

distrib > Mageia > 1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > ceda76dc0bf3c064f5e8f93a2c0b35f0 > files > 25


#!/usr/bin/icmake -qt /tmp/r

    This simple icmake script starts a given command in the current
    directory, and then recursively in all subdirectories. For the
    installation: see the sample script "tolower" (or, "").

#define VER "1.04"

int haswildcard (string s)                      // does s have wildcards
{                                               // in it?
    if (substr (s, "?") > -1 ||                 // if ? or * occurs:
        substr (s, "*") > -1                    // yes -- it has wildcards
        return (1);
    return (0);                                 // otherwise, none

string makecmd (list cmd)			// make one long cmd by
{						// expanding list elements
    	ret;					// returned cmd
    	i,					// outer/inner loop
    	j,					// counters
	expanded;                               // flag: expanded stuff?
    	aux;					// expanded inner list
    expanded = sizeof (cmd) <= 1;               // expansion must occur when
                                                // arguments are in cmd
    ret = element (0, cmd);			// add program name itself
    for (i = 1; i < sizeof (cmd); i++)		// for all other elements:
    	if (aux = makelist (element (i, cmd)))	// expand element, and add
	    expanded = 1;                       // argument expanded
    	    for (j = 0; j < sizeof (aux); j++)	// add expansion
    	    	ret += " " + element (j, aux);
	else if (! haswildcard (element (i,     // when no expansion: add
	        cmd)))                          // only if no wildcards in it
	    ret += " " + element (i, cmd);
    if (expanded)                               // when args expanded:
        return (ret);				// return the string
    return ("");                                // else, it's a non-valid cmd

void process (list cmd)
    	dirs;					// list of subdirs
    	i;					// counter for subdirs or
    string					// command name list
    	cwd,					// stored current working dir
    	sys;					// expanded command to run
    cwd = chdir (".");				// get cwd
    if (sys = makecmd (cmd))                    // make cmd
        printf ("==== r: directory ", cwd,	// print this dir
        " ====\n");
        system (P_NOCHECK, sys);                // run the cmd
    if (dirs = makelist (O_SUBDIR, "*"))	// get list of subdirs
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof (dirs); i++)	// for each one:
	    chdir (element (i, dirs));		// go there
	    process (cmd);			// recursively run cmd
	    chdir (cwd);			// and.. back again

void main (int argc, list argv)
    echo (0);					// suppress re-echoing

    if (argc == 1)				// usage info if no
    {						// cmdline arguments
    	printf ("ICCE Recursive Command-expander  Version ", VER, "\n"
    		"Copyright (c) ICCE 1993,1994. All rights reserved.\n"
    		"Usage: r program arguments\n"
    		"Will run \"program arguments\" in this directory and"
    					" recursively in the\n"
    	exit (1);
    argv -= (list) element (0, argv);		// remove makefile name
    process (argv);				// and.. start at current
    						// dir
    exit (0);					// done.