

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > by-pkgid > 86bfe9c51544e9bfaed8258b40a1f44f > files > 1


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <locale AUTHOR="Atilla ÖNTAŞ -" NAME="Türkçe" VERSION="AL-ANVAR-0.2.5"  ID="tr_TR" />
		<text id="Align" value="Left" />

<!-- Main Words -->

		<text id="About" value="Hakkında" />
		<text id="Abouttxt" value="Al-Anvar, Kur'an araştırmacıları için açık kaynaklı serbest bir Kur' an yardımcısıdır.Gelişmiş arama, kelime kökü fihristleme, rastgele ayet fihristleme ve çevrimiçi/çevrimdışı tilavet bu sürümün bazı özellikleridir. Farklı dillerde bir çok meali de okuyabilirsiniz. Özel teşekkürlerimizi metinler için ve ile tilavetler için' a sunmak isteriz." />
		<text id="Add Feuilleton" value="Dipnot" />    
		<text id="Add Subject" value="Yeni Başlık..." />    
		<text id="Add a Point" value="Notlarım" />
		<text id="Add selected words to unwanted list" value="Seçili sözcükleri istenmeyenler listesine ekle" />    
		<text id="Add-ons Page" value="Eklentiler" />
		<text id="Add-ons list was not updated Successfully" value="Eklenti listesi GÜNCELLENEMİYOR!" />
		<text id="Add-ons list was updated Successfully" value="Eklenti listesi başarıyla güncellendi!" />
		<text id="Add-ons" value="Eklentiler" />
		<text id="Address" value="Adres" />    
		<text id="Advanced Search" value="Gelişmiş Arama" />
		<text id="Are you sure to Remove This Verse From" value="Bu ayeti çıkarmak istiyor musunuz" />    
		<text id="Are you sure to Remove those Subjects:" value="Aşağıdaki başlıkları çıkarmak istiyor musunuz?" />
		<text id="Are you sure to Restore  Backup ?" value="Yedeği yeniden yüklemek istiyor musunuz?" />
		<text id="Backup Subjects and Notes" value="Başlıklardan ve notlardan yedek al" />
		<text id="Backup was create Successfully" value="Yedekleme başarılı!" />
		<text id="Backup was not create Successfully" value="Yedekleme başarıyla TAMAMLANAMADI!" />
		<text id="Backup" value="Yedekle" />
		<text id="Books Search" value="Kütüphanede ara" />
		<text id="Both" value="Hepsi" />    
		<text id="Cancel" value="İptal" />
		<text id="Change Fonts" value="Yazıtiplerini değiştir" />    
		<text id="Change Color" value="Renk düzenini değiştir" />   

		<text id="Chapter" value="Bölüm" />
		<text id="Close" value="Kapat" />    
		<text id="Color of the Quran" value="Kur' an metin rengi" />    
		<text id="Color of the Translation" value="Meal metin rengi" />  
		<text id="DataBase Dir" value="Veritabanı dizini" />
		<text id="Audio Dir" value="Ses dizini" />
		<text id="Date" value="Tarih" />    
		<text id="Delete Permantly Selecteds" value="Seçilenleri kalıcı olarak sil" />    
		<text id="Descent" value="Köken" />
		<text id="Double Clicked to" value="Çift tıklama " />
		<text id="Download And Install" value="İndir ve Kur" />
		<text id="Downloding" value="İndiriliyor..." />    
		<text id="Edit Ordering" value="Sıralamayı düzenle" />
		<text id="EmptyTrash " value="Çöpü boşalt" />    
		<text id="Exit" value="Çıkış" />
		<text id="File Name" value="Dosya adı" />
		<text id="File" value="Dosya" />
		<text id="Find" value="Bul" />
		<text id="Font of the Quran" value="Kur' an metin yazıtipi" />    
		<text id="Font of the Software" value="Arayüz metin yazıtipi" />    
		<text id="Font of the Translation" value="Meal metin yazıtipi" />    
		<text id="Get Add-ons" value="Eklentileri edinin" />
		<text id="Help" value="Yardım" />
		<text id="Hide chapter layout" value="Yan çubuğu sakla" />
		<text id="Hizb" value="Hizb" />    
		<text id="Install Add-ons" value="Eklentileri kurun" />
		<text id="Interpretation" value="Tefsirler" />
		<text id="Language of the Program" value="Uygulama dili" />    
		<text id="Make As Folder" value="Dizin olarak oluştur" />
		<text id="Match Alifhamza" value="Match alifhamza" />
		<text id="Match Case" value="Match case" />
		<text id="Match the e'rab" value="Match e'rabs" />
		<text id="Merge Subject" value="Başlığı birleştir" />
		<text id="Move Subject" value="Başlığı şu konuma taşı: " />    
		<text id="Move To Trash" value="Çöpe gönder" />
		<text id="Name" value="İsim" />
		<text id="Need Restart" value="Yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor" />
		<text id="Next" value="İleri" />
		<text id="Ok" value="Tamam" />
		<text id="Options.." value="Seçenekler..." />
		<text id="Ordering" value="Sıralama" />    
		<text id="Page" value="Sayfa" />
		<text id="Play via Phonon" value="Al-anvar' ı dahili oynatıcı ile oynat" />
		<text id="Playback" value="Oynatıcı" />
		<text id="Playing Icon" value="Oynatma simgesi" />
		<text id="Preferences" value="Seçenekler" />
		<text id="Previous" value="Geri" />
		<text id="Print" value="Yazdır" />
		<text id="Pro" value="Profesyonel" />
		<text id="Qur'an Only" value="Sadece Kur' an" />
		<text id="Qur'an Translation was Installed Successfully" value="Meal başarıyla indirildi!" />
		<text id="Qur'an Translations" value="Kur' an mealleri" />    
		<text id="Quran Root" value="Kök" />    
		<text id="Quran Search" value="Kur' an" />    
		<text id="Quran setting" value="İçerik görüntüleme" />
		<text id="Quran" value="Kur'an" />
		<text id="Reciter" value="Hafız" />
		<text id="Regular expression" value="Düzenli ifade " />    
		<text id="Remarking Icon" value="Notlarım" />
