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Text Strings
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Text strings are used in many different ways.
A text string is enclosed in double quotes,
and can contain any combination of letters, numbers, spaces,
and punctuation.
It can contain a \n to indicate a newline or \b to indicate a backspace,

but otherwise cannot contain tabs or other
control characters. If you want a double quote mark inside a string, it
has to be preceded by a backslash, to indicate it is not ending the string:
&quot;A \&quot;word\&quot; in quotes&quot;
If you want an actual backslash in a string, it must be entered as two
<A NAME="strcat">You can concatenate strings with a + sign. Thus the following are equivalent:</A>
&quot;this is a string&quot;
&quot;this is &quot; + &quot;a string&quot;
Special characters
<A NAME="symlist">A string can also contain special</A>
music characters.
These are specified
by \(<I>xxx</I>), where the <I>xxx</I> is a name from the following table:
gclef       G clef (treble clef)
fclef       F clef (bass clef)
cclef       C clef (used for alto clef, tenor clef, etc.)
Time Signature
com         common time
cut         cut time
flat        flat
dblflat     double flat
sharp       sharp
dblsharp    double sharp
nat         natural
dn2n        half note with stem down
dn4n        quarter note with stem down
dn8n        eighth note with stem down
dn16n       16th note with stem down
dn32n       32nd note with stem down
dn64n       64th note with stem down
dn128n      128th note with stem down
dn256n      256th note with stem down
up2n        half note with stem up
up4n        quarter note with stem up
up8n        eighth note with stem up
up16n       16th note with stem up
up32n       32nd note with stem up
up64n       64th note with stem up
up128n      128th note with stem up
up256n      256th note with stem up
upflag      upward flag
dnflag      downward flag
4n                   quarter (and shorter) note head
2n                   half note head
1n                   whole note
dblwhole             double whole note
xnote                X-shaped note head
diamond              open diamond-shaped note head
filldiamond          filled diamond-shaped note head
dwhdiamond           double whole diamond-shaped note
isostriangle         open isosceles triangle notehead
fillisostriangle     filled isosceles triangle notehead
dwhisostriangle      double whole isosceles triangle notehead
piewedge             open piewedge notehead
fillpiewedge         filled piewedge notehead
dwhpiewedge          double whole piewedge notehead
rectangle            open rectangle notehead
fillrectangle        filled rectangle notehead
dwhrectangle         double whole rectangle notehead
righttriangle        open right triangle notehead
fillrighttriangle    filled right triangle notehead
dwhrighttriangle     double whole right triangle notehead
urighttriangle       upside-down open right triangle notehead
ufillrighttriangle   upside-down filled right triangle notehead
udwhrighttriangle    upside-down double whole right triangle notehead
semicircle           open semicircle notehead
fillsemicircle       filled semicircle notehead
dwhsemicircle        double whole semicircle notehead
slashhead            open slash notehead
fillslashhead        filled slash notehead
dwhslashhead         double whole slash notehead
blankhead            blank notehead
qwhrest     quadruple whole rest
dwhrest     double whole rest
1rest       whole rest
2rest       half rest
4rest       quarter rest
8rest       eighth rest
16rest      sixteenth rest
32rest      thirty-second rest
64rest      sixty-fourth rest
128rest     128th rest
256rest     256th rest
begped      begin pedal mark
endped      end pedal mark
pedal       pedal up/down mark
tr          trill
mor         mordent
invmor      inverted mordent
turn        turn
invturn     inverted turn
ferm        fermata
uferm       upside-down fermata
acc_gt      accent like a greater-than sign
acc_hat     accent like a &quot;hat&quot; or ^ (circumflex or &quot;up-arrow&quot;)
acc_uhat    accent like an upside down hat
leg         legato mark
dot         dot
wedge       wedge
uwedge      upside-down wedge
sign        sign for D. S.
coda        coda mark
upbow       up bow
dnbow       down bow
rr          &quot;railroad tracks&quot; or caesura (2 slanted lines sometimes put
            at the top of a staff to indicate the end of a musical thought)
measrpt     measure repeat
copyright   C-in-circle copyright symbol
dim         diminished
halfdim     half diminished
triangle    triangle
<IMG SRC="muschar.gif" ALT="music characters">
Any of these music character names can be prefixed by &quot;sm&quot; to indicate a
smaller version of the character. For example, &quot;smup4n&quot; is a small quarter

note, as might be used for a &quot;cue&quot; note.

