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Lyrics are specified in a somewhat similar manner to
<A HREF="chordinp.html">note groups.</A>
Lyrics for each staff are specified with the word &quot;lyrics&quot;

optionally followed by a <I>place</I>,
followed by the <I>staff number</I>, followed by a colon, then the timing and
syllable information.

The <I>place</I>, if specified, can be &quot;above&quot; or &quot;below,&quot; to

indicate whether the lyrics are to be printed above or below the given
staff. The default is below.
The <I>staff number</I> can be a single number or list of ranges of numbers.
It can also be given as the keyword &quot;all,&quot; which will place the lyrics
above the top visible staff or below the bottom visible staff.

The place can also be specified as &quot;between <I>M</I><B>&amp;</B><I>N</I>&quot;
where <I>M</I> and <I>N</I> are numbers.

This will cause the lyrics to printed approximately halfway between staff
<I>M</I> and staff <I>N</I>. <I>N</I> must be exactly one greater than <I>M</I>.
lyrics 1:
lyrics above 2,3:
lyrics between 1&amp;2, 3&amp;4:
If you want the same lyrics above some staffs but below others,
you can specify several places and list of staffs, separated by semicolons.
For example:
lyrics above 1,3 ; below 2,4 ; between 5&amp;6 :
After the colon comes a list of
time values.

Time values are separated by semicolons and are specified as they are

for notes: &quot;2&quot; for half notes, &quot;8.&quot; for dotted eight, etc.

If the time values for lyrics are the same as the time values for the notes
on the staff, the time values need not be specified. If you don't
specify them, Mup will derive the appropriate values from the music input.
If you list more than one staff, the time values will be derived from the
first staff you list. Usually, the time values will be derived from voice 1,
but if voice 1 music data doesn't exist or is invisible,
or if the lyrics are explicitly specified as &quot;below&quot;
and there is a visible voice 2, then voice 2 will be used.
Voice 3, if any, is never used for automatically
deriving time values for lyrics.
Some examples:

1: c;d;e;f;
lyrics 1: &quot;The sun will shine&quot;;
// The time values will be all quarter notes,
// as derived from the music on staff 1

1: 8g;4.f;4g;a;
lyrics 1: &quot;up-on the earth.&quot;;
// The derived time values will be 8;4.;4;;

// In these examples, time values will be taken
// from staff 4, since it is the first one listed.
// In the last case, because &quot;below&quot; is specified explicitly,
// the times will be taken from voice 2
// if there is a visible voice 2; in all the other cases
// it will be taken from voice 1 if voice 1 music
// has been entered and is visible.
lyrics 4,7,9: &quot;for-ev-er&quot;;
lyrics above 4-6: &quot;nev-er-more&quot;;
lyrics between 4&amp;5,6&amp;7: &quot;this is it&quot;;
lyrics below 4,2: &quot;and so forth&quot;;
The line describing the music from which to derive the times
must appear in the input prior to the lyrics line that is deriving the times.
If chords in the music are tied or slurred together, Mup will 
treat those chords as being for a single syllable.
However, there may be some 
circumstances in which the rules Mup uses to derive time values may not
yield what you want, in which case you will have to explicitly specify the times
for that measure.
Or if there is some other voice in the measure that has the times you want,
you can tell Mup to use that one, by adding the keyword &quot;using&quot; and the staff
and voice of that other voice. As usual, an omitted voice defaults to 1.
This can even let you use voice 3 for time derivation, which would otherwise
not be possible. Here is a simple example:

1: g+;;;;
1 2: 2c;;
1 3: 8e;;;;;;;;
lyrics 1 using 1 3: &quot;This de-rives from voice num-ber three.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex42.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Following the time values is a list of one or more
verse numbers and lyric strings containing the words of the lyrics.

The verse number(s) are given within square brackets. If no verse is

specified on the first set of lyrics for a staff and
place, verse 1 is assumed.
On subsequent lyrics strings for that staff and place,
the verse number is assumed to be one more than the previous verse number.
Thus you only need to explicitly specify a verse
number if you want to skip over a verse or supply them out of order.
Verse numbers need not be consecutive.
The staff number and verse number can be given as lists or ranges.
Another example:
1-2: 4.c+;8c;{4e;f;g;}3;
lyrics below 1-2: 4.;8;{4;;;}3; \
        &quot;This is some-thing else.&quot;; \
        [4,5] &quot;How do you like this?&quot;; \
        [2-3,6] &quot;Now try this out too.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex43.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
In this example, the lyrics will go below staffs 1 and 2. There are
5 syllables. The first is a dotted quarter in length, the second is
an eighth, and the last three make up a quarter note triplet. The first
string is for verse 1, since no verse number was specified. The second
string will be used for verses 4 and 5, and the last string for verses
2, 3, and 6.
<A NAME="centered">You can also specify a verse number of "c" which means the verse is</A>

to be centered vertically. This is useful if you have a refrain that
is identical for several verses, and you don't want to have it printed
multiple times.
1: c;;e;;
lyrics 1: ;;2s; [1] &quot;verse one&quot;; [2] &quot;verse two&quot;;
lyrics 1: 2s;4;; [c] &quot;The refrain&quot;;	// centered lyrics
<IMG SRC="mugex44.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
The lyrics string is followed by a semicolon.
There must normally be one syllable in the lyrics string for each time value.
<A HREF="lyrics.html#except">(There is one exception,</A>
discussed later.)
Syllables are separated in the lyrics string by white space,

a dash, or an underscore. 