		<text id="Repeat" value="Yinele" />    
		<text id="Restore Seleteds" value="Seçilenleri geri yükle" />
		<text id="Results" value="Sonuçlar" />
		<text id="Save as pdf" value="PDF biçimde kaydet" />
		<text id="Save as.." value="Farklı kaydet..." />
		<text id="Save the Point" value="Kaydet" />
		<text id="Search Result :" value="Arama sonuçları:" />
		<text id="Search in Translation" value="Meal içinde ara" />    
		<text id="Search in current text" value="Geçerli metin içinde ara" />
		<text id="Search in the Qur'an" value="Kur' an içinde ara" />
		<text id="Search" value="Ara" />
		<text id="Section" value="Cüz" />
		<text id="Select for Move" value="Taşımak için seç" />    
		<text id="Select from the available subjects" value="Erişilebiliri başlıklardan seç" />    
		<text id="Select the Interpretation" value="Tefsir:" />
		<text id="Select the Translation" value="Meal:" />    
		<text id="Set Top Level" value="En üst seviye öğeyi ayarla" />
		<text id="Show Trash" value="Çöpü göster" />
		<text id="Show and Edit the Notes" value="Notlarım" />
		<text id="Show chapter layout" value="Yan çubuğu göster" />
		<text id="Show the Verses" value="Ayetleri göster" />    
		<text id="Verses" value="Ayetler" />
		<text id="Similar Verses" value="İlgili başlıklar: " />    
		<text id="Similar Words" value="Benzer Sözcükler" />
		<text id="Size" value="Boyut" />
		<text id="Some Preferences need for restart Al-Anvar to apply." value="Bazı değişikliklerin etkili olması için Al-Anvar'ın yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor" />
		<text id="Style" value="Biçim" />
		<text id="Subject :" value="Konu:" />
		<text id="Subject List:" value="Konu Listesi:" />
		<text id="Subject of the Verses" value="Konular" />
		<text id="Subject of this Verse:" value="Bu Ayetin Konusu:" />    
		<text id="Subjects" value="Konular" />
		<text id="Theme and color" value="Tema ve renk" />    
		<text id="text" value="metin" />    
		<text id="This Backup was Installed Successfully" value="Yedekleme başarıyla geri yüklendi!" />
		<text id="This File is not Recognized as an add-on for the program" value="Geçersiz eklenti dosyası" />
		<text id="This Interpretation has already been Installed" value="Tefsir zaten kurulu!" />
		<text id="This Interpretation was Installed Successfully" value="Tefsir başarıyla kuruldu!" />
		<text id="This Translaton has already been Installed" value="Meâl zaten kurulu!" />    
		<text id="Those Subjects:" value="aşağıdaki konular:" />
		<text id="Title" value="Başlık" />
		<text id="Tools" value="Araçlar" />
		<text id="Translation Only" value="Sadece Meâl" />
		<text id="Trash" value="Çöp" />
		<text id="Until Verse:" value="şuna kadar " />
		<text id="Update Add-ons list" value="Eklenti listesini güncelle" />
		<text id="Use external program:" value="Harici bir oynatıcı kullan:" />
		<text id="Verse" value="Ayet" />
		<text id="Verses" value="Ayetler" />
		<text id="Version" value="Sürüm" />
		<text id="Warning" value="Uyarı" />
		<text id="add subject to Verse" value="ayetleri anahtar sözcüklerle etiketlemek için." />
		<text id="all Current Subject and Comment will be lost.." value="Geçerli etiketleme ve yorumlama verisi yitirilecek!" />
		<text id="all these words" value="Bütün bu sözcükler:" />    
		<text id="all these words(sequence)" value="Bütün bu sözcükler, sıralama korunacak:" />
		<text id="audio" value="Ses" />
		<text id="for split words use / or ," value="Sözcükleri ayırmak için yatık çizgi (/) kullanın" />
		<text id="index" value="fihrist" />    
		<text id="interface" value="Arayüz" />    
		<text id="list of the Chapters" value="Bölümler" />
		<text id="list of the Section" value="Kısımlar" />
		<text id="list of the Hizb" value="Hizbler" />
		<text id="none of these words" value="Bu sözcüklerin hiçbiri:" />
		<text id="remove from Verse" value="ayetlerden etiketi kaldırmak için." />
		<text id="update" value="Güncelle" />
		<text id="will Move to " value="şununla taşınacak: " />    
		<text id="will merge to" value="şununla birleşecek: " />    
		<text id="madani" value="Medeni" />
		<text id="makki" value="Mekki" />
		<text id="default" value="Öntanımlı" />
		<text id="simple" value="Basit" />  
		<text id="Pro" value="Modern" />
		<text id="Lang" value="dil" />          
		<text id="Quran Translations" value="Kur'an Meâlleri" />          
		<text id="langprog" value="dil" /> 
		<text id="Point was not saved Successfully." value="notlar başarıyla KAYDEDİLEMEDİ!" />
		<text id="Do you want to save your changes?" value="Değişiklilkler kaydedilsin mi?" />
		<text id="The Point has been modified." value="Notlar değiştirildi." />
		<text id="Research tools" value="Araştırma Araçları" />
		<text id="Save" value="Kaydet" />  
		<text id="Next verse" value="Sonraki ayet" />
  		<text id="Previous verse" value="Önceki ayet" />   
  		<text id="For Subscribe to our Newsletters and Email Updates" value="Mektuplar ve e-posta güncellemeleri için kaydolun." />   
  		<text id="click here" value="Buraya tıklayın" />   
  		<text id="Site" value="Site" />   
  		<text id="Email" value="E-Posta" /> 
		<text id="Filter by current Similar Words" value="Bu sözcüklere göre süz" />   
  		<text id="Delete filter and show all" value="Süzgeci sil ve tümünü göster" /> 
