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This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.3, 25 November 2012).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission
     notice are preserved on all copies.

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     terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

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<h3 class="section">8.5 Wisdom of Fortran?</h3>

<p>In this section, we discuss how one can import/export FFTW wisdom
(saved plans) to/from a Fortran program; we assume that the reader is
already familiar with wisdom, as described in <a href="Words-of-Wisdom_002dSaving-Plans.html#Words-of-Wisdom_002dSaving-Plans">Words of Wisdom-Saving Plans</a>.

   <p><a name="index-portability-598"></a>The basic problem is that is difficult to (portably) pass files and
strings between Fortran and C, so we cannot provide a direct Fortran
equivalent to the <code>fftw_export_wisdom_to_file</code>, etcetera,
functions.  Fortran interfaces <em>are</em> provided for the functions
that do not take file/string arguments, however:
<code>dfftw_import_system_wisdom</code>, <code>dfftw_import_wisdom</code>,
<code>dfftw_export_wisdom</code>, and <code>dfftw_forget_wisdom</code>. 
<a name="index-dfftw_005fimport_005fsystem_005fwisdom-599"></a><a name="index-dfftw_005fimport_005fwisdom-600"></a><a name="index-dfftw_005fexport_005fwisdom-601"></a><a name="index-dfftw_005fforget_005fwisdom-602"></a>

   <p>So, for example, to import the system-wide wisdom, you would do:

<pre class="example">             integer isuccess
             call dfftw_import_system_wisdom(isuccess)
   <p>As usual, the C return value is turned into a first parameter;
<code>isuccess</code> is non-zero on success and zero on failure (e.g. if
there is no system wisdom installed).

   <p>If you want to import/export wisdom from/to an arbitrary file or
elsewhere, you can employ the generic <code>dfftw_import_wisdom</code> and
<code>dfftw_export_wisdom</code> functions, for which you must supply a
subroutine to read/write one character at a time.  The FFTW package
contains an example file <code>doc/f77_wisdom.f</code> demonstrating how to
implement <code>import_wisdom_from_file</code> and
<code>export_wisdom_to_file</code> subroutines in this way.  (These routines
cannot be compiled into the FFTW library itself, lest all FFTW-using
programs be required to link with the Fortran I/O library.)
