

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 99429e6da9a4f269f6bcd0149c1267ff > files > 25


* 30 Oct 2013 : 0.0.15
	- Range editing dialog : Rangefiles can be modified via a dialog available from the "edit" menu
		- A Range filter and a spectra filter must be present first
		- "Overlays" can be used to generate isotopic distributions for comparison
	- "Binomial analysis" algorithm, (Moody et al, 2011) for data randomness testing
	User Visible Changes:
	- Middle double click to zoomout on plots
	- Improved user feedback in transform filter
	- Better console output, messages now persistent
	- Progress dialog for animation
	- Colour bar auto-changes colour on light backgrounds
	- Colour maps now reversible
	- Orthogonal camera can be selected by default
	- Improved RRNG and ENV support
		- ENV 0.3 supported
	User Visible Bugfixes:
	- Image export fixed wrong aspect ratio ion output images
	- Fix plot export dialog when (png/svg) extension given
	- Fix tree/property grid not always synchronised
	- Fix "jumping" of movable objects after interaction
	- Fix custom filter names not being saved correctly 
	- Fix undo not recorded after tree copy 
	- Fix axial dist aborting problem
	- Fix loading of .xy files from external program filter
	- Fix hang when disabling weak/fast randomisation
	- Fix intermittent problems with spatial analysis filter aborting
	- Fix incorrect parsing of external program commands
	- Fix state file loading in downsample filter, fixed count mode
	- Fix camera animation continually asking if you want to save,
	  after animation completion
	- Fix colour interpolation in animate dialog

	Technical bugfixes/changes:
	- Fix hang when filters given directories as input (linux)
	- Fix bug in extern filter where data would be output even on empty command
	- Better out-of-memory exception handling at refresh level
	- Various memory leak fixes
	- Refactoring
		- filter caching 
		- unit testing 
		- scene opengl init
	- More unit testing 
	- Remove plot pane polling for region change

* 20 Jul 2013 : 0.0.14
	- 2D slice render mode for voxels. Can now visualise voxel data
	  using colourised planes - show voxel values on a given slice
	- Animated spin-progress icon to show refresh status
	- Automatic, but optional, limiting of point count in 3D display 
		- Improved responsiveness of program to user when
		  working with large datasets. Enabled by default.
		- Downsampling no longer added when loading datasets
	- New "double-ORNL rng" rangefile support

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Fix "blinking"/flicker problems in 3D scene when changing properties
	- Improved tracking of changes to state
		- Current filename
		- Current directory
		- Changes to state (eg, for asking to save at exit)
	- Fix state load/save bugs
		- Orthogonal camera scaling
		- stash handling
	- Add new tree warnings
		- Composition biasing warning for rangefile->composition pairs
		- Missing required parent filter (eg clustering)
	- More caching in voxel filter, for better performance
	- Better axis handling for plot window
	- Better handling of cylinder objects during interaction
	- Improved performance in some cases when ranging
	- On Mac OSX, manual now stored locally
	- New "quick start" section in documentation
	- Ranged ions/volume now reported correctly by ion info filter

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Split viscontrol and analysis state into separate modules
	- Minor improvements to rangefile loading
	- Improved assertion checking for selection bindings
	- Remove needless templating of selection devices
	- Continuous Integration script for cppcheck
	- Minor opengl enhancement (performance & error reporting)

* 12 Apr 2013 : 0.0.13
	- Spherical composition profile support
	- Added axial distribution mode to spatial analysis (directional RDF)
	- New build for windows 64 (no parallel build available yet)

