

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > by-pkgid > 6aec1a14238905e367636279a75ce47a > files > 6


0.0 Table of Contents
*                                                                             *
*            General Documentation for the Client Of Win (COW)                *
*                                                                             *
*         Comments, suggestions and bug reports to             *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *

                                Table of Contents
 1.0  Overview

 2.0  Acknowledgements

 3.0  Features
   3.1  Command Line Options
   3.2  Pixmaps  (Full Color COW)
   3.3  Other features

 4.0  Xtrekrc
   4.1   Windows, fonts, cursors, and colors
   4.2   Startup options
   4.3   Combat options
   4.4   Messaging options
   4.5   Net options
   4.6   Galactic/tactical map options
   4.7   Keymap (and buttonmap) options
   4.8   Playerlist options

 5.0  Connection Types: UDP, TCP.  Short packets.

 6.0  Macros, RCD, RCM:

 7.0  MetaServer Options

 8.0  Compiling

 9.0  Beeplite

1.0  Overview

     This document describes the COW client, its capabilities, and the client's
features.  COW started as the successor of the BRM client after release 3. 
BRM started as a merger of the Berkeley client with Rick's Moo 
client.  Since then, all three clients have developed fairly independent of one
other.  Familiarity with netrek is presumed throughout this document.  Please
consult the newbie manual for information on the game itself.

     COW has an expire function which insures that players obtain new copies
regularly.  This alleviates the client's caretakers from having to support
ancient clients.  Generally, a client will expire one year after its compile
2.0  Acknowledgements

     Many people have contributed to COW and many many others contributed
to its ancestor clients.  Here is an undoubtedly incomplete list of credits
presented in no particular order.  Where possible their typical netrek name is
provided in the hope that you will ogg them:

              Scott Silvey
              Kevin Smith
              Rick Weinstein			Videodrome
              J. Mark Noworolski		Passing Wind
              Tedd Hadley			pteroducktyl
              Heiko Wengler			Musashi
              Andy McFadden			ShadowSpawn
              Chris Guthrie
              Ed James
              Eric Mehlhaff
              Nick Trown			Netherworld
              Lars Bernhardsson			lab
              Sam Shen				Buster
              Jeff Nelson			Miles Teg
              Jeff Waller
              Robert Kenney			Zhi'Gau
              Steve Sheldon			Ceasar
              Dave Gosselin			Tom Servo
              Kurt Siegl			007
              Kevin Powell			seurat
	      Alec Habig			Entropy
              Jonathan Shekter			KillThemAll!
              James Cameron
              Michael Kellen
3.0  Features

     The COW client has many features that make it stand out from earlier
clients.  This section will attempt to describe all of its features, including
those that are common to all clients.

   3.1  Command Line Options

     This section will describe COW features that are selected from the command
line when the client is invoked.  Selecting "-u" for usage or any invalid 
option will provide a brief summary of this section (-help will work too).


     The "-h server_address" option will allow the user to select a specific 
server.  The client will look to the .xtrekrc file for a default server should 
this option be absent.  Examples of server addresses would be or


     The "-p port_number" option will allow the user to select a specific port
address.  An example of a port_number would be 1111, 2222, or 2592.


     The "-r defaultsfile" option will allow the user to select a defaults file
other than .xtrekrc.  The defaults file contains all of the user selectable
defaults (please see Section 4.0 for more information on .xtrekrc).  Using 
this option, two users can run netrek from the same userid / account and still
have unique defaults files.


     The "-o" option instructs the client to use the old reserved.c verification
to identify itself to the server.  Upgraded RSA servers will require that the
client use RSA verification.  This is selected using the "-R" option.

     The "-f record_file"  will record the game into record_file.

     The "-F record_file"  will play the recorded game from record_file.

     The "-m" option will instruct the client to search the Meta Server at, port 3521 and present the user with a list of 
available servers.  The user may then select the most desirable server 
directly from the client.
     Alternatively, the "-k" option may be used to show the "known servers",
using the same format as the Meta Server list.  The client generates
a list of "known servers" after each call to the meta server but only if
the "metaCache" option is set in your .xtrekrc.
    To find out about customising the meta-server, set the Chapter
"MetaServer Options", later in this document.


     The "-A password" allows the client to automatically enter the specified 
character password without having to prompt the user.  This option is normally 
used with the "-C character_name" option, which automatically enters the 
character name.  The "-C" option must be followed by a character name string.


     The "-n" option allows the client to accept the "closest match" to the
colors requested for drawing.  How good the match is is up to your windowing


     The "-b" option disables the use of color pixmaps by the client.

   3.1.10  GHOST START

	After a client dies, or even if you kill the client on purpose,
	you can recover the game and continue playing.  In fact the
	server won't have any idea that anything but bad lag (called
	a ghostbust) has occurred.
	The benefits of this feature include the ability to change
	displays, recompile code (if you happen to be a code hack),
	or simply recover from a core dump.
	In order to use it, you have to pay attention to two numbers
	which are displayed when you connect to the server.  A line
	like this appears:
	***  socket 11323, player 0  ***
	This indicates which player slot you have been assigned, and
	which socket number has been chosen as your ghostbust socket.
	Now in order to restart, just do:
	cow -G 0 -s 11323
	The important options are -G followed by the player slot you
	occupy, and -s followed by the ghostbust socket.  Notice that
	you don't even specify a server!
	This feature may NOT work on all servers.  Many server gods use
	server code which is too old to support this feature.  Also,
	keep an eye out for small details that are off.  It is NOT
	logically possible to account for everything with this feature.
	Such things as the motd are not resent by the server when you
	connect, so you won't have that around anymore.  Further, the
	client won't know who it is even connected to (see above), thus
	don't be shocked if the client claims you are connected to a
	bogus server.
	WARNING:  Some servers have *very* short ghostbust timeout
	periods.  You must reconnect before this timeout expires or
	your slot will be given to someone else, you won't be able
	to reconnect.  On most servers it is around 6 minutes long.
	Note to experts:  The server will reverify clients using whatever
	available means it has, including RSA or reserved.c when a ghostbust
	occurs and therefore whenever this feature is used.


     -c	this will check server_port-1 and spew out
	a list of all players currently playing on that server - not all
	servers are intelligent enough to do this

     -s	(integer) passive port to use, generally only server gods would ever
	use this option and even they can get by without it

     -l	(filename) file to log messages

     -d	(string of chars) display name

     -H	(string of chars) Gateway name

     -P	log packets: generally don't want to use this

     -t	(string of chars) title - the name of the window the client makes

     -D	debug mode

     -v	display version/expiration info and exit

     -i ignore signals (SIGSEGV and SIGBUS)

   3.2  Pixmaps  (Full Color COW)

     With the release of COW 3.00, dynamic color images are available.  No
color images have been compiled into the client, so without the additional
files (described below) the client will behave as before.

   3.2.1  Setup

     The xpm files should be available at the same site from which you got
the client, in a file named pixmaps.tgz (PIXMAPS.ZIP for windows users).


     It should create a subdirectory named "pixmaps" which should have several
(obviously named) subdirectories.  There should be several XPM files in each
(except for Planets, which has a further subdirectory).  UNIX users will see
that they are gzipped to save space.  You do NOT need to ungzip them unless
you do not have gzip on your machine.


     You need to add a line to your .xtrekrc telling the client where to look
for the pixmaps.  If you do not, it will assume that they are in a subdirectory
of the directory you are in when you start the client.  The option is called
"pixmapDir".  Tilde and environment variables WILL NOT WORK.  Relative paths
will only work if you always start netrek from the same directory.

