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JasperReports Change Log

JasperReports 4.0.2 (2011-04-18, SVN 4298)
- improved XHTML exporter to bring it at feature parity with the former HTML exporter;

- initial support for paragraph styling including: indentation, spacing and tab stops;

- new values available for line spacing type: AtLeast, Fixed and Proportional;

- added support for tab characters inside text elements based on newly introduced tab stop concept;

- new /demo/samples/paragraphs sample added to demonstrate paragraph styling features;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 4.0.1 (2011-02-28, SVN 4219)

- new Xalan-based and Jaxen-based XPath query executer namespace aware 
implementations added;

- new functions EQUAL, NOTEQUAL, LESS, GREATER and BETWEEN are now available 
for the $X{} syntax in dynamic SQL queries;

- new XSL query executer implementation added;

- support for multiple hyperlinks embedded into styled/markup text;

- improved image quality in the XLS exporters;

- experimental JSON data source and query executer added as separate sample 
under /demo/samples/jsondatasource;

- experimental HTML renderer component added as separate sample 
under /demo/samples/htmlcomponent;

- custom property "net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.class" added at element level to allow 
specifying the CSS "class" attribute for elements when exported to HTML and XHTML/CSS format;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 4.0.0 (2010-12-31, SVN 4121)

- new CSV query executer added to simplify to allow configuring CSV data sources from within report templates
using built-in paramters and config properties;

- new CSV metadata exporter added to better control the CSV export by marking columns in the report template
using custom properties;

- new chapters in the Sample Reference documentation have beed completed 

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.6 (2010-10-27, SVN 4037)

- enhancing the XLSX exporter so that it supports more exporter parameters 
and configuration properties from the ones shared by all the XLS exporters;

- various fixes in the XLS exporters;

- added support for hidden text in the DOCX exporter;

- new chapters added to the Sample Reference documentation;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.5 (2010-09-22, SVN 3978)

- support for dynamic sorting which includes sorting on dataset variables 
(in addition to data source fields) and build in SORT_FIELDS parameter 
to control sorting criteria at runtime;

- new „columnDirection” attribute at report level to allow filling 
multi-column reports from right to left;

- various XLS/XLSX export enhancements which include controlling the 
sheet's direction (RTL), protecting its content, fitting its size for printing, 
and setting other print related metadata;

- upgrade to POI 3.6 and and JExcelApi 2.6.10;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.4 (2010-07-20, SVN 3911)

- new spider/radar chart added as custom component;

- the scope of the "frames as nested tables" configuration properties was extended 
to frame element level;

- new entries added to Sample Reference documentation; 

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.3 (2010-06-01, SVN 3846)

- support for images and hyperlinks added to the XLSX exporter;

- support for line spacing and hyperlinks added to the PPTX exporter;

- support for hyperlinks and local anchors in the POI-based XLS exporter;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.2 (2010-04-12, SVN 3736)

- new table component added to simplify designing tables with variable number of columns;

- new PPTX exporter added to the core library to help creating PowerPoint 2007 documents 
based on the Office Open XML format;

- upgrade to Java 5.0; starting with this release, JasperReports is no longer compatible 
with Java 1.4 and makes use of newer language features such as generics and typed enums;

- simple XML-DOM-based font extension implementation added to eliminate the dependency on Spring 
brought by the previous font extension default implementation;

- code generating utility class added (JRApiWriter) to help users understand how to use 
the JasperReports API and its report object model to create report templates at runtime (no JRXML);

- the Flash viewer was added to the demo/samples/webapp sample;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.1 (2010-02-01, SVN 3367)

- new JRHtmlExporterParameter.ZOOM_RATIO exporter added to allow scaling the content generated
by the HTML and the XHTML/CSS exporters;

- upgrade to POI 3.5 and iText 2.1.7;

- the custom Ant task for batch updating report template files was moved from community project 
to core library;

- new custom Ant task for decompiling report templates; it allows regenerating the source JRXML 
files from compiled report templates files.