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Fix crash if unable to obtain RSS feed when checking for updates from behind proxy (Windows only)
	- Rangefiles now correctly load when altering name property
	- Copy/pasting from the raw data grid now works.
	- Plot now updates when scrolling, rather than just during mouse motion
	- Fix refresh loop in Data Load filter when "monitor" active and "enabled" inactive.
	- Fix RDF generating error/crashes when passing < 4 points
	- Fix voxel filtering not preserving intensity correctly
	- Fix crash bug on OSX during animate
	- Fix animate dialog, where wrong text box updated on frame change
	- Animate dialog "remove" button now works correctly
	- Clipping algorithm now uses multiple CPUs
	- RDF algorithm (max dist) now uses multiple CPUs
	- The default camera now is stored and loaded when saving state
	- Ion information filter now emits warnings if sampling is enabled by a parent
	- Warning on export of plot's without legend fixed
	- Fix bug where gl window did not update after sash move on some video drivers
	- Not providing an extention when exporting plots now causes prompt, rather than error
	- Fixed filters not staying selected when loading new data files
	- More locking of UI elements during refresh
	- Improve view splitter startup behaviour

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Mathgl >= 1.11 (Nov 2010) now required as hard
	  dependency, earlier versions will not compile
	- Mathgl 2.x now supported
	- Refactored clipping and concentration profile code
	  into single geometry handler
	- Refactored often copy-pasted XML writer code back to
	  "filter common" functions
	- Fixed bug whereby if user preference had been altered
	  for pos data, with loadlimit=0, then loading would cancel
	  if this value was not changed in the filter property,
	  and sampling was set.
	- Improved wx correctness in property grid
	- Tentative support in "getDeps" script for CentOS6
	- Refactor APTClasses & basics functions into several
	  more manageable parts
	- Better RNG support (negative ranges, range lines starting with a digit)
	- More extensive unit testing
	- Fix double-free bug for certain topologies in filter tree
	- Fix memory leak when aborting refresh
	- Cross compilation script for mingw-win64 and 32
	- Source code relayout to reflect overall design
	- Fix several minor assertion errors
	- Remove several redundant scene update calls in main window
	- Re-enable OSX checking for updates
	- Fix incorrect progress reporting when ranging
	- Improved release QA checking

* Nov 2012 : 0.0.12
	- Animation tool for performing "sweeps" of filter properties
		- can change a filter properties and export images,
		 point data, plots etc. for each step in the property
		- Can sweep multiple properties simultaneously
		- Use for exporting videos/animations of parameter changes
	- Each filter property now has built-in tooltip help text
	- New warning for possible compositional biasing in composition results

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Point input starting with "." no longer incorrectly rejected
	- Fix arrow heads being shown for some objects where they should not be
	- Improved RNG file reader, fixed some multiple ions being
	   rejected when they should not be
	- Performance increase in transform filter, ion shuffle mode,
	  due to better shuffle strategy, and more parallelism
	- Fix progress reporting in transform filter, shuffle mode
	- RRNG files without colour data will now have random colour
	  assignments, instead of black.
	- Some performance increases in point generation and display
	- More property group naming
	- Fix spectrum plot resetting itself to default values if no valid input
	- Fix some malformatted RRNG files could cause crash
	- Fix vertical "sash"/splitter motion not causing 3D view to update
	- Fix crash when loading large posfiles in external program filter

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Added Event logger code, for better user feedback from assertion failures
	- More workarounds for mathgl library infinite loop problems,
	  which occur due to floating point aliasing
	- Fix segfault in point parsing routines
	- Improved UI locking during scene refresh, limiting scope for 
	  callback re-entrancy, which caused some crashes.
	- Fixed several small memory leaks
	- More unit testing, and fix some non-working unit tests,
	  eg transform shuffle, which wansn't checking shuffled state
	  correctly, and hence did very little
	- Minor openMP fixes
	- Many cppcheck fixes - mostly stylistic, or minor performance improvements


