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<a name="Files-1"></a>
<h1 class="chapter">5. Files</h1>

<hr size="6">
<a name="Startup_002fShutdown-Files"></a>
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<h2 class="section">5.1 Startup/Shutdown Files</h2>
<a name="index-files_002c-startup"></a>
<a name="index-startup-files"></a>
<a name="index-files_002c-shutdown"></a>
<a name="index-shutdown-files"></a>
<a name="index-RCS_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-GLOBAL_005fRCS_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-NO_005fRCS_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-NO_005fGLOBAL_005fRCS_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-ZDOTDIR_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-zshenv"></a>
<p>Commands are first read from <tt>/etc/zshenv</tt>; this cannot be overridden.
Subsequent behaviour is modified by the <tt>RCS</tt> and
<tt>GLOBAL_RCS</tt> options; the former affects all startup files, while the
second only affects global startup files (those shown here with an
path starting with a <tt>/</tt>).  If one of the options
is unset at any point, any subsequent startup file(s)
of the corresponding
type will not be read.  It is also possible for a file in <tt>$ZDOTDIR</tt> to
re-enable <tt>GLOBAL_RCS</tt>. Both <tt>RCS</tt> and <tt>GLOBAL_RCS</tt> are set by
<p>Commands are then read from <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv</tt>.
<a name="index-LOGIN_002c-use-of"></a>
<a name="index-zprofile"></a>
If the shell is a login shell, commands
are read from <tt>/etc/zprofile</tt> and then <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zprofile</tt>.
<a name="index-zshrc"></a>
Then, if the shell is interactive,
commands are read from <tt>/etc/zshrc</tt> and then <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc</tt>.
<a name="index-zlogin"></a>
Finally, if the shell is a login shell, <tt>/etc/zlogin</tt> and
<tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zlogin</tt> are read.
<a name="index-zlogout"></a>
<p>When a login shell exits, the files <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zlogout</tt> and then
<tt>/etc/zlogout</tt> are read.  This happens with either an explicit exit
via the <tt>exit</tt> or <tt>logout</tt> commands, or an implicit exit by reading
end-of-file from the terminal.  However, if the shell terminates due
to <tt>exec</tt>&rsquo;ing another process, the logout files are not read.
These are also affected by the <tt>RCS</tt> and <tt>GLOBAL_RCS</tt> options.
Note also that the <tt>RCS</tt> option affects the saving of history files,
i.e. if <tt>RCS</tt> is unset when the shell exits, no history file will be
<a name="index-HOME_002c-use-of"></a>
<p>If <tt>ZDOTDIR</tt> is unset, <tt>HOME</tt> is used instead.
Files listed above as being in <tt>/etc</tt> may be in another
directory, depending on the installation.
<p>As <tt>/etc/zshenv</tt> is run for all instances of zsh, it is important that
it be kept as small as possible.  In particular, it is a good idea to
put code that does not need to be run for every single shell behind
a test of the form &lsquo;<tt>if [[ -o rcs ]]; then ...</tt>&rsquo; so that it will not
be executed when zsh is invoked with the &lsquo;<tt>-f</tt>&rsquo; option.
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<h2 class="section">5.2 Files</h2>
<a name="index-files-used"></a>
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zprofile</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zlogin</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>$ZDOTDIR/.zlogout</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>${TMPPREFIX}*</tt>   (default is /tmp/zsh*)</dt>
<dt> <tt>/etc/zshenv</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>/etc/zprofile</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>/etc/zshrc</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>/etc/zlogin</tt></dt>
<dt> <tt>/etc/zlogout</tt>    (installation-specific - <tt>/etc</tt> is the default)</dt>

<p>Any of these files may be pre-compiled with the <tt>zcompile</tt> builtin
command (<a href="Shell-Builtin-Commands.html#Shell-Builtin-Commands">Shell Builtin Commands</a>).  If a compiled file exists (named for the original file plus the
<tt>.zwc</tt> extension) and it is newer than the original file, the compiled
file will be used instead.
</p><hr size="6">
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