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<h1>LMI command line reference<a class="headerlink" href="#lmi-command-line-reference" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<div class="section" id="user">
<h2>user<a class="headerlink" href="#user" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>POSIX user information and management.</p>
<div><p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>user</strong> list</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>user</strong> <strong>show</strong> [ <em>&lt;user&gt;</em> ...]</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>user</strong> <strong>create</strong> <em>&lt;name&gt;</em> [options]</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>user</strong> <strong>delete</strong> [<strong>--no-delete-home</strong>] [<strong>--no-delete-group</strong>] [<strong>--force</strong>] <em>&lt;user&gt;</em> ...</p>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dd>Prints a list of users.</dd>
<dd>Show detailed information about user. If no users are provided,
all of them are displayed.</dd>
<dd>Creates a new user. See Create options below for options
<dd>Delete specified user (or user list). See Delete options
below for options description.</dd>
<p><strong>Create options:</strong></p>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dt><strong>-c gecos, --gecos=gecos</strong></dt>
<dd>Set the GECOS field to gecos.</dd>
<dt><strong>-d dir, --directory=dir</strong></dt>
<dd>Set the user's home directory to dir.
If this option is not set, a default value
is used.</dd>
<dt><strong>-s shell, --shell=shell</strong></dt>
<dd>Set user's login shell to shell. If this
option is not set, a default value is used.</dd>
<dt><strong>-u uid, --uid=uid</strong></dt>
<dd>Use user ID uid for the newly created user.
If this option is not set, a default value
is used.</dd>
<dt><strong>-g gid, --gid=gid</strong></dt>
<dd>Set user's primary group ID to gid. If this
option is not set, a default value is used.</dd>
<dt><strong>-r, --reserved</strong></dt>
<dd>The user is a system user.
Implies the -M option.</dd>
<dt><strong>-M, --no-user-home</strong></dt>
<dd>Don't create a home directory.</dd>
<dt><strong>-n, --no-user-group</strong></dt>
<dd>Don't create a primary group for user.</dd>
<dt><strong>-p, --password=pwd</strong></dt>
<dd>Set user's password to 'pwd'.</dd>
<dt><strong>-P, --plain-password</strong></dt>
<dd>If set, the password set in '-p' parameter
is plain text. Otherwise, it is already
encrypted by supported hash algorithm.
See crypt(3).</dd>
<p><strong>Delete options:</strong></p>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dd>Do not remove home directory.</dd>
<dd>Do not remove users primary group.</dd>
<dd>Remove home directory even if the user is not owner.</dd>
<div class="section" id="group">
<h2>group<a class="headerlink" href="#group" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>POSIX group information and management.</p>
<div><p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>list</strong> [ <em>&lt;group&gt;</em> ...]</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>create</strong> [<strong>--reserved</strong>] [<strong>--gid</strong>=gid] <em>&lt;group&gt;</em></p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>delete</strong> <em>&lt;group&gt;</em></p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>listuser</strong> [<em>&lt;group&gt;</em>] ...</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>adduser</strong> <em>&lt;group&gt;</em> <em>&lt;user&gt;</em> ...</p>
<p><strong>lmi</strong> <strong>group</strong> <strong>removeuser</strong> <em>&lt;group&gt;</em> <em>&lt;user&gt;</em> ...</p>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dd>List groups. If no groups are given, all are listed.</dd>
<dd>Creates a new group.</dd>
<dd>Deletes a group.</dd>
<dd>List a users in a group or in a list of groups.</dd>
<dd>Adds a user or a list of users to the group.</dd>
<dd>Removes a user or a list of users from the group.</dd>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dt><strong>-r, --reserved</strong></dt>
<dd>Create a system group.</dd>
<dt><strong>-g, --gid=gid</strong></dt>
<dd>GID for a new group.</dd>

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