

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > ebdbedf5168792310bb7bb268645581c > files > 4


- add --dump-options to make it easier to allow people to write a bash completion file. Let me know when you have one ready :-)
- fix a bug where on case-insensitive filesystems --upper and --lower did not work because we thought the new file would already exist (stat "foo" and stat "FOO" are the same, yeah. The obvious workaround to use "--replace" would delete the files on case-insensitive filesystems instead, which was even worse. Case conversion should be working well now, I tested it on Darwin and on case-insensitive XFS. The latter one is a bit buggy by the way, see convmv works around that bug, too.

- this release is once more dedicated to Perl::Encode. There is no way to do a check for valid UTF-8 which works with all Perl releases from 5.8.0 up to 5.10.0. We now have to test which code works in our Perl's Encode version and then decide which code path to go.

- move non fatal Perl bug checks into the help screen output
- fix Perl warnings when wrong/unknown charset is used
- run check for some essential Encode functionality at every startup
- add --fixdouble option to only fix files that are double-UTF-8 encoded
- add --parsable option to allow convmv output parsable suggestions for external tools to to something with it
- add --preserve-mtimes option to restore mtimes of parent directories
- allow an argv to be a symlink
- don't checksum deleted files in tar ball and use sha256 now
- allow skippig of certain test suite tests, useful for OS X to skip NFC/NFD related stuff, for example "make test SKIP=nfd-test,someothertest" will skip that test(s)

- now work with Perl 5.10 using an eval block
- GPL v2 and v3 now

- test suite compares sorted results of find to fix false alarms on some systems
- test suite now uses tar instead of cp for copying.
- fix a y/n mixup
- at startup we check if Perl::Encode is not too broken (bugs 37757 and 49830 for now). Recent Perl releases are terribly broken. If this won't improve, I'll have to rewrite convmv in a language with more stable core functionality :-|. If you are distributor of convmv, please run make test before packaging to make sure you don't ship convmv with a broken Perl release.

- now use from_to instead of utf8::decode (which is experimental and might vanish in the future) to check for valid UTF-8
- updates and cleanups of testsuite and include "0" filename
- fix "0" filename bugs
- take into account that charset name "utf-8" resolves to "utf-8-strict" in recent Perl versions

- work around broken decode_utf8() in Perl 5.8.7 resp. Encode 2.10 (use utf8::decode instead)
- adopt test suite to catch cases like this
- warn about dry test run at start, not just at end of a test run

- do not complain about wrong from_enc if to_enc is utf8 and files are, too; this happens with from_enc being a multibyte encoding. Thanks to Kuang-che Wu
- fixed bug, where filename "0" was considered to be wrong utf-8 if from_enc was utf8
- some documentations updates

- add%20option%20to%20undo%20ugly%20http-%20and%20ftp-like%20escape%20sequences
- add option to upper/lowercase virtually any charset
- for upper/lower conversion add a "dotless i" option for Lithuanian, Turkish and Azeri
- check for characters not allowed in POSIX filesystems (just in case someone wants to try to convert to UTF-16)

- fix some typos and cosmetics
- add missing from_print
- rewrote checkenc(), no more false alarms now with "encodings" like MIME-Q, which can look quite different. As a side effect error messages became more detailed

- --qfrom/to also mask cntrl characters now
- symlink printout splitted to get correct output
- missing $arg in symlink fixed (bug introduced in 1.02)
- add NFS4 issues to documentation
- add test suite
- add file length check

- add --exec option to allow arbitrary operations

- add --lowmem option to keep memory footprint low when millions of files are being converted. However this will deactivate symlink target checks.
- add Samba issues to documentation
- suppress normalization error messages in cases of invalid UTF-8 in checkenc()

- make default behaviour to not work recursively so we can convert a single directory, use -r to get the old (recursive) mode
- work around find() oddity, which doesn't process directories from @ARGV
- die on unknown option
- check if files exist and die otherwise

- documentation updates
- check if symlink target is -f or -d, we run into problems in /proc otherwise.
- implement interactive (-i) mode

- UTF-8 smartness added

- first stable release