

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 73ca00ba5ab121df5e284a5de909e9d0 > files > 210


Release Name: 0.8.3
* library version naming scheme defaults to libpolybori* now
* Removed directory M4RI, m4ri not embedded anymore (but downloaded on demand)
* fixed broken PolyGUI
* new option groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000)
* improved boost libraries detection
* skip python docs for external python extension
* removed spaces from arguments for shell_output to fix SConstruct on darwin
* added header polybori/embed.h for easy python/polybori integration
* support pkgconfig and .desktop files
* ipbori2, ipbori2.*, PolyGUI2, PolyGUI2.x for supporting multiple python
* side-by-side installation of python module documentation for multiple python
* LIBRARY_VERSION customizable
* fixed boost::python::range disambiguity by explicitly using namespace
* added target docs and install-docs for building and installing platform-
  independent documentation (DOCS=False to suppress them on build and install)
* target naming: prepare-install, prepare-docs, prepare-static, prepare-devel
        install, install-docs, install-headers, install-static, install-devel
	build (without docs, but with static libs)
  aliases: devel-install (=install-devel), docs (=prepare-docs)
  Note: prepare-install and install do not care for static libs anymore

Release Name: 0.8.2
* Dependencies of optional rpm package gui fixed
* Fixed bug which prevented self-testing of polybori.plot
* Build systems uses as few libs as possible for linking
* Explicit name lookup of attributes from template base
* Preprocessor misconception fixed (#if vs. #ifdef)
* polybori.gbcore drops assumption ideal were a list (still assuming iteratable)
* png generation via libm4ri (alternative to libgb)

Release Name: 0.8.1
* fallback m4ri updated to release 20111203
* Merged Cudd with cudd 2.5.0
* Prefixed patched Cudd's function with pbori_
* ipbori is now an all-python script with fallback to plain python if
  IPython is not available
* Python interface utilizes shared libraries
* PolyBoRi's shared libraries are found via relative rpath 
  (relative install-name on Darwin)
* introducing DEFAULT_*FLAGS
* Install/InstallAs fixes permissions
* ipbori -t runs PolyBoRi's doctests	
* internal refactoring of ReductionStrategy and GroebnerStrategy started
* avoiding long long

Release Name: 0.8.0
* improved standard-conformity, multiprocessing safety, and usability
* renamed subdirectory polybori to libpolybori
* new directory structure in libpolybori/include and groebner/include
* libgroebner renamed libpolybori_groebner
* using only part of CUDD (linked into libpolybori)
* officially introducing VariableBlock
* removed all global settings and BooleEnv itself
* added factories and RingContext to replace active/global ring
* improved multiprocessing and pickling
* added inSingleBlock/in_single_block to polynomials
* for avoiding name clashes Cudd's headers install into include/polybori/cudd 
* Introducing WeakRingPtr for managing weak references to rings on C++ level
* python level: deprecated Ring changing routines change_ordering,
  set_variable_names, append_block, use extended arguments of Ring.__init__() 
  and Ring.clone().
* ipython 0.11 compatibility established (hint from the Fedora team. Thanks!)
* libM4RI compatibility re-established (hint from Martin Albrecht. Thanks!)
* distributed targed uses world-readable permissions
* very experimental Python module for finding an overdetermined subset of equations
Release Name: 0.7.1:
* Fixed building on Solaris with gcc 4.6.0 (broken default flags)
* Spec file for RPM updated (added PolyGUI, splitted doc and python
  package off), PolyBoRi revision number added to rpm version
* Version number handling simplified
* ll_red_nf code fixed to compile with -O0 again
* More routines in and not active ring-dependent anymore
* scons CONFFILE=/path/to/file.conf stores the build configuration

Release Name: 0.7.0:
* Polynomials, monomials, variables, and BooleSets now own a reference to a
  fully-functionally BoolePolyRing (including ordering)
* Orderings can work independently from ring
* Simplified interface: remove *Assign() variants from diagrams
* Added
* Simplification of declare_ring in ipbori
* Rename BoolePolynomials::reducibleBy -> BoolePolynomials::firstReducibleBy
* Unittests for libpolybori are available, covering 98% of libpolybori
* Added experimental PolyGUI
* declare_ring uses global context of __main__ per default when available
* substitute_variables needs target ring as first argument now

