

distrib > Fedora > 20 > i386 > by-pkgid > a7c59cea9ef8287f25f5bec090d0cec9 > files > 2


# reTurnServer configuration file

# Software name to include in STUN messages
# Set this to an empty string to reveal no software
# name information in STUN messages.
# Default: reTURNServer (RFC5389)
# The default also includes the software version on
# those platforms where PACKAGE_VERSION is defined
# at compile time.
#SoftwareName =

# Whether or not to pad the SoftwareName value to
# a multiple of four bytes for compatibility with
# legacy clients.  Default: true
#PadSoftwareName = true

# Transport settings

# Local IP Address to bind base STUN/TURN transports to.
# Note:  This is the IP Address that clients should be configured to
#        send STUN/TURN traffic to.
# Warning:  If you are enabling RFC3489 backwards compatability
#           (see AltStunAddress and AltStunPort settings), then do
#           not leave this set to INADDR_ANY (, place
#           a valid IP address from a local NIC here.
TurnAddress =

# Local IPv6 Address to bind base STUN/TURN transports to.
# Note:  This is the IP Address that IPv6 clients should be configured to
#        send STUN/TURN traffic to.
#        Not currently supported with RFC3489 backwards compatability
TurnV6Address = ::0

# Local UDP/TCP Port to bind base STUN/TURN transports to.
# Note:  This is the port that clients should be configured to
#        send STUN/TURN traffic over UDP and TCP.
#        reTurn will always bind on this port using both UDP and TCP.
TurnPort = 3478

# Local TLS Port to bind base STUN/TURN transports to.
# Note:  This is the port that clients should be configured to
#        send STUN/TURN traffic over TLS.
#        Set this to 0 to disable TLS support.
#        The default port for STUN over TLS is 5349
#        It is often necessary to use port 443 instead so that
#        users can connect through a HTTP proxy that only allows
#        traffic that appears to be going to a HTTPS server.
TlsTurnPort = 0

# Local IP Address to bind the transports used in Classic Stun
# NAT type discovery.  Note:  This address is only required if
# you need Classic Stun (RFC3489) support.
# It must be different from the TurnAddress setting, and a valid
# local IP Address.  Use to disable RFC3489 backwards compatbility
# support.
# Note:  The STUN/TURN Client should not be configured with this
#        address anywhere.  This address is discovered by clients
#        in Binding responses that are sent to the TurnAddress.
AltStunAddress =

# Local UDP Port to bind classic STUN (RFC3489) transports to.
# Set AltStunPort to 0 to disable any RFC3489 backwards compatibility,
# if you do not have a need to support the NAT type discovery procedures
# of RFC3489.
# Note:  STUN/TURN Client should not be configured with this port anywhere.
#        This port is discovered by clients in Binding responses that are
#        sent to the TurnAddress/TurnPort.
AltStunPort = 0

# Logging settings

# Logging Type: syslog|cerr|cout|file
LoggingType = file

LoggingLevel = WARNING

# Log Filename
LogFilename = /var/log/reTurnServer/reTurnServer.log

# Log file Max Size
LogFileMaxLines = 0

# UNIX related settings

# Must be true or false, default = false, not supported on Windows
Daemonize = true

# On UNIX it is normal to create a PID file
# if unspecified, no attempt will be made to create a PID file
#PidFile = /var/run/reTurnServer/

# UNIX account information to run process as
RunAsUser = return
RunAsGroup = return

# Authentication settings

# Authentication Realm for Long Term Passwords
AuthenticationRealm = reTurn

# File containing user authentication data.
# The format of each line is:
#    login:password:realm:state
# Typically, the realm field must match the value of AuthenticationRealm
# defined above.
# The state field can be one of:
#   authorized   (user authorized)
#   refused      (user denied access)
#   restricted   (for when bandwidth limiting is implemented)
# This file format is interchangeable with's user database
UserDatabaseFile = /etc/reTurn/users.txt

# Hashed passwords in the user database file
# This option specifies whether the passwords are plain text
# or hashed with the scheme H(A1)
# When hashed passwords are enabled by this configuration setting,
# the values in the password column are the MD5 hash 
# represented in hexadecimal
# To create a hashed password for the following credentials:
#      user:       bob
#      realm:
#      password:   foobar
# you can issue a command such as:
#      echo -n | md5sum
# WARNING: the hashing scheme prevents recovery of the plain text
# password.  However, H(A1) hash values must still be kept
# secret as they can be used to impersonate the user.
# Therefore, the user database file should always be readable
# only by the reTurn process and no other regular users.
UserDatabaseHashedPasswords = true

# How frequently to check the user database file for changes
# Set to 0 to only load the file once at startup
# Default = 60 seconds
UserDatabaseCheckInterval = 60

# TURN Allocation settings

NonceLifetime = 3600

# The starting port number to use for TURN allocations.
# This number MUST be an even number, in order to ensure
# proper operation for allocation of RTP port pairs.
# Default: 49152 (start of the Dynamic and/or Private Port range
#                 - recommended by RFC)
AllocationPortRangeMin = 49152

# The ending port number to use for TURN allocations.
# This number MUST be an odd number, in order to ensure
# proper operation for allocation of RTP port pairs.
# Default: 65535 (end of the Dynamic and/or Private Port range
#                 - recommended by RFC)
AllocationPortRangeMax = 65535

# Default time (in seconds) that an allocation will expire if an allocation
# refresh request is not sent.  Default is 600 (10 minutes).
DefaultAllocationLifetime = 600

# Maximum time (in seconds) allowed that will be accepted in an allocation requests
# lifetime header (ie. between TURN allocation refreshes).  If an allocation is
# received with a higher lifetime, then the response will be returned with this
# value instead.  Default is 3600 (1 hour).
MaxAllocationLifetime = 3600

# SSL/TLS Certificate settings

# TLS Server Certificate Filename (loaded from working directory)
# The PEM formated file that contains the server certificate.
# If the CA supplies an intermediate certificate chain, those
# certificates should also be appened to this file.
# The private key may optionally be included in this file
# or in a separate key file specified by TlsServerPrivateKeyFilename
TlsServerCertificateFilename = server.pem

# TLS Server Private Key Filename (loaded from working directory)
# The PEM formated file that contains the private key of the certificate
# that will be presented to clients connecting over TLS.
# If not specified, reTurn will also try to find the private key
# in the file specified by TlsServerCertificateFilename
TlsServerPrivateKeyFilename = 

# TLS temporary Diffie-Hellman parameters file (loaded from working directory)
# Can be generated with the command:
#     openssl dhparam -outform PEM -out dh512.pem 512
TlsTempDhFilename = /etc/reTurn/dh512.pem

# TLS server private key certificate password required to read
# from PEM file.  Leave blank if key is not encrypted.
TlsPrivateKeyPassword =