Sometimes a syllable is to be held out for several counts
or over several notes. This can be indicated by dashes or underscores.

If the syllable in the lyric string ends with a dash, on output the dash
will be placed halfway between the given syllable and the next syllable.
If the distance between the two syllables is long, several evenly-spaced
dashes will be printed.
If a syllable in the lyric string ends with an underscore,
an underscore line will be printed from the end of the
current syllable to the edge of the last note associated with the syllable.

Here are some examples:
// Verse 1. The first two words have the
// duration of a quarter note each.
// The last word lasts a half note.
1: e;d;2c;
lyrics 1: 4;;2; [1] &quot;Three blind mice&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex45.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
// examples of above lyrics with dash and underscore
1: 4d&lt;&gt;;e;8g;b;4a;
lyrics above 1: &quot;now_ or nev-er&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex46.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Mup does its best to figure out where to end dashes or underscores. However,
if there isn't a following syllable after a dash or underscore, Mup would
extend the dash or underscore to the end of the piece, which may not be
what you want. There are a few other cases where Mup may be unable to
properly deduce where you had intended an underscore to end.
You can manually halt the dash or underscore by adding in

an &quot;empty syllable,&quot; consisting of &quot;&lt;&gt;&quot;. Normally, the angle brackets are

used inside lyrics to enclose special non-lyrics items, as will be
<A HREF="lyrics.html#lyrext">described a bit later.</A>
However, if they are used by themselves with nothing between them,
they essentially mean a syllable with no text.
1: 2c;4d&lt;&gt;;e;
lyrics 1: &quot;last word._&quot;;

1: 4d;e;f;g;
// add empty syllable to end the underscore
lyrics 1: 1; &quot;&lt;&gt;&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex47.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Occasionally, a single chord is used for more than one syllable.
If the syllables are within the same word, it is sufficient to omit the
dashes between syllables, so that Mup will treat them as a single syllable.
However, if the syllables are in separate words,
a &quot;~&quot; can be used in place of a space between the syllables.
On output, Mup will replace the &quot;~&quot;
with a space and a small, curved line below the space, indicating that the

syllables on either side are to be joined. For example:
1: b;a;2g;
lyrics 1: ;;2; &quot;man-y~a day&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex48.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
If you don't want the curved line,
you can use the special character name &quot;\(space)&quot; instead of a

literal space.
<A HREF="textstr.html#space">That special space character</A>
is printed like a normal space on output,
but is not considered a space for the purposes of determining syllable
boundaries. Alternately,
<A HREF="lyrics.html#lyrext">a technique using angle brackets,</A>
described later, can be used.
If several verses use the same time values, you can specify them all on
one input line.
For example:
1: d;f;a;g;
lyrics 1: [1] &quot;this is verse one&quot;; \
       [2] &quot;this is verse two&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex49.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
In this example,
because of the \ at the end of the first line, both verses are effectively
on the same input line.
<A NAME="except">Occasionally, lyrics may occur during only part of a measure.</A>

This case can be handled by specifying &quot;space&quot;

by using an &quot;s&quot; after time values that have no
lyric syllable associated with them. For example:
1: 2r;g;
lyrics 1: 2s;; [1] &quot;Now&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex50.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
In this example, the first half note of the measure is a space, so there will
be no lyric there. The second half note of the measure will have the word &quot;Now&quot;
as its lyric. Note that the &quot;s&quot; does not work quite the same way with lyrics
as it does with notes. With notes, &quot;2s;;&quot; would mean two half-note spaces,
because the space would be used as default for the following chord where no
notes were specified. With lyrics, &quot;2s;;&quot; means a half note space, followed
by a half note lyric; the space is not carried forward as a default.
If you don't specify any time values, relying on Mup to derive the time values
from the corresponding music time values, any rests and spaces in the music
will be translated to lyric spaces. If the first note entered in a chord
is tied to or slurred to the following chord, that following chord
will also be translated to a lyric space, since you most likely want
a single syllable to span both chords in that case.
<A NAME="lyrext">Occasionally, you may want to print something within a lyric string</A>
which isn't really a lyric syllable.
The most common example of this would be
that you may want to print verse numbers. Other possibilities may include
associating a dynamic mark (e.g., &quot;mf&quot;) with a particular verse, or

marking a section for a subset of the singers (e.g., &quot;Men:&quot; or &quot;Solo:&quot;).
These extra things are specified within angle brackets. They can be placed

immediately before or after any syllable.
Mup will not consider them when lining up the syllable with notes.