		<text id="Sort chapters by:" value="Bölümleri şu şekilde sırala:" />  
		<text id="Orginal" value="Özgün" /> 
		<text id="Maximum verse" value="Ayet sayısı (azalan)" /> 
		<text id="Least verse" value="Ayet sayısı (artan)" /> 
		<text id="Check for updates" value="Son sürümü denetle" /> 
		<text id="Latest version is avalible" value="Son sürüm erişilebilir durumda." /> 
		<text id="click here to download Latest version" value="İndirmek için tıklayın." /> 
		<text id="Al-Anvar is up to date ;" value="Al-Anver şimdi güncel!" /> 
		<text id="check update failed" value="Güncelleme denetimi başarısız!" /> 
		<text id="Play" value="Çal" /> 
		<text id="Quran Border" value="Kur'an kenarlığını göster" /> 
		<text id="repeat with:" value="çalmayı şununla yinele: " /> 		
		<text id="need Explanations" value="Soru gönder"/>
		<text id="send" value="gönder"/>               
		<text id="Tel Me More about this verse:" value="Bana bu ayet hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi ver:"/>                
		<text id="bodytext" value="sorular:"/>            
		<text id="subjct" value="konu:"/>
		<text id="your mail" value="E-posta:"/>
		<text id="your name" value="İsim:"/>
		<text id="SendMail" value="E-posta gönder"/>
		<text id="SendMail ok." value="Gönderildi."/>
		<text id="Mail sending failed." value="E-posta gönderilemedi."/>
		<text id="Authentificated" value="Yetkilendirildi"/>
		<text id="Authentification Failed." value="Yetkilendirilemedi."/>
		<text id="Connected" value="Bağlandı"/>
		<text id="Connection Failed." value="Bağlantı Başarısız."/>		
		<text id="MoshafView" value="Mushaf sırasında göster"/>
		<text id="moshaf" value="Mushaf"/>
		<text id="Result astekhare" value="Result astekhare"/>
		<text id="export xml" value="xml olarak dışa aktar"/>
		<text id="done." value="tamamlandı."/>
		<text id="added before" value="önceden eklenmiş"/>
		<text id="add folder" value="dizin ekle"/>
		<text id="update tree" value="listeyi güncelle"/>
		<text id="export all to xml" value="tümünü xml olarak dışarı aktar"/>
		<text id="export selected to xml" value="seçilenleri xml olarak dışarı aktar"/>
		<text id="first list" value="ilk liste"/>
		<text id="child of" value="alt bölümü: "/>
		<text id="Books" value="Kitaplar" />      
		<text id="Next Page" value="Sonraki Sayfa" />
		<text id="Back Page" value="Önceki Sayfa" />   
		<text id="Biblegraphi" value="Kaynakça" />



<!-- Chapters Name -->

		<text id="Al-Fātiḥaħ" value="Fatiha" />
		<text id="Al-Baqaraħ" value="Bakara" />
		<text id="'Āli `Imrān" value="Âl-i İmrân" />
		<text id="An-Nisā'" value="Nisâ" />
		<text id="Al-Mā'idaħ" value="Mâide" />
		<text id="Al-'An`ām" value="En'âm" />
		<text id="Al-'A`rāf" value="Araf" />
		<text id="Al-'Anfāl" value="Enfâl" />
		<text id="At-Tawbaħ" value="Tevbe " />
		<text id="Yūnus" value="Yûnus" />
		<text id="Hūd" value="Hûd" />
		<text id="Yūsuf" value="Yûsuf" />
		<text id="Ar-Ra`d" value="Ra’d" />
		<text id="'Ibrāhīm" value="'İbrahim" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥijr" value="Hicr" />
		<text id="An-Naḥl" value="Nahl" />
		<text id="Al-'Isrā'" value="İsrâ" />
		<text id="Al-Kahf" value="Kehf" />
		<text id="Maryam" value="Meryem" />
		<text id="Ṭā-Hā" value="Tâ-Hâ" />
		<text id="Al-'Aɱbiyā'" value="Enbiyâ" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥajj" value="Hac" />
		<text id="Al-Mu'minūn" value="Mü’minûn" />
		<text id="An-Nūr" value="Nûr" />
		<text id="Al-Furqān" value="Furkân" />
		<text id="Ash-Shu`arā'" value="Şu’arâ" />
		<text id="An-Naml" value="Neml" />
		<text id="Al-Qaṣaṣ" value="Kasas" />
		<text id="Al-`Ankabūt" value="Ankebût" />
		<text id="Ar-Rūm" value="Rûm" />
		<text id="Luqmān" value="Lokman" />
		<text id="As-Sajdaħ" value="Secde" />
		<text id="Al-'Aḥzāb" value="Ahzâb" />
		<text id="Saba'" value="Sebe'" />
		<text id="Fāṭir" value="Fâtır" />
		<text id="Yā-Sīn" value="Yâsîn" />
		<text id="Aṣ-Ṣāffāt" value="Sâffât" />
		<text id="Ṣād" value="Sâd" />
		<text id="Az-Zumar" value="Zümer" />
		<text id="Ghāfir" value="Mü’min" />
		<text id="Fuṣṣilat" value="Fussilet" />
		<text id="Ash-Shūraá" value="Şûrâ" />
		<text id="Az-Zukhruf" value="Zuhruf" />
		<text id="Ad-Dukhān" value="Duhân" />
		<text id="Al-Jāthiyaħ" value="Câsiye" />
		<text id="Al-'Aḥqāf" value="Ahkâf" />
		<text id="Muḥammad" value="Muhammed" />
		<text id="Al-Fatḥ" value="Fetih" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥujurāt" value="Hucurât" />
		<text id="Qāf" value="Kâf" />
		<text id="Adh-Dhāriyāt" value="Zâriyât" />
		<text id="Aṭ-Ṭūr" value="Tûr" />
		<text id="An-Najm" value="Necm" />
		<text id="Al-Qamar" value="Kamer" />
		<text id="Ar-Raḥmān" value="Rahmân" />
		<text id="Al-Wāqi`aħ" value="Vâkı’a" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥadīd" value="Hadîd" />
		<text id="Al-Mujādalaħ" value="Mücâdele" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥashr" value="Haşr" />
		<text id="Al-Mumtaḥanaħ" value="Mümtehine" />
		<text id="Aṣ-Ṣaff" value="Saff" />
		<text id="Al-Jumu`aħ" value="Cum’a" />
		<text id="Al-Munāfiqūn" value="Münâfikûn" />
		<text id="At-Taghābun" value="Teğâbun" />
		<text id="Aṭ-Ṭalāq" value="Talâk" />
		<text id="At-Taḥrīm" value="Tahrîm" />
		<text id="Al-Mulk" value="Mülk" />
		<text id="Al-Qalam" value="Kalem" />
		<text id="Al-Ḥāqqaħ" value="Hâkka" />
