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<title>SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc - FFTW 3.3.3</title>
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This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.3, 25 November 2012).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission
     notice are preserved on all copies.

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     this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided
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     terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

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<h3 class="section">3.1 SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc</h3>

<p>SIMD, which stands for &ldquo;Single Instruction Multiple Data,&rdquo; is a set of
special operations supported by some processors to perform a single
operation on several numbers (usually 2 or 4) simultaneously.  SIMD
floating-point instructions are available on several popular CPUs:
SSE/SSE2/AVX on recent x86/x86-64 processors, AltiVec (single precision)
on some PowerPCs (Apple G4 and higher), NEON on some ARM models, and MIPS Paired Single
(currently only in FFTW 3.2.x).  FFTW can be compiled to support the
SIMD instructions on any of these systems. 
<a name="index-SIMD-102"></a><a name="index-SSE-103"></a><a name="index-SSE2-104"></a><a name="index-AVX-105"></a><a name="index-AltiVec-106"></a><a name="index-MIPS-PS-107"></a><a name="index-precision-108"></a>

   <p>A program linking to an FFTW library compiled with SIMD support can
obtain a nonnegligible speedup for most complex and r2c/c2r
transforms.  In order to obtain this speedup, however, the arrays of
complex (or real) data passed to FFTW must be specially aligned in
memory (typically 16-byte aligned), and often this alignment is more
stringent than that provided by the usual <code>malloc</code> (etc.) 
allocation routines.

   <p><a name="index-portability-109"></a>In order to guarantee proper alignment for SIMD, therefore, in case
your program is ever linked against a SIMD-using FFTW, we recommend
allocating your transform data with <code>fftw_malloc</code> and
de-allocating it with <code>fftw_free</code>. 
<a name="index-fftw_005fmalloc-110"></a><a name="index-fftw_005ffree-111"></a>These have exactly the same interface and behavior as
<code>malloc</code>/<code>free</code>, except that for a SIMD FFTW they ensure
that the returned pointer has the necessary alignment (by calling
<code>memalign</code> or its equivalent on your OS).

   <p>You are not <em>required</em> to use <code>fftw_malloc</code>.  You can
allocate your data in any way that you like, from <code>malloc</code> to
<code>new</code> (in C++) to a fixed-size array declaration.  If the array
happens not to be properly aligned, FFTW will not use the SIMD
<a name="index-C_002b_002b-112"></a>
<a name="index-fftw_005falloc_005freal-113"></a><a name="index-fftw_005falloc_005fcomplex-114"></a>Since <code>fftw_malloc</code> only ever needs to be used for real and
complex arrays, we provide two convenient wrapper routines
<code>fftw_alloc_real(N)</code> and <code>fftw_alloc_complex(N)</code> that are
equivalent to <code>(double*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * N)</code> and
<code>(fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N)</code>,
respectively (or their equivalents in other precisions).

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