     You should be ready to rock and roll.  Fire it up.  You may see some
warnings about not being able to read some pixmaps.  Some of the pixmaps
that the client looks for haven't been drawn yet.  Feel free to make your
own set.  OTOH, if you see any lines which read


it means that none of a certain type of pixmap were found.  Check to make sure
that the pixmaps are where you told it to look.  If they are, and you are on
a UNIX system, you may not have gzip installed.  Go get it from any GNU mirror
and either install it or use it to ungzip the XPM files.

   3.2.2  Configuration

     In addition to simply creating your own XPMs with a paint program, you
may want greater control over the pictures used.  For example, you may find
the explosions are too pretty, and you are dying because you forgot to dodge.
The crude approach is to just remove that pixmap.  The client will default back
to the standard bitmaps in this case.

     The more elegant approach is to turn off just those pixmaps you don't
like and keep the rest.  This also allows you to switch back and forth WITHOUT
having to exit and restart.  So if the machine you are playing on is busy
today, you can turn off the pixmaps until things improve, then switch back to
full color without losing your 5 kills.

     Pixmaps can be turned on or off in groups on the new "Pixmap Menu" in the
options window (shift-O).  Each line in the window also corresponds to an
.xtrekrc resource which you can use to set the initial values.  If one type
of pixmaps is not available, you will be unable to turn on that option.

     resource name          default      description

       indPix                on      \
       fedPix                on       |  Control whether or not the XPMs
       romPix                on       |  for the ships of a given team
       kliPix                on       |  should be used
       oriPix                on      /

       weaponPix             on          Torps and plasmatorps & their clouds
       explosionPix          on          ship and starbase explosions
       cloakPix              on          fade-in/-out and cloak icon
       mapPix                on          Color Planet icons on galactic
                                         (replaces the "colorgalactic" option)

       backgroundPix         on          Background stars & genocide/gb images
                                         (replaces the "babes" option)

       ownerhalo             off         Draws a colored ring around each
                                         planet on the galactic

as a convenience, the option "shipPix" may be used to control all of the
ship XPMs in one line.

         +         POWER USERS                                        +
         +                                                            +
         +  The MegaResource "pixFlags" can be used in your .xtrekrc  +
         +  to save a bit of typing.  Simply bitwise OR together the  +
         +  things you want turned off:                               +
         +                                                            +
         +       0x0001    IND pixmaps                                +
         +       0x0002    FED pixmaps                                +
         +       0x0004    ROM pixmaps                                +
         +       0x0008    KLI pixmaps                                +
         +       0x0010    ORI pixmaps                                +
         +                                                            +
         +       0x0020    Weapons                                    +
         +       0x0040    Explosions                                 +
         +       0x0080    Cloaking                                   +
         +       0x0100    Galactic Map Planet Icons                  +
         +                                                            +
         +       0x0400    Backgrounds                                +
         +                                                            +
         +       0x1000    Halos                                      +
         +                                                            +
         +  so, for exaple, no halos and no explosions would be       +
         +  specified as:  (0x1040=4160)                              +
         +                                                            +
         +    pixFlags:  4160                                         +
         +                                                            +
         +                                                            +
         +  (Note that this OVERRIDES all the other resources)        +

     If you hate them all, you can either set the "pixmapDir" to "None" or
start the client with the -b (bitmap only) command line option.  Then go ahead
and delete all of the XPMS.  Go ahead.  We don't mind at all.  It's not like
we put any WORK into this ...  :,-(

   3.2.3  Babes/M31 and Generalized Backgrounds

     Gone.  You can put up any picture you like when you GENO, GB, or just
enter or hit shift-K.  Just specify the genocide.xpm, ghostbust.xpm and/or
hello.xpm.  It's really none of my business what you look at in your off time.

     Absolutely no picture will be shown if you do not have an XPM in the
specified place.  It didn't belong in the client in the first place.


     And BTW, the ' key (quote) has the default action of retiling your local
and galactic windows with the normal background (either black or your specified
pixmap) to repair the damage done by the other possible pix.

   3.2.4  AGRI pixmaps and FEATURE_PACKETS

     The client shows a different pixmap for AGRI planets than all others.
This was announced, voted on and overwhelmingly adopted (80%+ in favor). But
JUST IN CASE, this option can be disabled at the server by use of the
feature packet "AGRI_PIXMAP".

     Users can choose to remove the AGRI.xpm file.  The client will default
to using the regular planet pixmap if it is missing.

   3.3  Other features

*** Hockey Lines  
Due to popular demand, hockey lines have been added.
For those of you who want to see a hockey rink on the tactical,
just use the features menu (shift-O) and toggle them on.

You get:
   Blue lines (blue)
   Center line (red)
   Side lines, i.e. the rink edges (grey)
   Goal lines (red)
   Goal boxes (the color of the team)

They are a little awkward at first, but once you get used to them,
you'll wonder how you lived without them.

Since this is a first pass, I'm looking for more input on what
would make them better.  Here are some of my comments:

1)  Lines are hardcoded into the software.  They should be 
based upon planet location, so the hockey gods can move the
planets around.

2)  You either have them all or none.  Perhaps the set of
desired lines should be configurable from the xtrekrc.  Also,
you cannot change the colors.

3)  Lines on the galactic would look pretty

If you have any comments, mail them to

*** Shell escape tool
You may execute any Unix shell comand within the client. Read your mail 
now within the client. To do so, just send a message to the destination 
"!" and you get a shell prompt. Enter the comand and its output will 
be displayed in the tools window. Works also with macros to "!".
You may disable it in the .xtrekrc for security reasons with shellTools: off
CAUTION: The client will be blocked for the time the comand is executed.
Also some programs suspend the client if it is started in the background.

*** Fast quit
Hitting 'q' will quit the client without ever going back to the
team selection window, the normal 'Q' still goes back to the team
selection window.

*** Reread defaults file
You can reread your netrek default file by hitting '&', it is also
possible to enter a new default file name at any time by sending
a message to 'M' which contains the file name.

*** Galactic rotation
For those who like to fight with some specific orientation, the
galaxy is now rotate-able.  This can be done in the options window.
This works now also with short packages.

*** Gateway
Lots of cool gateway code in this client, unfortunately I don't
use nor do I know what it does other than get past firewalls.

*** Observer support
Many servers allow you to *observe* a game instead of playing, sort of
like watching football.  COW supports this feature.  Currently in order
to be an observer, all you have to do is connect to the observer port
for a server.  A good guess at the observer ports for a pickup server is
2593; for INL, 4000 and 5000.

*** Lagmeter
This is pretty pointless: a continuously updated bar graph of how bad
your lag is.  Perfect for the whiny player who needs an excuse. ;)
This can be turned on with the '\' key, from the options menu, or from
the .xtrekrc.  (lagmeter.parent, lagmeter.mapped, lagmeter.geometry)
Requres netstats to be on.

*** Pingstats
In a similar vein, the pingstats window can be turned on from the .xtrekrc,
the options menu, or the key ','.

*** The Pig call
COW supports sending five spaces to a player as the de facto method of
requesting info on the client.  (So called because it was used by the Pig
borg, AFAIK.)  For instance:
	COW 3.00pl0, linux, 03/03/98, RMCSE365AmTsr
The letters in the fourth field indicate which #ifdefs were specified
at compile time.  Possibilities are:
R: RSA supported
M: Macros
D: Debugging information
C: Corrupted packet handling
S: Short packets
E%d: Expiration date, in days after compilation
A: Stat window contains a slider showing armies carried
   (does not affect the newdashboard code)
m: Metaserver support
T: "Various tools, like shell escape, ..."
s: Sound
r: RCD support

*** Improved help window:  
	Basically, this was done to show what keys were
    actually mapped to what functions.  Every key function has a line in 
    the help window. Here's a sample line:

    s gb  Toggle shields
    ||\\_ The 'b' key has been mapped to toggle shields
    || \_ The 'g' key has also been mapped to toggle shields
    |\____This space is always there, as a separator.
    \_____This is the default key for this function, and the hook that you
	  use when defining things to this function. I.e. to set the 'g' 
	  and 'b' mappings mentioned here, you'd have to put 'gsbs' in 
	  your .xtrekrc or your keymap options.
	  NOTE:  This character will appear here, even if it is mapped
		to something else.