Small music characters are 0.65 times as big as regular characters.
<A NAME="special">Various non-ASCII characters</A>
can be included in text strings. If you have a non-United States keyboard
which can produce characters listed in the table below
from the &quot;Latin-1&quot; alphabet, you can simply type them into strings as
you normally would. If you want a character that your keyboard does not
support, you can put them in strings
by using their names in a manner similar to the music characters.
For example, you can include an 'a' with an acute accent on it in

a string by using \(aacute), or an upside down question mark
using \(questiondown).
There are 2-character shortcut names for many
of the letters with diacritical marks. The shortcut names
consist of the letter and a character representing the diacritical mark.
So, for example, \(aacute) can also be specified
by just \(a'), \(Egrave) can also be specified by \(E`), \(ntilde)
can be specified as \(n~), and \(Ocircumflex)
can be specified as \(O^). The following table lists the diacritical mark
names, their shortcut symbols, and the list of available shortcut names
using those symbols:
<TD>acute</TD>	<TD>'</TD>	<TD>A'  a'  C'  c'  E'  e'  I'  i'  L'  l'  N'  n'  O'  o'  R'  r'  S'  s'  U'  u'  Y'  y'  Z'  z'</TD>
<TD>breve</TD>	<TD>(</TD>	<TD>A(  a(  E(  e(  G(  g(  I(  i(  O(  o(  U(  u(</TD>
<TD>caron</TD>	<TD>v</TD>	<TD>Cv  cv  Dv  dv  Ev  ev  Lv  lv  Nv  nv  Rv  rv  Sv  sv  Tv  tv  Zv  zv</TD>
<TD>cedilla</TD>	<TD>,</TD>	<TD>C,  c,  S,  s,</TD>
<TD>circumflex</TD>	<TD>^</TD>	<TD>A^  a^  C^  c^  E^  e^  G^  g^  H^  h^  I^  i^  J^  j^  O^  o^  S^  s^  U^  u^  W^  w^  Y^  y^</TD>
<TD>dieresis</TD>	<TD>:</TD>	<TD>A:  a:  E:  e:  I:  i:  O:  o:  U:  u:  Y:  y:</TD>
<TD>dotaccent</TD>	<TD>.</TD>	<TD>C.  c.  E.  e.  G.  g.  I.  A.  z.</TD>
<TD>grave</TD>	<TD>`</TD>	<TD>A`  a`  E`  e`  I`  i`  O`  o`  U`  u`</TD>
<TD>macron</TD>	<TD>-</TD>	<TD>A-  a-  E-  e-  I-  i-  O-  o-  U-  u-</TD>
<TD>ogonek</TD>	<TD>c</TD>	<TD>Ac  ac  Ec  ec  Ic  ic  Uc  uc</TD>
<TD>ring</TD>	<TD>o</TD>	<TD>Ao  ao  Uo  uo</TD>
<TD>slash</TD>	<TD>/</TD>	<TD>L/  l/  O/  o/</TD>
<TD>tilde</TD>	<TD>~</TD>	<TD>A~  a~  I~  i~  N~  n~  O~  o~  U~  u~</TD>

There are also a few special case shortcut names:
<TD>germandbls</TD>	<TD>ss</TD>
<TD>quotedblleft</TD>	<TD>``</TD>
<TD>quotedblright</TD>	<TD>''</TD>
<TD>guillemotleft</TD>	<TD>&lt;&lt;</TD>
<TD>guillemotright</TD>	<TD>&gt;&gt;</TD>

The following charts list the full names of
all of the available named characters, and shows what they look like.
<IMG SRC="ext_1.gif" ALT="extended characters">
<IMG SRC="ext_2.gif" ALT="extended characters">
<IMG SRC="ext_3.gif" ALT="extended characters">
<IMG SRC="ext_4.gif" ALT="extended characters">
<A NAME="space">One of the special characters</A>
is specified by \(space).

