

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > af072d915726c12a6f564a9216c5b14f > files > 111


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter id="">
    <author> &Ace.Jones; &Ace.Jones.mail; </author>


<sect1 id="">
<title>Investments in &kappname;</title>


  Investments are instruments for investing money that are traded on a market.
  Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are the most common investments; so they are
  the ones supported most directly.  Futures, commodities, options, and more
  complex derivatives are also sometimes used, but &kappname; has no special
  functionality for them.  As long as they behave like a stock or a bond, they
  can be tracked easily.

<title>Base Currency</title>
  Each investment has a Base Currency.  This is the currency in which it is
  traded.  When a price quote is entered for an investment, the currency of the
  value given is always its base currency.  A stock on the NYSE (New York Stock
  Exchange) would be in US dollars, and one on an Australian market would be in
  Australian dollars.

<title>Investment Accounts</title>
  Investment Accounts hold a collection of investments.  An Investment account
  contains transactions, such as buys and sells, of those investments.  All
  transactions in an Investment account must relate to a specific investment.
  There is no separate <quote>cash balance</quote> in an investment account.  For
  that, you need a Brokerage Account.

<title>Brokerage Accounts</title>
  An investment account often has an associated Brokerage Account.  This is also
  sometimes referred to as a <quote>Cash Account</quote>.  Investment accounts
  cannot contain cash transactions, like a transfer from your bank.  When a
  stock is sold, the proceeds are typically placed in the Brokerage Account.

  When you create an Investment Account, you have the option of creating an
  associated Brokerage Account with it.



<sect1 id="">
<title>Creating an Investment Account</title>

  The first step on the path to working with investments is to create an account
  to hold your investments. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Account</guimenu>
  <guimenuitem>New account...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to begin the process of
  adding a new account.  Create an account as usual, making sure to choose
  <quote>Investment</quote> as the type of account.

  To work with the new investment account, navigate to the
  <guibutton>Investments</guibutton> view, and choose the account you have just
  created from the <guilabel>Select Account</guilabel> dropdown box.
<sect1 id="">
<title>Adding Investments to Your Account</title>

  To add individual Investments to your Investment Account, navigate to
  the <guibutton>Investments</guibutton> view, and choose the account where the
  investment is held from the <guilabel>Select Account</guilabel> drop-down box.

  Right-click the mouse in the empty space in the view.  This brings up
  the <guimenu>Investment Options</guimenu> context menu. Choose
  <guimenuitem>New investment...</guimenuitem> from this menu.  This launches the
  <guilabel>New Investment Wizard</guilabel> which you use to create your new

<sect2 id="">
<title>New Investment Wizard</title>

  The first thing you'll be asked to enter is the type of investment, whether
  it's a stock, bond, etc.

  Next, the investment details page is presented.  The following information is
  entered on this page:

  <listitem><para> Trading Symbol.  The ticker symbol used to identify the
    investment on whatever market it trades.  &kappname; requires a trading
    symbol for all investments; however some investments do not have symbols.
    In this case, you will need to make up a symbol for it.

  <listitem><para> Full name.  The friendly, readable name of the investment
    you're creating, &eg;, <quote>Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.</quote> This name is
    also referred to as the security.

  <listitem><para> Fraction.  The degree of precision to which your holdings are
    measured.  For example, in the US most mutual funds measure holdings to
    three decimal places, so you would enter 1000 in this field.  Stocks are
    often measured to only whole units, so you could enter 1 for a stock like
  <listitem><para> Trading market.  Where the stock trades.  This is an optional
    field which is provided for your convenience.  This information is not used
    anywhere else in &kappname;.

  <listitem><para>Identification.  An optional field to enter additional
    identification information you might like to keep track of.  Again, this
    information is not used anywhere else.

  <listitem><para>Trading currency. The underlying currency in which this
    investment trades on its market.

  <listitem><para> Price entry. Choose whether the price will be entered as an
    individual price, or as the total for all shares.

  If you are using Online Quotes, ensure that the symbol exactly matches the
  symbol used by your quote source.  Yahoo covers most of the world's markets,
  and requires a suffix on the end of symbols outside the US.  For example,
  Rubicon Limited on the New Zealand market should be entered as

  Finally, you're presented with the Online Update screen.  This is where you
  tell &kappname; how you would like to update the prices of your investment.
  The following items are set here:

      Use Finance::Quote.  This is an option for GnuCash users who are used to
      this style of quotes.  Most users can leave this unchecked.

      Online Source.  The online source you'd like to use for this particular
      investment.  The most common choice is <quote>Yahoo</quote>.  Try that
      first, and if the investment cannot be found using this source, then
      experiment with the others.

      Factor.  A multiplier that should be applied to quotes retrieved for this
      investment.  This is most commonly needed for UK stocks where the price
      quoted is in pence (1/100), and the stock is denominated in pounds.  In
      this case, enter 0,01 for the Factor.

<sect1 id="">
<title>Editing an Investment</title>

  The Investment view window lists your current holdings in this account, along
  with their symbol, value, and price.  Right-click the mouse on any of the
  investments to bring up the <guimenu>Investment Options</guimenu> context
  menu, where you have the option to add, edit, or delete individual investments
  from this account. Also, you can update the price of your investments here
  either manually or via their online source. In addition, it is possible to
  close an empty account, or to reopen a closed account.

