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<h1 class="top">Camlp5 sources</h1>

<p>Information for developpers of the Camlp5 program.</p>

<div id="tableofcontents">


<p>The sources are composed of:</p>

  <li>the OCaml stuff, copied from the OCaml compiler</li>
  <li>the <em>kernel</em> composed of the directories:
      <li>odyl : the dynamic loading system</li>
      <li>lib : the library</li>
      <li>main : the main program camlp5</li>
      <li>meta : the parsers for revised syntax, ast quotations,
        EXTEND statement, etc/</li>
  <li>the rest: directories etc, compile, ocpp</li>

<p>Some other directories contain configuration files, tools,
  documentation and manual pages.</p>

<p>The kernel is sufficient to make the core system work: it is possible
  to compile and bootstrap only it. All sources being in revised syntax,
  the first compilation of Camlp5 is done by a version of this kernel
  in pure OCaml syntax, located in the directory ocaml_src.</p>

<p>These sources in pure OCaml syntax are not modified by hand. When
  changes are made to the kernel, and a check is done that it
  correctly compiles and bootstraps, the kernel in pure OCaml syntax
  is rebuilt using Camlp5 pretty print. This is done by the command
  "make bootstrap_sources".</p>


<p>This distribution of Camlp5 is compatible with several versions of
  OCaml. The definition of OCaml syntax trees may change from OCaml
  version to version, which can be a problem.  Since OCaml does not
  install the sources nor the compiled versions of its syntax tree, a
  copy of the necessary source files, borrowed from the source of the
  OCaml compiler is in the directory 'ocaml_stuff', in subdirectories
  with the OCaml version number.</p>

<p>If the present distribution of Camlp5 is not compatible with the
  version of OCaml you have (the command 'configure' tells you), it
  is possible to add it. For that, you need the sources to your specific OCaml
  distribution. If you have them then a 'configure' telling you
  that camlp5 is not compatible, do:</p>

  make steal OCAML_SRC=&lt;path-to-OCaml-sources>

<p>This creates a new directory in 'ocaml_stuff' with sources of the
  syntax tree of your OCaml compiler.</p>

<p>If you want to check that the sources of the syntax tree of OCaml
  are up-to-date (e.g. if this is the current OCaml developpement),

  make compare_stolen OCAML_SRC=&lt;path-to-OCaml-sources>

<p>The compatibility is also done with the file 'lib/',
  which is a module containing miscellaneous features depending to
  the version of OCaml.</p>

<p>In the directory 'ocaml_src' which contains the pure OCaml sources
  of the Camlp5 core (see chapter TREE STRUCTURE below), there are as
  many versions of this files as versions of OCaml. They are named
  '' in the directory 'lib/versdep'. If you are adding
  a new version of OCaml, you need this file. As a first step, make a
  copy from a close version:</p>

  cd ocaml_src/lib/versdep
  cp &lt;close_version>.ml &lt;version>.ml

<p>Then, you can rerun "configure" and do "make core". If the file
  'ocaml_src/lib/' has compilation problems, fix them 'make
  core' again. When it compiles, copy it into the subdirectory
  'versdep' as '&lt;version>.ml', overwriting the version you copied
  from the close version.</p>

<p>Later, the same file 'lib/' in Camlp5 syntax may have
  similar compilation problems. There is only a single version of this file,
  thanks to IFDEF constructs used here or there.</p>

<p>While compiling with some specific version of OCaml, this file is
  compiled with 'OCAML_vers' defined where 'vers' is the version number
  form the beginning to the first space or charcter '+' with all dots
  converted into underscores. For example, if your OCaml version is
  7.04.2+dev35, you can see in the compilation process of
  that OCAML_7_04_2 is defined, and you can add statements defined
  by the syntax extension 'pa_macro.cmo', for example IFDEF OCAML_7_04_2.
  Add statements like that in 'lib/' to make it compile

<h2>Tree structure</h2>

<p>The directory 'ocaml_src' contains images in pure OCaml syntax of the
  directories odyl lib main and meta. This allows the creation of a core version
  of Camlp5 with only the OCaml compiler installed.</p>

