

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > aaabadb7e29c32512528f8e4b50077d5 > files > 332


#  Copyright (c) 2007, Enthought, Inc.
#  License: BSD Style.

#--(Extended Property depends_on References)------------------------------------
Extended Property *depends_on* References

In Traits 3.0, the **Property** *depends_on* metadata has been extended to
take advantage of the new extended trait name support offered by the
*on_trait_change* method.

Previously, the *depends_on* metadata for a *Property* was restricted to
referencing traits defined either on the same object as the **Property**, or
on an object immediately reachable from the object. For example::

    class Wheel ( Part ):

        axel     = Instance( Axel )
        position = Property( depends_on = 'axel.position' )


Starting with Traits 3.0, the *depends_on* metadata may now include any
extended trait reference that is allowed by the enhanced *on_trait_change*
method. So, for example it is now legal to write things like::

    class Wheel ( Part ):

        axel     = Instance( Axel )
        position = Property( depends_on = 'axel.chassis.position' )


    class Child ( Person ):

        mother = Instance( Person )
        father = Instance( Person )
        mood   = Property( depends_on = [ 'mother.+mood_affecting',
                                          'father.+mood_affecting' ] )

In particular, in the last example we are declaring that the **Child** class's
*mood* property depends upon the values of any of either its mother or
father object's traits that have *mood_affecting* metadata defined.

Thus, a **Child** object's *mood* property will fire a trait change notification
whenever any of the its mother's or father's mood affecting traits change.

Refer also to the code tabs for this lesson for a complete example using a
**Property** definition using *depends_on* metadata containing an extended trait
reference. In particular, take a look at the **LeagueModelView Class** tab's
*total_hits* trait definition.

# FIXME redo example without traitsui

from traits.api \
    import *

from traitsui.api \
    import *

from traitsui.table_column \
    import *

#--[Player Class]---------------------------------------------------------------

# Define a baseball player:
class Player ( HasTraits ):

    # The name of the player:
    name = Str( '<new player>' )

    # The number of hits the player made this season:
    hits = Int

#--[Team Class]-----------------------------------------------------------------

# Define a baseball team:
class Team ( HasTraits ):

    # The name of the team:
    name = Str( '<new team>' )

    # The players on the team:
    players = List( Player )

    # The number of players on the team:
    num_players = Property( depends_on = 'players' )

    def _get_num_players ( self ):
        """ Implementation of the 'num_players' property.
        return len( self.players )

#--[League Class]---------------------------------------------------------------

# Define a baseball league model:
class League ( HasTraits ):

    # The name of the league:
    name = Str( '<new league>' )

    # The teams in the league:
    teams = List( Team )

#--[LeagueModelView Class]-----------------------------------------------------

# Define a ModelView for a League model:
class LeagueModelView ( ModelView ):

    # The currently selected team:
    team = Instance( Team )

    # The currently selected player:
    player = Instance( Player )

    # Button to add a hit to the current player:
    got_hit = Button( 'Got a Hit' )

    # The total number of hits (note the 'depends_on' extended trait reference):
    total_hits = Property( depends_on = 'model.teams.players.hits' )

    def _get_total_hits ( self ):
        """ Returns the total number of hits across all teams and players.
        return reduce( add, [ reduce( add, [ p.hits for p in t.players ], 0 )
                              for t in self.model.teams ], 0 )

    view = View(
                Item( 'total_hits', style = 'readonly' ),
                      label       = 'League Statistics',
                      show_border = True
                Item( 'model.teams',
                      show_label = False,
                      editor = TableEditor(
                                columns = [ ObjectColumn( name  = 'name',
                                                          width = 0.70 ),
                                            ObjectColumn( name  = 'num_players',
                                                          label = '# Players',
                                                          editable = False,
                                                          width = 0.29 ) ],
                                selected     = '',
                                auto_add     = True,
                                row_factory  = Team,
                                configurable = False,
                                sortable     = False )
                label       = 'League Teams',
                show_border = True
                Item( '',
                      show_label = False,
                      editor = TableEditor(
                                   columns  = [ ObjectColumn( name  = 'name',
                                                              width = 0.70 ),
                                                ObjectColumn( name  = 'hits',
                                                              editable = False,
                                                              width = 0.29 ) ],
                                   selected     = 'object.player',
                                   auto_add     = True,
                                   row_factory  = Player,
                                   configurable = False,
                                   sortable     = False )
                    Item( 'got_hit',
                          show_label   = False,
                          enabled_when = 'player is not None'
                label       = 'Team Players',
                show_labels = False,
                show_border = True
        resizable = True

    def _model_changed ( self, model ):
        """ Handles the 'league' model being initialized.
        if len( model.teams ) > 0:
   = model.teams[0]

    def _got_hit_changed ( self ):
        """ Handles the currently selected player making a hit.
        self.player.hits += 1

    def _team_changed ( self, team ):
        """ Handles a new team being selected.
        if len( team.players ) > 0:
            self.player = team.players[0]
            self.player = None

# Function to add two numbers (used with 'reduce'):
add = lambda a, b: a + b


# Define some sample teams and players:
blue_birds = Team( name = 'Blue Birds', players = [
    Player( name = 'Mike Scott',     hits = 25 ),
    Player( name = 'Willy Shofield', hits = 37 ),
    Player( name = 'Tony Barucci',   hits = 19 ) ] )

chicken_hawks = Team( name = 'Chicken Hawks', players = [
    Player( name = 'Jimmy Domore',   hits = 34 ),
    Player( name = 'Bill Janks',     hits = 16 ),
    Player( name = 'Tim Saunders',   hits = 27 ) ] )

eagles = Team( name = 'Eagles', players = [
    Player( name = 'Joe Peppers',    hits = 33 ),
    Player( name = 'Sam Alone',      hits = 12 ),
    Player( name = 'Roger Clemson',  hits = 23 ) ] )

# Create a league and its corresponding model view:
demo = LeagueModelView(
    League( name  = 'National Baseball Conference',
            teams = [ blue_birds, chicken_hawks, eagles ] )