

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 8551e46811538eebc347a3e9f5b7408b > files > 3


Run Time Commands:

  This section contains all the commands that can be used while
playing Crossfire, along with a description of what they do.

  The first thing a player will see when they run crossfire are the
game windows. (Note: There are 6 windows, even by default, although
they may look as if they are one.) If the -w option is used on the
command line then the player will be allowed to place each window and
resize the windows to any size they wish. (Note: The map window can be
resized but the area of the map displayed will remain the same,
surrounded by black area. Also, when one player resizes a window, it
will "freeze" the game for the other players, until the person is
finished resizing.)

  Crossfire can display graphics in two forms: either by using a
special font or by using pixmaps. The first method is default as it is
much quicker than using pixmaps. A common problem with X terminals is
that whoever compiled the game does not have write access to a font
directory the terminal can read, in which case pixmaps must be used.
When using pixmaps, all 1600+ bitmaps must be loaded before the game
can proceed.

  Once the game has loaded the graphics, the player will be greeted
with a message of the day and a login prompt. At this prompt users can
enter specific a character name to be used. If the player has played
before and saved his/her character, he/she will be restored at the last
point of the save.

  After choosing a name, if the character is new, then the player must
roll the character's stats, which will affect how well the character
can survive in the crossfire world. A player can press 'Y' to reroll
their stats or 'N' to continue. They may also type 'Q' to quit the
game.  A player must also choose a profession/class for a new
character. After rolling stats, the player can cycle through all
available professions for that character by pressing any key, except
'D'. When they are happy with their profession, they may continue by
hitting 'D' for 'done'. The player's stats affect what professions he
or she may be. (See Player Stats)

  Once a player is into the game they can hit "?" for help which will
list the commands available.

Command Summary:

Movement :  A player can move in any of 8 directions:

  The defaults are as follows. The 's' key is called the brace key,
what this will do is brace a player so they may attack in any of the
given directions without actually moving in that direction.

                      y         k         u

                         \      |      /
                          \     |     /
                           \    |    /
                            \   |   /
                             \  |  /
                              \ | /
                      h  ------ s ------  l
                              / | \
                             /  |  \
                            /   |   \
                           /    |    \
                          /     |     \
                         /      |      \

                      b         j         n

  To fire a missile weapon or cast a spell in any of the given
direction, the player can use the shift key: Example <SHIFT> - l will
cast a missile to the right.

  A player can use the control key to run in a given direction instead
of just moving one square: Example <CTRL> - l will make the character
run to the right.

  These movement keys can all be redefined to the player's liking by
using the 'C' configure command. (Note: Do not define a key to
movement, if it already has a predetermined function.) Many people
like to reconfigure the movement keys to the number pad, which is

  To attack a monster in hand to hand combat, all a player must do is
move into that monster, if that monster is in an adjacent square.

Mouse commands:

     Left Mouse Button   : examine

     Right Mouse Button  : drop / get

     Middle Mouse Button : apply

Keyboard commands:

      "  speak, used to talk to monsters and other players.

     "i" inventory, list the player's inventory in the message window,
         not to be confused with the inventory window.

 "<",">" rotate inventory, used to shift a new item to the top of a
         player's inventory.

     "a" apply the item at the top of the inventory. This command is
         used to ready/unready items, eat food, use wands, etc. that
         the character is carrying with them. (Note: It only effects
         the top item in the inventory.)

     "e" examine the item at the top of the inventory. This command is
         used to to determine what an item is made of, if an item has
         special properties, the cost, etc. (Note: It only examines
         the top item in the inventory.)

     "A" apply the item immediately underneath a player. Thus, if a
         player is on top of a chest, they can open that chest by
         using this command.  This is also how a player can enter
         buildings, open doors, and apply handles.

     "E" Examines the item immediately underneath a player.

     "," Get the item immediately underneath a player.

     "d" Drop the top item in the inventory.

 "+","-" Cycle through the players range attacks, such as bows,
         crossbows, and spells.

     ":" look

     "@" Autopick, wether to automatically pick up items the player
         walks over.

     "t" throw, still not available.

     "X" If the player is using split window mode, this toggles the
         save window position flag.

"Ctrl-R" Refresh screen.

"Ctrl-C" Clear message window.

     "v" Print version number.

  One can repeat a command many times by preceding it with a number.
Thus, if a player types '12l' then the player will move twelve squares
to the right.  Or if a player types '3d' then the player will drop
three of the given item type at the top of the inventory.

Extended Commands:

   Extended commands are more complex commands that require typing. To
enter extended command mode, type "'" followed by the command.

 'help           : List the available extended commands.

 'name           : Change your name.

 'cast <spell>   : Cast a given type of spell. Example: "'cast small
                   fireball" will set the player's active range attack
                   to small fireball, if that player has the learned
                   spell. If no spell is given, then this command will
                   list the spells that a player knows.

 'scroll         : Turn message window scrolling on/off.

 'peaceful       : Turn on/off "peaceful with other players" flag.

 'bind [str]   	 : bind a key to some command.  try 'help bind for
		   more information.

 'unbind [str]	 : unbind a string.

 'quit           : Quit game, and destroy character.

 'who            : A list of other players in the same game.

 'shout <text>   : Shout to all other players in the same game.

 'tell <p> <text>: Tell the player with the name <p> the message <text>.

 'bell           : Bell a player.

 'listen <1-15>  : Set listening level. This level determines which
                   messages will be seen by the player. 1 only
                   important messages, such as when a player shouts,
                   15 Verbose, every message.

 'add <display>  : Add a new display to the game.

 'hiscore        : Show the highscore list.

 'dm : enter dungeon master mode. Note: only certain players can enter DM
		   mode (determined by site administrator) and any player
		   that enters into dm mode cannot be saved! Any players
		   recieving assistance or items from the dm, will also not
		   be saved.