<p>You can decompose the building of the Camlp5 core into:</p>

  <dt>1. make library_cold</dt>
  <dd>just makes the directory 'ocaml_src/lib' and copy the cmo and cmi
    files into the directory 'boot'</dd>
  <dt>2. make compile_cold</dt>
  <dd>makes the other directories of ocaml_src</dd>
  <dt>3. make promote_cold</dt>
  <dd>copies the executables "camlp5", "camlp5r" and the syntax
    extensions (cmo files) into the directory 'boot'</dd>

<p>From this point, the core Camlp5 is in directory 'boot'. The real
  sources in the top directories odyl, lib, main and meta, which are
  written in revised syntax with some syntax extensions (grammars,
  quotations) can be compiled. To achieve their compilation, you can

  make core

<p>Or to compile everything do:</p>

  make all

<p>or just:</p>


<p>Notice that doing "make core" or "make all" from scratch (after a
  make clean), automatically starts by making the core files from
  their pure OCaml versions.</p>

<h2>Fast compilation from scratch</h2>

  make clean core compare
  make coreboot
  make all opt opt.opt

<h2>Testing changes</h2>

<p>1. do your changes</p>

<p>2. do:</p>

  make core compare

<p>if it says that the bootstrap is ok, you can do:</p>

  make all
  make opt
  make opt.opt

<p>otherwise, to make sure everything is ok, first do:</p>

  make coreboot

<p>sometimes two bootstraps ('make coreboot' twice) are necessary,
  in particular if you change things in the directory 'lib'. It is
  even possible that three bootstraps are necessary.</p>

<p>If things go wrong, it is possible to return to the previous
  version by typing:</p>

  make restore clean_hot

<p>then you can change what is necessary and continue by typing:</p>

  make core

<p>and test the bootstrap again:</p>

  make coreboot

<p>After several bootstraps (by 'make coreboot' or 'make bootstrap'),
  many versions are pushed in the directory 'boot' (you can type 'find
  boot -type d -print' to see that). If your system correctly
  bootstraps, you can clean that by typing:</p>

  make cleanboot

<p>which keeps only two versions. (The command 'make clean' also
  removes these stack of versions.)</p>

<h2>Before committing your changes</h2>

<p>Make sure that the cold start with pure OCaml sources work. For
  that, do:</p>

  make compare_sources | less

<p>This shows you the changes that would be done in the OCaml pure sources
  of the directory ocaml_src.</p>

<p>To make the new versions, do:</p>

  make new_sources
  make promote_sources

<p>Notice that these pure OCaml sources are not supposed to be modified
  by hand, but only created by the above commands. Although their source
  is pretty printed they are usually not easy to read, particularly for
  expanded grammars (of the statement 'EXTEND').</p>

<p>If these sources do not compile, due to changes in the OCaml
  compiler, it is possible however to edit them. In this case, similar changes
  may need to be performed in the normal sources in revised syntax.</p>

<p>After doing 'make new_sources' above, and before doing 'make
  promote_sources' below, it is possible to do 'make untouch_sources'
  which changes the dates of the newly created files with the dates of the
  old files if they are not modified. This way, the "svn commit" will not
  need to compare these files, which may be important if your
  network is not fast.</p>

<p>The 'make new_sources' builds a directory named ''.
  If this directory still exists, due to a previous 'make new_sources',
  the command fails. In this case, just delete it (rm -rf
  without problem: this directory is not part of the distribution, it is
  just temporary.</p>

<p>The 'make clean_sources' deletes old versions of ocaml_src, keeping
  only the last and the before last ones.</p>

<p>The command:</p>

  make bootstrap_sources

<p>is a shortcut for:</p>

  make new_sources
  make untouch_sources
  make promote_sources
  make clean_sources

<p>If there are changes in the specific file 'lib/', do

  make compare_all_versdep

<p>and possibly:</p>

  make bootstrap_all_versdep

<p>because this file, in 'ocaml_src/lib/versdep' directory has different
  versions according to the OCaml version.</p>

<p>After having rebuilt the pure OCaml sources, check that they work by
  rebuilding everything from scratch, starting with "configure".</p>