This character appears as a normal space on output, but is not treated
like a space when Mup is looking for word or syllable boundaries.
The most common use for this is probably in
<A HREF="lyrics.html">lyrics</A>
when you want several words to be sung on a single note.
Another use would be in cases where Mup would normally split up a long
string between words in order to avoid running off the edge of a page,
but you want to prevent that split.
<A NAME="keymaps">Typing in the names for the non-ASCII characters can become tedious,</A>
so if you are using some of them often,

defining a keymap may be helpful.
The keymap context is typically used to take the letters you type in,
and map them to some other alphabet, but it could be used for
other kinds of mapping inside strings as well.
You can define up to 100 different keymaps, and you
can assign different mappings to different kinds of text. You give each
keymap a name, and then can set parameters to that name to cause mapping.
A keymap context begins with a line with the word keymap followed by
a string in double quotes, giving a name for the map.
The name can be anything you like.
This is followed by lines containing pairs of strings. The first in each
pair is a pattern to be matched, and the second is the replacement.
The pattern strings can only contain letters (upper or lower case) and
the equal sign. The replacement strings can only contain
regular characters or the special named characters of the form \(XXX).
They cannot contain other &quot;backslash escapes&quot; like changes in font or size.
Mapping is done as strings are parsed, not when they are printed.
As an example, you could set up a mapping to allow something close to
phonetic spelling on an English keyboard,
but have the results come out in Cyrillic.
The Mup distribution has an &quot;include&quot; file for one possible mapping
of the full Cyrillic alphabet, but as a small example,
to get the Russian word for &quot;song&quot; you could do
keymap &quot;Russian&quot;
	// map approximate phonetic equivalents to their Cyrillic symbols
	&quot;e&quot;	&quot;\(afii10070)&quot;
	&quot;n&quot;	&quot;\(afii10079)&quot;
	&quot;p&quot;	&quot;\(afii10081)&quot;
	&quot;s&quot;	&quot;\(afii10083)&quot;
	&quot;q&quot;	&quot;\(afii10097)&quot;


	// enter Russian string phonetically
	title &quot;pesnq&quot;
<IMG SRC="mugex67.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
In the previous example, the text string to be matched
was only a single character, and the replacement string
was also a single character, albeit one that normally has
to be specified by a long name. Either or both can actually be
multiple characters.  So you could do something like
keymap &quot;names&quot;
  &quot;Ted&quot;  &quot;Theodore&quot;
  &quot;Liz&quot;  &quot;Elizabeth&quot;
and then &quot;Ted and Liz&quot; would become &quot;Theodore and Elizabeth&quot;
As another example, suppose you want to use various styles of arrows
in different places, and would like to have shorter names.
You could do something like this:
keymap &quot;arrows&quot;
	&quot;=l&quot;  &quot;\(arrowleft)&quot;
	&quot;=r&quot;  &quot;\(arrowright)&quot;
	&quot;==l&quot;  &quot;\(arrowdblleft)&quot;
	&quot;==r&quot;  &quot;\(arrowdblright)&quot;
	&quot;=ll&quot;  &quot;\(arrowleft)\(arrowleft)&quot;
	&quot;=rr&quot;	&quot;\(arrowright)\(arrowright)&quot;

  paragraph &quot;=r between arrows =l&quot;;
  paragraph &quot;==r between double arrows ==l&quot;;
  paragraph &quot;=rr between pairs of arrows =ll&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex68.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Patterns are matched left to right, using the longest pattern that matches.
Thus for a pattern/replacement list of
  &quot;a&quot;	&quot;X&quot;
  &quot;b&quot;   &quot;Y&quot;
  &quot;ab&quot;  &quot;Z&quot;
the string &quot;abba&quot; would become &quot;ZYX&quot;
There are a number of parameters that specify what kind of text strings
to map. These parameters are:
<TD>defaultkeymap</TD>	<TD>when nothing else applies</TD>
<TD>endingkeymap</TD>	<TD>text on endings</TD>
<TD>labelkeymap</TD>	<TD>staff and group labels</TD>
<TD>lyricskeymap</TD>	<TD>lyrics</TD>
<TD>printkeymap</TD>	<TD>print, left, right, center, title</TD>
<TD>rehearsalkeymap</TD>	<TD>user defined rehearsal marks</TD>
<TD>textkeymap</TD>	<TD>rom, ital, bold, boldital</TD>
<TD>withkeymap</TD>	<TD>&quot;with&quot; lists on chords</TD>

