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Current API VERSION: 1.8. See API.txt for more information.
ctools 6.x-dev
#959206: If a context is not set when rendering content, attempt to guess the context (fixes Views panes where "From context" was added but pane was never edited.)
#967590: HTTP Response is not part of panels, erroneously refers to being so.
#911362 by alex_b: Facilitate plugin cache resets for tests.
#998870 by Amitaibu: Fix notice when content has no icon by using function already designed for that.
#1030068 by stella: Fix parsing of tokens with : in them.

ctools 6.x-1.8 (2010-Oct-29)
#856636: Fix warnings on update.
#866524: "Custom" content type could cause crash if trying to reuse it without activating the custom content type module.
#870820 by EclipseGc: ctools_export_crud_import() passed wrong arguments to import callback, if defined.
Improve the task system to make it possible for Panels Everywhere to get more contexts.
#718368: Ignore query string when testing js and css files for inclusion during AJAX requests.
#690648 by awolfey: User signature content type.
#874960 by yhahn: Export UI goes to wrong path on revert.
#868410: Make transparency work on modal backdrop in IE.
#872340: AJAX framework used wrong URLs with i18n and CSS files.
#609246: Create variant to handle 403, 404 and 301 redirects for non-page page responses.
#870466: Invisible steps broken by too aggressive of a test for valid wizard steps. This broke Mini Panel layout change in Panels.
#872804: Export UI delete query failing to get table prefix thanks to PHP oddity.
#867864: Fix a admin title and edit link problems with custom content types.
#812744: Did not quite get query string removal working earlier, causing random breakages to AJAX requests.
#866622 by dkinzer: Fix dimensions.js to not crash on undefined items.
#215927: Allow exposed form blocks to inherit the current path.
#875020: Remove defaults for "API" in export section of schema as "No API version" is a possible option.
Activating export-ui based modules caused warnings (that did not actually cause problems) on the modules page.
#887812 by ayalon: Fix javascript crash bug.
#848580: Re-organize form submission in modals so that wysiwyg can detach upon submit.
#872072: Allow the modal to be vastly more customized.
#873616: Invalid SQL in term_parent access plugin.
#883490: Page manager "page" task needed to validate that % was not used in the first part of a path as that is not supported by Drupal menu system.
#883914: Ensure content pane validity before attemping to use.
#884092: Fix stylizer error message that warns you when there are no modules utilizing stylizer.
#831922 by tizzo: Make ctools_build_form() better support #ahah by properly rebuilding forms when necessary.
#867554: Accidentally binding modal javascript to buttons that were not inputs outside of the modal.
#879438: Change require_once to include_once when including plugin files in case plugins have disappeared.
#896660 by zoo33: Export-UI used wrong object name in descript of export key field.
New "Page wizards" to more easily create well-known types of pages in Page Manager.
#891682 by Dave Reid: Have modal title use the page title if no title was set on the form.
Add documentation for the modal.
#867120: %title was not being properly honored in keyword substitutions.
#856050 by Itangalo: Improve help text regarding tokens and substitutions.
#908104 by naxoc: Provide an option the comments anchor like theme_comment_wrapper does.
#911396 by alex_b: Prevent notices in export UI.
#883902 by hefox: Remove dependency on color.module.
#916532 by swentel: Fix to not overwrite selectors when used multiple times.
#919768 by mikey_p: Allow url options to be sent to ctools_ajax_command_url().
#926972 by Amitaibu: Provide automated integration with Advanced Help.
#358953 by cedarm: Allow term context to return lowercase, spaces to dashes versions of terms.
#916796 by swentel: CSS properties with : in them could be destroyed by CSS filter.
#931434 by EclipseGc: Argument plugin for node revision ID.
#910656: CTools AJAX sample wizard demo "domesticated" checkbox value not stored.
#913640 by mavimo: Correct documentation error on ctools_static()
#922442 by EugenMayer, neclimdul and voxpelli: Make sure ctools_include can handle '' or NULL directory.
#919956 by traviss359: Correct example in wizard advanced help.
#942968: Fix taxonomy term access rule with tag term vocabs.
#840344: node add argument had crufty code causing notices.
#944462 by longhairedgit: Invalid character in regex causes rare notice.
Add detach event to modal close so that wysiwyg can detach the editor.
#955348: Lack of redirect on "Update" button in Page Manager causing data loss sometimes.
#941778: Update and save button should not appear in the "Add variant" path.