*** Message-Warp:  The non-warp version.
   	Hit the 'm' key and start typing. Your cursor changes to the
    'text' cursor, and all keystrokes go to the message window.  Sending
    the mesage or the ESC key ends this.  Again, the mouse pointer is not 

*** Documentation Window

The documentation window is used to view documentation while actually 
playing.  In order to do this you must either have the COW.DOC file in 
the directory you are running the client from or you must set the 
documentation resource value to the full path to the file with the
documentation.  Control-y brings this window up.  Also available via
shift-O option menu under "info."

The 'f', 'b' keys scroll forward and back by 28 lines, like the motd 
window.  While 'F' and 'B' keys scroll by 4 lines.

In .xtrekrc:
documentation:	/home/kensho/powell/misc/netrek/brm3002/myCOW.DOC

*** Xtrekrc File Window

The xtrekrc file window is used to view your current xtrekrc file online.
It is currently very stupid in that if you used the command line
option '-r' to specify your xtrekrc file, this viewer will not find
it (it's currently hardwired for $HOME/.xtrekrc:(  Control-X (that 
is control-shift-x) will bring up this window, or shift-O under "info."

The 'f', 'b' keys scroll forward and back by 28 lines, like the motd 
window.  While 'F' and 'B' keys scroll by 4 lines.

*** Auto torp aiming and dodge
Get outa here...

4.0 Xtrekrc:

COW looks for a .xtrekrc file in your home directory.  Alternatively
this file may be called home, and it may be in whatever directory
the client is executed from.

A file called "SAMPLE.xtrekrc" should have been included with this
client.  Below is an attempt to explain the many, many options you
can include in a .xtrekrc file.  Some of this was borrowed from
various other documentation such as MOO documentation.

For other options, see MACROs and Receiver Configurable Distress Calls.

   4.1   Windows, fonts, and colors

rank.mapped:	(on/off)
rank.parent:	(window name) ie root, review_all, netrek, etc
rank.geometry:  (geometry specification) ie 80x26+554+624
		Every window may have these three defaults set for it.
		Some windows are resizeable, others are not.

font:		fixed
bigfont:	lucidasans-24
italicfont:	-schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal--10-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1
boldfont:	-schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1
		Specifies which fonts you want to use,
		not sure that all of these are still used in COW

The personalized cursor extensions allows the user to specify their own 
cursors for the map, local, text, menus and info list windows.  

localCursorDef:		/usr/me/.local.xbm
mapCursorDef:		/usr/me/.map.xbm
infoCursorDef:		/usr/me/.info.xbm
textCursorDef:		/usr/me/.text.xbm  # the mask would be called /usr/me/.text.xbm.mask
arrowCursorDef:		/usr/me/.arrow.xbm

For infoCursorDef, textCursorDef, arrowCursorDef an optional mask may 
be specified.  To specify a mask, first create your new cursor, say called
mycursor, then create the mask and call it mycursor.mask.  They both need to
be on the same path.  Cursor and mask *must* be the same size, if not the 
cursor cannot be used (why anybody would want to do this makes no sense, 

color.white:            white            black              #ffa0ff            green
color.yellow:           yellow
color.cyan:             cyan
color.light grey:       light grey
		Specify what colors should be used by the client.
		This is generic X color specification (right?).
		All the possible left hand sides are listed I think.
color.Ind:              light grey
color.Fed:              yellow
color.Rom:              tomato
color.Kli:              green2
color.Ori:              light steel blue
		Race Colors may be set separately.

   4.2   Startup options

name:		(string of chars) default name

password:	(string of chars) default password; if both name and password
		are included in your .xtrekrc, COW will attempt to do
		an autologin for you.

		default server that is called when no -h argument is
        	specified.  Leave this blank to have cow call the 
		metaserver by default.

port:		2596
		default port that gets called. The compiled default is 2592.
	        Allows you to specify a server abbreviation.  Thus instead of
		using "-h" you now use only "-h rio"	4566
		default port that gets called for the server abbreviation.

showmotd:	(on/off) display motd if in wait queue

useRSA:		(on/off) default setting for whether the client should use RSA

autoquit:	(integer) length of time to wait on team selection screen
		before Auto-quit exits for you.

ignoreSignals:	(on/off) ignore SIGSEGV and SIGBUS.  COW will try to reset
		the game so you can continue.

   4.3   Combat options

warnShields:    (on/off) In color, you can have your shield be color of your 
                alert status (red, yellow, green)

varyShields:	(on/off) Shield color and bitmap depends on shield strength.

varyHull: 	(on/off) graphical indication of your hull condition.  Kinda
		like varyShields.  When varyHull is on your ship looks like it
		has small spikes sticking out of the shields, each spike
		representing 12.5% of your hull strength.

cloakChars:	(string of one or two chars) what to use for cloakers on
		galactic instead of '??'.

enemyPhasers:	(integer 0-10) enemy phasers thickness at starting point.

phaserShrink:	(integer 0-16) Don't draw the first "phaserShrink"/16th of
		your phaser.  This makes it easier to see incomming torps.

theirPhaserShrink: (integer 0-16) "phaserShrink" for other players' ships.

shrinkPhaserOnMiss: (on/off) Use "phaserShrink" and "theirPhaserShrink" even
		if a phaser misses.
highlightFriendlyPhasers: (on/off) phaser hits by your team are solid white
                          (instead of the default "rainbow" a la COW-lite.

showtractorpressor:  (on/off) toggle showing tractor/pressor beams

continueTractors: (on/off) off = turns off the visible t/p after 2 updates.

showstats:	(on/off) show stats window

   4.4   Messaging options

newDistress:	(on/off) right-justified distress call or not, default value
		is to right-justify (on)

reportkills:    (on/off) display kill messages or ignore these

censorMessages: (on/off) attempts to remove profanity from messages sent.
                They'll look like this: "F0->FED  @$%# you twink"

logging:	(on/off) displays messages to stdout if set.

logfile:	(filename) alternatively saves messages to a text file

PhaserMsg:	[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  0 = Don't log phaser hits
  1 = Log phasers on all window
  2 = Log phasers on team window
  3 = Log phasers on indiv window
  4 = Log phasers on kill window
  5 = Log phasers on review window

  the additional phaser window is controlled just like the other
  review windows.  e.g.:
     review_phaser.mapped:   on
     review_phaser.parent:   netrek
     review_phaser.geometry: 81x2+0+555

   4.5   Net options

netstats:	(on/off) collect network statistics for measuring lag

netstatfreq:	(integer) how often to update the network statistics

tryShort:	(on/off) default setting for whether to use short packets.

tryUdp:		(on/off) try to automatically connect with UDP
udpDebug:       0 = OFF   1 = ON (conect msgs only)  2 = ON (verbose output)
udpClientSend:	0 = TCP only,  1 = simple UDP 
		2 = enforced UDP--"state", including the following flags:
			SHIELD (up or down)
			BEAMing of armies
		3 = enforced UDP--"state & weapons" all of the above plus
    			PHASER commands
    			PLASMA commands
		Note that TORP commands are not included.

udpClientRecv:  0 = TCP, 1 = simple, 2 = fat, 
		3 = double (not currently supported)

udpSequenceChk: ?