<sect1 id="">
<title>Investment Transactions</title>

	<screeninfo>Investment Transaction Form</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="investment-transactionform.png" format="PNG" />
	<phrase>Investment Transaction Form</phrase>

  Investment transactions are entered and edited in the
  <link linkend="details.ledgers">ledger</link> view, as with other kinds of
  accounts. However, the fields are different, and vary depending on the
  investment transaction type or activity.  Investment transactions have some
  additional elements:

	<listitem><para>Shares, Price, &amp; Total Amount</para></listitem>
	<listitem><para>Interest category</para></listitem>

  The Activity for an investment transaction describes what action is happening
  to the stock.  The following activities are supported:

      Use to record purchases or sales of individual investments.
      This action requires an account to transfer the funds from/to.

      Also known as a <quote>Cash Dividend</quote>, this action
      is used for when you receive an interest or dividend disbursement from
      your investment. This action requires an account to transfer the funds

  <term>Reinvest Dividend</term>
      Reinvest Dividend.  This is a dividend where the proceeds are re-invested
      back into the investment.

  <term>Add/Remove Shares</term>
      A simple increase or decrease in your balance.  This
      should be used very rarely, because it's uncommon for shares to just show
      up in your account (or disappear) unless it's a purchase or a sale.

  <term>Split Shares</term>
      Used when the stock is split.  Enter the ratio of the split
      in the <quote>Split Ratio</quote> field.  For example, in a 3:2 split,
      enter 1.5

  Each investment transaction must be associated with an individual security,
  which is here just another name for an investment.  Choose the investment name
  when adding or editing a transaction.  The symbol will be displayed when
  viewing it.

  For any transactions which generate or require money, you must enter the
  account where the money is transferred to/from.  If your investment account
  has an associated brokerage account, it's usually best to transfer the funds
  there.  This applies to funds for purchase or sale of the investment, as well
  as for fees paid or interest or dividends earned.

<title>Shares, Price &amp; Total Amount</title>
  For buy, sell, and cash dividend transactions, the number of shares, the price
  per share, and the total amount of the transaction must be established.  You
  can enter any two of these, and &kappname; will calculate the third.  It's
  usually best to enter just the total amount and the number of shares, because
  these are the known facts of the transaction.  The price per share can be
  calculated from these.

  With many investment transactions you can include the fees (or commission) you
  paid the broker.  If you enter a category for the fee, then a field will be
  shown to the right where you can enter the amount of the fee.  If you need to
  enter more than one fee for the transaction, you can use
  the <link linkend="details.ledgers.split">Split Transactions</link> feature.
  In this case, when you complete entering all the splits, the total amount of
  the fees will be shown to the right.

  This is how you enter an interest or dividend payment from an investment.  As
  with fees, if  you enter a category, then  a field will be shown  to the right
  where  you can  enter the  amount.   You can  also use  the split  transaction
  feature, if required.


<sect1 id="">
<title>Working With Foreign Investments</title>

  &kappname; supports multiple currencies and investments, and you may want to
  combine the two.  However, doing so requires extra care.  As noted above, when
  you added an investment, you had to specify its trading currency.  This might
  not be the same as your base currency, and it also might not be the same as
  the account in which you hold the stock or the account where you transfer your
  funds to/from for buys/sells.

  Consider a hypothetical case.  Your base currency is USD.  You have an
  investment account in EUR, and a brokerage account also in EUR.  In that
  account, you hold shares of TietoEnator, which is traded in SEK.

  When you enter a buy transaction on this investment, use SEK as the currency.
  So if you buy 100 shares at a price of SEK 248.00, for a total of SEK
  24,800.00, enter these values in the transaction.

	<screeninfo>Currency Warning</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="investment-currencywarning.png" format="PNG" />
	<phrase>Currency Warning</phrase>

  When you choose the brokerage account to fund the transfer, you'll be warned
  that it's in a different currency.

	<screeninfo>Exchange Rate Editor</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="investment-exchangerateeditor.png" format="PNG" />
	<phrase>Exchange Rate Editor</phrase>

  When you finish the transaction, you will be prompted for a price update to
  the investment account's currency, in this case, SEK -> EUR.  Review the
  documentation on <link linkend="details.currencies.prices">Entering Prices
  Manually</link> for more information on the price dialog.

  If you then switch over to the brokerage account, you will see the transaction
  as EUR 2,254.54, assuming an exchange rate is 11.0000 SEK / EUR.

<sect1 id="">
<title>Updating Prices</title>
  There are two ways of updating the prices for your investments.  You can
  either enter the new price manually or have &kappname; fetch it from the web.


<title>Manual Price Updates</title>
  You can enter prices for your investments using the same
  <link linkend="details.currencies.prices">Price Editor</link> as used for

<sect2 id="">
<title>Online Price Quotes</title>
  &kappname; has the ability to download the latest prices for your investments
  and currencies via the web.  