ctools 6.x-1.7 (2010-Jul-26)
Deprecated the callback-based 'defaults' in favor of the identical 'process' (plugin system). Consequently, moved the content_type plugin over to use 'process' instead of the 'defaults' callback.
Added a ctools.api.php file and began documenting some of our api/hooks there.
Changed all hook_ctools_plugin_directory() implementations to use the more informative variable naming scheme.
#817612 by elstudio: Fix validation error that was making it impossible to add 'Existing node' content_types.
#787644 by Amitaibu and merlinofchaos: Introduce export-ui and auto-submit. See API.txt for more.
Update the plugin system documentation, and clean up plugin system logic.
#827498: Allow the 'custom' content type to be re-usable and exportable.
#827370 by dereine: Allow the new auto-submit.js to allow a single class that causes every element in the form to auto-submit.
#717036: Add a check to prevent CSS cache files from being cleared on a cron run.
Partial reversion of #742832.
#767046: Current theme selection rule was broken.
Improve the "Edit panel" tab so that Panels Everywhere can use a different name for site template, and Panels can direct it to the most appropriate tab in the editor.
#828352: Recent improvement to allow selection of fields to display in pane caused summary styles to break.
#764006 by drifter: Fix warning when using Panels Everywhere and views content panes together.
#467898 by mikeker: Allow taxonomy term argument to be restricted to a particular set of vocabularies.
#829582 by dmitrig01: apostrophes as data keys in exports would not properly be escaped, breaking the export.
#845540 by Dave Reid: had accidental dependency on pathauto.
#755954 by killes: Add relationship plugin to get node edit form context from node context.
#755988 by killes: Render form id, build id and token as part of the form buttons context.
#756118 by killes: sets content regardless of content being present.
#783408 by hefox: Make sure empty arguments are properly translated to NULL when passed to Views.
#749398 by harijari: Properly support new column added for signatures in Drupal 6.13.
#815164 by DeFR: Replace fragile server side cache of aggregated .js and .css with more robust embedded .js communicating this information.
#667504 by Jen Lampton: Allow node title to be linked to the node.
#830274 by Amitaibu: Wrong value passed to ctools_export_crud_load_all() by the default UI plugin.
#843280 by Amitaibu: Export UI would WSOD on delete.
#728486 by elliotttf: Fix PHP 5.3 compatibility.
#635730 by dereine and merlinofchaos: Fix page title pane to show actual title. Allow the tag and tag class and id to be specified in pane settings.
#842882 by Amitaibu: Safer handling of determing if an object is new or updated when using ctools_export_crud_save().
#826074 by Amitaibu: Provide more defaults in schema for new Export UI settings.
#715546 by jsfwd: Term list content type didn't get proper first/last classes.
#731950: Prevent warning if task has invalid subtasks callback.
#831592: Context: Taxonomy vocabulary would not save vocabulary value.
#836828 by jmiccolis: ctools_include() would try to include again even though it was trying to statically cache a list of files already included.
#843042: export-ui delete button did not work.
#847682 by dagmar: Allow controlled objects to have data that exists in sibling tables to enable integration with exportables.module.
Allow Views to use their exposed filters as pane configuration. This is under the "Allow" settings in the Content pane display.
#849418: "Custom" content type was accidentally losing context substitutions created when reusable custom content types went in.
Moved Panels stylizer UI to CTools. If you use Panels Stylizer, be sure to update Panels at the same time.
Introduce ctools_access_ruleset module for customizable access rulesets.
Introduce ctools_custom_content module for customizable content panes and move the associated UI code to the module.
Restore a less aggressive plugin caching.
#854190 by Amitaibu: Provide a nicer experience with stylizer if there are no stylizer-enabled modules running.
#737602: Generic NOT checkbox for all access tests.
#735922 by daniboy: Allow the redirect command to have a delay.
#704132: Fix broken term_parent access plugin.
#596212 by KoCo: Fix warning message if using taxonomy terms context but no valid terms were found.
#657652: PHP Access rules become uneditable if they had no description.
#680778 by hefox: Taxonomy synonyms not showing correctly in term list content type.
#617678: Improve 'back' button handling during adding a page in page manager.
#817810: Search menu retooling caused the title of search pages to get lost.
#505132: Fix CSS caching to truly work on private filesystem now.
#707990: Add default converters and a default converter to user context to ease integration with realname.module.
#592986: Allow "text-transform" in user-generated CSS.
#507092: Add a "view" context, meaning you can load a view into a context and then display individual rows from that view as panes.
#696402 by pokurek: Prevent node add/edit contexts from getting into infinite loops.
#609424: Book relationship plugin was completely non-functional.
#709242: Required contexts would lose keyword and identifier when transfering context from one system into the subsystem.
#860306 by jcmarco: "Substitutions" fieldset would not open due to missing js.
#861778 by ayalon: Hold session ID for anonymous users when using the object cache so wizards can work for anonymous.
#846408: Increase #delta in reorder weights so that more than 21 variants can be used.
#827310: Node comments content type should not display comments if the node is configured to disable them.
#622570 by omerida: Add an option to display the comment forbidden information if the comment form cannot be displayed in comment form content type.
#863296: Do not leave NULL plugins left by searching for nonexistant plugins in the list when getting all plugins.
#853256 by swentel: Allow the normal node view content types to support CCK hosted build modes like Views does.
#865392 by Amitaibu: Auto-guess ctools ajax class with element associations.