   4.6   Galactic/tactical map options

useTNGBitmaps:	(on/off) Different bitmaps for fed.  Not the new pixmaps.

ROMVLVS:	(on/off) Replacement for dorky Rom CA bitmap.  Not a pixmap.

showIND:	(on/off) mark independent planets with a X drawn over it.

newPlanetBitmaps: removed.  Use showlocal/showgalactic instead.
whichNewPlanetBitmaps: ditto.

newDashboard:	(integer 0-3) Uses sliding bars instead of numbers to display
		speed, shield/hull status, etc, on the dashboard.  1 is
		'vanilla'; just like the old stat graph.  When set at 2,
		besides defaulting to green, displays how much hull/shield
		you have LEFT, not how much you have lost (i.e. this is an
		optimistic dashboard, it sees the cup as half full ;).  At 3,
		uses triangle sliders AND numbers.

keepInfo:	(integer) number of updates to keep info windows on the
		screen before automatically removing them

extraAlertBorder:  Draws border in internal netrek windows, as well
        as external ones (which get ignored in X11 with window-managers)

forcemono:     if on, the client windows are set to be monochrome

redrawDelay:  if >0 synchron screen refresh every n/10 sec 
		(useful for slow X-terms and high lag).	

showgalactic: 	0 = nothing, 1 = ownership, 2 = standard resources,
		3 = MOO/ZZ resources, 4 = rabbit ear resources
		Determines what kind of information will be shown on planets 
		displayed on the galactic.  With option 2, the planet bitmap
		has symbolic icons for armies > 4, repair, and fuel resources.
		With option 3, the planet has a dot in its center to represent
		fuel and four tickmarks in the corners to represent repair.
		With option 4, an ear on the left indicates repair and an
		ear on the right fuel.

showlocal:	0 = nothing, 1 = ownership, 2 = standard resources,
		3 = MOO/ZZ resources, 4 = rabbit ear resources
		Determines what kind of information will be shown on planets 
		displayed on the local map.

showLock:	0 = none, 1 = galactic, 2 = local, 3 = both
		Where to display the locked-on triangle.

showplanetnames: (on/off) turn on planet names by default.

colorgalactic:   Use color pixmaps instead of bitmaps on galactic.
(Obsolete -- see section 3.2.2)

showstars:    Use starry background on galactic map.
(Obsolete -- see section 3.2.2)

Color pixmap controls.  (See section 3.2.2)
resource-- indPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- fedPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- romPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- kliPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- oriPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- weaponPix:     (on/off)   default on
resource-- ex:plosionPix  (on/off)   default on
resource-- cloakPix:      (on/off)   default on
resource-- mapPix:        (on/off)   default on
resource-- backgroundPix: (on/off)   default on
resource-- pixFlags:      (int)      default 0  (== all on)

ownerhalo:	(on/off)   default off
		Draw a circle around the planet pixmap in the color of the 
		owning team. (pixmaps only)

   4.7   Keymap (and mouse) options

keymap:		(string of chars) remaps the keyboard, syntax is simply the
		key to map onto, followed by the key to map, repeated.
		Thus to map the "fire torps" key 't' onto 'f', use
		keymap: ft
		(See also the sections on control keymaps and ship
		dependent keymaps below.)

ignoreCaps:   (on/off) ignore the Capslock key.

buttonmap:  	map the mouse buttons to something else.
       	 	i.e. the default mapping is:

shiftedMouse:   (on/off) 
	The shift and control keys can be used to modify the default function
	assigned to a button.  The shift key acts as a switch which brings an
	alternate mapping to the mouse buttons.  In a similar way control and
	shift + control act to switch mappings again.
	Breakdown of values:
		Normal buttons 1, 2, 3, 
	<shift + button 1, 2, or 3> maps to 4, 5, 6,
	<control + button 1, 2, or 3> maps to 7, 8, 9, 
	<shift + control + button 1, 2, or 3> maps to a, b, and c. 
	This remaps all the possible mouse buttons:
	buttonmap: 1t2p3k4c5s6y7E8z9xaFbdcD

mouseAsShift:	(on/off) Not to be confused with "shiftedMouse." ;)
                Makes the mouse buttons 1-3 act like shift keys.  Each button 
		"shifts" or causes a new set of key mappings to come into 
		effect: Instead of the keyboard remapping the mouse, the 
		mouse now remaps the keyboard.  Each key on the keyboard now
		has several possible mappings.  Use the b[123]keymap
		option to specify commands.  For example, to have the 'a'
		key fire a torpedo while button1 is pressed, and a phaser
		while button2 is pressed, add the lines:
		b1keymap: at
		b2keymap: ap

continuousMouse: (on/off) allows you to cause multiple commands to be issued 
                 to the server when dragging the mouse with a button down.
                 For instance you can drag the mouse while pressing button 3 
                 (which defaults to set_course).  Saves on button wear and
                 tear. ;)

  4.7.1  Ship dependent keymaps, buttonmaps and .xtrekrc files 

You can add one of: sc, dd, ca, bb, as, sb, ga, att, default to the
following default options to override them based on ship type:

rcfile-??:  	ship specific .xtrekrc file,
keymap-??:	ship dependent keymap,
ckeymap-??:	ship dependent CTRL keymap,
buttonmap-??:	ship dependent buttonmap.

It will automatically reload the specified defaults if you change the
shiptype. If a ship-specific option is not specified, the default
option is used for that ship.  For e.g., keymap-sc: will be used
instead of keymap: whenever you switch to an SC.

Used well, this is a very powerful feature.  For instance, you might
bind a key to your prefered cruising speed, with a different speed for
each ship type.

Here's part of my keymap as an example.
# default: q = warp 2, w = 1/2 maxwarp, e = maxwarp
ckeymap: 	q2w#e%
# override some of the above, based on ship type
ckeymap-ca: 	w4
ckeymap-bb: 	w3
ckeymap-sb: 	q1w2

  4.7.2  Control keymaps

Control keymaps (ckeymap) handle the remapping of keys in an
analoguous manner to the normal keymap (keymap).  The control keymap
also allows the user to map both *upper* and *lower* case letters keys
when pressed with the control key.  This means that ^u and ^U are
*different* keys when it come to mapping them.

Any combination of normal keys and control keys can be mapped to one 
another.  In other words, you can map from control key to control key,
control key to normal key, normal key to normal key, and normal key
to control key.  

New format for ckeymap is:
c = any printable ascii character.
^ = introduce control mapping (the key '^' not control + key.)

Each entry is a pair, like:
cc              # regular format
c^c             # regular->control
^cc             # control->regular
^c^c            # control->control

Example ckeymap:
ckeymap:                 ^a%r^b^m^ca%d5 tfDFf^^E

Special case:
The '^' must be mapped with a double ^ ("^^") in either the bound or
binding key position.

* If you experience difficulties (you shouldn't) you might wish to use
  a normal keymap and a new ckeymap in combination.  Both are read in,
  the keymap first then the ckeymap.  This means that if a key is
  defined in both the keymap and ckeymap, the ckeymap's definition
  will be the one used.
* If you wish to use ckeymaps in conjunction with keymaps based on
  ship type (keymap-??, etc.), note that ckeymap still overrides
  keymap-??.  For e.g., if you define a key in ckeymap and in
  keymap-bb, the ckeymap binding hides the other binding.  You should
  use ckeymap-bb instead.
* Since ckeymaps are a superset of keymaps, you might consider using
  ckeymaps in all situations where you would use keymaps.  This will
  make things a lot simpler for you.  (But keep in mind that `^' has a
  special meaning in ckeymaps!)