Release Name: 0.6.5:
* If boost/boost-python is not available we already stop at onfiguring
  (does not affect EXTERNAL_PYTHON_EXTENSION=True)	
* PBoRiError is now also std::exception
* scons-based configuring works better on recent SuSE
* Addded (Polynomials.__cmp__ on python) and
  Ring.__hash__(on python)
* Experimental generalized Boolean rings:(Z2 x ... x Z2)[x1, ..., xn]

Release Name: 0.6.4:
* Repository changed to hg
* gat parser added
* Disabled keyboard interrupt handling (but re-raised)
* Fixed critical bug in normal form
* Naming convention: minimalElements -> minimal_elements
* has_constant_part for variable/monomial
* lead/lex_lead/lead_deg/lex_lead_deg also for Variable/Monomial
* iterator for literal factorization
* Added treatment of customizable settings for
* Improved Sun Studio compatibility
* Fix for hpux (CUDD needs pwd.h)
Release Name: 0.6.3:
* introduced parameter modified_linear_algebra for groebner_basis,
  modifies, if linear algebra is modified or not,
  not, that this option doesn't influence, if linear algebra is used at all.
* rings have setVariableName and getVariableName now
* rings have hash() method for getting a unique identifier
* Standard constructor of BoolePolyRing does not activate
  (unwanted side-effect removed)

Release Name: 0.6.2 
* hashing BooleVariable consistent with BoolePolynomial and BooleMonomial
* Python interface Polynomial.stableHash -> Polynomial.stable_hash
* added substitute_variables function in python and c++
* Cloning of rings added. This results in rings with similar properties.
  They share the same decision diagram management, but ordering and
  variable names may be changed independently.
* FORCE_HASH_MAP can now to used to force scons to use deprecated hash_map
* fixed bug in groebner basis heuristic
* new linear lexicographical lead 
  functions / also included in 
  groebner_basis for some cases
* fixed heuristics
* Python enabledLog -> enabled_log
* fixed bug in new ll routines
* Solaris port supported
* Compatibility with upcoming scons versions (removing deprecated stuff)
Release Name: 0.6.1
* Fixed performance critical bug in normal form.

Release Name: 0.6.0
* FGLM implementation
* new Python module polybori.parallel (uses and requires pyprocessing)
* used genshi for generating dot files
* new Class ReductionStrategy
* many options and methods moved to ReductionStrategy
    * optBrutalReductions
    * add_generator
    * leading_terms
    * minimal_leading_terms
    * optLL
    * optRedTail
    * optRedTailDegGrowth
    * can_rewrite
    * nf
    * reducedNormalForm
    * headNormalForm
    * monomials
* Consistent C++ class members in BoolePolynomial
    * lmDivisors -> leadDivisors
    * lexLmDeg lexLeadDeg
    * lmDeg -> leadDeg
* Python interface - PEP8 compliance:
    * varsAsMonomial -> vars_as_monomial
    * nVars -> n_variables
    * totalDegree -> total_degree
    * gradedPart -> graded_part
    * nNodes ->n_nodes
    * terminalOne -> terminal_one
    * thenBranch -> then_branch
    * elseBranch -> else_branch
    * lmDivisors -> lead_divisors (!)
    * lexLmDeg -> lex_lead_deg (!)
    * lmDeg -> lead_deg (!)
    * lexLead -> lex_lead
    * isZero -> is_zero
    * isOne -> is_one
    * divisorsOf -> divisors_of
    * multiplesOf -> multiples_of
    * reducibleBy ->reducible_by
    * hasConstantPart -> has_constant_part
    * mapEveryXToXPlusOne -> map_every_x_to_x_plus_one
    * zerosIn -> zeros_in
    * suggestPluginVariable -> suggest_plugin_variable
    * addGenerator -> add_generator
    * addGeneratorDelayed -> add_generator_delayed
    * addAsYouWish -> add_as_you_wish
    * llReduceAll -> ll_reduce_all
    * allGenerators -> all_generators
    * strat:redTail -> red_tail
    * nextSpoly ->next_spoly
    * someSpolysInNextDegree -> some_spolys_in_next_degree
    * variableHasValue -> variable_has_value
    * chainCriterions -> chain_criterions
    * variableChainCriterions -> variable_chain_criterions
    * easyProductCriterions -> easy_product_criterions
    * extendedProductCriterions -> extended_product_criterions
    * cleanTopByChainCriterion -> clean_top_by_chain_criterion
    * stableHash -> stable_hash
    * opt*** -> snake_case(opt**)
    * containsOne -> ...
    * minimalizeAndTailReduce -> ...
    * faugereStepDense -> ...
    * noroStep -> ...
    * topSugar ->...
    * stable_hash
    * includeDivisors
    * cartesianProduct
    * minimalElements
    * existAbstract
    * sizeDouble
* Python interface, dropped functions
  * nSupport
  * firstTerm
  * toStdOut
  * smallSpolysInNextDegree
  * allSpolysInNextDegree
* Python interface
  * made var, one, zero, n_variables available not only to Ring, but also
    to BooleRing
* optimized interred
* better TeX4ht support for tutorial generation (latex2html, hevea deprecated)
* M4RI updated (Revision date 090409)
* using std::unordered_map or std::tr1::unordered_map instead of hash_map

