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Changelog for innotop:

2010-11-06: version 1.8.0

   * Don't re-fetch SHOW VARIABLES every iteration; it's too slow on many hosts.
   * Add a filter to remove EVENT threads in SHOW PROCESSLIST (issue 32).
   * Add a timestamp to output in -n mode, when -t is specified (issue 37).
   * Add a new U mode, for Percona/MariaDB USER_STATISTICS (issue 39).
   * Add support for millisecond query time in Percona Server (issue 39).
   * Display a summary of queries executed in Query List mode (issue 26).

   Bugs fixed:
   * Made config-file reading more robust (issue 41).
   * Hostname parsing wasn't standards compliant (issue 30).
   * MKDEBUG didn't work on some Perl versions (issue 22).
   * Don't try to get InnoDB status if have_innodb != YES (issue 33).
   * Status text from the InnoDB plugin wasn't parsed correctly (issue 36).
   * Transaction ID from InnoDB plugin wasn't subtracted correctly (issue 38).
   * Switching modes and pressing ? for help caused a crash (issue 40).

2009-09-06: version 1.7.2

   * add support for --socket

   Bugs fixed:
   * remove cxn from $meta->{group_by} if there's only one connection displayed
   * fix for issue 19 - cxn column won't become visible when viewing two 
     connections after having viewed one connection
   * supress errors resulting from the addition of a 'BACKGROUND THREAD' 
     section in the output of 'show innodb status' 
   * possible fix for issue 22 - Useless use of a constant in void context
   * small change to set_to_tbl() around hiding the cxn column if there 
     aren't two or more connections

2009-03-09: version 1.7.1

   * Don't display the CXN column if only one connection is active in 
     the current view
   * the 'state' column is now visible by default in Query List mode

   Bugs fixed:
   * fixed bug where trying to aggregate the time column would result 
     in a crash if the time column had an undef value in it, which is 
     the case when a thread is in the 'Connect' state
   * updated innotop.spec file to reflect current version

2009-02-23: version 1.7.0

   * supports a central config (/etc/innotop/innotop.conf)
   * changed the default home directory config to ~/.innotop/innotop.conf
     (away from .ini)
   * embedded into innotop so it can be run with no 
   * no longer writes a new config file by default
   * added --skipcentral (skip reading central config) and --write (write
     a config if none were loaded at start-up)
   * if no config file is loaded, connect to a MySQL database on
     localhost using mysql_read_default_group=client
   * embedded maatkit's and added support for --user,
     --password, --host, --port
   * changed default mode from T (InnoDB Transactions) to Q (Query List)
   * in addition to connected threads, now displays running and cached
     threads in statusbar
   * don't load connections from a config file if any DSN information or
     a username or password is specified on the command-line
   Bugs fixed:
   * fixed bug preventing utilization of command-line options that
     override default config settings if no config file was loaded
   * fixed a bug where migrating from an old version of the config will
     delete ~/innotop.ini, if it exists.  Now uses File::Temp::tempfile().

2007-11-09: version 1.6.0

   * S mode crashed on non-numeric values.
   * New user-defined columns crashed upon restart.
   * Added --color option to control terminal coloring.

2007-09-18: version 1.5.2

   * Added the ability to monitor InnoDB status from a file.
   * Changed W mode to L mode; it monitors all locks, not just lock waits.

2007-09-16: version 1.5.1

   * Added C (Command Summary) mode.
   * Fixed a bug in the 'avg' aggregate function.

2007-09-10: version 1.5.0

   * Added plugin functionality.
   * Added group-by functionality.
   * Moved the configuration file to a directory.
   * Enhanced filtering and sorting on pivoted tables.
   * Many small bug fixes.

2007-07-16: version 1.4.3

   * Added standard --version command-line option
   * Changed colors to cyan instead of blue; more visible on dark terminals.
   * Added information to the filter-choosing dialog.
   * Added column auto-completion when entering a filter expression.
   * Changed Term::ReadKey from optional to mandatory.
   * Clarified username in password prompting.
   * Ten thousand words of documentation!