- added support for documenting the samples and automatically create the Sample Reference document,
as part of the project build process;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.7.0 (2009-12-08, SVN 3227)

- generic element export handler support was added to all built-in exporters;

- fixes were made in the text exporter and new configuration properties were added
to help configure the text exporter globally, or at report level;

- custom property "" added at element level
to allow specifying the ID attribute for elements when exported to HTML and XHTML/CSS format;

- new export parameter and configuration property added to ignore cell background
color in the XLS/XLSX exporters;  

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.6.2 (2009-11-23, SVN 3215)

- new "footerPosition" attribute added to report groups to control the rendering
position of the group footer sections;

- new "keepTogether" boolean flag added to report groups to prevent groups from
splitting across two pages or columns, but only on their first break attempt;

- new <orderByExpression> tag added to crosstab group definitions to allow
sorting the crosstab by measure totals;

- axis tick labels in charts can now be rotated using the new "verticalTickLabels"
flag (for numeric or datetime axis) or at an angle, using the new "labelRotation" 
numeric attribute (for category axis);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.6.1 (2009-10-26, SVN 3170)

- enhanced font extension support to allow mapping JVM available fonts
with PDF built-in fonts;

- exporter font mapping support added to font extensions, which deprecates
the former FONT_MAP exporter parameter;

- net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font configuration property added
to control font availability verifications during report filling and report
AWT rendering;

- new JAR containing default font extension was added to the JasperReports 
project build process as well as the distribution files;

- new XLS data source implementation added, to support filling reports
using data coming from Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 workbooks;

- new XLSX exporter added to the core library to help creating Excel 2007 
documents based on the Office Open XML format;

- new OpenDocument Spreadsheet exporter added (ODS);

- new "isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter" attribute added to the report template
definition, to allow rendering the summary page together with the page footer 
and page header bands;

- new "printOrder" attribute added to list component, to support horizontal
filling of lists, in addition to vertical filling;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.6.0 (2009-08-31, SVN 3038)

- upgrading the JasperReports license to Version 3 of the

- fixed JRXlsExporter to avoid creating invalid XLS files for large reports
(tracker #0004014);

- fixed JRRtfExporter font table section (tracker #0004169);

- fixed hyperlink encoding in JRDocxExporter (tracker #0004252);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.5.3 (2009-07-29, SVN 2990)

- new DOCX exporter added to the core library to help creating Word 2007 documents 
based on the Office Open XML format;

- new XLSX exporter provided as a separate sample to those who want to make use of 
the XLSX (Excel 2007) generating capabilities of POI 3.5 Beta;

- new XHTML/CSS exporter added to core library to avoid the grid exporter limitations
of the classic HTML exporter;

- new JDBC-related configuration properties introduced to allow fine-tuning the SQL query execution;

- <since> tag added to properties in the Config Reference documentation;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.5.2 (2009-06-03, SVN 2856)

- the report detail, the group headers and the group footers are now 
multi-band sections, meaning that their content can be distributed into 
several bands, having similar rendering behavior;

- new "splitType" attribute available at band level, to control the band 
breaking policy; this new attribute deprecates the "isSplitAllowed" attribute;

- two new production-ready barcode components that use the Barbecue library
and the Barcode4J library, respectively;

- all configuration properties are now fully documented in a source XML file that
is used to produce a complete and up-to-date HTML configuration reference;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.5.1 (2009-05-05, SVN 2762)

- list component added to simplify iteration through datasets 
without using a subreport;

- support for generic element PDF handlers to allow customizing 
PDF output using generic elements;

- the report template structure and syntax (JRXML) are now fully 
documented using the comments from the source XSD file to produce 
a complete and up-to-date HTML schema reference;

- option to save line break positions at fill/measure time and 
use them during HTML export in order to preserve word wrap;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.5.0 (2009-03-25, SVN 2712)

- new min/max expressions available for controlling the displayed values 
interval for both chart axis;

- the pie dataset now supports multiple series; this is useful in cases where
multiple categories are added to the pie dataset in one incrementation step;

- new attributes and expressions where added to the pie dataset to allow limiting
the number of slices displayed in the pie chart by grouping smaller slices under 
a single generic slice called "Other";

- new "runToBottom" attribute available for subreport elements to specify if 
the subreport should consume all the available space on the current page;

