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This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.3, 25 November 2012).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission
     notice are preserved on all copies.

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<h3 class="section">10.3 Cycle Counters</h3>

<p><a name="index-cycle-counter-619"></a>
FFTW's planner actually executes and times different possible FFT
algorithms in order to pick the fastest plan for a given n.  In
order to do this in as short a time as possible, however, the timer must
have a very high resolution, and to accomplish this we employ the
hardware <dfn>cycle counters</dfn> that are available on most CPUs. 
Currently, FFTW supports the cycle counters on x86, PowerPC/POWER, Alpha,
UltraSPARC (SPARC v9), IA64, PA-RISC, and MIPS processors.

   <p><a name="index-compiler-620"></a>Access to the cycle counters, unfortunately, is a compiler and/or
operating-system dependent task, often requiring inline assembly
language, and it may be that your compiler is not supported.  If you are
<em>not</em> supported, FFTW will by default fall back on its estimator
(effectively using <code>FFTW_ESTIMATE</code> for all plans). 
<a name="index-FFTW_005fESTIMATE-621"></a>
You can add support by editing the file <code>kernel/cycle.h</code>; normally,
this will involve adapting one of the examples already present in order
to use the inline-assembler syntax for your C compiler, and will only
require a couple of lines of code.  Anyone adding support for a new
system to <code>cycle.h</code> is encouraged to email us at <a href=""></a>.

   <p>If a cycle counter is not available on your system (e.g. some embedded
processor), and you don't want to use estimated plans, as a last resort
you can use the <code>--with-slow-timer</code> option to <code>configure</code> (on
Unix) or <code>#define WITH_SLOW_TIMER</code> in <code>config.h</code> (elsewhere). 
This will use the much lower-resolution <code>gettimeofday</code> function, or even
<code>clock</code> if the former is unavailable, and planning will be
extremely slow.

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