Analogously, control keys may be used for buttonmap, singleMacro and
all macro and RCD definitions.

   4.8   Playerlist options

newPlist:	(on/off) new playerlist, instead of total kills, deaths
		offense and defense it shows login and stats (off+bomb+planet).
		Provided for backwards compatibility; use playerListStyle

sortPlayers:    (on/off) Sort the playerlist with the enemy team players
		first, then your team and then the neutral players.

sortMyTeamFirst: (on/off) Modifies "sortPlayers" so that your team is sorted
		immediately before the enemy teams.
partitionPlist: Add blank lines to a sorted player list to separate the
		different teams.  This is useful in mono where the teams
		can not be distinguished by their color.
playerListStyle: (0-4) The style for the player list.  The options are:
		(0) Custom player list as defined by the
			playerlist variable above,
		(1) Old player list,
		(2) Traditional COW player list,
		(3) Kill watch player list,
		(4) BRMH Player list.
		If "playerListStyle" is set, newPlist is ignored.
		Use the options menu (shift-O) to try the different styles.
                If no options are specified, defaults to (1).
playerlist:	(string) The layout for the player list.  What it allows
you to do is specify which columns of the player list you want to show
and in what order.  The following is a table of the available columns.
Spc  Let   Name                 Header
---  ---   -------------------- -------------------
  3  'n'   Ship Number          " No"
  3  'T'   Ship Type            " Ty"
 11  'R'   Rank                 " Rank      "
 17  'N'   Name                 " Name            "
  6  'K'   Kills                " Kills"
 17  'l'   Login Name           " Login           "
  6  'O'   Offense              " Offse"
  6  'W'   Wins                 "  Wins"
  6  'D'   Defense              " Defse"
  6  'L'   Losses               "  Loss"
  6  'S'   Total Rating (stats) " Stats"
  6  'r'   Ratio                " Ratio"
  8  'd'   Damage Inflicted(DI) "      DI"
  1  ' '   White Space          " "

options available when compiled with PLIST1
  6  'B'   Bombing              " Bmbng"
  6  'b'   Armies Bombed        " Bmbed"
  6  'P'   Planets              " Plnts"
  6  'p'   Planets Taken        " Plnts"
 17  'M'   Display/Host Machine " Host Machine    "
  7  'H'   Hours Played         " Hours "
  6  'k'   Max Kills            " Max K"
  6  'V'   Kills per Hour       "   KPH"
  6  'v'   Deaths per Hour      "   DPH"

options available when compiled with PLIST2
  9  'w'   War staus            " War Stat"
  3  's'   Speed                " Sp"
So for example if you just wanted to see names and rank you'd add this
line to your .xtrekrc:
playerlist: NR
The styles defined by "playerListStyle" are
	1: Old style 		= "nTRNKWLr O D d "
	2: COW style 		= "nTR N  K lrSd"
	3: Kill watch style	= "nTK  RNlr Sd"
	4: BRMH style		= "nTR N  K l M"

     In order for this mod to be in effect you must compile with PLIST
defined.  The things shown after PLIST1 are only available if you
have PLIST1 defined, the same goes for the things after PLIST2, but
you must have PLIST defined or neither of these will do anything.

PLIST2 is not active in COW currently.  Some players feel that placing
speed on the playerlist gives a strategic advantage.

On servers which support the SBHOURS .feature, you will see slightly 
different things when you info a SB, or show the SB player on the 
playerlist.  The usual offense and defense lines are replaced with SB 
kills/hour and deaths/hour.  The kills, deaths, hours and ratio entries
are all the player's SB stats as long as he is in the SB, and his normal
stats otherwise.

5.0  Connection Types: UDP, TCP.  Short packets.

UDP provides an unreliable, packet-based protocol for sending data
across an IP network.  There are a variety of ways that a UDP packet
can be lost or discarded, including a failure of the underlying
communication mechanism.  UDP implements a checksum over the data
portion of the packet.  If the checksum of a received packet is in
error, the packet will be dropped with no indication given to the
user.  A queue of received packets is provided for each UDP socket.
This queue has a limited capacity.  Arriving datagrams which will not
fit within its high-water capacity are silently discarded.

Guest              Rd     71       27            2% /  13%

The stats above show a typically UDP connection.  It has loss of
packets but its round-trip times are fairly low.

TCP provides a reliable, flow-controlled, in order transfer of data
across an IP network.  There is nothing fundamentally different about
the way UDP and TCP packets travel over the wire.  The only real
difference is that TCP will keep sending the same packet over and over
again until it gets an acknowledgement back.  As a result, TCP
connects are typically slower than UDP connections and usually require
more bandwidth.  TCP is slower because it guarantees that packets will
arrive in order and so a lost packet can hold up later packets.


Guest          Ff    405      669            0% /   0%
                     ^^^      ^^^            ^^^^^^^^^

The above shows possibly the same connection with UDP turned off.
There is no loss but the round trip times are much higher.


*  COW always uses TCP for some things.  For example, the text messages
   that you can send to other players are implement in TCP to guarentee
   that they always arrive.  However, if a UDP connection is also
   available, it is used for the vast majority of communication.
*  COW will fall back to using a TCP only if it fails to open
   a UDP link.  If you find that you have high lag and no loss, you
   probably should display the UDP control window (the default key is
   `+') and turn UDP back on by pressing the top button.

*  It is recommended to use a TCP connection if you are at the same
   site (within a few milliseconds lag) of the server you are playing on.
   The main reason for using UDP is to reduce your round trip times.

*  The option "tryUdp" can be used to set a preference for using
   UDP (tryUdp: on) or TCP only (tryUdp: off).

Short Packets:

For a more technical description of short packets, see README.SHORT_PCK.

Short packets are supported by COW.  These have been shown
to substantially reduce the volume of traffic between the client
and server, and will improve lag in many situations.  Not all
servers support short packets yet, but that is changing rapidly.

COW has a short packet window which is brought up with the ` key.
In this window you can turn short packets on and off as well as
configure it in various ways.

Also in your netrek defaults file you can add the line

tryShort:	on

in order to have short packets automatically turned on whenever
you connect to a server which allows it.

Don't forget about the - and | keys for requesting updates.


Three types of macros exist in the COW client:  NBT, NEWMACRO, and
SMARTMACRO.  NBT is always on, however NEWMACRO and SMARTMACRO can
be turned off by a server which does not allow them.

You may see a list of what macros are in your client by hitting
'X' followed by '?'.  At the top of this list it shows which macros
are enabled in the client right now.

NBT macros allow you enter a message in your .xtrekrc which you
send regularly.  

macro.x.X:      <text here>
#x is any ascii character; it is the "name" of the macro (the key you press
#in macro mode to send the associated macro)
#X can be A,T,F,R,K,O where A=all, T=team, F=fed, R=rom, K=kli, O=ori
#(determines the message board to which the text body of the macro is sent)
macro.b.T:              BOMB!!!!

For more information on NEWMACRO and SMARTMACRO see the NEWMACRO 
section below.

Receiver Configurable Distress Calls (RCD):

9/2/93 - jmn, jn (no relation 8^)
6/7/95 - updated by ATH

Receiver configurable distress calls have been added to the client
and use a MACRO-like syntax.

In order to change the distress type a line such as the following
should be in your defaults file.

dist.T.taking:		(%i) Carrying %a to %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}

	or simply

dist.taking:		(%i) Carrying %a to %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}

This has the format 
dist.[key].[name of distress]:		[macro]

Arguments for the macro and SMARTMACRO syntax are exactly the same
as before.  Any argument can be used, but usually only those
in the groups "Standard" and "FULLY CAPITALIZED" apply.