Having these different parameters generally makes it easy to do things
like set a mapping for lyrics and titles,
but leave musical directions like &quot;Allegro&quot; unmapped.
To determine which mapping to use, Mup first looks up the specific
parameter, and if that is not set, then it will fall back to using
the value of the defaultkeymap parameter. Thus, for example, if you
wanted only lyrics to be in Greek, with everything else left unmapped,
you could define a Greek keymap and set
Or if you wanted everything except &quot;with&quot; lists to be Cyrillic, you could do
something like
Note that the special name &quot;&quot; is used to mean &quot;no mapping.&quot;
You can also set these parameters to nothing at all,
which effectively &quot;unsets&quot; them. So if you later wanted &quot;with&quot; lists
to also be in Cyrillic like everything else, you could just do
which basically &quot;unhides&quot; the defaultkeymap value that had been
overridden by the withkeymap value.
It is possible to change keymaps in the middle of a string
by using \m(keymap_name). This might be used if you want just part of
a sentence in a different alphabet:
   &quot;This would be written \m(Russian)pesnq \m() in Russian.&quot;
As shown, an empty keymap name of \m() means to return to normal literal text,
without any mapping.
Font and size changes
<A NAME="fonts">Strings can contain special codes to indicate changes in font or size.</A>

The font codes begin with \f, and
can either be spelled out, as in the first column of
the table below, or as the abbreviations given in the second column.
       Code              Abbr        Meaning

\f(avantgarde rom)      \f(AR)  Avant Garde roman font
\f(avantgarde bold)     \f(AB)  Avant Garde bold font
\f(avantgarde ital)     \f(AI)  Avant Garde italic font
\f(avantgarde boldital) \f(AX)  Avant Garde bold-italic font

\f(bookman rom)         \f(BR)  Bookman roman font
\f(bookman bold)        \f(BB)  Bookman bold font
\f(bookman ital)        \f(BI)  Bookman italic font
\f(bookman boldital)    \f(BX)  Bookman bold-italic font

\f(courier rom)         \f(CR)  Courier roman font
\f(courier bold)        \f(CB)  Courier bold font
\f(courier ital)        \f(CI)  Courier italic font
\f(courier boldital)    \f(CX)  Courier bold-italic font

\f(helvetica rom)       \f(HR)  Helvetica* roman font
\f(helvetica bold)      \f(HB)  Helvetica bold font
\f(helvetica ital)      \f(HI)  Helvetica italic font
\f(helvetica boldital)  \f(HX)  Helvetica bold-italic font

\f(newcentury rom)      \f(NR)  New Century roman font
\f(newcentury bold)     \f(NB)  New Century bold font
\f(newcentury ital)     \f(NI)  New Century italic font
\f(newcentury boldital) \f(NX)  New Century bold-italic

\f(palatino rom)        \f(PR)  Palatino roman font
\f(palatino bold)       \f(PB)  Palatino bold font
\f(palatino ital)       \f(PI)  Palatino italic font
\f(palatino boldital)   \f(PX)  Palatino bold-italic font

\f(times rom)           \f(TR)  Times* roman font
\f(times bold)          \f(TB)  Times bold font
\f(times ital)          \f(TI)  Times italic font
\f(times boldital)      \f(TX)  Times bold-italic font

\f(previous)            \f(PV)  previous font
\f(rom)	\f(R)	change to roman in the current family
\f(ital)	\f(I)	change to italics in the current family
\f(bold)	\f(B)	change to bold in the current family
\f(boldital)	\f(X)	change to bold italics in the current family
Some of the
<A HREF="textstr.html#special">special characters</A>
look better in some fonts than others.  We have found that

a few older PostScript interpreters unfortunately don't always
implement all the special characters in all fonts, so if you have
one of those, you may want to see if a newer version is available
that corrects the problem.
If you need a font other than those Mup supports directly,
it is possible to override Mup's builtin fonts with other fonts.
This is described later in the
<A HREF="fontfile.html">section on "Installing other fonts."</A>
<A NAME="size">The point size can also be changed. (A "point" is about 1/72 of an inch.)</A>

   Code                   Meaning

\s(<I>N)</I>    change to point size <I>N</I>
\s(+<I>N)</I>   increase point size by <I>N</I> points
\s(-<I>N)</I>   decrease point size by <I>N</I> points
\s(PV) or \s(previous)	revert to previous size

The point size can range from 1 to 100. A font or size change will last until
changed or until the end of the string. Any subsequent strings will begin
with default font and size values, except in the case of
<A HREF="lyrics.html">lyrics,</A>

where font and size information is maintained separately
for each staff and verse, and carried forward from measure to measure, and
<A HREF="bars.html#reh">rehearsal marks,</A>
where the information is also carried forward.

