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Lines and curves
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Lines and curves
The &quot;line&quot; statement is used for drawing lines. Its format is:

<I>linetype</I> <B>line (</B><I>X1, Y1</I><B>) to (</B><I>X2, Y2</I><B>)</B>
The <I>linetype</I> can be &quot;wide,&quot; &quot;medium,&quot; &quot;wavy,&quot; &quot;dotted,&quot; &quot;dashed,&quot;

or it can be omitted, which means narrow.

The wavy line could be used for glissandos. It could also be used
for manually drawing rolls and trills, although it should rarely if ever

be necessary to resort to this, since the
<A HREF="roll.html">roll</A>

<A HREF="mussym.html">mussym</A>

statements will usually suffice and are much easier to use.
Narrow, dashed, or dotted lines would typically be used for voice crossings.

The medium line is about twice as wide as a
narrow line, and a wide line is about twice as wide as a medium line.
The X and Y coordinates are specified as was described
in the section on
<A HREF="tags.html">"Location tags."</A>
  staff2 clef=bass

1 1: c+ =c;e =e;g;c+;
1 2: e =_e;g =_g;c =_c;s;
2 1: 2.s;4g =_gg;
2 2: 1ce;
line (c.e + 2, c.y) to (e.w - 2, e.y)
line (_e.e + 2, _e.y) to (_g.w - 2, _g.y)
dashed line (_c.e + 1, _c.y) to (_gg.w - 1, _gg.y)
<IMG SRC="mugex89.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
It is possible to print a text string by the line by adding
<B>with </B><I>fontfamily font </I><B>(</B><I>size</I><B>) &quot;</B><I>string</I><B>&quot;</B>
at the end of the &quot;line&quot; statement. Only the keyword &quot;with&quot; and the
text string itself are required; the font and size information is optional.
As usual, the
<A HREF="param.html#fontfam">fontfamily,</A>
<A HREF="param.html#font">font,</A>
<A HREF="param.html#size">size</A>
parameter values are used to get values if the optional items are
omitted. The most common usage for printing a string with a line is probably
for glissandos.
1: 2d =n; g+ =m;
wavy line (n.e + 1.5, n.y) to (m.w - 1.5, m.y) with ital (9) &quot;gliss.&quot;
<IMG SRC="mugex90.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Arbitrary curves can be drawn using the &quot;curve&quot; statement:

<I>linetype</I> <B>curve (</B><I>X1,Y1</I><B>) to (</B><I>X2,Y2</I><B>) to (</B><I>X3,Y3</I><B>)</B> <I>...</I>
When using this form of the &quot;curve&quot; statement,
at least three coordinates must be specified; more are permitted.
The <I>linetype</I> can be &quot;medium,&quot; &quot;wide,&quot; &quot;dashed,&quot;
or &quot;dotted,&quot; or omitted.
A curve will be drawn through the specified points in the specified order.

staff 2

1: 4.s;[=c] 8e; [=d] g; [=e] e;4s;
2: [=a] 8c;g; [=b] c+;4.s; [=f] 8c+; [=g] c;
medium curve (a.x, a.n+1) to (b.x, b.n+15) to (c.x, c.n+4) \
		to (d.x, d.n+3) to (e.x, e.n+3) \
		to (f.x, f.n+11) to (g.x, g.n+1)
<IMG SRC="mugex91.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
An alternative way to specify a curve is to only specify the two endpoints,
along one or more &quot;bulge&quot; values, given in stepsizes.
Suppose a single bulge value <I>n</I> is given. To find the midpoint of
the resulting curve, imagine a line is drawn between the two endpoints,
then from the midpoint of that line, move perpendicular to the line for 
<I>n</I> stepsizes.
A positive <I>n</I> will cause the curve to bulge
to the left as you move from the start point to the end point,
while a negative <I>n</I> will make it bulge to the right.
If two bulge values are given, bulges are calculated from the 1/3 and
2/3 point of the line between the endpoints; with three points, at 1/4,
1/2, and 3/4, and so forth. Multiple bulge values are separated by commas.
1: c =_c1; f; f; d =_d1;
medium curve (_c1.x, _c1.y + 8) to (_d1.x, _d1.y + 10) bulge 3

1: g =_g1; e+; d+; a =_a1;
dotted curve (_g1.x, _g1.y - 2) to (_a1.x, _a1.y - 2) bulge -4.3

1: g =_g2; a; d+; c+ =_c2;
curve  (_g2.x, _g2.y - 2) to (_c2.x, _c2.y + 2) bulge -2.5, 4
<IMG SRC="mugex92.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
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