		<text id="Al-Ma`ārij" value="Me’âric" />
		<text id="Nūḥ" value="Nûh" />
		<text id="Al-Jinn" value="Cin" />
		<text id="Al-Muzzammil" value="Müzzemmil" />
		<text id="Al-Muddaththir" value="Müddessir" />
		<text id="Al-Qiyāmaħ" value="Kıyâme" />
		<text id="Al-'Insān" value="İnsan" />
		<text id="Al-Mursalāt" value="Mürselât" />
		<text id="An-Naba'" value="Nebe'" />
		<text id="An-Nāzi`āt" value="Nâzi'ât" />
		<text id="`Abasa" value="Abese" />
		<text id="At-Takwīr" value="Tekvîr" />
		<text id="Al-'Infiṭār" value="İnfitâr" />
		<text id="Al-Muṭaffifīn" value="Mutaffifîn" />
		<text id="Al-'Inshiqāq" value="İnşikâk" />
		<text id="Al-Burūj" value="Bürûc" />
		<text id="Aṭ-Ṭāriq" value="Târık" />
		<text id="Al-'A`laá" value="A'lâ" />
		<text id="Al-Ghāshiyaħ" value="Gâşiye" />
		<text id="Al-Fajr" value="Fecr" />
		<text id="Al-Balad" value="Beled" />
		<text id="Ash-Shams" value="Şems" />
		<text id="Al-Layl" value="Leyl" />
		<text id="Aḍ-Ḍuḥaá" value="Duhâ" />
		<text id="Ash-Sharḥ" value="İnşirâh" />
		<text id="At-Tīn" value="Tîn" />
		<text id="Al-`Alaq" value="Alak" />
		<text id="Al-Qadr" value="Kadr" />
		<text id="Al-Bayyinaħ" value="Beyyine" />
		<text id="Az-Zalzalaħ" value="Zilzâl" />
		<text id="Al-`Ādiyāt" value="Âdiyât" />
		<text id="Al-Qāri`aħ" value="Kâri'a" />
		<text id="At-Takāthur" value="Tekâsür" />
		<text id="Al-`Aṣr" value="Asr" />
		<text id="Al-Humazaħ" value="Hümeze" />
		<text id="Al-Fīl" value="Fil" />
		<text id="Quraysh" value="Kureyş" />
		<text id="Al-Mā`ūn" value="Mâ'ûn" />
		<text id="Al-Kawthar" value="Kevser" />
		<text id="Al-Kāfirūn" value="Kâfirûn" />
		<text id="An-Naṣr" value="Nasr" />
		<text id="Al-Masad" value="Tebbet" />
		<text id="Al-'Ikhlāṣ" value="İhlâs" />
		<text id="Al-Falaq" value="Felâk" />
		<text id="An-Nās" value="Nâs" />

<!-- Subjects -->

		<text id="عقل" value="Intellect"/>
		<text id="علم و حکمت" value="Science and Wisdom"/>
		<text id="توحید" value="Monotheism"/>
		<text id="عدل" value="Justice"/>
		<text id="معاد" value="Resurrection or Day of JudgmentIntellect"/>
		<text id="نبوت" value="Prophecy"/>
		<text id="ولایت" value="Sainthood"/>
		<text id="موجودات" value="Creatures"/>
		<text id="ایمان و فضائل" value="Faith and virtues"/>
		<text id="کفر و رذائل" value="Blasphemy and vices"/>
		<text id="حقوق و آداب معاشرت" value="Rights and etiquette"/>
		<text id="کتب آسمانی" value="Scriptures"/>
		<text id="ذکر و دعا" value="Commemoration of god and prayer"/>
		<text id="احکام , عبادات" value="Commandments, worships"/>
		<text id="تعقل و ارزش آن" value="Intellection and its value"/>
		<text id="چگونگی تعقل" value="How to thinking"/>
		<text id="شرع و عقل" value="Religious law and Intellect"/>
		<text id="مذمت تقلید کورکورانه" value="Scorn for blind imitation"/>
		<text id="الهامات غیبی" value="Occult inspiration"/>
		<text id="اختلافات علماء" value="Scholars disputes"/>
		<text id="حکمت" value="Wisdom"/>
		<text id="صفات و خصوصیات علماء" value="Scholars traits and characteristics"/>
		<text id="راسخون در علم" value="Firmly rooted in knowledge"/>
		<text id="اثبات توحید" value="Monotheism proof"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات قرآنی" value="Giving logical proof of Quran"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات بر نفی تثلیث و اولوهیت مسیح" value="Giving logical proof to deny the Trinity and Christ divine"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات حضرت ابراهیم" value="Giving logical proof of Ibrahim"/>
		<text id="احتجاج علیه بت پرستان" value="Giving logical proof against idol worshipers"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات حضرت نوح" value="Giving logical proof of Noah presence"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات حضرت هود" value="Giving logical proof of Houd presence"/>
		<text id="شفاعت" value="Intercession"/>
		<text id="اعتقاد به شفاعت شرک نیست" value="Belief to Intercession is not dualism"/>
		<text id="شفیعان روز قیامت" value="Intercessors resurrection day"/>
		<text id="شفاعت شوندگان" value="Intercessors"/>
		<text id="احتجاج بر توحید خداوند" value="Giving logical proof on the monotheism of God"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات بر ربوبیت خداوند" value="Giving logical proof on supernal condition of divinity"/>
		<text id="احتجاجات بر وحدانیت خداوند" value="Giving logical proof on uniqueness of god"/>
		<text id="نشانه ها و آیات تکوینی" value="Ontological Signs and verses"/>
		<text id="ولایت الهی" value="Divine Sainthood"/>
		<text id="خلقت آسمانهاو زمین" value="Creation of heavens and land"/>
		<text id="خلقت انسانها و جانداران و گیاهان" value="Creation of humans and animals and plants"/>
		<text id="فطرت" value="Nature"/>
		<text id="فطرت و خداشناسی" value="Nature and theology"/>
		<text id="فطرت هدایتگر" value="Nature navigation"/>
		<text id="صفات جمالیه" value="Attributes of beauty"/>
		<text id="صفات جلالیه" value="Attributes of majestic"/>
		<text id="صفات رحیمه" value="Attributes of merciful"/>
		<text id="علم خداوند" value="God Science"/>
		<text id="قدرت خداوند" value="God's power"/>
		<text id="اسماء الهی" value="Divine Names"/>
		<text id="جبر و اختیار" value="Compulsion and choice"/>
		<text id="عدالت الهی" value="Divine Justice"/>
		<text id="قضا و قدر" value="Divine ordination"/>
