

distrib > Fedora > 18 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > cd84248822088e9e86a3095d5bb6d1d7 > files > 10


# vim: set nospell:

# Settings.
set lock-types flock
set maximum-size 10M

# Macros.
$path   = "%h/.maildir"
$hep    = "${path}/HEP"
$lug    = "${path}/LUG"
$foss   = "${path}/FOSS"
$obsd   = "${path}/OBSD"
$bsd    = "${path}/BSD"
$linux  = "${path}/Linux"
$ubuntu = "${path}/Ubuntu"
$sec    = "${path}/SEC"

# Actions.
action "drop" drop

# General.
action "inbox"      maildir "${path}/Inbox"
action "junk"       maildir "${path}/Junk"
action "sent"       maildir "${path}/Sent"
action "spam"       maildir "${path}/Spam"

# LUGs.
action "madlug"     maildir "${lug}/Madlug"
action "mkelug"     maildir "${lug}/Mkelug"

# UW TP.
action "tp"         maildir "${path}/TP"

# Security.
action "bugtraq"    maildir "${sec}/BugTraq"
action "dailydave"  maildir "${sec}/DailyDave"
action "secunia"    maildir "${sec}/Secunia"

# Debian.
action "deb-ann"    maildir "${linux}/Debian/Announce"
action "deb-news"   maildir "${linux}/Debian/News"
action "deb-sec"    maildir "${linux}/Debian/Security"

# FreeBSD.
action "fbsd"       maildir "${bsd}/Free/Announce"
action "fbsd-sec"   maildir "${bsd}/Free/Security"

# OpenBSD.
action "obsd"       maildir "${obsd}/General"
action "obsd-bugs"  maildir "${obsd}/Bugs"
action "obsd-cvs"   maildir "${obsd}/CVS"
action "obsd-misc"  maildir "${obsd}/Misc"
action "obsd-ports" maildir "${obsd}/Ports"
action "obsd-tech"  maildir "${obsd}/Tech"

# NetBSD.
action "netbsd-sec" maildir "${bsd}/Net/Security"

# Ubuntu.
action "ubuntu-sec" maildir "${ubuntu}/Security"
action "ubuntu"     maildir "${ubuntu}/News"

action "afs"        maildir "${foss}/OpenAFS"
action "elinks"     maildir "${foss}/Elinks"
action "hg"         maildir "${foss}/Hg"
action "ion"        maildir "${foss}/Ion"
action "ipython"    maildir "${foss}/IPython"
action "maildrop"   maildir "${foss}/Maildrop"
action "mutt"       maildir "${foss}/Mutt"
action "postfix"    maildir "${foss}/Postfix"
action "roundup"    maildir "${foss}/Roundup"
action "screen"     maildir "${foss}/Screen"
action "vim"        maildir "${foss}/Vim"
action "zsh"        maildir "${foss}/Zsh"

# Personal.
action "family"     maildir "${path}/Family"
action "friend"     maildir "${path}/Friend"

# Work.
action "absent"     maildir "${hep}/Absent"
action "cms"        maildir "${hep}/CMS"
action "dept"       maildir "${hep}/Department"
action "hep"        maildir "${hep}/Inbox"
action "root"       maildir "${hep}/Root"
action "glow"       maildir "${hep}/GLOW"
action "glow-absent" maildir "${hep}/Absent"
action "nagios"     maildir "${hep}/Nagios"
action "req"        maildir "${hep}/RQ"

action "bmf"        rewrite "bmf -p"

# The stdin account is disabled: it will be ignored unless
# explicitly requested using the -a switch on the command line.
account "stdin" disabled stdin

# Accounts.
account "fm" pop3s
    server ""
    port 995 user "<user>"
    pass "<pass>"
account "hep" imaps
    server ""
    port 993
    user "<user>"
    pass "<pass>"
account "uw" pop3s
    server ""
    port 995
    user "<user>"
    pass "<pass>"
account "gmail" pop3s
    server ""
    port 995
    user "<user>"
    pass "<pass>"

# Filter rules.

# SPAM trap.
# STUB: add relaydb based on bmf(1) at some point.
match all action "bmf" continue
match "^X-Spam-Status: Yes" in headers action "spam"