- the "net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.overlap" property can be used globally, 
at report or element level to specify whether element overlapping verifications 
are performed at report compilation time; this is useful when designing reports 
that are to be exported using grid exporters such as HTML and XLS, 
where overlapping elements do not show up;

- support for ordered lists added in the HTML markup text processor;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.1.4 (2009-02-10, SVN 2607)

- allow any value as hyperlink target to support open hyperlinks 
into named frames; 

- custom hyperlink targets can be generated at runtime using 
hyperlink target producers;

- custom hyperlink producers and hyperlink target producers 
can be deployed as extensions;

- multiple scriptlet instances allowed per report execution;

- support for report governors to prevent infinite loops caused by
invalid report templates;

- simple report governor implementations based on maximum 
number of pages and timeout;

- new JASPER_REPORT built-in parameter to give access to the report 
template object in report expressions and scriptlets;

- chart element live preview in design mode;

- improved XML-based chart theme model to support the creation of
a visual chart theme designer;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.1.3 (2009-01-12, SVN 2526)

- font extensions support to allow using TTF files without the need to install 
them into the system; this also allows using different TTF files for the same
logical font name, depending on the locale;

- primitive type chart properties replaced with equivalent object type properties 
to allow chart theme implementations to check if they were set or not;

- XML based chart theme implementations provided with the charts sample;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.1.2 (2008-11-04, SVN 2458)

- new report compiler based on the Rhino library to support JavaScript 
as the report expression language;

- simplified configuration for custom query executers, which can register 
themselves to a JasperReports deployment using the library's extensions support;

- new custom properties available at report level and element level, 
to mark document structure and produce produce PDF output that is compliant 
with Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which governs 
accessibility of software solutions for people with disabilities.

- new TrueType font files (DejaVu fonts) are shipped with the sample reports;

- new chart theme implementation (name eye.candy.sixties) shipped with 
the charts samples, to show how chart themes can be used to change the overall 
appearance of charts generated with the build-in chart element;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.1.0 (2008-09-17, SVN 2367)

- chart themes support to allow changing the overall appearance 
of charts generated with the build-in chart element;

- deprecation of DTD based JRXML validation and introduction of 
XML schema based JRXML validation;

- generic component support to allow extending the functionality of the 
JasperReports engine by plugging-in custom-made visual components that 
would take data as input and produce content that is embedded into the 
resulting documents;

- support for generic print elements in generated documents to allow 
introducing custom exporter content;

- introducing generic report design elements to simplify creation of 
custom exporter content, without implementing full-blown components;

- extension support added in order to simplify configuring various 
JasperReports extension points such as chart themes and generic components;

- new "labelFormat" and "legendLabelFormat" properties available for pie 
and pie 3D chart plots to allow controlling the labels for pie charts 
without need for chart customizer;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.0.1 (2008-08-07, SVN 2263)

- new Gantt chart type added;

- support for item hyperlinks in multi-axis charts;

- new Swing report viewer component, with enhanced plugability 
and reusability (the page viewer and its toolbar can be separated);

- new possible values (RealHeight and RealSize) for the "scaleImage" 
attribute of the image elements;

- support for pluggable exporter filter factories in addition 
to the existing FILTER exporter parameter;

- new exporter filter implementation for filtering out content 
based on the element's key property;

- password protection for the XLS files generated with 
the JExcelApi-based exporter;

- the Javaflow-based distributed JAR has the JRContinuationSubreportRunnerFactory
configured as the default subreport runner factory;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 3.0.0 (2008-05-19, SVN 2200)

- support for custom properties at element level in generated documents, 
to allow extending exporter functionality; 

- custom element properties can have expressions as values (dynamic values);

- support for XLS cell formula, using the "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula" 
custom property at element level;

- better control over sheet breaks in XLS exporters using the new custom element
properties called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" and

- new configuration property called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.legacy.border.offset"
to allow rendering element borders in older reports using the legacy border offset 
technique that was used in versions prior to the 2.0.3 release.  