		<text id="هدایت و اضلال الهی" value="Divine guidance and obliquity"/>
		<text id="امتحان و ابتلا" value="Test and tribulation"/>
		<text id="حق" value="Real"/>
		<text id="باطل" value="Void"/>
		<text id="هدف خلقت" value="The purpose of creation"/>
		<text id="حبط و تکفیر" value="Commination ​​and atone"/>
		<text id="عفو و غفران خداوند" value="Lordship pardon or remission and forgiveness"/>
		<text id="کسانیکه توبه آنان قبول نمیشود" value="Those will not accept their repentance"/>
		<text id="سنت های الهی" value="Divine traditions"/>
		<text id="توبه و آمرزش الهی" value="Divine Repentance and Forgiveness"/>
		<text id="شرایط توبه" value="Conditions of Repentance"/>
		<text id="معارف قرآنی" value="Quranic higher teachings"/>
		<text id="حیات" value="Life"/>
		<text id="احتجاج با قوم یهود" value="Giving logical proof with the Jewish people"/>
		<text id="قیامت" value="Resurrection"/>
		<text id="بهشت" value="paradise or heaven"/>
		<text id="دوزخ" value="Hell"/>
		<text id="علائم قیامت" value="Signs of Resurrection"/>
		<text id="استدلال بر معاد" value="Reasoning on the resurrection"/>
		<text id="احتجاج بر معاد" value="Giving logical proof on Resurrection or Day of Judgment"/>
		<text id="احوال و اوصاف قیامت" value="Situations and descriptions of resurrection"/>
		<text id="اسماء قیامت" value="Names of Resurrection"/>
		<text id="وصف حال  مجرمین در قیامت" value="Situation of Offenders in Resurrection"/>
		<text id="ظهور و تجسم اعمال در قیامت" value="Visualize and emergence of affairs in Resurrection"/>
		<text id="صراط" value="Path"/>
		<text id="عرش و کرسی و حاملین آن" value="Throne and seat and its carriers"/>
		<text id="مشاجرات دوزخیان با یکدیگر" value="plutonian disputes with each other"/>
		<text id="گفتگوی بهشتیان با یکدیگر" value="Heaven people dialogue with each other"/>
		<text id="شیطان" value="Satan or Devil"/>
		<text id="سخن شیطان با پیروانش" value="Devil speaking with his followers"/>
		<text id="پیروان شیطان" value="Followers of Satan"/>
		<text id="شیطان" value="Satan"/>
		<text id="وصف حال مومنین در قیامت" value="Situation of believers in Resurrection"/>
		<text id="وصف حال مومنین در بهشت" value="Situation of believers in Paradise"/>
		<text id="وصف حال مجرمین در دورزخ" value="Situation of Offenders in hell"/>
		<text id="وصف عذابهای دوزخ" value="Description of hell torments"/>
		<text id="وصف نعمتهای بهشتی" value="Description of Heavenly blessings"/>
		<text id="میزان و محاسبه اعمال" value="Calculate and amount of affairs"/>
		<text id="حالات حشر" value="Mustering States"/>
		<text id="خلود و جاودانگی در آخرت" value="Abiding and immortality in the last world"/>
		<text id="سخنان بین اهل جهنم و بهشت" value="Speeches Between Heaven and Hell people"/>
		<text id="داستانهای قرآنی" value="Quranic Stories"/>
		<text id="ارسال رسل" value="Sending prophets "/>
		<text id="هدف ارسال رسل و انبیاء" value="Goal for sending prophets"/>
		<text id="آداب معاشرت انبیاء با مردم" value="Prophets Etiquette with people"/>
		<text id="معجرات انبیاء" value="Miracles of prophets"/>
		<text id="عصمت انبیاء" value="Infallibility of prophets"/>
		<text id="قصه آدم و حوا (ع)" value="The story of Adam and Eve (On whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="موارد گمراه کنندگی شیطان" value="Examples of evil Misleading"/>
		<text id="داستان هابیل و قابیل" value="The story of Cain and Abel"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت ادریس(ع)" value="The story of Idris presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="داستان حضرت نوح (ع)" value="The story of Noah presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت هود (ع) و قوم عاد" value="The Story of Houd presence (on whom be peace) and Aad people"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت صالح (ع) و قوم ایشان" value="The story of Saleh presence (on whom be peace) and his people"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت ابراهیم (ع)" value="The story of Ibrahim presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه لوط (ع) و قوم ایشان" value="The story of Lout (on whom be peace) and his people"/>
		<text id="قصه ذی القرنین" value="The story of Zulqarnain"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرات یعقوب و یوسف (ع)" value="The story of Jacob and Joseph presences (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت ایوب (ع)" value="The story of job presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت شعیب (ع)و قوم ایکه" value="The story of Shoaib presence (on whom be peace) and Ikeh people"/>
		<text id="داستانهای حضرت موسی و هارون (ع)" value="Stories of Moses and Aaron presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="حضرت موسی (ع)" value="Musa presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه قارون" value="Gharoun story"/>
		<text id="داستانهای بنی اسرائیل" value="Israel Stories"/>
		<text id="داستان حضرت خضر(ع)" value="The story of Khazr(on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه بلعم باعورا" value="The story of"/>
		<text id="داستان حضرت اسماعیل" value="The story of Ismail presence"/>
		<text id="داستان یسع و ذالکفل" value="The story of Al-Yasha and Zulkifl"/>
		<text id="وصایای لقمان حکیم" value="Advice of sage Loghman"/>
