

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > af072d915726c12a6f564a9216c5b14f > files > 397


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<chapter id="details.settings">
>&Roger.Lum; &Roger.Lum.mail; </author>

<title id="details.settings.title"

>De onderstaand beschreven instellingen wijzigen het gedrag van &kappname;. Deze instellingen kunnen worden gewijzigd via <menuchoice
>&kappname; instellen...</guimenuitem
>. </para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.general">
<title id="details.settings.general.title"

<sect2 id="">
>Globale opties</title>

>Kies de initiële weergave bij opstarten.</para>
>Start met de <link linkend="firsttime.mainwindow"
>Start met de laatst gekozen pagina</para

>Koers nauwkeurigheid</guilabel
>Enter how many digits of precision your prices will have after the decimal point. For example, setting this to 2 will result in prices like 35.18, where setting it to 4 might cause the same price to show 35.1791</para>

>Sla op elke</guilabel
>Check this box if you wish &kappname; to autosave your files periodically. The default is 10 minutes.</para>

>Uw fiscale jaar start op</guilabel
>Enter the starting day and month of your fiscal year</para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.general.views">
>Views options</title>

>Synchroniseer rekening selectie van het kasboek met het Investeringen overzicht</guilabel
>If this option is selected, selecting an account on the investments view will change the account selection on the ledger view, and viceversa.</para>

>Icon size of navigation bar</guilabel
>Select the size of the icons of the left-side navigation bar.</para>

>Show titlebar on each page</guilabel
>Whether the title of the current view should be displayed on each page.</para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.general.filter">

>Ongebruikte categoriën niet tonen</guilabel
>Verberg niet gebruikte categorieën</para>

>Don't show closed accounts</guilabel
>Verberg gesloten rekeningen</para>

>Show equity accounts</guilabel
>Equity accounts are normally hidden. Select this option to show them.</para>

>Don't show finished schedules</guilabel
>Verberg afgehandelde periodieke transacties</para>

>Don't show transaction prior to</guilabel
>Hide transactions prior to the selected date.</para>
>Setting this option to January 1, 1900 is a good way to debug date-related file import problems.</para>

>Don't show reconciled transactions</guilabel
>Filter transactions by reconciliation state. Transactions that are marked as <emphasis
> will not be shown.</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.register">
<title id="details.settings.register.title"

>These options allow you to modify the behavior of the transaction registers. </para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.register.display"
>Display tab</title>

>Toon een raster in het kasboek</guilabel
>Show grid lines in the transaction register.</para>

  <varlistentry id="details.settings.register.lens">
>De kasboeklens gebruiken</guilabel
>With this option enabled, the ledger will show all lines of detail for the transaction you have currently selected, even if you have set the <link linkend="reference.menus.settings.transactiondetail"
>Show Transaction Detail</link
> menu option turned off.</para>

>Transactieformulier tonen</guilabel
>Show the <link linkend="details.ledger.transactionform"
>transaction form</link
> at the bottom of the transaction register for entering and editing transactions. With this option turned off, you edit the transaction within the register itself.</para>

>Toon altijd een Nr. veld</guilabel
>Always have the number (<quote
>) field when entering or editing a transaction.</para>

>Toon groepering regel tussen de transacties</guilabel
>Display group headers in the register</para>

>Toon kop voor het vorige en het huidige fiscale jaar </guilabel
>Display group headers for the current and the previous fiscal year</para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.register.sorting">
>Sorting tab</title>
<sect3 id="details.settings.register.sorting.normal">
>Normal view tab</title>

>Choose the sort order of the ledger while in the Normal view. </para>

<sect3 id="details.settings.register.sorting.reconciliation">
>Reconciliation view tab</title>

>Choose the sort order of the ledger while in the Reconciliation view. </para>

<sect3 id="">
>Search view tab</title>
>Choose the sort order of the ledger while in the Search view. </para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.register.dataentry">
>Data Entry tab</title>

>Transactie type invoegen in Nr. veld voor nieuwe transacties</guilabel
>Automatically place the type of the transaction, &eg;., Deposit, Withdrawal, etc., in the No. field.</para>

>Automatisch ophogen controle nummer</guilabel
>Have the check number automatically increment whenever entering a new check transaction.</para>

>Bewaar wijzigingen als u een andere transactie of splitsing selecteert</guilabel
>When enabled, selecting a different transaction or split will save edits to the current transaction.</para>
>When disabled, selecting a different transaction will cancel them. Instead, you must explicitly accept the changes.</para>

>Gebruik Enter om te schakelen tussen velden</guilabel
>When enabled, pressing Enter will change the focus to the next field of the transaction form.</para>

>Match names from start</guilabel
>Mark this option if you always want to match names &eg;, for payees from the start. If unset, any substring is matched</para>

>Standaard transactie-controle-status</guilabel
>Select the default reconciliation state for new transactions.</para>

>Autovullen met vorige transactiegegevens</guilabel
>Select the desired behavior for autofill or deactivate it</para>
>Niet automatisch invullen</para>
>Same transaction if amount differs less than X percent</para>
>When entering a new transaction with this option, &kappname; will display a list of previous transaction for the payee and account. If previous transactions differ in less than X percent, they will be considered identical. If the percentage is 0, all previous transactions for the payee and account will be displayed. When selecting a transaction, all transactions details except the date will be autofilled with those of the selected transaction.</para>
>Inclusief de meest gebruikte transactie voor deze begunstigde</para>
>When entering a new transaction with this option enabled, &kappname; will fill in all the transaction details based on the previously most often used transaction with the selected payee.</para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.register.import">
>Import tab</title>

>Match transaction within days</guilabel
>Search for matching transactions within the range of the imported transaction +/- given days</para>