- support for "Parent" and "Top" as hyperlink targets;

- enhanced XML exporter and new XML exporter servlet added to facilitate viewing
reports using the JasperReports Flash Viewer component 

- new experimental XMLSS exporter (XML Spreadsheet Format) that allows streaming
content while generating the document and thus avoid memory problems with 
very large reports; 

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.5 (2008-03-12, SVN 2137)

- support for RTF and HTML snippets inside text elements using new "markup" attribute 
that deprecates the former isStyledText attribute;

- new "renderType" chart attribute and configuration property, to support rendering charts as images
or as SVG, besides the direct drawing performed by the JFreeChart components;

- new FileResolver interface and built-in parameter for better control over resource loading;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.4 (2008-01-11, SVN 2065)

- support for Dotted and Double line style added;

- warning messages added to signal the use of deprecated pen and box 
attributes and tags in JRXML; all samples refactored;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.3 (2007-12-12)

- the default value of the deprecated JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_TYPE
exporter parameter is now "false"; the newer IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE exporter parameter
should be used to control the cell types in the generated XLS documents;

- exporter filter support added to all exporters, including support for 
origin exporter filter hints;

- refactored RTF exporter to remove limitations related to Unicode texts and RTL writing;

- change events handling and clone support in the report template object model;

- custom properties support for report templates elements;

- support for pluggable text measurers, to allow simpler and faster implementations;

- support for keeping the entire original text for text elements that do not
stretch; the full text is used in data-oriented exporters such as XLS and CSV;

- support for truncating texts at character (not word);

- support for text truncation suffix (i.e. adding ellipses at the end);

- new JRPen and JRLineBox interfaces added to support rendering of an unlimited 
number of line width/style combinations;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.2 (2007-10-09)

- support for element origin information in generated documents;

- support for exporter element filtering based on element origin;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.1 (2007-08-24)

- support for custom properties in generated documents (JasperPrint objects);

- predefined JasperPrint custom properties used as exporter hints;

- new configuration properties for setting exporter parameter default values;

- new configuration properties for mapping report compilers to expression languages;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 2.0.0 (2007-08-14)

- support for reusable external report styles, through style templates;

- new noData section introduced for better control over reports or subreports filled
with empty data sources;

- faster XML data source using Jaxen added;

- current bean mapped to the report field called _THIS, in bean data sources;

- new export parameters available for generating a more data-centric XLS documents;

- custom color palette creation for JExcelApi exporter;

- the BeanShell report compiler moved back to core library;

- upgrade to Mondrian 2.3.2;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.3.4 (2007-06-11)

- new "runDirection" attribute available for crosstabs to enable right-to-left rendering policy;

- support for large documents in the ODT exporter;

- security checks enabled for custom code execution during report generation;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.3.3 (2007-04-30)

- support for inner classes and arrays in report template types (parameters, fields, variables)
and custom classes associated with the report template (scriptletClass, formatFactoryClass, etc);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.3.2 (2007-03-30)

- new Open Document Format exporter added (beta version);

- enhanced RTF exporter;

- improved error handling during report compilation to help detecting 
the source of the problem;

- support for custom name/value pair properties for report fields 
and report parameters;

- new $X{} syntax available and recursive expansion of $P!{} parameter 
references in the <queryString> tag to help building dynamic queries;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.3.1 (2007-02-21)

- stacked area chart support added;

- style properties inheritance for charts;

- XMLA query executer mapped by default to the "mdx" and "MDX" query languages,
just like the MDX query executer; the latter takes precedence;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.3.0 (2006-12-22)

- new XMLA data source implementation added to support reporting using OLAP engine
through a Web Services interface;

- new <break> element to better control page and column breaks in reports;

- improved image loading and image encoding processes as well as full support 
for transparent images;

- enhanced support for localization in the XML and CSV data sources;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.8 (2006-11-14)

- support for sorting the data source using new <sortField> tags in JRXML;
if such tags are present, an intermediate JRSortableDataSource will wrap 
the initial report data source and perform in-memory sorting before the 
records are fed into the report filling process;

- upside down text rotation;

- new report template property (formatFactoryClass) and built-in parameter 
(REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY) to allow the use of custom date and number formatters;

