paper proposes an algorithm (newGLMNET)
to succeed CDN in <b>LIBLINEAR</b>.
Guo-Xun Yuan, Chia-Hua Ho, and Chih-Jen Lin.
<a href=../papers/long-glmnet.pdf>
An Improved GLMNET for L1-regularized Logistic Regression
and Support Vector Machines.
</a> JMLR, 2012
Programs for generating experimental results
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.

You can directly use LIBLINEAR for efficient L1-regularized
Use code here <b>only</b> if you are interested in redoing our
experiments. The running time is long because we run each solver to accurately
solve optimization problems.

<a name=lowpoly_exp>
Experiments on Degree-2 Polynomial Mappings of Data</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in Section 5 of the paper
Yin-Wen Chang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Kai-Wei Chang, 
Michael Ringgaard and Chih-Jen Lin.
<a href=../papers/lowpoly_journal.pdf>
Low-Degree Polynomial Mapping of Data for SVM</a>,
JMLR 2010,
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.

Use files here only if you are interested in redoing our
experiments. To apply the method
for your applications, all
you need is a LIBLINEAR extension. Check "fast training/testing of
degree-2 polynomial mappings of data" at
<a href=../libsvmtools>LIBSVM Tools</a>.

<a name=maxent_exp>
Experiments on Maximum Entropy models</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
Fang-Lan Huang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Kai-Wei Chang, and Chih-Jen Lin.
<a href=../papers/maxent_journal.pdf>
Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for
Maximum Entropy Models</a>, JMLR 2010,
can be found in this
<a href="">zip file</a>.


<a name=dual_exp>
Comparing various methods for large-scale linear SVM</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
C.-J. Hsieh, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Lin, S. Sundararajan, and
S. Sathiya Keerthi. 
<a href=../papers/cddual.pdf>
A Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large-scale Linear SVM</a>, ICML 2008,
can be found in this 
<a href="">zip file</a>.


<a name=cdl2_exp>
Comparing various methods for large-scale linear SVM</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, and C.-J. Lin,
<a href=../papers/cdl2.pdf>
Coordinate Descent Method for Large-scale L2-loss Linear SVM
</a>, JMLR 2008,
can be found in this 
<a href="liblinear/cdl2paper">zip file</a>.


<a name=lrpaper>
Comparing various methods
for logistic regression</h3>

Programs used to generate experiment results
in the paper
C.-J. Lin, R. C. Weng, and S. S. Keerthi.
<a href=../papers/logistic.pdf>
Trust region Newton method for large-scale logistic
regression</a>, JMLR 2008, 
can be found in this 
<a href="">zip file</a>.


We include 
<a href="">LBFGS</a>
<a href="">SVMlin</a>
(a <b>modified</b> version) 
for experiments. Please check their respective
COPYRIGHT notices.

Please send comments and suggestions to <a href="../index.html">Chih-Jen
