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<title>Wisdom Generic Export/Import from Fortran - FFTW 3.3.3</title>
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This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.3, 25 November 2012).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="Wisdom-String-Export_002fImport-from-Fortran.html#Wisdom-String-Export_002fImport-from-Fortran">Wisdom String Export/Import from Fortran</a>,
Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Accessing-the-wisdom-API-from-Fortran.html#Accessing-the-wisdom-API-from-Fortran">Accessing the wisdom API from Fortran</a>

<h4 class="subsection">7.6.3 Wisdom Generic Export/Import from Fortran</h4>

<p>The most generic wisdom export/import functions allow you to provide
an arbitrary callback function to read/write one character at a time
in any way you want.  However, your callback function must be written
in a special way, using the <code>bind(C)</code> attribute to be passed to a
C interface.

   <p><a name="index-fftw_005fexport_005fwisdom-572"></a>In particular, to call the generic wisdom export function
<code>fftw_export_wisdom</code>, you would write a callback subroutine of the form:

<pre class="example">       subroutine my_write_char(c, p) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         character(C_CHAR), value :: c
         type(C_PTR), value :: p
         <em>...write c...</em>
       end subroutine my_write_char
   <p>Given such a subroutine (along with the corresponding interface definition), you could then export wisdom using:

   <p><a name="index-c_005ffunloc-573"></a>
<pre class="example">       call fftw_export_wisdom(c_funloc(my_write_char), p)
   <p><a name="index-c_005floc-574"></a><a name="index-c_005ff_005fpointer-575"></a>The standard <code>c_funloc</code> intrinsic converts a Fortran
<code>bind(C)</code> subroutine into a C function pointer.  The parameter
<code>p</code> is a <code>type(C_PTR)</code> to any arbitrary data that you want
to pass to <code>my_write_char</code> (or <code>C_NULL_PTR</code> if none).  (Note
that you can get a C pointer to Fortran data using the intrinsic
<code>c_loc</code>, and convert it back to a Fortran pointer in
<code>my_write_char</code> using <code>c_f_pointer</code>.)

   <p>Similarly, to use the generic <code>fftw_import_wisdom</code>, you would
define a callback function of the form:

   <p><a name="index-fftw_005fimport_005fwisdom-576"></a>
<pre class="example">       integer(C_INT) function my_read_char(p) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         type(C_PTR), value :: p
         character :: c
         <em> a character c...</em>
         my_read_char = ichar(c, C_INT)
       end function my_read_char
       integer(C_INT) :: ret
       ret = fftw_import_wisdom(c_funloc(my_read_char), p)
       if (ret .eq. 0) stop 'error importing wisdom'
   <p>Your function can return <code>-1</code> if the end of the input is reached. 
Again, <code>p</code> is an arbitrary <code>type(C_PTR</code> that is passed
through to your function.  <code>fftw_import_wisdom</code> returns <code>0</code>
if an error occurred and nonzero otherwise.

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