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<TITLE>APRON 0.9.10: NewPolka standard options</TITLE>

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<H3> NewPolka standard options </H3>

This section describes the NewPolka options which are selected using
the standard mechanism offered by APRON (see  <A HREF="apron_20.html#Manager options">Manager options</A>).

<A NAME="SEC64"></A>
<H4> Modes </H4>
Most functions of NewPolka has two modes. In the lazy mode the
canonicalization (computation of the dual representation and
minimisation of both representations) of the argument polyhedra is
performed only when the needed representation is not available. The
resulting polyhedra is in general not in the canonical
representation. In the strict mode, argument polyhedra are
canonicalized (if they are not yet in canonical form) and the result
is (in general) in canonical form.

The strict mode exploits the incremental propery of the Chernikova
algorithm and maintain in parallel the constraints and the generators
representations. The lazy mode delays computations as much as

Be cautious, in the following table, canonical means minimized
constraints and generators representation, but nothing more. In
particular, the function <CODE>canonicalize</CODE> performs further
normalization by normalizing strict constraints (when they exist) and
ordering constraints and generators.


<TR><TD>Function              </TD><TD> algo      </TD><TD> Comments</TD>

<TR><TD>copy                      </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Identical representation


<TR><TD>size                      </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Return the number of coefficients. <BR>
Their size (when using multi-precision integers) is not taken into

<TR><TD>minimize                  </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Require canonicalization.

Keep only the smallest representation among the constraints and the
generators representation.

<TR><TD>canonicalize              </TD><TD></TD>

<TR><TD>approximate               </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Require constraints. <BR>
algo here refers to the explicit parameter of the
function. A negative number indicates a possibly smaller result, a
positive one a possibly greater one. The effects of the function may
be different for 2 identical polyhedra defined by different systems of
(non minimal) constraints.<BR>
Equalities are never modified.

<TR><TD></TD><TD> -1</TD>
</TD><TD> Normalize integer minimal constraints. This results in a smaller

<TR><TD></TD><TD> 1</TD>
</TD><TD> Remove constraints with coefficients of size (in bits) greater than
the approximate_max_coeff_size parameter.

<TR><TD></TD><TD> 2</TD>
</TD><TD> Idem, but preserve interval constraints.

<TR><TD></TD><TD> 3</TD>
</TD><TD> Idem, but preserve octagonal constraints (+/- xi +/- xj &#62;= cst).

<TR><TD></TD><TD> 10</TD>
</TD><TD> Simplify constraints such that the coefficients size (in bits) are
less or equal than the approximate_max_coeff_size parameter. The
constant coefficients are recomputed by linear programming and are not
involved in the reduction process.

<TR><TD></TD><TD> --</TD>
</TD><TD> Do nothing

<TR><TD>fprint                    </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Require canonicalization.

<TR><TD>fprintdiff                </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> not implemented

<TR><TD>fdump                     </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> Print raw representations of any of the constraints, generators and
saturation matrices that are available.

<TR><TD>serialize_raw, deserialize_raw </TD><TD></TD>
</TD><TD> not implemented

<TR><TD>bottom,top                </TD><TD>      </TD><TD> Return canonical form.</TD>

<TR><TD>of_box                    </TD><TD>      </TD><TD> Return constraints.</TD>

<TR><TD>of_lincons_array          </TD><TD>      </TD><TD> Return constraints.</TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#62;=0  </TD><TD> Take into account interval-linear constraints, after having minimized the quasi-linear constraints</TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#60;0  </TD><TD> Ignore interval-linear constraints</TD>
<TR><TD>dimension                 </TD><TD>      </TD><TD></TD>

<TR><TD>is_bottom                 </TD><TD> &#60;0   </TD><TD> If generators not available, return <CODE>tbool_top</CODE></TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#62;=0  </TD><TD> If generators not available, canonicalize and return <CODE>tbool_false</CODE> or <CODE>tbool_true</CODE>.</TD>

<TR><TD>is_top                    </TD><TD> &#60;0   </TD><TD> If not in canonical form, return <CODE>tbool_top</CODE></TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#62;=0  </TD><TD> Require canonical form.</TD>

<TR><TD>is_leq                    </TD><TD> &#60;=0  </TD><TD> Require generators of first argument and constraints of second argument.</TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#62;0   </TD><TD> Require canonical form for both arguments.</TD>

<TR><TD>is_eq                     </TD><TD>      </TD><TD> Require canonical form for both arguments.</TD>

<TR><TD>is_dimension_unconstrained </TD><TD>     </TD><TD> Require canonical form</TD>

<TR><TD>sat_interval, sat_lincons, bound_dimension, bound_linexpr</TD>
</TD><TD> &#60;=0  </TD><TD> Require generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;0   </TD><TD> Require canonical form.

