

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8c86774a3e53d77cc119f53a2b94a57a > files > 1386


// ROOT implementation of a XML DOM Parser                                    
// This is an example of how Dom Parser works. It will parse the xml file     
// (person.xml) to the Person object.                                         
// A DTD validation will be run on this example.                              
// To run this program                                                        
// .x DOMParsePerson.C+                                                        
// Requires: person.xml and person.dtd                                        

#include <Riostream.h>
#include <TDOMParser.h>
#include <TXMLAttr.h>
#include <TXMLNode.h>
#include <TList.h>

class Date {
   Date() : day(0), month(0), year(0) { }
   Date(Int_t d, Int_t m, Int_t y) : day(d), month(m), year(y) { }
   Int_t GetDay() const { return day; }
   Int_t GetMonth() const { return month; }
   Int_t GetYear() const { return year; }
   void SetDay(Int_t d) { day=d; }
   void SetMonth(Int_t m) { month=m;}
   void SetYear(Int_t y) { year=y;}
   Int_t day;
   Int_t month;
   Int_t year;

class Address {
   Address() { }
   Address(TString s, TString p, TString c) :
      street(s), postalCode(p), country(c) { }
   TString GetStreet() const { return street; }
   TString GetPostalCode() const { return postalCode; }
   TString GetCountry() const { return country; }
   void SetStreet(const TString &s) { street = s; }
   void SetPostalCode(const TString &p) { postalCode = p; }
   void SetCountry(const TString &c) { country = c; }
   TString street;
   TString postalCode;
   TString country;

class Person : public TObject {
   Person() { }
   Person(Int_t i, TString f, TString l, Char_t g, Date * d, Address * a) :
      id(i), firstName(f), lastName(l), gender(g), dateOfBirth(d), address(a){ }

   ~Person() {
      delete dateOfBirth;
      delete address;

   TString GetFirstName() const { return firstName; }
   TString GetLastName() const { return lastName; }
   Char_t GetGender() const { return gender; }
   Date *GetDate() const { return dateOfBirth; }
   Address *GetAddress() const { return address; }
   Int_t GetID() const { return id; }

   friend ostream & operator << (ostream& out, const Person& p) {
      out << "ID: " << << endl;
      out << "First name: " << p.firstName << endl;
      out << "Last name: " << p.lastName << endl;
      out << "Sex: " << p.gender << endl;
      out << "Date of birth: " << p.dateOfBirth->GetDay() << "/"
          << p.dateOfBirth->GetMonth() << "/"
          << p.dateOfBirth->GetYear() << endl;
      out << "Address: " << p.address->GetStreet() << endl;
      out << "\t" << p.address->GetPostalCode() << endl;
      out << "\t" << p.address->GetCountry() << endl;
      out << endl;
      return out;

   Int_t     id;
   TString   firstName;
   TString   lastName;
   Char_t    gender;
   Date     *dateOfBirth;
   Address  *address;

class PersonList {
   PersonList() {
      listOfPerson = new TList();

   Int_t ParseFile(TString filename) {
      TDOMParser *domParser = new TDOMParser();
      Int_t parsecode = domParser->ParseFile(filename);

      if (parsecode < 0) {
         cerr << domParser->GetParseCodeMessage(parsecode) << endl;
         return -1;

      TXMLNode * node = domParser->GetXMLDocument()->GetRootNode();


      return 0;

   void ParsePersonList(TXMLNode *node) {
      for (; node; node = node->GetNextNode()) {
         if (node->GetNodeType() == TXMLNode::kXMLElementNode) { // Element Node
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Person") == 0) {
               Int_t id=0;
               if (node->HasAttributes()) {
                  TList *attrList = node->GetAttributes();
                  TXMLAttr *attr = 0;
                  TIter next(attrList);
                  while ((attr=(TXMLAttr*)next())) {
                     if (strcmp(attr->GetName(), "ID") == 0) {
                        id = atoi(attr->GetValue());
               listOfPerson->Add(ParsePerson(node->GetChildren(), id));

   Date *ParseDate(TXMLNode *node) {
      Int_t d=0, m=0, y=0;
      for ( ; node; node = node->GetNextNode()) {
         if (node->GetNodeType() == TXMLNode::kXMLElementNode) { // Element Node
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Day") == 0) {
               d = atoi(node->GetText());
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Month") == 0) {
               m = atoi(node->GetText());
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Year") == 0) {
               y = atoi(node->GetText());
      return new Date(d, m, y);

   Address *ParseAddress(TXMLNode *node) {
      TString s, p, c;
      for( ; node!=NULL; node = node->GetNextNode()){
         if (node->GetNodeType() == TXMLNode::kXMLElementNode) { // Element Node
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Street") == 0) {
               s = node->GetText();
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "PostalCode") == 0) {
               p = node->GetText();
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Country") == 0) {
               c = node->GetText();
     return new Address(s, p, c);

   Person *ParsePerson(TXMLNode *node, Int_t id) {
      TString firstName, lastName;
      char gender = ' ';
      Date *date;
      Address *address;

      for ( ; node; node = node->GetNextNode()) {
         if (node->GetNodeType() == TXMLNode::kXMLElementNode) { // Element Node
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "FirstName") == 0)
               firstName = node->GetText();
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "LastName") == 0)
               lastName = node->GetText();
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Gender") == 0)
               gender = node->GetText()[0];
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "DateOfBirth") == 0)
               date = ParseDate(node->GetChildren());
            if (strcmp(node->GetNodeName(), "Address") == 0)
               address = ParseAddress(node->GetChildren());

     return new Person(id, firstName, lastName, gender, date, address);

   friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const PersonList & pl) {
      TIter next(pl.listOfPerson);
      Person *p;
      while ((p =(Person*)next())){
         out << *p << endl;
      return out;

   void PrintPerson() {
      TIter next(listOfPerson);
      Person *p;
      while ((p =(Person*)next())) {
         cout << *p << endl;

   Int_t  numberOfPersons;
   TList *listOfPerson;

void DOMParsePerson()
   PersonList personlist;
   gROOT->ProcessLine(".O 0");

   if (personlist.ParseFile("person.xml") == 0)
      cout << personlist << endl;