- new exporter parameter (FORCE_SVG_SHAPES) and configuration property 
(net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.svg.shapes) to disable the rendering
of SVG images using shapes in PDF and reduce file size;

- new exporter parameter (MINIMIZE_PRINTER_JOB_SIZE) and configuration property 
(net.sf.jasperreports.export.graphics2d.min.job.size) to disable the printer job
size optimization and allow full support for bidirectional writing;

- new exporter parameter (FORMAT_PATTERNS_MAP) to allow translating the text field
patterns to XLS exporter specific cell format patterns;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.7 (2006-09-21)

- extended support for charts including new chart types: 
meter chart, thermometer chart and multi-axis charts;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.6 (2006-09-03)

- enhanced hyperlink support for text elements, images and charts;
hyperlinks per chart items for enhanced drill-through support;

- support for superscript and subscript in styled text;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.5 (2006-07-11)

- new filter expression added to filter out records in a data source;

- "increment when" expression to filter out data in chart and crosstab datasets;

- new IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE exporter parameter available for the XLS exporters,
to allow setting the correct cell data type in worksheets;
the former IS_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_TYPE is now deprecated;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.4 (2006-06-23)

- new distinct count calculation supported;

- new REPORT_TIME_ZONE built-in parameter added to fully control date formatting;

- new FORCE_LINEBREAK_POLICY exporter parameter to force the PDF exporter to use
the same line break policy as in AWT;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.3 (2006-05-30)
- support for OLAP and MDX queries using Mondrian-based 
query executer and data source implementations;

- support for EJBQL using JPA-based query executer implementation
(contribution by Marcel Overdijk);

- GZIP in-memory virtualizer 
(contributed by John Bindel, Works Inc.);

- new single/swap file virtualizer;

- support for shared file virtualizer;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.2 (2006-04-23)
- the use of threads is no longer mandatory for the subreport filling process after
introducing a new subreport runner interface and an altenative default implementation
that realies on Javaflow continuations (Jakarta Commons Javaflow library);

- Groovy report compiler moved to core library;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.1 (2006-04-07)
- support for URL stream handlers to allow loading resources such as images, 
fonts or subreports using customized URL protocols;

- new isPdfSimulatedBold and isPdfSimulatedItalic attributes available 
for the PDF exporter font mappings;

- serialVersionUID frozen at 10200; this will no longer be incremented 
with every new release;

- JExcelApi exporter moved to core library;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.2.0 (2006-02-06)
- support for other query languages including HQL and XPath implementations;

- new evaluation time "Auto" available for text fields enabling 
new types of calculations such as percentage;

- CSV datasource;

- conditional styles;

- crosstab total variables to allow combining data at different 
aggregation levels (percentages, etc);

- serialization of virtualized reports;

- the built-in HTML exporter now produces XHTML-compatible output;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.1.1 (2005-11-28)
- support for crosstab cell vertical stretch;

- access to report data from chart customizer implementations by
extending new JRAbstractChartCustomizer class;

- support for Java 1.5 in the JDT-based report compiler;

- new "isIgnorePagination" attribute available at report template level;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.1.0 (2005-10-21)
- support for report styles that can be referenced by elements to inherit 
visual properties such as font, color, border, etc; report fonts are now deprecated;

- new frame element added to support grouping other report element together;

- new dataset concept that comprises parameter, field, variable and group 
declarations and represents a mixture between a data source and a subreport 
to help iterating through data for chart and crosstab generation;

- support for crosstabs added using a specialized component;

- new XLS exporter implementation that uses the Java Excel Api open source library is
available as a sample; contributed by Manuel Paul (Rat & Tat Beratungsgesellschaft mbH);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.0.3 (2005-10-10)
- new J2EE module added to the core library including servlets for image
delivery in HTML format, PDF, XLS and RTF generation;

- new REPORT_CLASS_LOADER built-in fill time parameter and new CLASS_LOADER export time 
parameter to allow extending the way resources such as images, fonts and subreports 
are located at runtime;

- support for detecting the image type inside JRRenderable instances using an image type sniffer;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.0.2 (2005-09-07)
- fixes the bug introduced in the 1.0.1 version related to the subreports caching