   Bugs fixed:
   * innotop crashed in W mode when InnoDB status data was truncated.
   * innotop didn't display errors in tables if debug was enabled.
   * The colored() subroutine wasn't being created in non-interactive mode.
   * Don't prompt to save password except the first time.

2007-05-03: version 1.4.2

   This version contains all changes to the trunk until revision 239; some
   changes in revisions 240:250 are included.


   * Quick-filters to easily filter any column in any display
   * Compatibility with MySQL 3.23 through 6.0
   * Improved error handling when a server is down, permissions denied, etc
   * Use additional SHOW INNODB STATUS information in 5.1.x
   * Make all modes use tables consistently, so they can all be edited,
     filtered, colored and sorted consistently
   * Combine V, G and S modes into S mode, with v, g, and s hot-keys
   * Let DBD driver read MySQL option files; permit connections without
   * Compile SQL-like expressions into Perl subroutines; eliminate need to
     know Perl
   * Do not save all config data to config file, only save user's customizations
   * Rewritten and improved command-line option handling
   * Added --count, --delay, and other command-line options to support
     run-and-exit operation
   * Improve built-in variable sets
   * Improve help screen with three-part balanced-column layout
   * Simplify table-editor and improve hotkey support
   * Require Perl to have high-resolution time support (Time::HiRes)
   * Help the user choose a query to analyze or kill
   * Enable EXPLAIN, show-full-query in T mode just like Q mode
   * Let data-extraction access current, previous and incremental data sets
     all at once


   * Column stabilizing for Q mode
   * New color rules for T, Q, W modes
   * Apply slave I/O filter to Q mode
   * Improve detection of server version and other meta-data
   * Make connection timeout a config variable
   * Improve cross-version-compatible SQL syntax
   * Get some information from the DBD driver instead of asking MySQL for it
   * Improved error messages
   * Improve server group creation/editing
   * Improve connection/thread killing
   * Fix broken key bindings and restore previously mapped hot-keys for
     choosing columns
   * Some documentation updates (but not nearly enough)
   * Allow the user to specify graphing char in S mode (formerly G mode)
   * Allow easy switching between variable sets in S mode
   * Bind 'n' key globally to choose the 'next' server connection
   * Bind '%' key globally to filter displayed tables
   * Allow aligning columns on the decimal place for easy readability
   * Add hide_hdr config variable to hide column headers in tables
   * Add a feature to smartly run PURGE MASTER LOGS in Replication mode
   * Enable debug mode as a globally configurable variable
   * Improve error messages when an expression or filter doesn't compile or has
     a run-time error; die on error when debug is enabled
   * Allow user-configurable delays after executing SQL (to let the server
     settle down before taking another measurement)
   * Add an expression to show how long until a transaction is finished
   * Add skip_innodb as a global config variable
   * Add '%' after percentages to help disambiguate (user-configurable)
   * Add column to M mode to help see how fast slave is catching up to master


   * T and W modes had wrong value for wait_status column
   * Error tracking on connections didn't reset when the connection recovered
   * wait_timeout on connections couldn't be set before MySQL 4.0.3
   * There was a crash on 3.23 when wiping deadlocks
   * Lettercase changes in some result sets (SHOW MASTER/SLAVE STATUS) between
     MySQL versions crashed innotop
   * Inactive connections crashed innotop upon access to DBD driver
   * set_precision did not respect user defaults for number of digits
   * --inc command-line option could not be negated
   * InnoDB status parsing was not always parsing all needed information
   * S mode (formerly G mode) could crash trying to divide non-numeric data
   * M table didn't show Slave_open_temp_tables variable; incorrect lettercase
   * DBD drivers with broken AutoCommit would crash innotop
   * Some key bindings had incorrect labels
   * Some config-file loading routines could load data for things that didn't
   * Headers printed too often in S mode
   * High-resolution time was not used even when the user had it
   * Non-interactive mode printed blank lines sometimes
   * Q-mode header and statusbar showed different QPS numbers
   * Formulas for key-cache and query-cache hit ratios were wrong
   * Mac OS "Darwin" machines were mis-identified as Microsoft Windows
   * Some multiplications crashed when given undefined input
   * The commify transformation did not check its input and could crash
   * Specifying an invalid mode on the command line or config file could crash