The default values can be set as
<A HREF="param.html">described in the "Parameters" section. The</A>
<A HREF="textstr.html#symlist">music symbols</A>
are affected by size changes.
If a music symbol follows italics or bolditalics characters, it will be
made italics to match.
Here are some examples of strings:
&quot;( \(up2n) = 100 )&quot;
&quot;\f(TB)this will be bold. \f(TI)this will be italics&quot;
&quot;A \f(TX)\s(+12)BIG\f(PV)\s(-12) word&quot;
&quot;\f(newcentury boldital)Allegro&quot;
Horizontal and vertical motion
It is also possible to specify a string that takes up more than one line,
by putting a &quot;\n&quot; where you want to move to a new line. The place where
this is most likely to be useful is for
<A HREF="param.html#label">staff labels,</A>

which you may want
to make multi-line, to keep them from becoming excessively wide.
For example:

A &quot;\b&quot; can be used to specify a backspace. This might be useful for

adding underlines to text.
If you wish to use letters with diacritical marks,

you will probably want to use the
<A HREF="textstr.html#special">special characters,</A>
described earlier in this section,
rather than trying to construct them using the plain letter,
a backspace, and the mark.
You are not allowed to back up to before the beginning of a line.
Note that in all fonts except Courier,
different characters have different widths, so
using backspaces can be a bit tricky. For example, underlining a 5-letter
word might require more than 5 underscores, if the characters in the word

are wider than an underscore character. In general, it works better to
enter an entire string, then backspace to add underscoring or accents, rather
than doing them along the way. For example, &quot;My\b\b___&quot; will line up
much better than &quot;M\b_y\b_&quot;.
<A NAME="vert">Vertical motion within a string</A>
can be specified using &quot;\v(<I>N</I>)&quot;

where <I>N</I> is some percentage of the current font height.
The distance may be negative for downward motion
or positive for upward motion, ranging from -100 to 100.

This might be used for creating superscripts and subscripts, although
the next section describes an alternate way of doing that which is
usually better. It might also be used just to line something up differently
than Mup normally would.
You cannot put newlines (with \n) in the same string with vertical
Piled text, for superscripts, subscripts, etc.
It is also possible to &quot;pile up&quot; lines of text in a string.
Some common uses of this could be for superscripts and subscripts or for

figured bass notation.
Some facilities to specifically deal with
<A HREF="textmark.html#chordmod">figured bass</A>
will be described in a later section, but
here we describe the general-purpose constructs for piling text. 

A \: is used to indicate the beginning of piling. Any subsequent
instances of \: in the same string will alternately turn piling off and on.
When a pile is begun, the text size is automatically made smaller, and
the text baseline is moved up, so that the first line of piled text is
like a superscript, and the next like a subscript. If there are additional
lines, they are placed below the subscript.
By default, the lines in a pile are placed such that the last digit
in each line all line up, or if there is no digit, the last character.
However, you can force different alignment.

A \| will force alignment at that point, or a \^ will force alignment
at the center of the following character. A maximum of one alignment marker
can be specified on each line of a pile.
You cannot put newlines (with \n) in the same string with piling.
A new line of the pile is started at each &lt;space&gt; character in the input string.
If you want an actual literal space inside a piled line, it must be
preceded with a backslash. As an example:
&quot;Text\:superscript subscript\: back to normal.&quot;;
&quot;This pile \:has\ literal spaces\ in\ it.&quot;;
&quot;This pile \:h\^as align\|ment spec\^ified.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex69.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Slash through number
Another thing which is common in figured bass notation

is to draw a slash through a number. Again, the section on
<A HREF="textmark.html#chordmod">figured bass</A>
will describe how to do that inside figured bass,
but it is possible to put a slash through a number elsewhere by
placing a backslashed slash after a number, like this:
Boxed or circled text
<A NAME="boxed">You can cause the text to be</A>

printed inside a box by placing a \[ at
the beginning of the string and a \] at the end of the string.
Similarly you can cause text to be placed inside a circle (or ellipse
for strings that are wide) by placing a \{ at
the beginning of the string and a \} at the end of the string.
Boxed or circled text are not allowed in
<A HREF="lyrics.html">lyrics.</A>
 &quot;\[This is in a box\]&quot;
 &quot;\{This is in an ellipse\}&quot;
<IMG SRC="mugex70.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
* Times is a trademark and Helvetica is a registered trademark of Allied Corporation.
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