<title>How Online Quotes Work</title>
  At your request, &kappname; will fetch a page from the web that contains the
  latest price for each item.  By default, prices are fetched from
  <ulink url=""></ulink>, and are subject to the terms and conditions of that

  The online quote lookup uses the investment's trading symbol to find the
  price.  Therefore, it's important to set the symbol correctly.  Yahoo supports
  stocks from most major world markets, so it's usually just a matter of finding
  the correct symbol.  For example, TietoEnator trades on the Stockholm Stock
  Exchange market, and its Yahoo symbol is TIEN.ST.

  To find the trading symbol for a security supported by Yahoo, use the
  <quote>Symbol Lookup</quote> feature at <ulink url=""></ulink>.

<title>Assigning a Quote Source</title>

  In order to get online price quotes, you first have to enable it for each
  investment or currency you want updated, by setting a <quote>Online Quote
  Source</quote>.  This is the name of the service from which the quote should
  be fetched.  &kappname; ships with several sources to choose from.  Yahoo is the
  recommended default source, and should work for most investments and all

  To assign a quote source to an investment, navigate to the investment summary
  view for the account in which the security is held.  Edit the security by
  right-clicking it and selecting <guimenuitem>Edit Investment
  ...</guimenuitem>.  In the Investment Detail Wizard,
  click <guibutton>Next</guibutton> twice, for the Online Update section.  In
  the Online source dropdown box, select the online source.

  Versions of &kappname; starting with 0.9 contain support for the
  Finance::Quote package for obtaining online quotes. This is intended primarily
  as a convenience for those users converting from the GnuCash finance package,
  which uses it as its native method. If you do select this option, you should
  see a different list of sources, those supported by Finance::Quote. If the
  list is empty, it suggests that the package is not properly installed.  See
  their web site at
  <ulink url=""></ulink> for more information.

<title>Adjusting a quote</title>

  Some online sources do not report the price in a base quantity (&eg;, EUR) but
  in a fraction (&eg;, Cent). Using this information as price will produce wrong
  values for your investments.

  If this is the case for your online source, you can use the
  <guilabel>Factor</guilabel> field to enter an adjusting factor. For the above
  mentioned example the factor would be 0.01.

  The <guilabel>Factor</guilabel> field is only available if a
  <guibutton>Quote Source</guibutton> has been selected.

<title>Fetching Quotes</title>

  Typically, you will update the prices for all your investments and currencies
  at once.  Choose the <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update
  Stock and Currency Prices...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu option to bring
  up the online price quotes dialog.  Press <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> to
  fetch quotes for all investments and currencies in your &kappname; file.

	<screeninfo>Update Stock and Currency Prices</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="investment-onlineupdate.png" format="PNG" />
	<phrase>Online Stock and Currency Price Update</phrase>

<title>Adding or Editing Quote Sources</title>

  Adding or editing quote sources is not recommended for anyone but the most
  technical user.  You should feel comfortable reading HTML and writing complex
  regular expressions.  If this doesn't sound like you, we recommend writing to
  the developer's list if none of the quote sources work for you.  Ideally,
  please point us to a web page where these quotes can be obtained.

  If you do feel up to the challenge, here's how it works.  The quote sources
  are contained in the settings dialog.
  Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
  &kappname;</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  From there, choose
  the <guilabel>Online Quotes</guilabel> section.  You can choose an existing
  source to edit, or create a new one.  When you are done with your changes, be
  sure to press the <guibutton>Update</guibutton> button before exiting the
  dialog.  Your changes are not saved by default.

  The first thing to worry about in an online quote source is the URL.  This is
  the page that is fetched from the web.  You will see a %1 in all sources, and
  a %2 in currency sources.  For investments, %1 is replaced by the trading
  symbol.  For currencies, %1 is replaced by the From currency, and %2 is
  replaced by the To currency.  This URL is then fetched, all HTML tags are
  removed, and that stripped file is then sent to the page parser.

  Note that the URL can also be a file: URL, which the quote fetcher takes to
  mean an executable script.  It will pass any command-line arguments to it that
  you have specified, and feed the stdout to the page parser.  For example, you
  might have a script called that contains custom quote logic,
  taking the symbol as a single parameter.  Your URL would be
  <quote>file:/path/to/ %1</quote>.

  The page parser looks for a symbol, a date, and a price.  Regular expressions
  tell it how to extract those items from the page.  Please review the
  documentation for the <ulink
  url="">QRegExp class</ulink> at for the exact makeup of the
  regular expressions.  There should be exactly one capture expression,
  surrounded by parentheses, in each regexp.  The date format further tells the
  date parser the order of year, month, and day.  This date format should always
  be in the form "%x %x %x". where x is y, m, or d.  The date parser is very
  smart.  <quote>%m %d %y</quote> will parse <quote>December 31st, 2005</quote>
  as easily as <quote>12/31/05</quote>.  Two digit years are interpreted as
  being in the range of 1950-2049.

<sect1 id="">
<title>Unimplemented Features</title>
  Certain common features that are normally found with investments are not yet
  implemented in &kappname;.  These include: Derivatives (options, futures,
  etc), capital gains, and tax reporting for investments.