

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 92fdf0ccfd77e2407233c23f5e203339 > files > 94


# Copyright (c) 2005, Enthought, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in enthought/LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
# under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
# Author: Enthought, Inc.
# Description: <Enthought pyface package component>
""" Expandable example. """

# Standard library imports.
import os, sys

# Major package imports.
import wx

# Put the Enthought library on the Python path.

# Enthought library imports.
from pyface.api import GUI, PythonShell, SplitApplicationWindow
from pyface.ui.wx.grid.api import Grid, TraitGridModel, \
    SimpleGridModel, GridRow, GridColumn, TraitGridColumn
from traits.api import Float, Str

class MainWindow(SplitApplicationWindow):
    """ The main application window. """

    #### 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface ###################################

    # The ratio of the size of the left/top pane to the right/bottom pane.
    ratio = Float(0.3)

    # The direction in which the window is split.
    direction = Str('vertical')

    # The data used to create the SimpleGridModel
    data = [['bob', 1, True, Float],
            ['sarah', 45, True, Str],
            ['jonas', -3, False, direction]]

    rows = [GridRow(name='Row 1'),
            GridRow(name='Row 2'),
            GridRow(name='Row 3')]

    cols = [GridColumn(name='Name'),
            GridColumn(name='Index', read_only=True),

    # The data used to create the TraitGridModel
    trait_data = [GridRow(name='Bob', index=1, veracity=True, object=Float),
                  GridRow(name='Sarah', index=45, veracity=True, object=Str),
                  GridRow(name='Jonas', index=-3, veracity=False, object=direction)]

    trait_col = [TraitGridColumn(name='name', label='Name'),
                 TraitGridColumn(name='index', label='Index', read_only=True),
                 TraitGridColumn(name='veracity', label='Veracity'),
                 TraitGridColumn(name='object', label='Object')]

    # Protected 'SplitApplicationWindow' interface.

    def _create_lhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the left hand side or top depending on the split. """

        #self._model = model = SimpleGridModel(data =,
        #                                      rows = self.rows,
        #                                      columns = self.cols)

        self._model = model = TraitGridModel(data = self.trait_data,
                                             columns = self.trait_col,
                                             row_name_trait = 'name')

        self._grid = grid = Grid(parent, model = model)


        return grid.control

    def _create_rhs(self, parent):
        """ Creates the right hand side or bottom depending on the split. """

        widget = self._grid

        self._python_shell = PythonShell(parent)
        self._python_shell.bind('widget', widget)
        self._python_shell.bind('w', widget)

        return self._python_shell.control

    # Private interface.

    def _create_content(self, parent):
        """ Create some context for an expandable panel. """

        tree = FileTree(parent, root=os.path.abspath(os.curdir))

        return tree.control

    #### Trait event handlers #################################################

    def _on_grid_anytrait_changed(self, tree, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Called when any trait on the tree has changed. """

        print 'trait', trait_name, 'value', new


# Application entry point.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create the GUI (this does NOT start the GUI event loop).
    gui = GUI()

    # Create and open the main window.
    window = MainWindow()

    # Start the GUI event loop.

##### EOF #####################################################################