

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8c86774a3e53d77cc119f53a2b94a57a > files > 30


Setup for a benchmark

See $ROOTSYS/README/README.PROOF for instructions to install
and configure PROOF

Create the PAR file

% ./

Start root

% root


root[] TProof::Open("")

Create the files on the nodes in the cluster, the first
argument is the directory the files will reside in. The
second argument is the number of events in each file.
The last argument is the number of files on each node.
(not the number of files per slave!)

root[] .x make_event_trees.C("/data1/tmp", 100000, 4)

Create the TDSet for these files:

root[] .L make_tdset.C
root[] TDSet *d = make_tdset("/data1/tmp",4)
root[] d->Print("a")
OBJ: TDSet      type TTree      EventTree       in /    elements 2
TDSetElement file='root://gluon.local//data1/tmp/event_tree_gluon.local_1.root' dir='' obj='' first=0 num=-1
TDSetElement file='root://gluon.local//data1/tmp/event_tree_gluon.local_3.root' dir='' obj='' first=0 num=-1

Test the system with a simple command

root[] d->Draw("fTemperature","1")

You are now ready to run the benchmark!

Performance Monitoring

Select which performance information should be gathered.
To enable the filling of performance histograms in the master do:

root[] gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsHist",1);

or add a line to your ".rootrc" or "system.rootrc" file.
The histograms will be returned to the client in the
output list. The histograms are:

Name                 Type     Description
----                 ----     -----------

PROOF_PacketsHist    TH1D     "Packets processed per Slave"

PROOF_EventsHist     TH1D     "Events processed per Slave"

PROOF_NodeHist       TH1D     "Slaves per Fileserving Node"
                              dynamically updated, use in Feedback.

PROOF_LatencyHist    TH2D     "GetPacket Latency per Slave"

PROOF_ProcTimeHist   TH2D     "Packet Processing Time per Slave"

PROOF_CpuTimeHist    TH2D     "Packet CPU Time per Slave

To enable the creation of the trace tree and store
performance events in the master server do:

root[] gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsTrace",1);

to also record the detailed performance events in the slaves
call in addition:

root[] gEnv->SetValue("Proof.SlaveStatsTrace",1);

or add them to either your ".rootrc" or "system.rootrc"
A single Tree named "PROOF_PerfStats" will be returned to the client
in the output list.

The script SavePerfInfo.C can be used to save the
current results in a .root file, e.g.

root[] .X SavePerfInfo.C("perf_data.root")

Run the Benchmark

The benchmark provides 3 selectors, each reading a different amount
of data:

EventTree_NoProc.C   - Reads no data
EventTree_ProcOpt.C  - Reads 25% of the data
EventTree_Proc.C     - Reads all the data

First make sure the PAR file is up to date and enabled

root[] gProof->UploadPackage("event.par")
root[] gProof->EnablePackage("event")

Request dynamic feedback of some of the monitoring histograms

root[] gProof->AddFeedback("PROOF_ProcTimeHist")
root[] gProof->AddFeedback("PROOF_LatencyHist")
root[] gProof->AddFeedback("PROOF_EventsHist")

Create a TDrawFeedback object to automatically draw these histograms

root[] TDrawFeedback fb(gProof)

And request the timing of each command

root[] gROOT->Time()

Running one of the provided selectors is straight forward,
using the TDSet that was created earlier:

root[] .L make_tdset.C
root[] TDSet *d = make_tdset("/data1/tmp",4)
root[] gProof->Load("EventTree_Proc.C+")
root[] d->Process("EventTree_Proc","")

The monitoring histograms should appear shortly after the
processing starts. The resulting histogram from the selector
will also be drawn at the end.

Loading the selector before processing is not strictly needed but it allows to
circumvent a problem with file distribution that was present in some versions,
including 5.22/00 and 5.22/00a.

The above set of commands are included in the script Run_Simple_Test.C .

Extra Scripts Included

The script Draw_Time_Hists.C can be used to create the timing histograms
from the trace tree and draw them on screen.

The script Run_Node_Tests.C can be used to run a full sequence of
tests. The results can be presented graphically using Draw_PerfProfiles.C.

The script Draw_Slave_Access.C will draw a graph depicting the number
of slaves accessing a file serving node as a function of time.