Release Name: 0.5.0
* degree of 0-polynomial is -1
* lmDeg() of 0-polynomial is -1
* deg_type (int) replaces size_type (unsigned) for degrees
* protocol for ll pre- and postprocessing
* Python interface: renamed ll_red_nf to ll_red_nf_redsb
* Python interface: removed +=, *= operators
* Python interface: Polynomial.vars ->Polynomial.varsAsMonomial
* Python interface: Polynomial.__iter__ -> Polynomial.terms
* Python interface: Monomial.__iter__ ->Monomial.variables
* Python interface: len(Monomial)=1
* cygwin support
* added isEnd() to decision-diagram based iterators, as end of iteration check
* Cudd/dddmp removed from distribution due to license issues (unused anyway)
* removed extra library from distribution (no license issues, but unused)
* updated M4RI to version 20080624
* renamed in the Python interface ll_red_nf to ll_red_nf_redsb to indicate, 
  that we really need a redsb here
* Clean-up doxygen documentation
* Licensing issues: Clearified, that PolyBoRi is GPL2+
                    Removed incompatible (but unused) stuff from Cudd
* More standard-conforming Debianization
* Added man page for ipbori	
* Using C++98/C99 features
* Using CFLAGS/CCFLAGS/CXXFLAGS mechanisms of scons 0.97 (or later)
Release Name: 0.4

* extended tutorial
* updated BooleEnv to handle active_ring in a cleaner way
* fast check for in rewriteability GroebnerStrategy::canRewrite
* replaced function red_tail by redTail method for GroebnerStrategy
* GroebnerStrategy stores internally reference to BoolePolyRing
* GroebnerStrategy allows now access to generators via leading terms: strat[x(1)*x(2)]
* GroebnerStrategy::nf respect optRedTail
* new python module interred
* new python module partial (for handling partial boolean function definitions)
* new python module simplebb (features a very simple Buchberger implementation)
* fixed comparison of polynomials with constants
* relicensed under GPL2 or higher
* new version of M4RI
* added dlltool-like shared library versioning and sonames
* man page
Release Name: 0.3.1
This release fixes minor issues. In particular, a monomial cannot be zero, and
iterations over monomials may be a sequence of variables.

* Illegal monomial zero	forbidden and avoided.
* Exceptions are thrown for division by zero, Polynomial(0).lead(), and
  illegal ITE operation. The Python-interface handles these exceptions
* Iteration over monomials as a sequence of variables is possible now. It
  is the default iterator over monomials in the python interface.

Release Name: 0.3

This release contains several stability improvements:  premature
conversion of constant values (bool or int) is avoided, and the correct ring
of given polynomial, monomial, variable or BooleSet is accesible. The
latter was used to improve low-level procedures, which do not depend on
the active ring any more.