- support for simple HTML tags like <b>, <u>, <i>, <font> and <li> inside styled texts;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.0.1 (2005-08-26)
- further chart element customization possible using a new JRChartCustomizer interface 
and the "customizerClass" attribute available for charts;

- new RTF and plain text exporters added;

- new FONT_MAP exporter parameter introduced to allow export-time font mappings and 
better control of font translation during document export;

- support for generating PDF bookmarks from report anchors using a new "bookmarkLevel" 
attribute available for hyperlink elements;

- new IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION built-in parameter for disabling pagination and allow 
creating flow-based documents instead of page-based documents;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 1.0.0 (2005-07-20)
- built-in support for charts added; a new chart component was added to simplify the
rendering of the following types of charts: Pie, Pie 3D, Bar, Bar 3D, XY Bar, Stacked Bar, 
Stacked Bar 3D, Line, XY Line, Area, XY Area, Scatter Plot, Bubble, Time series, 
High Low Open Close, Candlestick;

- support for generating very large reports using serialization on disk to minimize memory 
consumption during the filling and exporting processes 
(report virtualizer, contributed by John Bindel, Works Inc.);

- report fields can be of any type, just like report parameters and report variables. 
This simplifies working with JavaBean data sources where casting from java.lang.Object 
to the actual report field class is no longer required in the expressions;

- when using $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET} in expressions, specific cast to the actual scriptlet
class is no longer needed;

- new attribute "whenResourceMissingType" for customizing the behavior of the engine 
when it deals with missing resources in the associated resources bundle;

- support for CLOB and BLOB report fields in JRResultSetDataSource;

- support for PDF font registration using properties file;

- simplified support for returning values from subreport;

- new possible value (Band) for the "evaluationTime" property of text fields, images and charts 
to allow postponing their expression evaluation until the end of the parent band rendering 
in order to simplify the use of values returned from subreports;

- support for canceling the report filling process, including the cancellation of the 
report query execution through JDBC (see the AsynchronousFillHandle class);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.8 (2005-05-31)
- fixes the bug introduced in the 0.6.7 version related to the way
variables are incremented and group breaks estimated

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.7 (2005-05-16)
- new REPORT_MAX_COUNT built-in parameter for limiting 
the number of rows in the data source;

- dots, spaces and other special characters allowed
in parameter, field and variable names;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.6 (2005-04-06)
- new "incrementType" and "incrementGroup" attributes added to allow 
incrementing variable values on page, column or group breaks and not
with every detail row;

- new "language" attribute added to allow writing report expressions 
in other languages, provided that a report compiler that knows how to 
interpret the specified language is used;

- new Groovy report compiler added as a sample to allow using the
Groovy language and its simplified syntax inside report expressions;

- the JRBshCompiler has been removed from the core library and provided
as a separate sample;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.5 (2005-02-27)
- JasperReports licensing model has been simplified and the library 
will be shipped only under the "GNU Lesser Public License" (LGPL);

- new "onErrorType" and "isLazy" attributes for image elements 
to allow customizing the engine's behavior for loading and displaying images;

- new sample showing how to use the JasperReports library inside a J2EE application
running on the JBoss Application Server;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.4 (2005-01-16)
- new report compiler that uses the Eclipse JDT Java compiler for faster compilation 
and simpler deployment;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.3 (2004-11-29)
- new <box> tag available for putting border around text and image elements
with independent properties such as color, style and padding on all four sides;

- new "isFloatColumnFooter" attribute to allow printing the column footer section
right after the detail lines and not only at the bottom of the page;

- new global OFFSET_X and OFFSET_Y exporter parameters that can be used to move 
all the elements on a page when exporting the generated document;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.2 (2004-11-14)
- added support for import statements in order to eliminate 
the need to use complete class names inside report expressions;

- new "resourceBundle" attribute and new build-in REPORT_LOCALE and 
REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE report parameters, to allow associating 
a ResourceBundle and a Locale with the report design when filling it with data;

- new $R{...} syntax available inside report expressions to access the
resource bundle information based on resource keys;

- new built-in msg() and str() functions to allow formatting messages in
different languages inside the report expressions;

