

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8c86774a3e53d77cc119f53a2b94a57a > files > 704


SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS format                           BITPIX  =                  -32 / 32 bit IEEE floating point numbers             NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes                                 NAXIS1  =                 2064 /                                                NAXIS2  =                    2 /                                                EXTEND  =                    T / There may be standard extensions               OPSIZE  =                  832 / PSIZE of original image                        ORIGIN  = 'ST-DADS '           / Institution that originated the FITS file      FITSDATE= '12/07/94'           / Date FITS file was created                     FILENAME= 'y19g0309t_cvt.c2h'  / Original GEIS header file name with _cvt       ODATTYPE= 'FLOATING'           / Original datatype                              SDASMGNU=                    2 / GCOUNT of original image                       DADSFILE= 'Y19G0309T.C2F'      /                                                DADSCLAS= 'CAL     '           /                                                DADSDATE= '12-JUL-1994 02:44:39' /                                              CRVAL1  =      1.0000000000000 /                                                CRPIX1  =      1.0000000000000 /                                                CD1_1   =      1.0000000000000 /                                                DATAMIN =     0.00000000000000 /                                                DATAMAX =  2.7387550387959E-15 /                                                RA_APER =      182.63573015260 /                                                DEC_APER=      39.405888372580 /                                                FILLCNT =                    0 /                                                ERRCNT  =                    0 /                                                FPKTTIME=      49099.133531036 /                                                LPKTTIME=      49099.133541164 /                                                CTYPE1  = 'PIXEL   '           /                                                APER_POS= 'SINGLE  '           /                                                PASS_DIR=                    0 /                                                YPOS    =     -1516.0000000000 /                                                YTYPE   = 'OBJ     '           /                                                EXPOSURE=      31.249689102173 /                                                X_OFFSET=     0.00000000000000 /                                                Y_OFFSET=     0.00000000000000 /                                                                                                                                                 / GROUP PARAMETERS: OSS                                                                                                                                         / GROUP PARAMETERS: PODPS                                                                                                                                       / FOS DATA DESCRIPTOR KEYWORDS                                 INSTRUME= 'FOS               ' / instrument in use                              ROOTNAME= 'Y19G0309T         ' / rootname of the observation set                FILETYPE= 'ERR     '           / file type                                      BUNIT   = 'ERGS/CM**2/S/A'     / brightness units                                                                                                                                / GENERIC CONVERSION KEYWORDS                                  HEADER  =                    T / science header line exists                     TRAILER =                    F / reject array exists                            YWRDSLIN=                  516 / science words per packet                       YLINSFRM=                    5 / packets per frame                                                                                                                               / CALIBRATION FLAGS AND INDICATORS                             GRNDMODE= 'SPECTROSCOPY      ' / ground software mode                           DETECTOR= 'AMBER             ' / detector in use: amber, blue                   APER_ID = 'B-2               ' / aperture id                                    POLAR_ID= 'C                 ' / polarizer id                                   POLANG  =        0.0000000E+00 / initial angular position of polarizer          FGWA_ID = 'H57               ' / FGWA id                                        FCHNL   =                    0 / first channel                                  NCHNLS  =                  512 / number of channels                             OVERSCAN=                    5 / overscan number                                NXSTEPS =                    4 / number of x steps                              YFGIMPEN=                    T / onboard GIMP correction enabled (T/F)          YFGIMPER= 'NO                ' / error in onboard GIMP correction (YES/NO)                                                                                                       / CALIBRATION REFERENCE FILES AND TABLES                       DEFDDTBL=                    F / UDL disabled diode table used                  BACHFILE= 'yref$b3m1128fy.r0h' / background header file                         FL1HFILE= 'yref$baf13103y.r1h' / first flat-field header file                   FL2HFILE= 'yref$n/a          ' / second flat-field header file                  IV1HFILE= 'yref$c3u13412y.r2h' / first inverse sensitivity header file          IV2HFILE= 'yref$n/a          ' / second inverse sensitivity header file         RETHFILE= 'yref$n/a          ' / waveplate retardation header file              DDTHFILE= 'yref$c861559ay.r4h' / disabled diode table header file               DQ1HFILE= 'yref$b2f1301qy.r5h' / first data quality initialization header file  DQ2HFILE= 'yref$n/a          ' / second data quality initialization header file CCG2    = 'mtab$a3d1145ly.cmg' / paired pulse correction parameters             CCS0    = 'ytab$a3d1145dy.cy0' / aperture parameters                            CCS1    = 'ytab$aaj0732ay.cy1' / aperture position parameters                   CCS2    = 'ytab$a3d1145fy.cy2' / sky emission line regions                      CCS3    = 'ytab$a3d1145gy.cy3' / big and sky filter widths and prism X0         CCS4    = 'ytab$b9d1019my.cy4' / polarimetry parameters                         CCS5    = 'ytab$a3d1145jy.cy5' / sky shifts                                     CCS6    = 'ytab$bck10546y.cy6' / wavelength coefficients                        