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* OpenLMI                                                                     *

The OpenLMI project provides a common infrastructure for the management of Linux
systems. Capabilities include configuration, management and monitoring of
hardware, operating systems, and system services. OpenLMI includes a set of
services that can be accessed both locally and remotely, multiple language
bindings, standard APIs, and standard scripting interfaces. 

* openlmi-providers                                                           *

openlmi-providers is set of (usually) small providers (agents) that will provide
given functionality on host system.

Following providers are part of this sub-project:

* Fan
    Fan provider implements interface for hardware monitoring of fans
    in the system. It uses lm_sensors library so it's linux specific.

    There are three interfaces provided according to CIM model:
        * Linux_Fan
            - Provides instance for every fan founded by lm_sensors with basic
        * Linux_FanSensor
            - Associated sensor for each instance of Linux_Fan.
            - Value of fan speed can be obtained from property CurrentReading.
        * Linux_FanAssociatedSensor
            - Provides association of instances of above 2 providers.

* Power
    Power management provider allows to monitor and change power state of the
    computer system.

    Support commands:
        - halt, reboot, suspend, hibernate

* Service
    Provider that allows manipulation with system services.

    Supported commands:
        - status
        - start, stop, restart
        - enable, disable

* Software
    Allows to install, remove, list and update packages.
    Requires python 2.6+ and yum.

* RealmD
    This is a CIM interface for the RealmD daemon which allows for the Kerberos
    and Active Directory realms enrollment

* Build Dependencies                                                          *
For all providers:
    - cmake
    - konkretcmpi-devel
    - sblim-cmpi-devel

Provider specific dependencies:
* Fan
    - lm_sensors - installed and configured
    - lm_sensors-libs
    - lm_sensors-devel
* Power
    - glib2-devel
    - upower-devel or pm-utils
    - shutdown and reboot commands in $PATH (usually provided by
      systemd or upstart or SysVinit)
* Service
    - glib2-devel 2.26+
    - systemd
* RealmD
    - glib2-devel
    - dbus-devel

* Compilation and installation                                                *

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ make
# make install
# make register-Fan
# make register-PowerManagement
# make register-Service

You can disable specific provider by adding -DWITH-<PROVIDER>=0 to cmake line.

* Development Tips                                                            *

Understanding konkret code generation issues:

konkret is a tool that reads in a mof file and generates C code. For
every XXX class it will generate a XXX.h and XXXProvider.c file. The
code generation occurs due to CMake macros provided by the
openlmi-providers-devel package. konkret needs to run any time you
modify the mof file. It *always* generates a new XXX.h file because
that's where definitions based on the contents of the mof file are
located. If there is no XXXProvider.c file it will also generate
it. This is a "stub" file in which you will fill in with your
implementation. If XXXProvider.c exits it will not overwrite it,
however it always overwrites the XXX.h file.

Do not put anything into the XXX.h file you'll need to retain.

After editing the mof file the make targets will cause konkret to run
again. You'll get brand new XXX.h files. But your old XXXProvider.c
files may no longer have the correct definitions (e.g. prototypes)
found in the XXX.h file so you may need to hand edit by copying the
function prototype from the XXX.h file into your XXXProvider.c file.

If you've written definitions that logically belong in XXX.h but don't
want them nuked the next time konkret runs my solution was to put them
in someother .h file that's included by the XXXProvider.c file.

Initializing class instances:

The way konkret works is to emit specialized inline functions to
initialize each member of a class. If the class is subclassed you get
different initializers depending on whether the property is in the
parent class or the subclass. You cannot call a parent class property
initializer in a subclass (yuck), you have to use the subclass
initializer for the property inherited from the parent class. This
creates a maintenance problem if the parent class changes, you have
find every place parent class properties are inialized and make
changes. To solve this problem I defined macros that initialize class
properties. The macro takes a "klass" parameter and token pastes it to
generate the class specific property manipulation function call. Using
these macros means anytime a class changes due to a change in the mof
file there is only one place where you need to change the code. These
macros are a good example of what logically belongs in the XXX.h file
but are separated out into a different .h file because konkret will
nuke anything you've added to a XXX.h file.

Modifications to the provider:

During development if the mof file changes you have to make Pegasus
reload the mof. It's not sufficient to retart cimserver, you have to
unregister the provider and register it again for Pegasus to see the
mof changes. Thus you would use the openlmi-mof-register command above
except pass the unregister option, followed by the above command, e.g.

% openlmi-mof-register unregister /usr/share/openlmi-providers/LMI_Realmd.mof /usr/share/openlmi-providers/LMI_Realmd.reg
% openlmi-mof-register register /usr/share/openlmi-providers/LMI_Realmd.mof /usr/share/openlmi-providers/LMI_Realmd.reg

If all you've done during devopment is modify the provider (not it's
mof definition) then all you need to do is:

% sudo cimserver -s
% sudo make install
% sudo cimserver

How do I run the Pegasus CIMOM so I can see debug statements?

% sudo cimserver daemon=false forceProviderProcesses=false

How do I use GDB to debug my provider?

Create the following .gdbinit file where XXX is where you want to break.

set breakpoint pending on
r daemon=false forceProviderProcesses=false

then run gdb like this:

% sudo gdb cimserver

How do I trace what Pegasus is doing?

% cimserver daemon=false forceProviderProcesses=false logLevel=TRACE traceLevel=5 traceFacility=File traceComponents=All

The trace file is written to:


More information about cimserver tracing can be found in the
"OpenPegasus Tracing User Guide" PDF. Google the title to get a
current URL.