* 1 Jul, 2012  : 0.0.11 
	- Filter tree is now scanned for common errors, with a clickable
	  warning message for detected errors, e.g.:
		- Filters connected that cannot have any effect
		- Filters connected that may alter the outcome of 
		  density dependant analyses, due to sampling.
	- Spatial analysis now has "density filtering" mode.
	- Bounding box has new draw modes "dimension" and "box only"
	- User manual has been expanded, now provides more detail on filters,
	  and specific examples for the External Program filter for multiple
	  programming languages (Scilab/bash/python/C++).
	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Clustering core mode in core-link algorithm has been fixed (Core dist > 0)
		- Previously program would crash/generate nonsense results.
	- Fixed voxels not showing if transparency set to zero in point cloud
	- Multiple-autosave and resolution selection dialog usability improvements
	- Fix Undo not working after deleting filters
	- Recent files that do not exist are removed from recent files menu
	- External Program option "Clear cache" now correctly updates after
	- Spatial analysis colour change for plot no long requires
	- Bulk distance > 0.5*Link distance now emits warning in cluster
	  filter, previously was incorrectly set to > 1.0*Link distance.
	- Tree no longer completely disables user interaction during refresh.
	- Lines now have conical arrow heads where appropriate (eg
	- Package state restores now correctly restore working directory
	  information, fixing load failures for some external resources.
	- Fix cluster cropping/nmin not loading correctly from state files.
	- Fix bug where ion downsampler might not propagate range data
	- Cluster filter restores ions better when dragging/dropping between
	  different range file parents
	- Fix ion export not working correctly, due to change in viscontrol
	  behaviour for 0.0.10

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Improvements to dependency fetch script "getDeps" for Mac OSX Lion.
	- Several small memory leaks fixed
	- Speed improvements by removing initialiser on ionhit data class
	- More unit test cases for filters
	- More strict emit/use/block patterns for spatial analysis, bound box
	  and external program

* 1 Apr, 2012  : 0.0.10
	- Improved aborting behaviour for filters

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- In cluster filter, datasets consisting of "core" only can now be clustered. Previously some "bulk" was required, due to programming error.
	- Fix drag/drop loading bugs
	- Fix multiple data files not being accepted at command line
	- Fix crash-on-exit in OSX 10.7 bug
	- Improved rangefile reader - more tolerant of oddly formatted rangefiles
	- Fix bug where downsample filter would not update ion selection if parent rangefile filter was altered.
	- Data loading can now use custom string for data name - defaults to "mass-to-charge"
	- Plot region dragging now disallowed if region not shown (ie lies outside visible data area).
	- Fix bug in plot panel, where I beam would not show if user did Y zoom starting below plot X axis
	- Fix bug in plot zooming, where a perfectly X or perfectly Y zoom (ie mouse moved exactly horizontally or vertically) would fail to zoom.
	- Fix bug in clip & composition cylinder where perfectly horizontal (XY plane) would result in incorrect direction for analysis.
	- Better drag/drop support when dropping into tree "base" - now will only allow filters that can be a data source on top level.
	- Most buttons/checkboxes/spinbuttons etc ("controls") now have tool tips when hovering mouse.
	- Several previously untranslated items added to translation database
	- Minor layout change to ion info properties.

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:	
	- Major internal reorganisation (refactor) of viscontrol. Now split into two parts, a tree manipulator & refresher (FilterTree), and UI/backend sync (Viscontroller)- Some export dialogs now take advantage of tree cache, making exporting dialog appearance faster in complex filter trees.
	- More unit tests for filters, rangefiles and filter trees.
	- Some export dialogs now take advantage of tree cache, making exporting dialog appearance faster in complex filter trees.
	- Improved dependency retrieval script, making porting a bit easier.
	- More QA checking in release script
	- Compiles against GCC 4.7.
	- Re-enable convex hull based algorithms in OSX.
	- Remove unnecessary #includes.
	- Some code de-duplication, thanks to
	- Hidden debug only Autosave with ctrl+insert.
	- Fix memory leaks in filter devices, rangefile filter 
	- Property keys now throw assertion error if not unique.
	- Fix small array overrun in NN histogram generation in RDF filter
	- Fix MK1 KD tree stack underrun for some trees.
	- Properties in XML files are now escaped and unescaped, avoiding malformatted/broken state and configuration files, if using any of "<>&" in saved elements.