Note that if you don't want to ever see a certain distress, use the
macro characters : %*.  For example,

      dist.free_beer: %*

will allow your client to simply ignore any "free beer" RCD's that get sent.

Below is a table giving the name of each distress, the key it
is assigned to, and the default macro (at the time of this writing).
Note that except for E and F, these are all control keys.

Key  Name	Default Distress Macro
t    taking	%T%c->%O (%S) Carrying %a to %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}
o    ogg	%T%c->%O Help Ogg %p at %l
b    bomb	%T%c->%O %?%n>4%{bomb %l @ %n%!bomb%}
c    space_control	%T%c->%O Help Control at %L
1    save_planet	%T%c->%O Emergency at %L!!!!
2    base_ogg	%T%c->%O Sync with --]> %g <[-- OGG ogg OGG base!!
3    help1	%T%c->%O Help me! %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel %a armies.
4    help2	%T%c->%O Help me! %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel %a armies.
e    escorting	%T%c->%O ESCORTING %g (%d%%D %s%%S %f%%F)
O    ogging	%T%c->%O Ogging %h
B    bombing	%T%c->%O Bombing %l @ %n
C    controlling	%T%c->%O Controlling at %l
5    asw	%T%c->%O Anti-bombing %p near %b.
6    asbomb	%T%c->%O DON'T BOMB %l. Let me bomb it (%S)
7    doing1	%T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l.  %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel
8    doing2	%T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l.  %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel
f    free_beer	%T%c->%O %p is free beer
n    no_gas	%T%c->%O %p @ %l has no gas 
h    crippled	%T%c->%O %p @ %l crippled
9    pickup	%T%c->%O %p++ @ %l
0    pop	%T%c->%O %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}!
F    carrying	%T%c->%O %?%S=SB%{Your Starbase is c%!C%}arrying %?%a>0%{%a%!NO%} arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}.
@    other2	%T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l. (%d%%D, %s%%S, %f%%F)
#    other3	%T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l. (%d%%D, %s%%S, %f%%F)
E    help	%T%c->%O Help(%S)! %s%% shd, %d%% dmg, %f%% fuel,%?%S=SB%{ %w%% wtmp,%!%}%E%{ ETEMP!%}%W%{ WTEMP!%} %a armies!

Here is some documentation written by jmn about how receiver
configurable distress calls work:

Well... here's how it works.... Each RC_DISTRESS compatible client can make
the distress call appear as whatever you like through their .xtrekrc...
If you DONT have a new enough client the server will do a default parsing
of the distress call and you will see it like that. Also if the server is
old then the distress call sent out by each client will appear the way
_the sender_ likes to have them displayed.

Let me summarize with an example:
F0 likes 'F' to say 'Carrying 4 maggots.'
F1 likes 'F' to say 'Carrying 4 armies.'
F2 likes 'F' to say 'Carrying 4 lawyers. 20% fuel'
The server default is 'Carrying 4.'
Advanced RC_DISTRESS users should note that 'F' can be remapped easily in
at least 2 different ways. For example throught .xtrekrc

dist.(.carrying: %T%c: Carrying %a maggots.
singleMacro: (
(this will make 'X(' or '(' be the same as 'F' used to be)
There will be more documentation on this coming later but basically the
syntax is the same as SMARTMACRO and NEWMACRO.

On a NEW server:
Case 1: All of them are using a new client.
F1 will ALWAYS see 'Carrying x armies.' No matter who sent it.

Case 2: Only F1 is using an old client.
F1 will see the _server_ set defaults for the carrying call from everybody.
Note that the calls from F0 and F2 will appear in the same format to him on
this server (but may appear in a different format on different servers).
F2 and F0 will see F1's client-defined distress calls.

On an old server:
F1 will see whatever the sender likes to see (in this case the sender sends
the pre-formatted text instead of the RC_DISTRESS short-hand).
So a 'F' from F2 will appear to everybody as:
'Carrying 4 lawyers. 20% fuel'
a 'F' from F0 will appear to everybody as:
'Carrying 4 maggots.'

8/16/93 - jn
New feature for default file...	
rejectMacro:  on	(on/off) default to off, if on, COW automatically
			stops NEWMACROs from being sent when the server
			has turned NEWMACROs off.  That is any
			macro in your defaults file defined by a
			mac.*.*:   (TEXT)    line.			

NEWMACRO and SMARTMACRO documentation - Jeff Nelson 6/4/1993 


These features default ON in the COW client!  A server may turn them
off *for you* if they are not allowed at that server.  The BRM client will
inform you by sending you a message line like:

If you are not at a server that allows NEWMACRO, then all targetted
macros will be treated as normal NBT macros (no argument substitution,
%a will broadcast as %a).  If you are not on a server that allows
SMARTMACRO, then any conditional text or tests will *not* be evaluated,
instead they will be sent as the macro appears in your defaults file!

If you don't like this, complain to the server god!!  Make a difference!!

In order to use the below features, NBT and NEWMACRO must be defined.
In addition, SMARTMACRO must be defined to use the most advanced

Here is the idea:
A player should be able to include in his/her macros whatever
reasonable information is available.  And configuring its display
in whatever way is desired.  In order to do this, the following
syntax is used (while remaining completely compatible with old NBT

A key is assigned in the defaults file (ie .xtrekrc, etc)
by a line like:

mac.F.T		Help!  Carrying %a!!

This defines a macro which will send a distress containing
the number of armies a player is carrying to his team.

Note, this is NOT printf syntax!  Any attempt to use formatting will
fail miserably.  Maybe in the future someone will want to develop
a means of formatting the variables used in macros, but the only
means I can think of are both bulky and ugly.

Here is another example:

mac.f		Help!  Carrying %a!!

Unlike the first, this macro will not send directly to the team,
instead it requires that you give a third keystroke specifying the
recipient.  For example, it could be invoked by:

XfT		<- to your team
Xf1		<- to player 1
XfG		<- if you are desperate, send to God
XfA		<- if you are stupid, send to ALL

Old macros will still work in addition to these, thus be sure there are
no conflicts.  These generally cause suprising results.  For example,
if this is in your macro file:

mac.E.T		Help!  I'm carrying!!
macro.E.A	You all suck!
mac.E		Help!  I'm a twink!!
mac.E.T		Help!  I'm carrying again!!
macro.E.A	You all suck even worse NOW!

The suprising results would be that pressing XE would broadcast the
first two messages, and then wait for the destination of the third.
It would be impossible to ever use the last two.  Unfortunately, multiline
macros also do not work if they require a destination.  There is no
good reason for this, but since multiline macros annoy the hell out
of me, I ain't fixing it.  You can still do something like:

mac.D.A:	D
mac.D.A:	O
mac.D.A:	O
mac.D.A:	S
mac.D.A:	H

This would properly broadcase 5 messages containing 1 character to all.
If you tried to specify the destination for these by using "mac.D:",
only 'D' would be sent.