		<text id="قصه طالوت" value="The story of Talut"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت داوود(ع)" value="The story of David (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت سلیمان (ع)" value="The story of Prophet Solomon (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه سبأ" value="The story of Saba"/>
		<text id="قصه اصحاب رس" value="The story of advocate Ras"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرات زکریا و یحیی(ع)" value="The story of Zakaria and John presences (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="داستان حضرت مریم (س)" value="The story of Margaret presence"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت عیسی (ع)" value="The story of Jesus presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قرآن" value="Quran"/>
		<text id="قصه حضرت یونس (ع)" value="The story of Yunus presence (on whom be peace)"/>
		<text id="قصه اصحاب کهف" value="The story of Kahf advocates"/>
		<text id="قصه اخدود" value="The story of the people of the pit"/>
		<text id="قصه مجوس و اصحاب صابئین" value="The story of Magus tale and Sabein advocate"/>
		<text id="قصه تبع" value="The story of the people Tubba"/>
		<text id="احواب عرب جاهلی و اصحاب فیل" value="Arab Council ignorant and elephant companions"/>
		<text id="پیامبر اسلام (ص)" value="Prophet of Islam (Muhammad presence) (PBUH)"/>
		<text id="معراج پیامبر" value="Prophet ascension"/>
		<text id="جنگ های پیامبر" value="Prophet Wars"/>
		<text id="احنجاجات حضرت محمد (ص)" value="Giving logical proof Prophet Muhammad presence (PBUH)"/>
		<text id="خویشاوندان پیامبر(ص)" value="Relatives of the Prophet (PBUH)"/>
		<text id="فضائل پیامبر(ص)" value="Virtues of the Prophet (PBUH)"/>
		<text id="امامت" value="Pontificate"/>
		<text id="مهدویت" value="Mahdism"/>
		<text id="رجعت" value="Return"/>
		<text id="حضرت علی (ع)" value="Imam Ali (as)"/>
		<text id="اهل بیت ـ علیهم السلام ـ" value="The Household of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)"/>
		<text id="امام زمان حضرت مهدی (عج)" value="Imam Zaman (as)"/>
		<text id="خلقت عالم" value="Creation of the Universe"/>
		<text id="قلم و لوح محفوظ" value="Protected tablet and pen"/>
		<text id="شب و روز سنین و شهور" value="Night and day and ages and Months"/>
		<text id="طبیعت و باد و باران" value="Nature and wind and rain"/>
		<text id="حقیقت و نفس انسان" value="Truth and human soul"/>
		<text id="جن" value="Elf or jinn"/>
		<text id="اولیاءالله" value="friends of God"/>
		<text id="متقین" value="God fearing or pious people"/>
		<text id="خاشعین" value="Submissive or humble people"/>
		<text id="حب و بغض" value="Love and tears(spite)"/>
		<text id="محبت خداوند" value="God affection"/>
		<text id="بغض خداوند" value="God's tears(spite)"/>
		<text id="چیزهایی که باید دوست داشت" value="Things need to be loved"/>
		<text id="چیزهایی که نباید دوست داشت" value="Things not liked"/>
		<text id="قلب" value="Heart"/>
		<text id="صبر" value="Patience"/>
		<text id="تقوی" value="( Pietism )God fearing or God wariness"/>
		<text id="خوف و رجا" value="Fear and hope"/>
		<text id="شکر" value="Gratitude"/>
		<text id="توکل" value="Reliance on God or Trust in God"/>
		<text id="تفکر" value="Thinking or meditation"/>
		<text id="هوای نفس" value="Sensual desire or passion"/>
		<text id="منافقین" value="Hypocrites"/>
		<text id="مستضعفین" value="Indigents or Poor"/>
		<text id="ریا" value="Hypocrisy"/>
		<text id="یأس" value="Despair or hopelessness"/>
		<text id="محبت به دنیا" value="Love to the world"/>
		<text id="تکبر" value="( pride)Pretending greatness"/>
		<text id="غرور" value="Pride"/>
		<text id="حب مال" value="Love of worldly wealth"/>
		<text id="حب دنیا" value="Love of the world"/>
		<text id="گناهان" value="Sins"/>
		<text id="اعمال نیک" value="Good deeds or affairs"/>
		<text id="احترام به پدر و مادر و صله رحم" value="Respect for parents and"/>
		<text id="انفاق" value="Generosity"/>
		<text id="احسان" value="Beneficence or good-doing"/>
		<text id="یتیمان و مستمندان" value="Orphans and needy(poor) people"/>
		<text id="وفای بعهد" value="Fulfillment of the covenant(Troth)"/>
		<text id="غیبت" value="Calumny or Absence"/>
		<text id="دوستی با کفار" value="Friendship with infidels"/>
		<text id="آداب قرآنی" value="Quranic etiquette"/>
		<text id="اعجاز قرآن" value="Miracle of Quran"/>
		<text id="اوصاف قرآن" value="descriptions of Quran"/>
		<text id="نسخ ، محکم و متشابه" value="Abrogation, firm and similar"/>
		<text id="یاد خدا" value="the remembrance of Allah"/>
		<text id="ذکر و تسبیح موجودات" value="Commemoration of god and glorification beings"/>
		<text id="دعاهای قرآنی" value="Quranic supplications"/>
		<text id="طهارت" value="Purification"/>
		<text id="نماز" value="Prayer"/>
		<text id="احکام نماز" value="Properties of Ritual Prayer"/>
		<text id="ارکان و خصوصیات نماز" value="Cornerstones or Pillars and characteristics of Ritual Prayer"/>
		<text id="زکات" value="Giving alms"/>
		<text id="خمس" value="Quint or One fifth"/>
		<text id="روزه" value="Fast"/>
		<text id="حج ،مکه و مسجد الحرام" value="Hajj, Mecca and the holy mosque"/>
		<text id="جنگ و جهاد" value="War and Jihad"/>
		<text id="امربه معروف و نهی از منکر" value="Religious injunctions to do good and prohibited from denying"/>
		<text id="کسب و درآمد" value="Business and income"/>
		<text id="ذبح" value="killing of an animal or Slaughter"/>
		<text id="وصیت" value="Will or testament"/>