# LUGs.
match "^List-Id:.*madlug\\.madisonlinux\\.org" in headers action "madlug"
match "^List-Id:.*mlug-list\\.mail\\.milwaukeelug\\.org" in headers action "mkelug"

match "^List-Id:.*openafs-info\\.openafs\\.org" in headers action "afs"
match "^List-Id:.*elinks-users\\.linuxfromscratch\\.org" in headers action "elinks"
match "^List-Id:.*mercurial\\.selenic\\.com" in headers action "hg"
match "^List-Id:.*ion-general\\.lists\\.berlios\\.de" in headers action "ion"
match "^List-Id:.*ipython-user\\.scipy\\.org" in headers action "ipython"
match "^List-Id:.*courier-maildrop\\.lists\\.sourceforge\\.net" in headers action "maildrop"
match "^Sender:.*owner-mutt-users@mutt\\.org" in headers action "mutt"
match "^List-Post:.*postfix-users@postfix\\.org" in headers action "postfix"
match "^List-Id:.*roundup-users\\.lists\\.sourceforge\\.net" in headers action "roundup"
match "^Mailing-List:.*vim-help@vim\\.org" in headers action "vim"
match "^Mailing-List:.*zsh.*@sunsite\\.dk" in headers action "zsh"

# Debian.
match "^List-Id:.*lists\\.debian\\.org" in headers {
    match "^List-Id:.*announce" in headers action "deb-ann"
    match "^List-Id:.*news" in headers action "deb-news"
    match "^List-Id:.*security" in headers action "deb-sec"

# FreeBSD.
match "^List-Id:.*freebsd-.*\\.freebsd\\.org" in headers {
    match "^List-Id:.*security-notifications" in headers action "fbsd-sec"
    match "^List-Id:.*announce" in headers {
        # I already get security announcements...
        match "^Subject.*FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-" action "drop"
        match all action "fbsd"

# OpenBSD.
match "^Sender:[ \t]*owner-([a-z-]*)@openbsd\\.org" in headers {
	match string "%1" to "gnats" action "obsd-bugs"
	match string "%1" to "ports-changes" action "obsd-cvs"
	match string "%1" to "source-changes" action "obsd-cvs"
	match all action "obsd-%1"

# Ubuntu.
match "^List-Id:.*ubuntu-.*\\.lists\\.ubuntu\\.com" in headers {
    match "^List-Id:.*security" in headers action "ubuntu-sec"
    match all action "ubuntu"

# NetBSD.
match "^Sender:.*@netbsd\\.org" in headers {
    match "^Sender:.*tech-security" in headers action "netbsd-sec"

# Techpartners.
match "^(To|Cc):.*techpartners@lists\\.wisc\\.edu" in headers action "tp"

# DailyDave.
match "^List-Id:.*dailydave\\.lists\\.immunitysec\\.com" in headers action "dailydave"

# BugTraq.
match "^List-Id:.*bugtraq\\.list-id\\.securityfocus\\.com" in headers action "bugtraq"

# Secunia advisories.
match "^From:.*sec-adv@secunia\\.com" in headers action "secunia"

# Family.
    "^From:.*mom@mom\\.net" or
    "^From:.*dad@(dad|father)\\.com" or
    in headers action "family"

# Friends.
    "^From:.*tom@hotmail\\.com" or
    "^From:.*dick@yahoo\\.com" or
    in headers action "friend"

match "^List-Id:.*glow-tech\\.cs\\.wisc\\.edu" in headers {
    match "^Subject: \\[glow-tech\\] GLOW Absent Report$" in headers action "glow-absent"
    match all action "glow"

# CMS.
match "^List-Owner:.*CMS.*@LISTSERV\\.FNAL\\.GOV" in headers action "cms"

# Physics.
match "^(To|Cc):.*@physics\\.wisc\\.edu" in headers {
    match "^(To|Cc):.*(root|operator|cron)@" in headers action "root"
    match all action "dept"

# HEP.
match "^(From|To):.*(hep|cs)\\.wisc\\.edu" in headers {
    match "^Subject: (UW-HEP)? (Condor|dCache|CFengine) Absent Report" in headers action "absent"
    match "(From|To|Cc):.*(help|req)@(nod|ginseng)\.hep\.wisc\.edu" in headers action "req"
    # HEP root mail.
    match "^(To|Cc):.*(root|operator|cron)@" in headers action "root"
    match "^Subject: (UP|DOWN|RECOVERY|PROBLEM):" in headers action "nagios"
    match all action "hep"

# Default filter.
match all action "inbox"