>Ask for a new payee's default category</guilabel
>Whenever a new payee is detected during an import, the user will be asked for the default category for the payee.</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.home">
<title id="details.settings.home.title"

>These options allow you to customize the appearance of the Home page by choosing which entries to show on the Home page and the order in which they appear. </para>

>It shows the first 5 occurrences of your scheduled transactions</para>

>It shows the balance and credit of your favorite accounts</para>

>rekening voor betalingen</guilabel
>It shows the balance of your asset and liability accounts, except for the investment accounts</para>

>Favoriete Rapporten</guilabel
>It shows a list of your favorite reports</para>

>It shows a forecast for your asset and liability Accounts</para>

>Networth forecast</guilabel
>It shows a chart of your forecast net worth for the next 90 days</para>

>Bezittingen en schulden</guilabel
>It shows the balance of all your assets and liabilities</para>

>It shows the budget items for the current month which have a negative difference compared to the actual income or expense</para>

>It shows an analysis of your cash flow for the current month</para>

>Percentage van standaard lettertype</guilabel
>Select the size of the font on the Home page</para>

>Onthoud grootte van lettertype als het programma wordt afgesloten bij handmatig wijzigen met het muiswiel</guilabel
>Selecting this will save your font size preference if you have changed it from the Home page by using the mouse-wheel</para>

>Toon informatie over de rekeninglimiet</guilabel
>Shows the limit of the accounts on the Payment Accounts and Preferred Accounts sections of the Home page</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.schedules">
<title id="details.settings.schedules.title"
>Periodieke Transacties</title>

>These options allow you to modify the behavior of the <link linkend="details.schedules"
>scheduling features</link
>. </para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.schedules.startupoptions">
>Schedule startup options</title>

>Periodieke transacties nakijken bij opstarten</guilabel
>Enables checking the schedule upon startup of &kappname;.</para>

>Transacties dit aantal dagen van te voren invoeren</guilabel
>Specify how many days in advance should the scheduled transactions be entered.</para>

>Aantal toekomstige dagen zichtbaar in het kasboek</guilabel
>Specify how many days should the schedules show up in the ledger.</para>
>The scheduled transactions will be listed in the ledger. You can enter or skip the scheduled transactions by right-clicking on them.</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.encryption">
<title id="details.settings.encryption.title"

>These options allow you to modify the data encryption settings. </para>

>GPG-versleuteling gebruiken</guilabel
>Enables the use of GPG to encrypt data file. See the section on <link linkend="details.formats.encrypted"
>GPG Encryption</link
> for more details.</para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.encryption.gpgencryption">

>Uw sleutel</guilabel
>Enter the email address or the hexadecimal key id to use for data encryption.</para>

>Additional keys</guilabel
>Select additional keys to use for data encryption.</para>

>Also encrypt with kmymoney-recover key</guilabel
>Encrypts data with the &kappname; recover key. Selecting this option will allow core &kappname; developers to decrypt your data file in case you lose your encryption key.</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.colors">
<title id="details.settings.colors.title"

>These options allow you to change colors within &kappname;. </para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.colors.foreground">
>Foreground tab</title>

>Modify the foreground colors by clicking on the color button and opening a color select palette. </para>

<sect2 id="details.settings.colors.background">
>Background tab</title>

>Modify the background colors by clicking on the color button and opening a color select palette. </para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.fonts">

>These options allow you to modify the fonts. </para>

>Gebruik systeemlettertypen</guilabel
>Select this to use system fonts. Deselecting this option allows you to customize fonts.</para>

>Lettertype voor Cel</guilabel
>Specify the custom font to use within each cell.</para>

>Lettertype voor Kop</guilabel
>Specify the custom font to use for the headers of each view.</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.onlinequote">
<title id="details.settings.onlinequote.title"
>Online koersen</title>

>These settings modify how online quotes are retrieved from different online sources. </para>

>This tab allows you to change the online quote sources for &kappname;. Generally speaking, this is an advanced feature, and should only be attempted by the most technically adept users. </para>

>For more details, please refer to the <link linkend=""
>Online Price Quotes</link
> section. </para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.forecast">
<title id="details.settings.forecast.title"

>These options allow you to modify how the forecast is calculated. </para>

>Aantal dagen te prognotiseren</guilabel
>Selecteer voor hoeveel dagen u een prognode wilt maken. De standaard is 90 dagen</para>

>Aantal dagen voor rekeningcyclus</guilabel
>The normal number of days that your commonly-used accounts go through an income-expense cycle. For example, if you receive your salary on a monthly basis, you should select 30 days here.</para>

>Dag van de maand waarop de prognose start</guilabel
>Select the day of the month when you want to start the forecast. This would usually be the day when you receive your salary or other income.</para>

>De te gebruiken prognosemethode.</para>
>Scheduled and future transaction forecasts your balance based on the information of your scheduled and future transactions.</para>
>History-based uses your past transactions to extrapolate a forecast.</para>

>Aantal cycli te gebruiken in de prognose</guilabel
>If using a history-based method, how many previous account cycles should &kappname; use to calculate the forecast.</para>

>Prognose op basis van historie</guilabel
>Select the method to use when calculating a forecast based on historic information</para>
>Simple moving average averages your past transactions to calculate a forecast.</para>
>Weighted moving average averages your past transactions, but it will give more importance to the most recent transactions.</para>
>Linear regression uses a linear-regression formula based on your past transactions to calculate the forecast</para>

<sect1 id="details.settings.plugins">
<title id="details.settings.plugins.title"

>These options allow you to modify the behavior of any installed plugins. Currently, the only choice is to enable or disable the &kappname; plugins you have installed. </para>