

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b3a1f4d91c26f535919e39e25606614a > files > 1657


<map id="G" name="G">
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1Ext_1_1Splitter.html" title="A container widget with resize handles between its children." alt="" coords="916,5,1031,32"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WAnchor.html" title="A widget that represents an HTML anchor (to link to other documents)." alt="" coords="924,56,1023,83"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WGroupBox.html" title="A widget which group widgets into a frame with a title." alt="" coords="915,107,1032,133"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WOverlayLoadingIndicator.html" title="A more obvious loading indicator that grays the window." alt="" coords="876,157,1071,184"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WStackedWidget.html" title="A container widget that stacks its widgets on top of each other." alt="" coords="900,208,1047,235"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WTableCell.html" title="A container widget that represents a cell in a table." alt="" coords="917,259,1029,285"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WInteractWidget.html" title="An abstract widget that can receive user&#45;interface interaction." alt="" coords="477,132,621,159"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WWebWidget.html" title="A base class for widgets with an HTML counterpart." alt="" coords="301,132,429,159"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WWidget.html" title="The abstract base class for a user&#45;interface component." alt="" coords="153,132,252,159"/>
<area shape="rect" href="$classWt_1_1WObject.html" title="A base class for objects that participate in the signal/slot system." alt="" coords="7,132,103,159"/>