Also '?' can still not be used as a macro key.
The following definitions will work in a macro:


%o	3 charcter team name of sender
%a      armies carried by sender
%d      sender damage percentage
%s      sender shield percentage
%f      sender fuel percentage
%w      sender wtemp percentage
%e      sender etemp percentage
%t      team id character of target planet
%T      team id character of sender team
%r	team id character of target team
%c      sender id character
%n      armies on target planet
%E      1 if etemped, 0 if not
%W      1 if wtemped, 0 if not
%S      sender two character ship type
%p      id character of target player
%g	id char of target friendly player
%h	id char of target enemy player
%P      id character of player nearest sender
%G	id char of friendly player nearest sender
%H	id char of enemy player nearest sender
%l      three character name of target planet
%N	full name of target planet
%i	sender full player name (16 character max)
%u	full name of target player (16 character max)
%z	3 letter team id of target planet
%b      3 char name of sender nearest planet
%k	kills of sender
%K	kills of target player

%O	three character team name of sender
%L	three character name of target planet
%I	sender full player name (16 character max)
%U	full name of target player (16 character max)
%Z	3 letter team id of target planet
%B      3 char id of sender nearest planet

Ping stats: (may differ slightly from server '!' ping stats)
%v    average ping stat round trip time 
%V    ping stat round trip standard deviation
%y    percent total packet loss as calculated by server formula

%m      the last message you sent
%M	the last message you sent in all caps
%w	whydead number for RCM
%W	whydead text for RCM only
%>nn	Tab stop at position nn

As a further extension to NEWMACRO, a macro may now be sent
to any of the following destinations:

%i %I %c	send message to self
%u %U %p	send message to player nearest mouse
%t %z %Z	send message to team of player nearest mouse
%g		send message to nearest friendly player to my ship
%h		send message to nearest enemy player to my ship

with a syntax like

#useful for INL...
mac.C.%i:	CAPTAIN
mac.S.%i:	START
mac.T.%i:	%Z

mac.W.%t:	SHUT UP, TWINKS!!
mac.I.%u:	%u: det when you escort!
mac.O.%u:	(%i) ogging

What this does is allows you to send a macro to a player or
team specified by your mouse location instead of requiring
a 3rd character to be input.  Also, it allows you to send
message to yourself without having to actual sit there and
figure out who you are (they tried and failed back in the '60s).

>>>>The above is available when NEWMACRO is defined;  from here on,
>>>>SMARTMACRO must be defined *in addition*.

Further, tests may be done within the macro system, the syntax
for these test is as follows.
%?	introduces a test
=	equivalence
>	greater
<	less

Expressions are evaluated on a character by character basis until the
test is resolved.  The text of the test is then replaced in the macro
by 1 or 0.

Test are then fed to a syntax I call conditional text.  The best way
to demonstrate how this works is example.

1%{included if true%!included if false%}

This would print:
included if true

0%{included if true%!included if false%}
included if false

Combining the whole package, a very robust macroing system is
quickly generated.  One can easily design or mimic Distress calls,
including the variable NBT distress of the COW client and all the
hardcoded message macroing built into my own client but never released.

Here are a few more samples to work from:

mac.F.T:	Help!  Carrying %a!!
mac.f:		Help!  Carrying %a!!
mac.c.T:	%p++ near %l
mac.b.T:	%?%n>4%{bomb %l at %n%!bomb%}
mac.d.T:	%E%{%!%W%{%!I'm fine.  How are you?  %}%}%E%{ETEMPED!!!  %}%W%{WTEMPED!!!  %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%}
mac.a.T:        %E%{ETEMPED!!!  %}%W%{WTEMPED!!!  %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%}
mac.R.A:	I'm a %?%S=SB%{star base!%!twink!%}
mac.K.A:	KissMy%S
mac.t:		thanks
mac.y:		yes
mac.n:		no
mac.B:		bye, getting hungry/sleep/horny
mac.e.T:	need escort going to %l%?%a>0%{, carrying %a armies!%}
mac.v.%t:       %T%c PING stats: Average: %v ms, Stdv: %V ms, Loss: %y%%

#My Favorite:
mac.m:		%m

* Symbolic names for macro destinations - Kurt Siegl 27/4/95

You always wanted to send a macro directly to the captain, base,
or the second SC bomber?

Symbolic macro keys will solve your problems. Here how it goes:

In the .xtrekrc file you assign a key to a symbolic name:

	 key.[key].[dest]:	[name of key]

If the destination isn't specified the key defaults to team.

key.C:		captain
key.B.t:	base
key.m.A:        me

Then you can use that new key in your macros.

mac.o.C:        Hi Captain let me suggest a base ogg?
mac.a.B: 	BASE: Free armies for me?
mac.t.m:        TIME

Finally during runtime you may change the actual destination 
by sending a message:

	set [name of key] [destination id]

to the shell ("!") tools. Of corse this may be done with macros as well.

mac.^C.!:	set captain %g
mac.^m.!:	set me %c

You can check the settings on the shell tools window "M".

Receiver Configurable Server Messages (RCM)

Short package kill messages may be freely configured using
the macro syntax interpreter where

* the killed person corresponds to the sender,
* the killer corresponds to the target player,
* involved planet (killed by, destroyed, taken) to the target planet,
* damage is int part of kills and shield fraction part.
* whydead goes with wtmp.

All others are undefined.

The format of the messages is:

msg.[name of message]: [RCM macro]

Available messages and their defaults are:

msg.kill:  ........
msg.kill:GOD->ALL %i (%S) (%T%c%?%a>0%{+%a armies%!%}) was kill %?%d>0%{%k%!NO CREDIT)%} for %u (%r%p) %?%w>0%{%W%!%}
msg.planet:GOD->ALL %i (%S) (%T%c%?%a>0%{+%a armies%!%} killed by %l (%z) %?%w>0%{%W%!%}
msg.bomb:%N->%Z We are being attacked by %i (%T%c) who is %d%% damaged.
msg.destroy:%N->%Z %N destroyed by %i (%T%c)
msg.take:%N->%O %N taken by %i (%T%c)
msg.ghostbust:GOD->ALL %i (%S) (%T%c) was kill %k for the GhostBusters

BRMH formated kill windows may be optain by something like:

msg.kill:  %i (%S) (%T%c%?%a>0%{+%a armies%!%}) %>30 kill %?%d>0%{%k%!NO CREDIT)%} for %u (%r%p) %?%w>0%{%>65%W%!%}

7.0 MetaServer Options

The MetaServer and the MetaServerCache are provided to help you find a
netrek game to join.  Both services provide a list of the popular
netrek servers.  The MetaServer is neat because provides information
on the number of players at each site.  The MetaServerCache is neat
because it is much faster if you can guess where a game will be.

To access the MetaServer, use the command line switch "-m" or "-M".  For
example "cow -m".  To access the MetaServerCache, use the "-k" switch
instead.  The command line options are as follows:

  -m    Default to UDP connection mode to metaserver if metaType not set
  -M    Default to TCP connection mode to metaserver if metaType not set
  -k    use TCP metaserver cache to display known servers

If metaType (defined later) is set, -m or -M will connect to
metaserver based on what metaType is set to.

1) Where to find the MetaServer:

You can use the options "metaport" and "metaserver" to point COW
to a new MetaServer.  The defaults for these options are:

	 metaport: 3521
	 metaserver: none

The metaserver usually resides at port 3521

In UDP mode multiple metaservers can be listed on the "metaserver"
option, comma separated.  Example:


Also in UDP mode, if a hostname listed has more than 1 IP address, the
client will attempt to connect to all IPs listed in that hostname. It
will then merge all responses into 1 list and display that list.

In TCP mode, only 1 hostname may be listed.

2) How to create a list of known servers for the MetaServerCache:

Before you can use the MetaServerCache, you must give COW a file in
which to cache the information from the MetaServer.  Use the .xtrekrc
options "metaCache" and "metaUDPcache" to specify these files.  The
files path will be relative to your home directory unless you start
the file name with a slash (/).  "metaCache" defines the TCP cache,
and "metaUDPcache" defines the UDP cache. The TCP and UDP cache can
NOT be the same.  They are incompatible formats.