* Dec 17, 2011  : 0.0.9
	- Rangefile filter now has "all ions/ranges" enable/disable option
	- Autosave dialog now shows timestamp on file, eg "autosave.123.xml,
	one day ago"
	- Density computation in volume estimation filter 
	- Implement scroll-to-zoom in plots
	- Rangefiles can now be dropped onto program to open.

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Fix crash-on-load due to strict floating point checks under some
	  wxGtk (linux) systems (Reported by users)
	- Fix text file loading when loadlimit is 0.
	- Fix hang when loading incorrectly formatted text files
	- Fix bug where primitives might not show from transform filter until
  	  forcing a refresh
	- Spectrum filter no longer resets bincount when no data passed to it.
	- Composition profile now matches 3D cylinder size when using fixed
	  number of bins. (Reported by user)
	- Fix bug where only line plots could be selected for plot dropdowns.
	- Fix random crash/weirdness bug when dragging 3D items.
	- Fix several internal debug dialogs being shown in wx2.9 (OSX 10.7)\
	- Fix non-responsive dialogs in wx2.9 (OSX 10.7)
	- Fix occasional corruption of volume estimate in IonInfo filter
	- Better colouring of ranges in plot area (now uses exact colour, not
	  closest from fixed palette)
	- Better error messages when failing to load data files
	- Fix config file error message for new 3Depict installs
	- Fix double message dialog when failing to load autosave
	- Fix bug where dataset would appear rotated when changing view axis
	for certain orientations.
	- Fix various bugs in autosave dialog

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Implement quality assurance code : unit testing of most filters, add
  	  release build checks.
	- Cluster filter now can do morphology (ellipse fit), but user frontend incomplete.
	- Many small memory leak fixes 
	- Fix corner case bug in  cluster analysis filter where small data
	  corruption could occur for very small datasets.
	- Fix duplication of final range in rangefile
	- Fix large memory leak in convex hull estimation.
	- More strict checking for source dependencies in configure script
	- Marginally faster data loading by removing unneeded shuffle
	- More correct and strict rangefile checking
	- Fix bogus error in debug mode when dragging mouse move rate slider to max
	in pref. dialog
	- Fix bogus error in debug mode when using smoothing filter on voxels
	- Colourbar overlay no longer affected by scene lighting.
	- Fix bug where editing a property, then switching cameras can cause
	  hang in debug mode.

* Sep 30, 2011  : 0.0.8
	- Data files can now be monitored for changes, prompting
	  auto-reloading of filter tree if file changes.
	- Multiple autosave files (per running program copy) are now
	- Annotation filter, including angle measurement, text annotation,
	  and linear measurement.
	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Voxel smoothing option now works if smoothing kernel is larger
	 than dataset (i.e. small bin numbers or large sigma values).
	- Fix bug in density scaling (this was prev. included in some builds)
	- Fix bug in refreshing code which would not cause tree to be
	  loaded correctly in some filter combination cases (such as pos
	  Load->pos Load)
	- Fix preferences not respected when loading data files
	- Fix text files not selectable by default from load menu
	- Minor changes to ion info filter
	- Fix segfault if loading text data files with too few columns

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- wxWidgets 2.9 support (incl. source build now supported under OSX 10.7, in theory)
	- Minor correctness improvements to configure script
	- wxWidgets correctness fixes (assertion failures etc).
	- Fix build for libpng 1.4 (infopp_NULL -> NULL)
	- Respect user choice of system background in plot area

* Jul 30, 2011  : 0.0.7
	- Improved isosurface computation, incl. data filtering.
	- Foreign language support
		- German translation (de_DE).
	- Ion Info filter : volume and composition estimation.