Normally, it will assume there is enough
space to print them rather than reserving space for them. If you want Mup
to ensure there is enough space to print them, put a &quot;^&quot; immediately
after the &quot;&lt;&quot;.
Some examples:
1: f;e;d;c;
lyrics 1: &quot;&lt;1. &gt;This is verse one.&quot;;
1: 2g;4;;
lyrics 1: 2s;4;; &quot;&lt;^\f(TX)ff\f(PV) &gt;Loud-er&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex51.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
The &lt; &gt; construct can also be used to fine-tune the placement of syllables.
The placement of syllables is governed in general by the
<A HREF="param.html#lyralign">lyricsalign parameter.</A>

Sometimes, however, you may want to adjust the placement of specific syllables.
Suppose you have a long syllable, like &quot;strength&quot; and would like
to shift it leftward somewhat. Entering it as &quot;&lt;str&gt;ength&quot; would
cause Mup to move the syllable farther to the left than it normally would.
1: c;d;e;f;
lyrics 1: &quot;This strength not moved.&quot;; \
        &quot;This &lt;str&gt;ength was moved.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex52.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
Angle brackets may also be useful for entering

chant, where many words
are to be associated with a single note. For example:
lyrics 1: &quot;All&lt;^ these words will be treated like one syllable.&gt;&quot;;
The font and size to use for lyrics is initially determined

from the
<A HREF="param.html#lyrfam">"lyricsfontfamily,"</A>

<A HREF="param.html#lyrfont">"lyricsfont"</A>
<A HREF="param.html#lyrsize">"lyricssize"</A>
parameters for the appropriate staff.
If &quot;all&quot; is used for the staff number, the score parameters are used.

In the case of &quot;between,&quot; the parameters for the staff above are used for
determining the font and size.
The usual \f and \s forms can be used to
<A HREF="textstr.html">change these values</A>
for a given verse. Lyrics fontfamily, font and size values
are maintained separately for each
combination of staff number, verse number, and place, and are carried forward
from one measure to the next. Thus, for example, if you want one verse to
be printed in roman and another in italics (perhaps one is in English and the

other in another language), you need only put a &quot;\f(TI)&quot; at the beginning of
the syllable string for the first measure of the second verse, and all
subsequent syllables for that verse will be in italics.
Setting the
<A HREF="param.html#lyrfam">"lyricsfontfamily,"</A>
<A HREF="param.html#lyrfont">"lyricsfont"</A>
<A HREF="param.html#lyrsize">"lyricssize"</A>
parameters will reset the values for
all verses of the staff (if set in
<A HREF="contexts.html">staff context),</A>

or the entire score (if set in
<A HREF="contexts.html">score context).</A>

Another way to align a syllable in a particular way is to precede the
syllable with a |. If the | is preceded by a number (optionally signed),
the left edge of the syllable will be placed that many points from the
horizontal &quot;middle&quot; of the chord.

If there isn't a number before it, the value is obtained from the
<A HREF="param.html#sylpos">sylposition parameter.</A>
Negative values are to the left, and will usually be what you want.
This alignment method is particularly useful for lining up multiple verses,
either to get verse numbers to line up or to align words at the beginning
of a poetic line. The | goes after anything in angle brackets.
1: 8c;d;4e;8e;g;4c+;
lyrics 1: &quot;&lt;1. &gt;|\&quot;How are you?\&quot; -7|He asked her.&quot;; \
          &quot;&lt;2. &gt;|\&quot;I am fine,\&quot; -7|She re-plied.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex53.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
<A NAME="ltag">Location tags can be set on lyrics syllables</A>

by adding \=(<I>tagname</I>)
to the syllable. As with all tags, the <I>tagname</I> must be either a
single lower case letter, or an underscore followed by any number
of upper or lower case letters, digits, or underscores.
The area associated with the tag will include the syllable itself
and anything inside &lt;^ &gt;, but excluding things inside &lt; &gt;.
While Mup will recognize a tag like this almost anywhere within a syllable
(except inside &lt; &gt; or before any initial &lt; &gt;), it is recommended that it
be placed at the end of the syllable, before the dash or underscore, if any,
because that's less confusing to read than putting it
in the middle of a syllable. An
<A HREF="lyrtag.html">example showing common uses of lyric tags</A>
in given in the Hints section.
A few more examples of lyrics:
1,3-4: c;8e;;4d;r;
2: c+;8g;;4b;;
lyrics between 1&amp;2,3&amp;4: 4;8;;4;s; &quot;This is a test.&quot;;
lyrics above 2: 2s;4;; &quot;The end.&quot;;
<IMG SRC="mugex54.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
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