CCS7    = 'ytab$ba910502y.cy7' / GIMP correction scale factores                 CCS8    = 'ytab$ba31407ly.cy8' / predicted background count rates                                                                                                                / CALIBRATION SWITCHES                                         CNT_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / count to count rate conversion                 OFF_CORR= 'OMIT              ' / GIMP correction                                PPC_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / paired pulse correction                        BAC_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / background subtraction                         GMF_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / scale reference background                     FLT_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / flat-fielding                                  SKY_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / sky subtraction                                WAV_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / wavelength scale generation                    FLX_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / flux scale generation                          ERR_CORR= 'COMPLETE'           / propagated error computation                   MOD_CORR= 'OMIT              ' / ground software mode dependent reductions                                                                                                       / PATTERN KEYWORDS                                             INTS    =                    2 / number of integrations                         YBASE   =                -1516 / y base                                         YRANGE  =                    0 / y range                                        YSTEPS  =                    1 / number of y steps                              YSPACE  =        0.0000000E+00 / yrange * 32 / ysteps                           SLICES  =                    1 / number of time slices                          NPAT    =                   12 / number of patterns per readout                 NREAD   =                    2 / number of readouts per memory clear            NMCLEARS=                    1 / number of memory clears per acquisition        YSTEP1  = 'OBJ               ' / first ystep data type: OBJ, SKY, BCK, NUL      YSTEP2  = 'NUL               ' / second ystep data type: OBJ, SKY, BCK, NUL     YSTEP3  = 'NUL               ' / third ystep data type: OBJ, SKY, BCK, NUL      XBASE   =                    0 / X-deflection base                              XPITCH  =                 1521 / X-deflection pitch between diode               YPITCH  =                 1834 / Y-deflection pitch                                                                                                                              / CALIBRATION KEYWORDS                                         LIVETIME=                33333 / accumulator open time  (unit=7.8125 microsec)  DEADTIME=                 1280 / accumulator close time (unit=7.8125 microsec)  MAXCLK  =                    0 / maximum clock count                            PA_APER =        0.2462417E+03 / position ang of aperture used with target (deg)NOISELM =                65535 / burst noise rejection limit                    OFFS_TAB= 'n/a               ' / GIMP offsets (post-pipeline processing only)   MINWAVE =             4569.102 / minimum wavelength (angstroms)                 MAXWAVE =             6817.517 / maximum wavelength (angstroms)                                                                                                                  / STATISTICAL KEYWORDS                                         DATE    = '22/04/93          ' / date this file was written (dd/mm/yy)          PKTFMT  =                   96 / packet format code                             PODPSFF = '0                 ' / 0=(no podps fill), 1=(podps fill present)      STDCFFF = '0                 ' / 0=(no st dcf fill), 1=(st dcf fill present)    STDCFFP = '0000              ' / st dcf fill pattern (hex)                                                                                                                       / APERTURE POSITION                                            RA_APER1=  0.1826357301526E+03 / right ascension of the aperture (deg)          DECAPER1=  0.3940588837258E+02 / declination of the aperture (deg)                                                                                                               / EXPOSURE INFORMATION                                         EQUINOX = 'J2000             ' / equinox of the celestial coordinate system     SUNANGLE=        0.1225114E+03 / angle between sun and V1 axis (deg)            MOONANGL=        0.1191039E+03 / angle between moon and V1 axis (deg)           SUN_ALT =        0.4515910E+02 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb (deg)   FGSLOCK = 'COARSE            ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN)                                                                                 DATE-OBS= '22/04/93          ' / UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy)     TIME-OBS= '03:12:17          ' / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)     EXPSTART=  0.4909913202874E+05 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)     EXPEND  =  0.4909913505303E+05 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)       EXPTIME =        0.2499975E+03 / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated        EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL            ' / Exposure interruption indicator                                                                                                                 / TARGET & PROPOSAL ID                                         TARGNAME= 'NGC4151-CLOUD2    ' / proposer's target name                         RA_TARG =  0.1826357301526E+03 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)    DEC_TARG=  0.3940588837258E+02 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000)                                                                                        PROPOSID=                 4220 / PEP proposal identifier                        PEP_EXPO= '174.0000000       ' / PEP exposure identifier including sequence     LINENUM = '174.000           ' / PEP proposal line number                       SEQLINE = '                  ' / PEP line number of defined sequence            SEQNAME = '                  ' / PEP define/use sequence name                                                                                                   END                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           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