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                    <a href="../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; <a href="../../../html/pmc.html">PMCs</a> &raquo; FileHandle PMC

<h1><a name="NAME"

<p>src/pmc/filehandle.pmc &#45; FileHandle PMC</p>

<h1><a name="DESCRIPTION"

<p>The FileHandle PMC performs I/O operations on a source or destination file.</p>

<h2><a name="Vtable_Functions"
>Vtable Functions</a></h2>

<dt><a name="void_init()"
><b><code>void init()</b></code></a></dt>
Initializes a newly created FileHandle object.
<dt><a name="PMC_*clone()"
><b><code>PMC *clone()</b></code></a></dt>
Create a copy of the filehandle.
<dt><a name="void_mark()"
><b><code>void mark()</b></code></a></dt>
Mark active filehandle data as live.
<dt><a name="void_destroy()"
><b><code>void destroy()</b></code></a></dt>
Free structures.
<dt><a name="INTVAL_get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL_key)"
><b><code>INTVAL get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key)</b></code></a></dt>
Shortcut to get the value of some attributes.
For internal usage only,
subject to change without notice.
<dt><a name="void_set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL_key,_INTVAL_value)"
><b><code>void set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key, INTVAL value)</b></code></a></dt>
Shortcut to set the value of some attributes For internal usage only,
subject to change without notice.
<dt><a name="INTVAL_get_bool()"
><b><code>INTVAL get_bool()</b></code></a></dt>
Returns whether the FileHandle has reached the end of the file.</dl>

<h2><a name="Methods"

<dt><a name="METHOD_open(STRING_*filename_:optional,_STRING_*mode_:optional)"
><b><code>METHOD open(STRING *filename :optional, STRING *mode :optional)</b></code></a></dt>
Opens the file at the given filename (including path) with the given mode.
The invocant is modified and becomes an open filehandle.
A copy of the invocant is also returned by the method (some subclasses may create this as the primary filehandle,
rather than modifying the invocant).
<dt><a name="METHOD_read_bytes(INTVAL_bytes)"
><b><code>METHOD read_bytes(INTVAL bytes)</b></code></a></dt>
Read the given number of bytes from the handle and return them in a ByteBuffer.
<dt><a name="METHOD_isatty()"
><b><code>METHOD isatty()</b></code></a></dt>
Returns a boolean value indicating whether <code>SELF</code> is a console/tty.
<dt><a name="METHOD_is_closed()"
><b><code>METHOD is_closed()</b></code></a></dt>
Test if the filehandle is closed.
<dt><a name="METHOD_readline_interactive(STRING_*prompt)"
><b><code>METHOD readline_interactive(STRING *prompt)</b></code></a></dt>
Read a line from the filehandle and return it in a string.
<dt><a name="METHOD_readall(STRING_*name);"
>METHOD readall(STRING *name);</a></dt>
Read the entire contents of a file named <i>name</i> into a Parrot string.
On a filehandle object that isn&#39;t opened yet,
the path to a file can be passed to <code>readall</code> and it will open a filehandle on that file,
read in the contents,
and close the filehandle.
<pre>  .local pmc pio
  pio = new &#39;FileHandle&#39;
  $S0 = pio.&#39;readall&#39;(&#39;the_file&#39;)</pre>
If the filehandle is already open, then no file path should be passed. The <code>readall</code> method will read the contents of the file, and will not close the filehandle when finished.
<pre>  pio = open &#39;the_file&#39;, &#39;r&#39;
  $S0 = pio.&#39;readall&#39;()</pre>

<dt><a name="METHOD_flush()"
><b><code>METHOD flush()</b></code></a></dt>
Flushes the filehandle.
<dt><a name="METHOD_print([INTVAL|FLOATVAL|STRING_*|PMC*]_value)"
><b><code>METHOD print([INTVAL|FLOATVAL|STRING *|PMC*] value)</b></code></a></dt>
Print the passed in integer, number, string, or PMC to the filehandle. (Integers, numbers, and strings are auto&#45;boxed as PMCs.)
<dt><a name="METHOD_puts(STRING_*value)"
><b><code>METHOD puts(STRING *value)</b></code></a></dt>
Print the string to the filehandle.
<dt><a name="METHOD_buffer_type(STRING_*new_type_:optional)"
><b><code>METHOD buffer_type(STRING *new_type :optional)</b></code></a></dt>
Set or retrieve the buffering behavior for the filehandle. The argument and return value are one of the following:
<dt><a name="unbuffered"
Buffering disabled, bytes are sent as soon as possible.
<dt><a name="line&#45;buffered"
Line buffering, bytes are sent when a record separator is encountered.
<dt><a name="full&#45;buffered"
Full buffering, bytes are sent when the buffer is full.
<dt><a name="METHOD_buffer_size(INTVAL_new_size_:optional)"
><b><code>METHOD buffer_size(INTVAL new_size :optional)</b></code></a></dt>
Set or retrieve the buffer size for the filehandle.
<dt><a name="METHOD_mode()"
><b><code>METHOD mode()</b></code></a></dt>
Retrieve the read mode string for the filehandle.
<dt><a name="METHOD_encoding(STRING_*new_encoding)"
><b><code>METHOD encoding(STRING *new_encoding)</b></code></a></dt>
Set or retrieve the encoding attribute (a string name of the selected encoding scheme) for the filehandle.
<dt><a name="METHOD_eof()"
><b><code>METHOD eof()</b></code></a></dt>
Returns true if the filehandle is at end&#45;of&#45;file, returns false otherwise.
<dt><a name="METHOD_exit_status()"
><b><code>METHOD exit_status()</b></code></a></dt>
If this is a pipe, return the exit status of the child process.
<dt><a name="METHOD_tell()"
><b><code>METHOD tell()</b></code></a></dt>
Get the file position of the stream. 2 <code>INTVAL</code>s are returned. The first is the position. The second is the position shifted down by 32 bits to handle overflows on 32&#45;bit systems.
<dt><a name="METHOD_seek(INTVAL_whence,_INTVAL_offs,_INTVAL_offs_overflow)"
><b><code>METHOD seek(INTVAL whence, INTVAL offs, INTVAL offs_overflow)</b></code></a></dt>
Set the file position to an offset specified by <code>offs</code> (and optionally <code>offs_overflow</code>). <code>whence</code> determines from where in the file the offset is taken.
<pre> Whence Value      Meaning
 0                 Seek from the beginning of the file
 1                 Seek from the current position
 2                 Seek from the end of the file</pre>
<code>offs_overflow</code> is optional and is used to handle offsets higher than 2Gb on 32bit systems.
<dt><a name="METHOD_peek()"
><b><code>METHOD peek()</b></code></a></dt>
Returns the next byte from the stream, but does not remove it.</dl>
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