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    <title>Target Information 3 Format File (.ti3)</title>
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    <h2>Description of the .ti3 format</h2>
    This is an ASCII text, <a href="File_Formats.html#CGATS">CGATS</a>,
    Argyll specific format, used to hold device value and CIE/Spectral
    value pairs, the raw information needed to create device profiles.
    This file is typically created using the <a href="chartread.html">chartread</a>,&nbsp;<a
      href="dispread.html"> dispread</a>, <a href="filmread.html">filmread</a>,
    <a href="scanin.html"> scanin</a>, <a href="fakeread.html">
      fakeread</a> or one of the conversion tools such as <a
      href="cb2ti3.html">cb2ti3</a>, <a href="kodak2ti3.html">kodak2ti3</a>,
    <a href="txt2ti3.html">txt2ti3</a>.<br>
    While fully compatible with the CGATS.5 Data Exchange Format, the
    particular required keywords and fields are unique to Argyll, hence
    an Argyll specific file identifier <span style="font-weight: bold;">CTI3</span>
    is used to avoid confusion with standard ANSI or CGATS files.<br>
    The <span style="font-weight: bold;">.ti3</span> format changes
    from time to time with new releases, to add new functionality, but
    generally retains backwards compatibility. Note that in the
    description below, the word "may" indicates an optional component,
    while the word "shall" indicates a necessary component.<br>
    Generally a .ti3 file contains only one table, the table containing
    the colorimetric information. The exception is for a display in
    which a set of RAMDAC values (most likely the result of display
    calibration, or simply the video LUT (RAMDAC) values present in the
    display when the test values were read) are recorded in a second
    The first table contains the following:<br>
    The file identifier (First 7 characters) shall be <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CTI3</span>.<br>
    A <span style="font-weight: bold;">#</span> character introduces a
    <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span
          style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span></span>There may be <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">DESCRIPTOR</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">ORIGINATOR</span>, or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CREATED</span> keywords and values (as
    per CGATS).<br>
    There shall be a <span style="font-weight: bold;">DEVICE_CLASS</span>
    keyword that has a value of <span style="font-weight: bold;">"OUTPUT</span>",

    "<span style="font-weight: bold;">DISPLAY</span>" or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">"INPUT"</span>.<br>
    This indicates to the profile program what type of device the color
    information is from.<br>
    An <span style="font-weight: bold;">"OUTPUT"</span> type device may
    have a <span style="font-weight: bold;">TOTAL_INK_LIMIT</span>
    keyword that has a numeric value indicating the maximum sum of the
    device channel values as a percentage (T.A.C.), used in creating the
    test chart. This will be used by the profiler as a value indicating
    what the valid device gamut is, and what total ink limit should be
    used in creating the profile tables.<br>
    A <span style="font-weight: bold;">"DISPLAY"</span> type device may
    have a <span style="font-weight: bold;">LUMINANCE_XYZ_CDM2</span>
    keyword that contains the absolute XYZ value of white in candelas
    per meter squared, e.g. <span style="font-weight: bold;">"112.334770

      119.657745 121.474236".<br>
    </span>A display device may also have a <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">NORMALIZED_TO_Y_100</span> keyword that must have a value
    of "<span style="font-weight: bold;">NO</span>" or "<span
      style="font-weight: bold;">YES</span>", to indicate whether the
    CIE values have been normalised so that the largest has a Y value of
    100. If this is a display type device and there is no <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">NORMALIZED_TO_Y_100</span> keyword,
    then it can be assumed that the value <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">are</span> normalized to Y = 100. If the values are
    normalized to Y = 100, then the absolute values can be restored by
    multiplying the XYZ values by the <span style="font-weight: bold;">LUMINANCE_XYZ_CDM2</span>
    Y value and dividing by 100.<br>
    There may be a keyword <span style="font-weight: bold;">TARGET_INSTRUMENT</span>
    which will identify the instrument used to read the test values.
    This is used by the profiling program to determine the spectral
    characteristics of the instrument illuminant if Fluorescent Whitener
    Compensation is desired. The value shall be one of:<br>
    <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP20"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP22"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP41"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP51"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP92"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite DTP94"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth Spectrolino"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth SpectroScan"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth SpectroScanT"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Spectrocam"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth i1 Display 1"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth i1 Display 2"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Xrite i1 DisplayPro, ColorMunki Display"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth i1 Monitor"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth i1 Pro"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "X-Rite i1 Pro 2"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "X-Rite ColorMunki"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Colorimtre HCFR"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "ColorVision Spyder2"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Datacolor Spyder3"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Datacolor Spyder4"</b><b><br>
    </b><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "GretagMacbeth Huey"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "ColorMunki Smile"</b><b><br>
    </b><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Hughski ColorHug"</b><br>
    All instruments except the Spectrocam are assumed to have an "A"
    type illuminant (incandescent lamp of&nbsp; 2850 degrees Kelvin.)<br>
    There may be a <span style="font-weight: bold;">INSTRUMENT_TYPE_SPECTRAL</span>
    keyword that must have a value of "<span style="font-weight: bold;">NO</span>"
    or "<span style="font-weight: bold;">YES</span>", to indicate
    whether the instrument is based on spectral measurement or not.<br>
    There may be a <span style="font-weight: bold;">DISPLAY_TYPE_REFRESH</span>
    keyword that must have a value of "<span style="font-weight: bold;">NO</span>"
    or "<span style="font-weight: bold;">YES</span>", to indicate
    whether the instrument was used in a display refresh mode during
    measurement. <br>
    There may be keywords with associated values <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">SINGLE_DIM_STEPS</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">COMP_GREY_STEPS</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">MULTI_DIM_STEPS</span> or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">FULL_SPREAD_PATCHES</span>, that
    document the composition of the test chart patches.<br>
    There shall be a keyword <span style="font-weight: bold;">COLOR_REP</span>
    that has a value that indicates what colorspaces the test values
    connect. The colorspaces shall be encoded with one&nbsp; or two
    letters per component, and the two color spaces shall then separated
    by an <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight:
        bold;">_</span></span> (underscore) character. For output and
    display devices, the device space shall come first, followed by the
    PCS space. For an input device, the PCS shall come first, followed
    by the device space. The PCS space shall be either XYZ space,
    indicated by <span style="font-weight: bold;">XYZ</span>, or D50
    while point L*a*b* space, indicated by <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">LAB</span>. The device spaces shall use the following
    letter encoding:<br>
    <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;