For example, to set the cache files to "~/.metaCache" and "~/.metaUDPcache"

	metaCache:    .metaCache
        metaUDPcache: .metaUDPcache

Unlike the MetaServer, the MetaServerCache will not show the number of
people playing at a server.  If a server is contactable, it will be
shown as "Active".

Warning: If "metaCache" or "metaUDPcache" are set, COW will also use a
second, temporary file.  This file with have the name of the metaCache
file with the last character changed to either a 'T' or an 'R'.  Eg,
".metaCache" becomes ".metaCachT" and "BEAST" becomes "BEASR".  Ensure
that this temporary file does not overwrite something important.

3) How to set the connection type to the metaserver:

The xtrekrc option "metaType" will determine how COW connects to the
metaserver. The default for this option is:

  metaType:    (default: whaterver the command line has, -m=1 -k=2 -M=3 
                out of range values default to 3)

where the values 1, 2, 3 are defined as:

   How to connect to the Metaserver.  Connect with UDP, cache, or TCP.
                                      1 == cache, then UDP
                                      2 == cache, then TCP
                                      3 == TCP, then cache 

UDP mode offers more options and more recent information as well as a
quicker startup and a refresh button, explained later.  TCP mode is
the normal method and should be used when connections are unreliable
or if you're behind a firewall.

4) How much information will be shown:

You can now control the amount of information that the MetaServer
displays for you by setting the "metaStatusLevel" flag.  The default
	metaStatusLevel: 3
The status levels are coded as follows.

0	Servers which have players but not a wait queue.
1	+ Servers with a wait queue.
2	+ Servers with nobody playing. (see NOTE1).
3	+ Servers which have Timed Out for the MetaServer (see NOTE2).
4	+ Servers which the MetaServer has not been able to connect to.

NOTE1: When using the MetaServerCache, "metaStatusLevel" values of
less than 3 are treated as the value 3.  This minimum is enforced
because the cache does not attempt to show the number of people
playing at a site.

NOTE2: If you are a long way from the MetaServer, you are advised to
ignore TimeOut errors.  For example, the MetaServer in America may
have difficulty contacting to a server in Holland while the link from
England to Holland is very good.

5) The Fallback

If you attempt to contact the MetaServer, and the connection times
out, COW will try to show the MetaServerCache instead.

Similarly, if you attempt to use the MetaServerCache, and your
"metaCache" file does not exist, COW will attempt to call

In UDP mode, COW will show the UDP cache right away, and then update
the screen as responses come in.

6) The display

COW will pop up a window with a list of game servers.  The format of
the window is 1 server per line, starting with the server name,
followed by the server status, and the server type.  In UDP mode it
will also show the age of the data on that server.  In UDP mode, a
refresh button is also available.  Hitting that line will re-query the
metaservers for more up to date data.  Please don't abuse this and
rapidly click this button over and over as this may make the
metaserver admins ban you from connecting.  

To choose a server to play on, LEFT click on the server.  To join as
an observer RIGHT click on the server.  COW will then connect to the
game server.

7) Miscellaneous

The option "metaverbose" will make UDP metaserver queries slightly
more verbose.  When on, COW will display who its connecting to and who
responds.  The default for this option is:

     metaverbose: off

8.0 Compiling:

COW has the best and easiest to use installation procedure a client
ever had.

1 *** If you are compiling COW and do not intend to release the client
  *** for public distribution with an RSA blessing, simply type:


In case you will need some additional flags for your compiler or linker,
edit the "sample_key.def" file and change the corresponding parameters
at the bottom.

2 *** If you are compiling COW with the intention of releasing a client
  *** for public distribution with an RSA blessing, read below.

First, please contact so we know about
the existance of the client and where other people might obtain it.

Make sure that you have MP or GMP available on your system.
If you do not have the GMP installation, you need to obtain it.
It should be available from

To install it do the following:

1) Take the sample_key.def file as a basis to generate an own RSA key
   definition file.
2) Edit the Makefile and set KEYDEF to the name of the new generated file.
3) make
	If you don't have already a key a new key will be generated.
4) make distkey
	Sends a mail to the RSA key keeper to get your key installed 
	at the servers.
5) you are done!  watch that GPA hit the floor!! always likes to receive bug reports for
the client and if you have any suggestion for how to improve the
Makefiles or this description, please email us.  Remember that
fixes are the best way to complain. Working patches should be sent to:


Local weenies cheat.  They talk to each other.  Those of us who have
never met another netrek player are forced to relie heavily on the
message window.

In order to even the playing field, the current feature was proposed.
This feature causes certain types of RCD messages to beep or even
highlite specific objects on the screen.  This is done via a
macro-like interface which is highly configurable.  Further, bitmaps
used to highlite can be substituted with your preferences.


In order to turn message beeping and highliting on, you must include the
following in your .xtrekrc.

UseLite: on

The above leaves you with the feature on, but nothing is automatically
setup.  If you want to configure it yourself, go to the "CONFIGURING
VIA XTREKRC" section.  You can include a set of reasonable defaults,
instead of bothering to learn to configure it yourself by including
the lines.

DefLite: on

At any time, you can extend these simply by including some of the
configuration syntax in your .xtrekrc as described in the "CONFIGURING VIA
XTREKRC" section.

WARNING:  Use beep _sparingly_, people (including you) will get sick 
very quickly of hearing your workstation beep every 5 seconds.


Message beeps are configured as on and off.  They are turned on if the
proper line is in your .xtrekrc.  Otherwise they are left off.

Message lites are configured in a way very similar to macros.
However, in addition to the original set of macro arguments, a new
class of arguments is introduced to handle the highliting.

To configure message highliting, include something like the line below.
Here "name of distress" is the RCD message type.  "macro" is the macro
style syntax specifying what is to be highlited.

lite.[name of distress]:  [macro]

Below are the configurations which are equivalent to the defaults
which are setup for you if using DefLite.  These provide good 
examples for how the system works.

lite.taking:   /c/l
lite.base_ogg: /g/m
lite.pickup:   /h  %?%S=SB%{/c%}

The above does the following,
"taking" message highlites the planet and taker
"base_ogg" message highlites the person to sync and your ship 
      (to REALLY get your attention)
"pickup" message highlites the enemy who picked up
"help" tests to see if the player sending the distress is a base, if so
      he is highlited

You might like to change the last one to:  %?%S=SB%{/c%}%?%a>0%{/c%}

This will highlite bases who distress AND carriers who distress.

Using TTS you may change the pickup macro to:
lite.pickup:   /h/|%p++ @ %l|

This sends a big ++ message on the tactical map in addition to the light.

Note that all the MACRO parsing routines are run on these, and plain 
text left over is ignored.  Only the highlite argument matter.

The following are the arguments for highliting.

/c /i /I   sender
/m /M      _your_ ship

/p      target player
/g      target friendly player
/h      target enemy player
/P      player nearest sender
/G      friendly player nearest sender
/H      enemy player nearest sender
/b      planet nearest sender
/l      target planet

The following are the arguments for sounds.

/0     	Standard window beep (incoming message sound if sound is on) 
/1 - /9 Play nt_message1 - nt_message9 sound.

Tactical Text Solution for the Tactical Tunnel Syndrome (TTS):

/| .. | displays Text in between via TTS. 

Additional defaults:

planetCycleTime:	highlighting time for planets
playerCycleTime: 	highlighting time for players

tts_color: 		color of TTS message (should be dark)
tts_font: 		Font (large prefered)
tts_max_len: 		Max length of a message
tts_time: 		Time a TTS message is displayed
tts_pos:		y location of the TTS message

End of COW.DOC