- support for right-to-left writing (like Arabic and Hebrew);

- new "hyperlinkTarget" attribute available for hyperlink elements
in order to allow opening documents in a new window;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.1 (2004-08-30)
- new "lastPageFooter" report section added to simplify the creation of some
special report designs;

- new sample "barbecue" added to show how to render barcodes using 
the Barbecue open source library;

- new "Go To Page" option available in the viewer's toolbar;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.6.0 (2004-07-24)
- the package name hierarchy has changed throughout the entire library.
The now obsolete root package called "dori.jasper" was replaced by "net.sf.jasperreports"
for standardization reasons;

- new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable interface supported in the image expression
to improve the quality of charts and other SVG images. The patch, initially proposed by
Adrian Jackson, David Taylor and Lars Kristensen, was incorporated in the main version;

- added support for batch export through the use of the new exporter parameter
JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, which accepts a list containing JasperPrint objects 
(contribution by Jason Essington);

- new XPath based XML data source implementation provided. The "xmldatasource" sample shows 
how the can be used in combination 
with subreports (contribution by Peter Severin);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.5.3 (2004-05-18)
- new boolean "isStyledText" attribute available for text elements to allow 
introducing style information inside the text content using XML syntax based on
nested <style> tags;

- new dori.jasper.engine.fill.JRIncrementer interface and refactoring of the 
report variable calculation engine to correct problems and allow performing custom 
calculations on custom type variables;

- new file naming convention; the XML report design files now use the *.jrxml file
extension instead of the former, more generic *.xml extension to allow better integration 
with build tools and IDEs;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.5.2 (2004-02-23)
- new "rotation" attribute for text elements to allow vertically heading text;

- "stretchType" attribute now available for all types of elements;

- support for custom name/value pair properties inside the report design;

- enhanced exporters (progress monitor, etc);

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.5.1 (2004-01-11)
- new data source implementations based on java.util.Map objects;

- enhanced JasperViewer with customizable zoom ratio and "Save" button;

- enhanced exporters (support for PDF encryption, page range exporting, etc);

- improved query execution support;

- improved font management;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.5.0 (2003-07-06)
- improved and customizable report compilation process;

- support for report expression evaluation using BeanShell introduced
(bytecode Java compilation is mandatory no more);

- new "isSplitAllowed" flag introduced at band level to customize
page break behavior;

- new experimental horizontal report filler introduced;

- enhanced HTML, XLS and CSV exporters;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.6 (2003-04-13)
- enhanced HTML and XLS exporters to include lines and rectangles
and allow suppressing empty space between rows in order to obtain
reports without page breaks (overlapped elements are still not displayed);

- improved and customizable report compilation process;

- 13 color names allowed in "forecolor" and "backcolor" attributes 
of a report element (black, blue, cyan, darkGray, gray, green, lightGray, 
magenta, orange, pink, red, yellow, white);

- "hAlign" and "vAlign" attributes added to the <image> element 
to allow image alignment when scaleImage="Clip";

- new <background> report section introduced, to allow creating
watermark and other similar effects;

- Ant task for compiling XML report designs included. Special thanks 
to Henri Chen and Kees Kuip who provided such Ant tasks as patches 
on the project site;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.5 (2003-01-29)
- images in PDF directly from file and not from java.awt.Image;

- support for round rectangles and ellipses added;

- support for vertical alignment of text elements added;

- interruptable fill, export and print processes;

- system property added to customize the report compilation process and 
avoid deletion of the report expression java source file for debug purposes;

- enriched interfaces to allow runtime alterations of report element settings 
without requiring report recompilation;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.4 (2002-12-02)
- support for java.sql.Time values added;

- support for the Jikes Java compiler introduced;

- enhanced HTML exporter to allow in-memory content storage
(no need for files on disk), and other customizations;

- enhanced "webapp" sample provided to make use of the HTML exporter
new features;

- support for XML entities in report designs added;

- support for TTF files placed in classpath when exporting to PDF;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.3 (2002-10-30)
- The JasperReports Ultimate Guide was released 

- enhanced JRHtmlExporter to support exporting documents page by page;