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Periodic update checks (Unmanaged systems only, ie OSX, windows).
	- Improved window positioning on startup.
	- Fix voxel state saving - now restores range selections.
	- Fix cropping with camera coordinates incorrect behaviour 
	  due to numeric instabilities.
	- Fix range file reading under locales with non-english decimal
	- Better handling of relative paths in analysis packages.
	- Ion transform filter now has "value transform" mode
	- Faster voxel computations (caching + cache introspection)
	- Improved crop controls  -- better reset behaviour.
	- Fix pointcloud representation off-by-1/2 voxel pitch.
	- Fix bug where zooming repeatedly in 2D plot caused hang
	- Manually changing composition profile Cylinder axis respects
	  lock axis magnitude setting.
	- Fix off-by-one in tick computation for bounding box.
	- Fix value setting when changing between clip objects
	- OpenGL status is now checked upon startup.

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Rewrote plot code to allow for more extensible plotting.
	- Improved checking of filter stream outut.
		- Checking of block masks against emit.
		- Other misc. checking.
	- Depth sorting framework for improved transparency rendering.
	- Removed many small memory leaks in parsing & UI.
	- Improved numerical stability in some rotation operations

* May 16, 2011  : 0.0.6
	- Text data file loading
	- Cameras can now be locked
	- Add noise mode to transform filter (gaussian/white)

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Clustering algorithm now gives sensible results. 
		- Previous implementation was wrong in several respects. Now
		  should behave correctly, even on corner cases.
		- Now performs bounds-in-sphere check for large queries,
		  significantly improving the scaling characteristics of
		  the search when using large bulk link radii
	- Fix crash when moving range on empty data 
	- Workaround for wxWidgets bug where recent file list >9 items
	  would not load
	- Fix bug in undo/redo where tree may not reset correctly if it
	  contains range data after undo/redo op.

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Significantly more complex refresh system, now performs type analysis
	  on tree to determine minimal subsections of tree to refresh. Now filters
	  that cannot cache well will penalise the refresh system much less.
	- Fix corner case bug in LFSR selection routines (power of two
 	  selection from same size array results in single duplicate).
	- Fix opengl bug with isosurface draw which appears up under some
	  video card/driver combinations, which lead to undefined video
	  behaviour (bad glPopAttrib()/glEnd() ordering)
	- Fix incorrect "loaded file" message if uninterpretable pos file
	- Fix error in plot causing assertion error during mouseover
	- Fix plot behaviour when all data == 0.

* March 27, 2011  : 0.0.5
	- Clustering algorithm
		- Modification of methods of Stephenson et al.; this
		includes Max. Sep algorithm. See manual for algorithm
		description and parameter details
	- Value shuffle mode in transform filter
	- Mouse preferences for zoom and other controls
	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Add hint to resolution dialog to maintain aspect ratio in output plots by default
	- Mac binary now distributed through packagemaker.

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Major code refactor; simplify code layout to aid further code development, speed compilation
	- Fix "press shift to refresh" hint not working
	- Fix voxels not reporting cache size
	- Fix possible crash bug in double click plot when no plot visible.
	- Filters now support named sections in property sets
	- Disallow zero sized ion streams from rangefiles	
	- Fix off-by-one bug in boundcube set func (can cause assertion error)
	- Improve progress reporting for LSFR random selections

* January 23, 2011  : 0.0.4
	- Preferences dialog 
		- User defined defaults for each filter 
		- Window startup behaviour
	- Postprocessing effects
		- Interactive/fast depth buffer based cropping
		- Analgyphic (oldschool coloured glasses) stereo
	- Fullscreen now has "partial" and "really" fullscreen modes
	- Ion downsampling filter now aware of ranges

	User Visible Bugfixes/Changes:
	- Improved parsing of points, so more styles of 3D point entry is 
	allowed, eg when cutting/pasting from scilab
	- Plot now zooms in X or Y only by double clicking below axis
	- Some sections that were supposed to be paralellised, but were not
	due to typos, now actually are.
	- Fix bugs in state file writing for ion clipping (non saved var)
	- Fix parallelism in KD tree building
	- RDF was not paralellised, and could not be aborted
	- Voxels no longer crash due to non-ion input
	- Fix assertion errors when working with cylinder clipping tools
	- Fix overlays hints being drawn "below" other points in the scene (disable
	depth buffer, and draw last)