ctools 6.x-1.6 (2010-Jun-1)
(No changes - 1.5 release was improperly tagged)

ctools 6.x-1.5 (2010-May-28)
#804198: CTools AJAX framework did not work properly with javascript aggregation.
Handle forms passing through required contexts properly.
Add operation alter tooks to let modules add items to Page Manager pages.
Partial rollback of #711664 - central-hook-based plugin definition no longer defaults to FALSE, as this caused widespread unexpected behavior in modules using ctools plugins.
#708926: Remove dependency-busting call to panels_get_path().
Do not allow Views Content Pane displays to be selected by the legacy Views content connector; based on #791960.
#737434 by nealeyoung: Make the node_updated content_type plugin actually do what it advertises and output last change time.

ctools 6.x-1.4 (2010-May-19)
#686764: Update page tokens to use actual page rendering mechanism rather than the tokens which causes them to appear as having content even when empty.
Retool the page elements to render last and not use the token method.
Allow themes to provide default pages so that Panels Everywhere enabled themes can provide layout variants for the site template.
Initial inclusion of the stylizer plugin to create user customizable styles from pre-configured base styles.
#708154: Update and Save would leave forms in an older state, causing some forms to lose data (particularly the Panels content form).
#467948 by hefox: Allow the vocabulary context to be used by the vocabulary selector access plugin.
#686052 by Scott Reynolds: Allow for cache warming. (See API.txt)
#686726 by ayalon: Access plugin to mimic the block path configuration item.
#484340 by catch: Fix bug in token integration.
#709754 by yhahn: Add export_module flag to all default objects so that we can tell where they came from.
#709840 by thsutton: Improper test of AND when displaying access summaries.
#709874 by thsutton: Fix improper test in context exists.
#707826 by marcvangend: Add a relationship to get multiple terms from a node.
#711922 by jonskulski: Do not print empty H1 tag if no title in page_title content.
#703040 by neclimudul: Harden plugin loading against accidental variable overwriting.
#710490 by thsutton: Fix use of error_get_last() which only appears in PHP 5.2.
#716288 by alex_b: Clear more caches when clearing static caches for install/deployment purposes.
#715118 by neclimdul: Add abstract hints to the classes in
#723296 by andrewlevine: Generalize more of CTools helpers so they can be used for non-CTools files.
#726320 by gordon: Allow the CTools wizard to have query strings in the wizard path.
#711664 by meclimdul: Make the 'hook' version of plugins now optional and improve code around it.
#745468 by alevine and Scott Reynolds: Make ajax better able to know what .js/.css was already on the page.
#722246: Search tabs not quite right, particularly with retaining keywords across tabs. This mostly fixes.
#709754 followup by yhahn: Improved documentation for
#565808 by cha0s, zroger and davereid: Backport nojs handling from D7.
#704132 by killes: Allow access/selection rule based on whether taxonomy term has a parent.
#747588 by mikeker: Add taxonomy description to context tokens.
#741588 by Jody Lynn: add db_rewrite_sql() to comments pane query to match core.
#531366 by mikeker: Move token substitutions to prior to filtering in custom content type. This could have some effects on existing installs.
#718028 by redben: Improved documentation for
#750004 by jhedstrom: Comment pane ignores node comment display setting.
#752960 by mgriego: Redirect destination on 'delete' in admin links could be wrong.
#754234 by killes: Node form content types not showing up due to logic error.
#754594 by lavamind: Add a "book children" content type.
Ensure imagefilter() exists before use, as it may not depending on how PHP was built.