		<text id="خانواده: ازدواج، طلاق، زناشوئی، تربیت فرزندان و ..." value="Family: Marriage, divorce, marriage, raising children and so on"/>
		<text id="عتق" value="Emancipation or liberation"/>
		<text id=" یمین و قسم" value="Oath and swear"/>
		<text id="اطعمه و اشربه" value="( Sustentation and wine)"/>
		<text id="غصب" value="Usurpation or Confiscation"/>
		<text id="قضاوت" value="Judgment"/>
		<text id="شهادت" value="Testimony"/>
		<text id="ارث" value="Inheritance"/>
		<text id="جنایات و قصاص" value="Crime and Punishment or penalty"/>
		<text id=" حدود و تعزیرات" value="Limits or proper ranks and sentences"/>
		<text id="ملائکه" value="Angels"/>
		<text id="برزخ" value="Limbo(isthmus) or Intermediate world"/>
		<text id="رأفت در اسلام" value="Forgiving in Islam"/>
		<text id="مثل های قرآنی" value="Quranic examples or likenesses"/>
		<text id="اجل" value="Death"/>
		<text id="انسان" value="Man"/>
		<text id="جامعه و اجتماع" value="Society and community"/>
		<text id="روابط اجتماعی" value="Social relations"/>
		<text id=" اغنیا و فقرا (فقر و غنا)" value="Rich and the poor people(Poverty and Rich)"/>
		<text id="ارتباط مومن و کافر" value="relation between believers and infidels or non believing"/>
		<text id="ظالم و مظلوم" value="Oppressor and oppressed"/>
		<text id="عدالت اجتماعی" value="Social Justice"/>
		<text id="اسلام" value="Islam"/>
		<text id="حقیقت اسلام" value="Truth of Islam"/>
		<text id="برتری اسلام" value="Superiority of Islam"/>
		<text id="حقانیت اسلام" value="Islamic legitimacy"/>
		<text id="مدح شدگان" value="Eulogizers"/>
		<text id="لعن و ذم شدگان" value="Those Imprecated"/>
		<text id="ادیان" value="Religions"/>
		<text id="مسیحیت" value="Christianity"/>
		<text id="یهود" value="Jewish"/>
		<text id="سایر ادیان" value="Other religions"/>
		<text id="شهادت" value="Testimony"/>
		<text id="استضعاف و استکبار" value="Debilitate and Claiming to be too great(arrogance)"/>
		<text id="حیوانات" value="Animals"/>
		<text id="پزشکی" value="Medical"/>
		<text id="نجوم" value="Astronomy"/>
		<text id="مراحل خلقت انسان" value="Stages of human creation"/>
		<text id="کسانیکه توبه شان پذیرفته میشود" value="Those who are accepted their Repentance"/>
		<text id="اصحاب پیامبر(ص)" value="Advocates of the Prophet (PBUH)"/>
		<text id="قبله" value="Direction of prayer or Kiblah"/>
		<text id="مسجد" value="Mosque"/>
		<text id="جهل" value="Ignorance"/>
		<text id="فضیلت علم" value="Knowledge Excellence"/>
		<text id="آداب معاشرت" value="Etiquette"/>
		<text id="روش تبلیغ" value="Advertisement method"/>
		<text id="بهداشت روحی" value="Mental health"/>
		<text id="بهداشت روانی" value="psychological Health"/>
		<text id="استدراج" value="Reaching a conclusion"/>
		<text id="پیشگویی های قرآن" value="Predictions of Quran"/>
		<text id="احکام سیاسی" value="Political judgments or decrees"/>
		<text id="نعمت های مادی" value="Material blessings"/>
		<text id="اقسام توحید" value="Kinds of Monotheism"/>
		<text id="نعمت های معنوی" value="Supersensory blessings"/>
		<text id="وحی" value="Revelation(oracle)"/>
		<text id="معجزات" value="Miracles"/>
		<text id="وظایف انبیاء" value="Duties of Prophets"/>
		<text id="هدایت و گمراهی" value="guidance and Obliquity"/>
		<text id="عوامل هدایت" value="Guidance factors"/>
		<text id="آثار هدایت" value="Guidance effects"/>
		<text id="انفاق" value="Generosity"/>
		<text id="پیامبران" value="Prophets"/>
		<text id="سلیمان" value="Soloman"/>
		<text id="سایر پیامبران" value="Other prophets"/>
		<text id="علوم" value="Sciences"/>
		<text id="حقوق بندگی" value="Servitude rights"/>
		<text id="سایر صفات الهی" value="Other divine attributes"/>
		<text id="حروف مقطعه" value="Muqatta'at"/>
		<text id="کافران" value="Unbelievers"/>
		<text id="مهربرقلوب" value="Affection on heart"/>
		<text id="صراط مستقیم" value="The right path"/>
		<text id="رستگاران" value="salvations"/>
		<text id="خدعه و نیرنگ" value="Deceit and trickery"/>
		<text id="فساد و اهل فساد" value="Depravity and corruption people"/>
		<text id="استهزاء" value="Ridicule"/>
		<text id="معامله" value="Transaction"/>
		<text id="آیات و نشانه های الهی" value="Divine Signs(verses) and Symptoms"/>
		<text id="مومنین" value="Believers"/>
		<text id="فاسقین" value="Paramours"/>
		<text id="زیانکاران" value="Losers"/>
		<text id=" اصناف مردم  و برخی شخصیتها" value="People orders and some characters"/>
		<text id="برتری و کرامت انسان" value="Excellence and human dignity"/>
		<text id="بنی اسرائیل" value="Israel"/>
		<text id="اهمیت نماز" value="The importance of prayer"/>
		<text id="زکات" value="Giving alms(zakat)"/>
		<text id="سفارش به تعقل" value="Order to Intellection"/>
		<text id="عقوبت های دنیوی" value="Worldly punishments"/>
		<text id="کارهایی که سبب دوزخ رفتن میشود" value="Things that cause people enter to hell"/>
		<text id="کارهایی که سبب ورود به بهشت میشود" value="Things that cause people enter to heaven(paradise)"/>
		<text id="آداب و معارشت با مردم" value="Customs and behavior with people"/>
		<text id="حیات دنیا" value="Life of world"/>
		<text id="حضرت عیسی" value="Jesus"/>
		<text id="کفر" value="Blasphemy"/>
		<text id="آثار کفر" value="Effects Of blasphemy"/>
		<text id="مرگ" value="Death"/>
		<text id="اهمیت قٰرآن" value="The importance of the Quran"/>
		<text id="سحر" value="Magic or Sorcery"/>
		<text id="سایر سنت های الهی" value="Other(spiritual) divine traditions"/>