<h2>If you change the main parser</h2>

<p>If you change the main parser 'meta/', you should check that the
  quotations expanders of syntax tree 'meta/' match the new
  version. For that, do:</p>

  cd meta
  make compare_q_MLast

<p>If no differences are displayed, it means that '' is ok,
  relatively to ''.</p>

<p>Otherwise, if the displayed differences seem reasonable, update the
  version by typing:</p>

  make bootstrap_q_MLast

<p>Then returning to the top directory, do 'make core compare' and
  possibly 'make coreboot' (one of several times) to check the
  correctness of the file.</p>

<p>And don't forget, if you want to commit, to re-create the pure OCaml
  sources like indicated above.</p>

<h2>Adding new nodes to the syntax tree</h2>

<p>If new nodes are necessary in the syntax tree, for example because
  the OCaml language added itself new nodes, the steps are the
  following (with the example of adding the "lazy" pattern node).</p>

  <li>Add the node in the file 'main/mLast.mli'. Please respect the design
    of the nodes by looking at the other nodes. Example:
      PaLaz of loc and patt
  <li>Try to compile (do 'make' in the main directory). You are going to
    have some errors in files telling you that nodes are missing in some
    pattern matchings. Add them, according to the new nodes of OCaml or
    looking at other nodes.</li>
  <li>Once the compilation is done, try a 'make bootstrap' to be sure
    everything is OK.</li>
  <li>When it is, add the possible concrete syntax in the revised syntax,
    i.e. in 'meta/'. Since the quotation is not yet implemented,
    put it in syntax without quotation. Example:
  "lazy"; p = SELF -> MLast.PaLaz loc p
  <li>Do 'make bootstrap' again.</li>
  <li>Go to the directory 'meta' and type:
  make compare_q_MLast
    This command try to compare what should be the AST quotation if it
    perfectly matched the syntax. If this comparison seems reasonable,
    change the file '' by typing:
  make bootstrap_q_MLast
  <li>Do a 'make bootstrap' again to check everything is OK. If it is
    change the line of 'meta/'. In the example, from:
  "lazy"; p = SELF -> MLast.PaLaz loc p
  "lazy"; p = SELF -> &lt;:patt&lt; lazy $p$ >>
  <li>The new syntax should work now in revised syntax. You can complete
    the compilation, do a 'make install' and check with the toplevel that
    it works. Complete with the rest like said above.</li>
  <li>You can then complete the other syntaxes (the 'normal' syntax, for
    example in 'etc/') and the pretty printers.</li>

<h2>Switching between transitional and strict mode</h2>

<p>If Camlp5 is compiled in some mode, it is possible to change its
  mode in two boostrapping steps. Type:</p>

  make MODE=T coreboot

<p>to switch to transitional mode, or:</p>

  make MODE=S coreboot

<p>to switch to strict mode.</p>

<p>After two (necessary) bootstraps, the kernel is compiled in the new
  mode. Complete the compilation by:</p>

  make MODE=T all opt opt.opt


  make MODE=S all opt opt.opt

<p>according to the new mode you want to use.</p>

<p>Another solution is, of course, recompile everything from scratch:</p>

  make clean
  ./configure -transitional
  make world.opt


  make clean
  ./configure -strict
  make world.opt


<p>Camlp5 is bootstrapped in numerous ways.</p>

<h3>Camlp5 executable bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The file 'main/camlp5r' is rebuilt each time a bootstrapping command
  is used (like 'make coreboot' or 'make bootstrap'). This bootstrapping
  command starts with copying it in the directory 'boot'. The file
  'boot/camlp5r' is used to recompile the sources, creating another
  file 'main/camlp5r'. When both files are the same (byte by byte),
  the Camlp5 executable is bootstrapped.</p>

<p>Sometimes, in particular when changes are done in the library
  (directory 'lib'), it is necessary to bootstrap twice before having
  the message 'Fixpoint reached, bootstrap succeeded'.</p>

<p>The command 'make compare' tells you whether the Camlp5 executable
  is currently bootstrapped or not.</p>

<h3>Source bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The compilation of Camlp5 starts with the compilation of files of
  the directory ocaml_src written in pure OCaml. This creates the
  files 'camlp5' and 'camlp5r' in the directory boot. This is called
  the 'cold start'.</p>

