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<h1>8.12. インデックス構築<a class="headerlink" href="#indexing" title="このヘッドラインへのパーマリンク">¶</a></h1>
<div class="section" id="online-index-construction">
<h2>8.12.1. 動的なインデックス構築方法<a class="headerlink" href="#online-index-construction" title="このヘッドラインへのパーマリンク">¶</a></h2>
<div class="section" id="offline-index-construction">
<span id="id1"></span><h2>8.12.2. 静的なインデックス構築方法<a class="headerlink" href="#offline-index-construction" title="このヘッドラインへのパーマリンク">¶</a></h2>
<div class="section" id="how-to-use">
<h2>8.12.3. 使い方<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-use" title="このヘッドラインへのパーマリンク">¶</a></h2>
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>table_create Tweets TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Tweets content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
table_create Lexicon TABLE_HASH_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>load --table Tweets
{&quot;content&quot;:&quot;I just start it!&quot;},
{&quot;content&quot;:&quot;I&#39;m sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night...&quot;}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 3]
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>select Tweets --match_columns content --query &#39;good nice&#39;
# [
#   [
#     0,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531
#   ],
#   [
#     [
#       [
#         0
#       ],
#       [
#         [
#           &quot;_id&quot;,
#           &quot;UInt32&quot;
#         ],
#         [
#           &quot;content&quot;,
#           &quot;ShortText&quot;
#         ]
#       ]
#     ]
#   ]
# ]
<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Tweets.content</span></tt> 用のインデックスを作成します。すでに <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Tweets.content</span></tt> に登録されているデータは静的なインデックス構築方法でインデックスを構築します:</p>
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>column_create Lexicon tweet COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Tweets content
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>select Tweets --match_columns content --query &#39;good nice&#39;
# [
#   [
#     0,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531
#   ],
#   [
#     [
#       [
#         1
#       ],
#       [
#         [
#           &quot;_id&quot;,
#           &quot;UInt32&quot;
#         ],
#         [
#           &quot;content&quot;,
#           &quot;ShortText&quot;
#         ]
#       ],
#       [
#         3,
#         &quot;I&#39;m sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night...&quot;
#       ]
#     ]
#   ]
# ]
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>load --table Tweets
{&quot;content&quot;:&quot;Good morning! Nice day.&quot;},
{&quot;content&quot;:&quot;Let&#39;s go shopping.&quot;}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 2]
<div class="highlight-none"><div class="highlight"><pre>select Tweets --match_columns content --query &#39;good nice&#39;
# [
#   [
#     0,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531
#   ],
#   [
#     [
#       [
#         2
#       ],
#       [
#         [
#           &quot;_id&quot;,
#           &quot;UInt32&quot;
#         ],
#         [
#           &quot;content&quot;,
#           &quot;ShortText&quot;
#         ]
#       ],
#       [
#         3,
#         &quot;I&#39;m sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night...&quot;
#       ],
#       [
#         4,
#         &quot;Good morning! Nice day.&quot;
#       ]
#     ]
#   ]
# ]

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  <h3><a href="../index.html">目次</a></h3>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">8.12. インデックス構築</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#online-index-construction">8.12.1. 動的なインデックス構築方法</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#offline-index-construction">8.12.2. 静的なインデックス構築方法</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#how-to-use">8.12.3. 使い方</a></li>

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                        title="前の章へ">8.11.10. sub_filter</a></p>
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