	Technical Bugfixes/Features:
	- Improve compilation structure to simplify builds under all
	platforms, particularly when using paralell or similar
	- Various crash fixes due to re-entry bugs
	- Fix a few unititalised variables (eg spat. analysis ->cache on plot)
	- Implement "effects" framework to allow insertion of arbitrary openGL
	calls using derived effects classes.
	- Some internal refactoring to reduce code duplication (Filter

* November 29, 2010 : 0.0.3
	- Added range interaction on-plot
	- Show marker for transform in mass-centre && boundbox mode. Allow
	user to show or hide marker.
	- Add drag and drop support for files
	- Add on-screen colourbar  for ion colour
	- Add axis drawing
	- Added better error messages to XML file read
	- Added RDF filter
	- Add mode to lock cylinder magnitude during rotation
	- Plot panning (hold shift key)
	- Filters can report stepwise progress
	- Improvements to manual.

	User Visible Bugfixes:
	- Better error messages for PNG/SVG plot save
	- Fix bug in binding which caused object to move more than it should
	 during 3D drag
	- Set dialog default item focus
	- Fix escape key not working in dialogs
	- Switch ms-windows camera roll to use alt, rather than tab, because
	ctrl+tab advances through controls, regardless of focus
	- Remove buggy parallel code in rotation filter
	- Fix transform filter behaviour to +origin after rotate
	- Fix bugs in transform filter
		- origin behaviour
		- copying/stashing filter
	- Fix bug whereby region colours in mass spectrum had green and blue
	channels swapped (typo)
	- Fix for crash when exporting images at high resolutions,
	due to uncaught std::bad_alloc in conjunction with a missing return
	after popping up dialog box
	- Fix bug with loading multiple files at command line
	- Fix bug in voxels where axis aligned data caused crash
	- Fixed animation tiling 
	- Ensure visibility reset actually resets to looking down +ve axis
	- Change plot axis to show log_10 rather than just log() during log
	- Fixed interaction overlay drawing transparency

	Technical Bugs/Features:
	- Really fast "random" sampling.
	- Fix memory leak where textures were continually reloaded at every
	use due to bad name handling
	- Fix incorrect usage of std::unique that was leading to assertion
	- Make conjugation in quaternions implicit for even faster quaternion
	- Fix bug in GenericLoadFloatFile, where the output vector was too
	small for cols<4, resulting in memory overflow
	- Fix bug in transform filter where data limits were required for
	ion data sizes < 2
	- Fixes for spatial analysis filter
		- Catch and report errors to console, rather than crash.
	- Fixes to plot bound get function with multiple plots
		- Only returns visible plots now
	- Fix aspect ratio not set during scene overlay draw
	- Added export analysis package
	- Added abort to rendering sequence
	- Fix assertion error during refresh due to bad total filter count
	after ion export
	- Fix bug in BoundCube::setBounds where incorrect assignment for z
	was made
	- Valgrind out two crash bugs due to uninitialised memory

* September 24, 2010: 0.0.2

	- Files with arbitrary number of data channels can now be loaded,
	but only one channel at a time can be analysed.
	- Many functions are now openMP parallelised, and thus will
	take advantage of multiple CPUs, if enabled at compile time
	- Simple animation support (PNG sequences in an orbit)
	- Voxelisation support; voxel data can be generated using the new
	Voxelise filter. Supported visualisation methods are Isosurfaces and
	point clouds.
	- Undo/redo support : filter operations can now be undone, and redone.
	- Windows build: we now have a windows build.
	- Improved rangefile parsing. This should now work on every range file
	I have ever met. If you have one where it does not work, let us know.
	- Several filters have been improved to be easier to use (eg transform
	- Some core functions have been optimised (eg rotation, composition
	profiles), and should be significantly faster.
	- Many bugfixes -- program should be significantly more stable, but
	requires testing (please help us with this if you can )

* August 11, 2010 : Released 0.0.1
	- Initial release