- new XLS and CSV exporters provided;

- new Graphics2D exporter and Java Print Service exporter provided;

- possibility to turn off XML validation added;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.2 (2002-10-14)
- calculation "Count" implemented for non numeric expressions;

- enhanced JRVerifier and minimal JasperDesign objects;

- new samples provided : "tableofcontents" and "noreport";

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.1 (2002-09-27)
- optional system properties introduced to customize the report compilation 
(classpath and temporary working directory);

- new HTML exporter implemented;

- complete Web application sample provided, including applets for viewing 
and printing the reports;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.4.0 (2002-09-04)
- new "Apache style" license published;

- last remaining initial requirements implemented:
"positionType", "stretchType", "isPrintRepeatedValues", "isRemoveLineWhenBlank", 
"isPrintInFirstWholeBand", "isPrintWhenDetailOverflows" and "printWhenGroupChanges";

- "printWhenExpression" available also at band level;

- report field description added to support creating complex data source

- new "whenNoDataType" attribute at report level to allow customizing the behavior 
of the reporting engine when there are no rows in the data source;

- new JRExporter interface added to simplify the introduction of new output formats;

- new default "REPORT_SCRIPTLET" parameter added;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.3.3 (2002-07-20)
- new JRDataSource implementations for wrapping TableModel objects, 
bean arrays and bean collections;

- enhanced parameter declaration with description for prompting 
and default value expression;

- minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 0.3.2 (2002-06-12)
- support for hyperlinks added;

- XML report design generation implemented (JRXmlWriter);

- serialVersionUID specified for all serializable classes;

- support for precise calculations using BigDecimal;

- "evaluationTime" attribute added for image elements;

- minor bug fixes and improvements.

JasperReports 0.3.1 (2002-05-21)
- support for XML output added;

- improved architecture for creating documents on the fly (JasperPrint);

- bug fixes;

JasperReports 0.3.0 (2002-05-13)
- improved design and architecture of the library;

- support for subreports added;

- support for concurrency and reusability of report definition objects;

- attribute "orientation" added to the "jasperReport" element to support 
landscape document printing;

- value "Thin" added to the attribute "pen" of the "graphicElement" element;

- problem with the types of the PreparedStatement parameters 
solved in JRQueryExecuter;

- zoom problem in JDK1.4 solved.

- more samples provided;

- problem with the assignment of null values to variables 
from scriptlets solved;

- displaying column header and footer on single column reports;

- problem with "average" variables solved in calculations;

- <DOCTYPE> reference in XML files changed to 
"" or 
(both are accepted);

- problem with "new line" characters in text elements solved;

- text elements background problem solved;

JasperReports 0.2.5 (2002-02-24)
- license changed from GPL to LGPL;

- support for scriptlets added;

- new "scriptletClass" attribute added to the "jasperReport" element;

- variables can hold any type of objects just like parameters do;

- JRAbstractScriptlet and JRDefaultScriptlet classes added as base 
for scriptlets functionality;

- scriptlet sample provided;

- minor bug fixes;

JasperReports 0.2.4 (2002-02-11)
- "reportElement" attribute "mode" implemented (Transparent/Opaque);

- "graphicElement" attribute pen="None" implemented;

- "isPdfEmbeded" attribute in "reportFont" and "font" elements renamed to "isPdfEmbedded";

- new "direction" attribute in "line" element;

- attribute scaleImage="Clip" implemented in PDF format for the "image" element;

- more report samples provided;

- minor bug fixes;

JasperReports 0.2.3 (2002-02-06)
- JasperReports project tree published. 
With the use of ANT tool, the project can be quickly build 
and samples can be tested on the spot;

- sample application that uses a HypersonicSQL database;

- sample Web application supplied;

- empty text field bug fixed;

- default font bug fixed;

- Graphic and PdfContentByte problem fixed ("are you mixing two documents" problem);

- support for java.sql.Timestamp in expressions and report query;

- support for InputStream and OutputStream objects in JasperManager;

- support for File, URL and CLASSPATH images;

- JREmptyDataSource modified. 
It simulates a data source with one record in which all fields are null;