<p>Once done, the sources of Camlp5 can be compiled using revised
  syntax and several syntax extensions, like the statement 'EXTEND',
  for example, and the quotations of syntax trees.</p>

<p>The core files of Camlp5 are in the directories lib, main, meta,
  odyl.  There are the same directories in the directory ocaml_src
  where all files are equivalent.</p>

<p>When changes are done in the core files, and when the printer kit
  in normal syntax 'etc/pr_o.cmo' has been created, the files of the
  directory ocaml_src can be rebuilt using the command 'make
  bootstrap_sources'. This updates the files in ocaml_src to exactly
  reflect the ones in the core, but in pure OCaml syntax.</p>

<p>Bootstrap: the1 files in ocaml_src creates the first Camlp5
  executable. The Camlp5 executable can rebuild the files in

<h3>Source file bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The source file meta/ (quotation of syntax trees) can be
  recreated using the file meta/ (revised syntax). When changes
  are done in the file meta/, a good usage is to go to the
  directory 'meta' and type:</p>

    make compare_q_MLast

<p>This shows the possible changes that will be applied to
  meta/ If they seem to be reasonable, do:</p>

    make bootstrap_q_MLast

<p>This changes the source file meta/ After this command,
  a new 'make compare_q_MLast' indicates no differences.</p>

<p>After that, a new 'make bootstrap' in the top directory ensures that
  everythings works.</p>

<p>Bootstrap: the file meta/ uses the quotation expander
  meta/q_MLast.cmo. The source file meta/ is recreated by

<h3>Source file bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The source file meta/ contains another version of the
  quotation expander of syntax trees which follows the current
  syntax used (in normal syntax if the current syntax is used).
  This works only in strict mode.</p>

<p>This file depends on the definition of the syntax tree
  main/mLast.mli. When changes are done in this file, it is
  possible to see what changes are impacted in meta/ For
  this, go to the directory 'meta' and type:</p>

    make compare_q_ast

<p>This shows the possible changes that will be applied to
  meta/ If they seem to be reasonable, do:</p>

    make bootstrap_q_ast

<p>This changes the source file meta/ After this command, a
  new 'make compare_q_ast' indicates no differences.</p>

<p>After that, a new 'make bootstrap' in the top directory ensures that
  everythings works.</p>

<h3>Lisp and Scheme syntax bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The Lisp syntax is written in Lisp syntax in the directory etc. It
  is the file 'etc/'. To compile this file, there is another
  file, named 'etc/' written in revised syntax.</p>

<p>When changes are done in etc/, the file etc/
  must be rebuilt. First, go to the directory 'etc' and type:</p>

    make compare_lisp

<p>If changes seem to be reasonable, do:</p>

    make boostrap_lisp

<p>This rebuilds 'etc/'. A new 'make' in the directory 'etc'
  will recompile it and recompile the Lisp version 'etc/'.</p>

<p>Bootstrap: etc/ allows to compile etc/, and
  changes is etc/ are reported in the source file etc/
  through 'make bootstrap_lisp'.</p>

<p>Same for the Scheme syntax: the files are etc/ and

<h3>EXTEND statement bootstrapping</h3>

<p>The EXTEND statement of Camlp5 is a syntax extension. The file
  'meta/' contains the statement for the adding of this
  syntax extension, therefore something like:</p>

        [ [ "EXTEND" .....

<p>To be compiled, the file 'meta/' needs 'pa_extend.cmo'.
  This is actually its previous version in the directory 'boot'. When
  checking for a correct bootstrapping of Camlp5 (with the command
  'make compare', for example), a test is done to verify that the
  binary files 'meta/pa_extend.cmo' and 'boot/pa_extend.cmo' are the

<p>Notice that there is also a file 'ocaml_src/meta/' in
  pure OCaml syntax, but, although this file is pretty printed, is is
  hardly editable, because the expansion of the 'EXTEND' statement is
  a very long expression rather difficult to understand. But this file
  need not to be changes, since the command 'make
  bootstrap_sources' (see above) rebuilts it.</p>

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