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<title>Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW - FFTW 3.3.3</title>
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This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.3, 25 November 2012).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission
     notice are preserved on all copies.

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     this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided
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     terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

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<h3 class="section">6.2 Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW</h3>

<p>Programs using the MPI FFTW routines should be linked with
<code>-lfftw3_mpi -lfftw3 -lm</code> on Unix in double precision,
<code>-lfftw3f_mpi -lfftw3f -lm</code> in single precision, and so on
(see <a href="Precision.html#Precision">Precision</a>). You will also need to link with whatever library
is responsible for MPI on your system; in most MPI implementations,
there is a special compiler alias named <code>mpicc</code> to compile and
link MPI code. 
<a name="index-mpicc-351"></a><a name="index-linking-on-Unix-352"></a><a name="index-precision-353"></a>

   <p><a name="index-fftw_005finit_005fthreads-354"></a>Before calling any FFTW routines except possibly
<code>fftw_init_threads</code> (see <a href="Combining-MPI-and-Threads.html#Combining-MPI-and-Threads">Combining MPI and Threads</a>), but after calling
<code>MPI_Init</code>, you should call the function:

<pre class="example">     void fftw_mpi_init(void);
   <p><a name="index-fftw_005fmpi_005finit-355"></a>
If, at the end of your program, you want to get rid of all memory and
other resources allocated internally by FFTW, for both the serial and
MPI routines, you can call:

<pre class="example">     void fftw_mpi_cleanup(void);
   <p><a name="index-fftw_005fmpi_005fcleanup-356"></a>
which is much like the <code>fftw_cleanup()</code> function except that it
also gets rid of FFTW's MPI-related data.  You must <em>not</em> execute
any previously created plans after calling this function.

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