    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Magenta &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; M<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yellow &nbsp; &nbsp;

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Black &nbsp;&nbsp;

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Orange &nbsp;&nbsp;

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Red

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Green &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Blue &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; White &nbsp;
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; W<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light Cyan

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Medium Cyan&nbsp;
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2c<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Medium Magenta
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2m<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Medium Yellow
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2y<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Medium Black
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2k<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Light Light Black &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; 1k<br>
    There may be an a previx <span style="font-weight: bold;">i</span>
    preceeding the device space letter encoding, indicating that
    although the space appears to be an additive space, it is in fact a
    subtractive device.<br>
    Typical values might be: "<span style="font-weight: bold;">RGB_XYZ</span>"
    or "<span style="font-weight: bold;">RGB_LAB</span>" for an RGB
    display, "<span style="font-weight: bold;">iRGB_XYZ</span>" or "<span
      style="font-weight: bold;">iRGB_LAB</span>" for an RGB printer, "<span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CMYK_XYZ</span>" for a printer, "<span
      style="font-weight: bold;">XYZ_RGB"</span> for an RGB acquisition device.<br>
    If spectral values are going to be included in the file, the
    following keywords and values shall be used:<br>
    <span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp; SPECTRAL_BANDS</span> shall
    contain the number of spectral bands in the readings, e.g. <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">"36"</span>.<br>
    &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">SPECTRAL_START_NM</span>
    shall contain the wavelength in nanometers of the first band, e.g. <span
      style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span
          style="font-weight: bold;">"380.0"</span></span></span>.<br>
    &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">SPECTRAL_END_NM</span>
    shall contain the wavelength in nanometers of the last band, e.g. <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">"730.0"</span>.<br>
    The <span style="font-weight: bold;">NUMBER_OF_FIELDS</span>
    keyword shall have a value that indicates the number of fields in
    each data set, e.g. <span style="font-weight: bold;">43</span> (as
    per CGATS).<br>
    The start of the declaration of the fields shall be marked by the <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">BEGIN_DATA_FORMAT</span> keyword (as
    per CGATS).<br>
    Then shall follow the names of the fields. Standard CGATS field
    names such as:<br>
    <span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;SAMPLE_ID</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">RGB_R</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">RGB_G</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">RGB_B</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CMYK_C</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CMYK_M</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CMYK_Y</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">CMYK_K</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">XYZ_X</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">XYZ_Y</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">XYZ_Z</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">LAB_L</span>, <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">LAB_A</span> or <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">LAB_B</span><br>
    shall be used where appropriate. Other device fields shall use the
    appropriate pattern, e.g. <span style="font-weight: bold;">CMYKOG_G</span>
    etc. Spectral band values shall be named <span style="font-weight:
      bold;">SPEC_XXX</span>, where <span style="font-weight: bold;">XXX</span>
    is the nearest integer values of the number of nanometers of the
    Optional patch location information shall use the&nbsp; <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">SAMPLE_LOC</span> field and shall be of
    quoted string type.<br>
    The definition of the fields shall be terminated by the <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">END_DATA_FORMAT</span> keyword (as per
    The <span style="font-weight: bold;">NUMBER_OF_SETS</span> keyword
    shall have a value that indicates the number of sets of data, e.g. <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">1000</span> (as per CGATS).<br>
    The start of the values of the data sets shall be marked by the <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">BEGIN_DATA</span> keyword (as per
    Each set of data shall be on one line, and shall be separated by
    white space. All device values shall be percentages (e.g. values
    from 0.0 to 100.0). XYZ values shall normalized to a Y value of
    100.0. L*a*b* values will have their normal range (L* 0.0 to 100.0,
    a* and b* typically -128.0 to 128.0).<br>
    The end of the values of the data sets shall be marked by the <span
      style="font-weight: bold;">END_DATA</span> keyword (as per CGATS).<br>
    Generally any other keywords and values will be ignored.<br>
    If a second table is present, and it is a display RAMDAC
    calibration, printers or input devices per channel calibration
    curves, and will be of the <a href="cal_format.html">CAL file