#798526 by jasonn1234: expand server-side control over modal js settings to include background opacity and color.
#742832 by c960657: cache file system scans in ctools_plugin_load_includes().
#758750 by mgriego, snufkin: Fix extra whitespace being added to exported scalars.
#789598 by c960657: Pass block titles through check_plain().
#780734 by c960657: Clean up node_comment_form plugin's form_comment_form_alter() implementation.
Fix user_view task to use variable instead of value on hook invocation to avoid warnings on PHP5.3
#771132: Move object cache system over to ctools_static() and introduce static var resets when locks are cleared.
#762996 by jonskulski: Allow views_content panes to selectively show/hide their view's fields.
#789524 by c960657: Implement "content type" hook on block content_type plugin.
#782070: Relationship form submits were being passed an invalid part of $form_state.
#767952 by aosodoev: Fix ctools_css_assemble() burping on multiple selectors by switching in str_replace() for preg_replace().
#489256 by dww: Add a content_type plugin for outputting taxonomy terms from a node context.
Assorted XSS, XSRF, and information disclosure security fixes.

ctools 6.x-1.3 (2010-Feb-01)
Added support for context keyword substitutions on override paths in content panes provided by views_content.
#612850: Fix crash bug with panes referencing deleted/missing views.
#595442: Fix AJAX problems with mod_security enabled.
Introduce a "jump menu" tool which can be used to provide jump menus with a select.
Change plugins to no longer need magic function. Can now use $plugin = array(...) instead.
#652236 by alevine: Preserve pre-existing class when adding ajax functionality to form widgets.
#657474: Allows clean exporting for task handlers set to be the homepage. 
#588246 by brynbellomy: Add "context exists" access plugin.
#618194 by brynbellomy: Add "string length" access plugin.
#618204 by brynbellomy: Add "string comparison" access plugin.
#621444 by hefox: contact pages should only show up if contact module is active.
#649144 by neclimdul: Expand ctools_include() to work for other modules. Move API version to 1.3.1
#646944 by DamienMcKenna: Fix wrong variable name in page_manager_enable_page().
Allow "admin path" to be empty for tasks to support Panels Everywhere.
Introduce 'export callback' to individual fields in Add some documentation to export.html -- much of it borrowed from stella!
#686826 by dagmar: Improve AJAX error notifications.
#625696 by dmmckenna: Bulk exporter did not define empty array at beginning in code it creates for you.
#651852 by coreyp_1: Add caching to content subtypes to save some queries. This means developers will need to clear caches when changing content type code.
#630982 by Roi Danton: Dependent javascript failed to work properly if radios being depended on had no value at all.
#661332 by yhahn: Allow to export stdClass objects by exporting them as an array and casting them to an object.
#654218 by Roi Danton: Improve documentation of to talk about annoyances with checkboxes, radios and fieldsets.
#538092: Add converters to the node edit form context so node fields can be available.
#484340: Support for token module in the context keywords.
#662242: Page Manager was not removing menu items when pages were deleted due to caching.
#639548: cache was not properly respected when loading individual items, leading to multiple redundant queries.
#573646: Attempt to make sure page manager does not try to respond to menu/theme hooks when CTools is not enabled.
#544438: Extend user context to allow selection of user, including "logged in user".
#604976: Prevent Page Manager from throwing errors when no modules that provide variants are available.
Add 'Update and save' button to reduce the number of needed steps to do basic content editing.
#693742: Sanitize block admin output (to Panels drag & drop for example) to get rid of script tags.