		<text id="برهان" value="Proof"/>
		<text id="اسحاق" value="Isaac"/>
		<text id="اسماعيل" value="Esmaeil"/>
		<text id="أعراف" value="Al-Araf (The Heights)"/>
		<text id="انجيل" value="Gospel"/>
		<text id="ايوب" value="Job"/>
		<text id="بخل" value="Stinginess"/>
		<text id=" بلا و آزمایش" value="Trial and testing"/>
		<text id=" توبه" value="Repentance"/>
		<text id=" تورات" value="Torah"/>
		<text id="ثمود" value="Thamud"/>
		<text id="جالوت" value="Goliath"/>
		<text id="جدال" value="Battle"/>
		<text id="مجرمین" value="Offenders"/>
		<text id="بهشت" value="Heaven"/>
		<text id="جهنم" value="Hell"/>
		<text id="اجابت الهی" value="God acceptance"/>
		<text id="احتجاج" value="( Sophistry) Giving a logical proof"/>
		<text id=" حدود الهی" value="Divine limits"/>
		<text id="عسر و حرج" value="Hardships"/>
		<text id=" حرص و طمع" value="Greed and voracity"/>
		<text id="حسد" value="Envy"/>
		<text id="دنیا" value="World"/>
		<text id=" حجاب و عفاف" value="Veil And temperance(chastity)"/>
		<text id=" حسرت" value="Regret"/>
		<text id=" حلم و بردباری" value="Meekness and patience"/>
		<text id="اخبات" value="humble"/>
		<text id="خشوع" value="Humility"/>
		<text id="خشیت" value="dread"/>
		<text id="خضوع" value="Prostrate"/>
		<text id="خلود" value="Abiding"/>
		<text id="اخلاص" value="Sincerity"/>
		<text id="شراب" value="Wine"/>
		<text id="خوف" value="horror"/>
		<text id="خيب" value="Despair"/>
		<text id="داود" value="David"/>
		<text id="هلاک شدگان" value="Those destructed( perishes)"/>
		<text id=" رجس و پلیدی" value="uncleanness and Demons"/>
		<text id="زبور" value="Psalms"/>
		<text id="زراعت" value="Agriculture"/>
		<text id="زكريا" value="Zakaria"/>
		<text id="تزکیه" value="Refinement"/>
		<text id=" سجده" value="Prostrate"/>
		<text id="اسراف" value="Squander"/>
		<text id="دزدی" value="Theft"/>
		<text id="شعيب" value="Shoaib"/>
		<text id="شفاعت" value="Intercession"/>
		<text id="شهوت" value="Lust"/>
		<text id="صالح" value="Saleh"/>
		<text id="صدق و راستی" value="Truth and honesty"/>
		<text id="چشم پوشی" value="Ignore(Waiver)"/>
		<text id="طالوت" value="Talut"/>
		<text id=" تعجب" value="Surprise"/>
		<text id="عصیان" value="Sin"/>
		<text id="دریا" value="Sea"/>
		<text id="بکاء" value="Sob"/>
		<text id=" غضب الهی" value="Divine wrath"/>
		<text id="فتنه" value="Intrigue"/>
		<text id="فحشا و منکرات" value="Filthiness and denier, wrong"/>
		<text id=" فرح و شادی" value="Happy and Joy"/>
		<text id="قرض دادن" value="Lend"/>
		<text id="ماه" value="Month"/>
		<text id="اولو الالباب" value="(Alallalbab)Those endowed with understanding"/>
		<text id="لقمان" value="Luqman"/>
		<text id=" لهو و لعب" value="Frivolity"/>
		<text id="لوط" value="Lout"/>
		<text id="ماجوج" value="Magog"/>
		<text id="ماروت" value="Marout"/>
		<text id="مريم" value="Margaret"/>
		<text id="منت الهی" value="Grace divine"/>
		<text id="آرزو و تمنی" value="Wish and desire"/>
		<text id="مرگ" value="Death"/>
		<text id="ستارگان" value="Stars"/>
		<text id="خالصی و یک رویی" value="Genuine and sincere"/>
		<text id="انابه" value="repentance"/>
		<text id="نوح" value="Noah"/>
		<text id="هاروت" value="Harout"/>
		<text id="هارون" value="Aaron"/>
		<text id="هامان" value="Haman"/>
		<text id=" هجرت" value="Migration"/>
		<text id=" هدایت" value="Guidance"/>
		<text id="خاری و ذلت گناهکاران" value="Contempt and guiltiest (ignominy of guiltiest)"/>
		<text id="هود" value="Houd"/>
		<text id="وسواس" value="Obsession"/>
		<text id=" وعظ و نصیحت" value="Preaching and exhortation"/>
		<text id="ياجوج" value="Gog"/>
		<text id="يحيى" value="John"/>
		<text id="يعقوب" value="Jacob"/>
		<text id="اهل یقین" value="certainty people"/>
		<text id="يهود" value="Jewish"/>
		<text id="يوسف" value="Joseph"/>
		<text id="يونس" value="Jonah"/>
		<text id="یأس و نومیدی" value="Despair"/>
		<text id="ابراهيم" value="Ibrahim"/>
		<text id="حالات روانی انسان" value="Psychological states of human"/>
		<text id="حزن و اندوه" value="Grief and sorrow"/>
		<text id="گریه و اشک" value="Sob and tear"/>
		<text id="زندگی مادی انسانی" value="Corporeal life of human"/>
		<text id="حزب و گروه" value="Party and Group"/>
		<text id="یقین" value="Certainty"/>
		<text id="اضطرار" value="Compulsion"/>
		<text id="ربا" value="Gavel"/>

<!-- Reciter -->

		<text id="Al-Minshawi" value="Al-Minshawi" />
		<text id="Al-Ghamdi" value="Al-Ghamdi" />
		<text id="Al-Shatri" value="Al-Shatri" />
		<text id="Al-Afasy" value="Al-Afasy" />
		<text id="Al-Shuraim" value="Al-Shuraim" />
		<text id="Ayyub" value="Ayyub" />
		<text id="Al-Ajmy" value="Al-Ajmy" />
		<text id="Al-Hudhaifi" value="Al-Hudhaifi" />
		<text id="Abdulbasit" value="Abdulbasit" />
		<text id="Al-Husary" value="Al-Husary'Husary" />
		<text id="Abdullah Basfar" value="Abdullah Basfar" />
		<text id="Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais" value="Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais" />
		<text id="Maher Al-Muaiqly" value="Maher Al-Muaiqly" />
		<text id="At-Tablawi" value="At-Tablawi" />
		<text id="Ar-Refai" value="Ar-Refai" />
		<text id="Al-Akhdar" value="Al-Akhdar" />
		<text id="Shahriar Parhizgar" value="Shahriar Parhizgar" />
		<text id="Fooladvand-Hedayatfar" value="Fooladvand-Hedayatfar" />
		<text id="Makarem-Kabiri" value="Makarem-Kabiri" />