<TR><TD>to_box                    </TD><TD> &#60;0   </TD><TD> Require generators.</TD>
<TR><TD></TD><TD> &#62;=0  </TD><TD> Require canonical form.</TD>

to_generator_array              </TD><TD>      </TD><TD> Require canonical form.

<TR><TD>meet, meet_array, meet_lincons_array</TD>
</TD><TD> &#60;0
</TD><TD> Require constraints. <BR>
Return non-minimized constraints.
</TD><TD> &#62;=0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form. <BR>
Return canonical form.

<TR><TD>join, join_array, add_ray_array</TD>
</TD><TD> &#60;0
</TD><TD> Require generators. <BR>
Return non-minimized generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;=0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form. <BR>
Return canonical form.

</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1. If the optional argument is NULL,
</TD><TD> &#60;=0
</TD><TD> If the expr. is deterministic and invertible, require any representation and return the transformed one. If in canonical form, return canonical form. <BR>
If the expr. is deterministic and non-invertible, require generators and return generators <BR>
If the expr. is non-deterministic, require constraints and return generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form. <BR>
If the expr. is deterministic,(and even more, invertible), the
operation is more efficient.
<TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2. If the optional argument is not NULL,</TD>
first the assignement is performed, and then the
meet function is applied with its corresponding option.

</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1. If the optional argument is NULL,
</TD><TD> &#60;=0
</TD><TD> If the expr. is deterministic and invertible, require any representation and return the transformed one. If in canonical form, return canonical form. <BR>
If the expr. is deterministic and non-invertible, require constraints and return constraints <BR>
If the expr. is non-deterministic, require constraints and return generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form. <BR>
If the expr. is deterministic (and even more, invertible), the
operation is more efficient.
<TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2. If the optional argument is not NULL,</TD>
first the substitution is performed, and then the
meet function is applied with its corresponding option.

</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1. If the optional argument is NULL,
</TD><TD> &#60;=0

</TD><TD> If the expr. are deterministic, require generators and return generators <BR>
Otherwise, require canonical form and return generators.

</TD><TD> &#62;0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.
<TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2. If the optional argument is not NULL,</TD>
first the assignement is performed, and then the
meet function is applied with its corresponding option.

</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1. If the optional argument is NULL,
</TD><TD> &#60;=0

</TD><TD> If the expr. are deterministic, require constraints and return constraints <BR>
Otherwise, require canonical form and return generators.

</TD><TD> &#62;0
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.
<TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2. If the optional argument is not NULL,</TD>
first the substitution is performed, and then the
meet function is applied with its corresponding option.

</TD><TD> &#60;=0 
</TD><TD> Require generators and return generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form and return canonical form.

<TR><TD>add_dimensions, permute_dimensions</TD>
</TD><TD> &#60;=0 
</TD><TD> Require any representation and return the updated one. <BR>
If in canonical form, return canonical form.
</TD><TD> &#62;0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.

</TD><TD> &#60;=0 
</TD><TD> Require generators, return generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.

</TD><TD> &#60;0 
</TD><TD> Require constraints, return constraints.
</TD><TD> &#62;=0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.

</TD><TD> &#60;0 
</TD><TD> Require generators, return generators.
</TD><TD> &#62;=0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return canonical form.

</TD><TD> Require canonical form.

</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1. If pk_manager_alloc() has been given a false Boolean (no strict constraints), same as copy.
</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2. Otherwise,
</TD><TD> &#60;0
</TD><TD> Require constraints, return constraints.
</TD><TD> &#62;=0 
</TD><TD> Require canonical form, return constraints.


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