ctools 6.x-1.2 (2009-Oct-21)
#605990 by johnskulski: Prevent Views PHP error if display was removed.
#605968 by johnskulski: Show more information in the collapsible for Views Panes.
#609024: Fix improper validation of views introduced in #547686.

ctools 6.x-1.1 (2009-Oct-15)

Fix problem with ctools_set_page_token()
Add a couple of support functions for ctools_set_page_token that are meant to be used by themes.
#563916 by Damien Tournoud: ajax before() operation not using behaviors correctly.
#553112: dependent.js failed to set proper initial state if inside an already hidden element.
#569508 by markus_petrux: Update user_profile content type.
#558942 by Roi Danton: In, be sure to check cancel path if return path is not set, as noted in documentation.
#568578 by Roger Lopez: Add client side redirect AJAX command.
#561788 by sirkitree: Add client side reload AJAX command.
#566256 by mikl: HTML safe converter for string context.
#558856 by sdboyer: Allow Views Panes to mark contexts optional.
#558902 by Roi Danton: Better documentation of how to handle the back button with
#565808 by sirkitree: Replace /nojs/g instead of just "/nojs/" with ajax, allowing nojs to be the last item in a URL.
#564522 by Roger Lopez: Prevent accidental inclusion of .info files in plugins.
#558918: Collapsible can be set to remember state between page loads. Allow collapsible handle and content to be separated and not have to be divs.
#545208: Page cache needs to be cleared when page manager pages are saved.
#577542 by EclipseGC: Add footer message as a page element.
#581670: Fix autocomplete in the modal so that using it does not submit the form.
#580342: Fix Page Manager variant import, which did not work at all.
#589342: Introduce page_manager_get_current_page() to get information about the current page manager page.
#564492: by Roger Lopez: Change default class includes from .inc files to .class.php files so they don't get read as plugins.
#590654 by fenstrat: Add submit form as a possible AJAX operation.
#534034 by DamienMcKenna: Add access rule for term ID selection.
#531522 by alex_b: Introduce ctools_static() modelled after static object handling in D7.
#541428 by viz8: User name as a context argument.
#592692 by johnskulski: use theme_links instead of theme('links') for dropdown because we do not actually want a theme to change this output.
#547686: Allow view panes to better respect the default pager settings.
#424548: Add a warning about overridng pager settings with Views AJAX.
#555802: Add an administrative title to custom content panes to make them easier to manage.
#556870: Node edit settings form context autocomplete was not working correctly.
#491884 by ayalon: Provide blank substitutions for optional contexts that do not appear.
#599136 by alex_b: Fix incorrect references to object unique name in
Allow the string argument to accept the entire path tail.
#578410: Search path override, plus search form and search result content types.
#567778: Allow override of contact and user contact pages.
Allow override of blog and user blog pages.
Allow override of poll page.
#596450 by Scott Reynolds: Provide an ajax command response to reset the modal to the 'loading' state.
#554678: Do not allow % or ! by itself as part of a path, as that breaks arguments.
#599428: Enable and Disable variant buttons led to "Operation trail does not exist."
Show a LOCK icon on the page list when pages are locked for editing either by the current user or another user.

ctools 6.x-1.0 (2009-Aug-19)