In addition, python-related settings during build-process were simplified.
Also, monom1/monom2 = 0 will not result in invalid "monomial" zero.
Finally, more standard conforming rpm and deb packages are generated.
* New option for scons: PYTHON=<python executable> replaces PBP and
  PYPREFIX. Python-specific paths and libraries are extracted from that
* Default of the PYINSTALLPREFIX option is now the site_packages directory
  of the python installation given by PYTHON.
* The tutorial can be generated using hevea or tex4ht, if latex2html is
  not available.
* PolyBoRi exceptions are now converted to python exceptions.
* Added class BooleRing for handling polynomial expressions without
  given ordering. Polynomials, monomials, Variables and BooleSet have a
  member function ring() for accessing the corresponding BooleRing
* Added class BooleConstant, which is used to avoid premature evaluation
  of bools and int values to Boolean polynomials. (Necessary if the active
  ring is changed befor using a constant value.)
* monom1/monom2 = 0 throws exception (caught and processed in python interface)
* BooleMonomial::variableBegin|End can be used to iterate over the
  variables in a given monomial.
* In python interface: iteration over monomials is a sequence of variables
  now (instead of indices).
* Also more standard conforming rpm and deb package generation.	

Release Name: 0.2

Most important changes are refined Groebner algorithms and several
stability improvements. 
The main modifications for library users are,
that the static parts of BoolePolyRing were moved to the new class BooleEnv.
Also, new procedures for interpolation of Boolean polynomials have been

The pythondoc documentation was extended and several new sections of the tutorial were written.

In addition, the experimental support of rpms and debs was added. 

* support of rpm and source-rpm generation
* support of debian packages
* some inconsistent install paths fixed
* target prepare-install for ipbori-only installations
* comparision of variables fixed
* options and attributes named more python-conform
* much more extensive tutorial
* More customizable options (see "scons -h"), which can be set using the
  config file 
  as well as via command-line settings
* Better default option settings, e.g. compilation runs with -D NDEBUG,
  linking with -s 
* "scons distribute" never builds
* The static elements from BoolePolyRing were moved to the new class BooleEnv
* C++-based core procedures should now select the correct ring internally
* Better hashes for Boolean polynomials
* Algorithmic improvements in Groebner routines
* Interpolation of Boolean polynomials added

Release Name: 0.2rc1

The most important additions in this release are
the support of rpms and several new sections of the tutorial.

Since PolyBoRi 0.2 rc1:
* support of rpm and source-rpm generation
* some inconsistent install paths fixed
* target prepare-install for ipbori-only installations
* comparision of variables fixed
* options and attributes named more python-conform
* much more extensive tutorial

Release Name: 0.2rc0

This is a release candidate  for upcoming PolyBoRi 0.2. 
Most important changes are refined Groebner algorithms and several
stability improvements. 
The main modifications for library users are,
that the static parts of BoolePolyRing were moved to the new class BooleEnv.
Also new procedures for interpolation of Boolean polynomials have been added.

* More customizable options (see "scons -h"), which can be set using the
config file
  as well as via command-line settings
* Better default option settings, e.g. compilation runs with -D NDEBUG,
 linking with -s 
* "scons distribute" never builds
* The static elements from BoolePolyRing were moved to the new class BooleEnv
* C++-based core procedures should now select the correct ring internally
* Better hashes for Boolean polynomials
* Algorithmic improvements in Groebner routines
* Interpolation of Boolean polynomials added

Release Name: 0.1fix1

+ Fixed memory leak while calling M4RI
+ Removed some misunderstandable statements
Release Name: 0.1fix0

This first bugfix release contains many fixes for bugs showing up during
integration into  SAGE (
Also some customization of the build results from this.
Many thanks to Burcin Erocal!

New and refined build options RELATIVE_SYMLINK, HAVE_L2H, HAVE_PYDOC,

New target prepare-devel, which speeds up non-development building procedure.

Fix: Binary Decision diagrams removed from PyPolyBoRi completely.

Fix: lieInSameBlock now working
Hash more unique (al least different for likewise polyomials)

Fix: [1841097] Polynomial.lexLead 

Fix: [1842334] crash in arithmetic after creating a second ring

Release Name: 0.1

Notes: We proudly announce the availability of PolyBoRi 0.1, the first
publicly available beta of our framework for computations with
polynomials in Boolean rings. PolyBoRi is open source. It is
released to the public under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
version 3 or later.