#534570: Fix _ and - not recognized in for context keywords.
#535744 by Senpai: Rename "post" to "node" in various nid selectors.
Make sure that tasks that will not override existing overrides refuse to enable and provide an error message saying why.
#540750 by manuee: User picture was not available despite having a .inc file.
#537184 by stephthegeek: CSS tweaks to fix heights on operations.
#471024: Stop preventing exposed-view-in-block blocks from showing up as content panes.
#483170: Link paths in page list if they have sensible destinations.
#406284: Allow items with the user uid argument to be used as a normal menu item.
#534504: Selection rules were not being saved when set up via during variant add.
#528392 by markus_petrux: Explicit NOT NULL settings in schema during install.
#348323 by neclimdul: Allow plugins to have classes and auto build parent chains.
#478542 by nickl: Add "attr" command to ajax framework.
#495240 by mikl: Blob handling for pgsql.
#531936: Cache handling on contexts was spotty and could cause random errors.
#545540 by Roger López: Add 5 page elements as available panes for using Panels as your primary page layout: breadcrumb, page title, messages, tabs and help box.
#537776 by rfay: CTools Plugin Example module to help guide people in making plugins.
#552020: Show the administrative description on page manager edit forms.
#549380 by Nick Lewis: DX improvements to the multistep wizard.

ctools 6.x-1.0-rc1

#510968: Arguments needed to be recalulculated when path changed in page task.
#522454 by stella: not properly using the 'key' instead of 'name' everywhere.
#132557: Allow alter hook for rendered data: hook_ctools_render_alter()
#520128: Context object may not be available when loading page cache.
#498066 by mikl: Fix class names in advanced help.
#504286 by Darren Oh: Set proper primary key on ctools_object_cache
#514432 by markus_petrux: Various node fields available as a pane.
#451928 by populist: Fix file upload from modals.
#522836 by andrewlevine: Add form_clean_id() to ctools_rebuild_form() to prevent extraneous -1s from appearing.
#518254: Accidentally inverted truth value on compare users.
#464252 by andrewlevine: Helper to make onchange AJAX requests for select boxes.
#490672 by dereine: Title overrides not working for system block using custom block.
#520402: Disabled some concept code for later use that apparently conflicts with admin_menu.
#523712: Fix call-time pass by reference typo.
#477334 by dkruglyak: Remove forced lowercase on CSS processing.
#484340: Allow keyword substitution in custom content.
#458300: Option to inherit panel path on views panes not being properly honored.
#493620: Add a PHP Code option to access control.
#516222: Use "DELETE FROM" instead of "TRUNCATE" which is not supported by SQLite.
#444456: Add Node: Node type as a context converter for substitutions and views arguments.
#516504: Make sure optional contexts are truly and completely optional.
#528022 by tha_sun: Change wording of "Add variant" to "Create variant" to avoid confusion with the "Add variant" tab.
#528066: Required context (used by Mini Panels) accidentally had "weight" when not needed.

ctools 6.x-1.0-beta4
#451078: Fix silly typo preventing contexts from getting to views. Again.
#457376: Text fields need array defaults. This only broke in pgsql.
Add a hook to allow other modules to cooperate a bit more easily with node page overriding.
#472222: Prevent modules providing invalid user data from causing warnings in profile content.
#478438 by nickl: Allow passing items to the data() element.
#480252 Fix some PHP notices.
#447064 by nickl: Improve requirements message when css cache directory cannot be created.
#481928: Needed indexes on delegator handlers and pages tables.
#484284 by crea: Add a node links content type to print just a node's links.
#485486 by nrambeck: term view override was not setting breadcrumb like taxonomy/term is supposed to.
#498000: Allow .info files to create data for plugins.
Fix a bug in where if two modules create a plugin of the same
name, they would accidentally share data.
#512048: by tom_o_t: Path fallback override callback had bad logic.

Removed the delegator module entirely. There is now a page_manager module in 
its place, with a vastly improved workflow and user interface. Activating it 
should automatically update your data to the new module. However, PLEASE 
PLEASE PLEASE back up your data before using it. Just enough changed to make
this a bit of a concern.

#514468 by hippich: Fix typos in related to db_rewrite_sql() use.
#508292 by rfay: Add user comparison access plugin.
API version bumped to 1.1.0 to reflect the death of delegator.
by sdboyer: Bulk Export module created to replace Panels bulk export.

ctools 6.x-1.0-beta3
#459716: missing typo caused PHP error.
#455732 by dereine: Restore code to pull the title from the blocks table for block types.
#451928 by josh_k: Allow file uploads in the modal.
#447920: Ensure there is a context selector for the "terms" argument and context converters so it can be used with Views.
#458300: Panels not using proper method to override the path for the view.
Add edit tabs to pages. Up API version to 1.0.1