2007-03-29: version 1.4.1

   * More tweaks to display of connection errors.
   * Fixed a problem with skip-innodb in MySQL 5.1.
   * Fix a bug with dead connections in single-connection mode.
   * Fix a regex to allow parsing more data from truncated deadlocks.
   * Don't load active cxns from the config file if the cxn isn't defined.

2007-03-03: version 1.4.0

   * Further tweak error handling and display of connection errors
   * More centralization of querying
   * Fix forking so it doesn't kill all database connections
   * Allow user to run innotop without permissions for GLOBAL variables and status

2007-02-11: version 1.3.6

   * Handle some connection failures so innotop doesn't crash because of one server.
   * Enable incremental display in more modes.
   * Tweaks to colorizing, color editor, and default color rules.
   * Tweaks to default sorting rules.
   * Use prepared statements for efficiency.
   * Bug fixes and code cleanups.
   * Data storage is keyed on clock ticks now.

2007-02-03: version 1.3.5

   * Bug fixes.
   * More tools for editing configuration from within innotop.
   * Filters and transformations are constrained to valid values.
   * Support for colorizing rows.
   * Sorting by multiple columns.
   * Compress headers when display is very wide.
   * Stabilize and limit column widths.
   * Check config file formats when upgrading so upgrades go smoothly.
   * Make D mode handle many connections at once.
   * Extract simple expressions from data sets in column src property.
     This makes innotop more awk-ish.

2007-01-16: version 1.3

   * Readline support.
   * Can be used unattended, or in a pipe-and-filter mode
     where it outputs tab-separated data to standard output.
   * You can specify a config file on the command line.
     Config files can be marked read-only.
   * Monitor multiple servers simultaneously.
   * Server groups to help manage many servers conveniently.
   * Monitor master/slave status, and control slaves.
   * Columns can have user-defined expressions as their data sources.
   * Better configuration tools.
   * InnoDB status information is merged into SHOW VARIABLES and
     SHOW STATUS information, so you can access it all together.
   * High-precision time support in more places.
   * Lots of tweaks to make things display more readably and compactly.
   * Column transformations and filters.

2007-01-16: version 1.0.1
   * NOTE: innotop is now hosted at Sourceforge, in Subversion not CVS.
     The new project homepage is
   * Tweak default T/Q mode sort columns to match what people expect.
   * Fix broken documentation (and hence man page).

2007-01-06: version 1.0
   * NOTE: innotop is now hosted at Sourceforge, in Subversion not CVS.
     The new project homepage is
   * Prevent control characters from freaking terminal out.
   * Set timeout to keep busy servers from closing connection.
   * There is only one InnoDB insert buffer.
   * Make licenses clear and consistent.

2006-11-14: innotop 0.1.160, InnoDBParser version 1.69
   * Support for ANSI color on Microsoft Windows (more readable, compact
     display; thanks Gisbert W. Selke).
   * Better handling of $ENV{HOME} on Windows.
   * Added a LICENSE file to the package as per Gentoo bug:

2006-11-11: innotop 0.1.157, InnoDBParser version 1.69
   * Add Microsoft Windows support.

2006-10-19: innotop 0.1.154, InnoDBParser version 1.69
   * Add O (Open Tables) mode
   * Add some more checks to handle incomplete InnoDB status information

2006-09-30: innotop 0.1.152, InnoDBParser version 1.69
   * Figured out what was wrong with package $VERSION variable: it wasn't
     after the package declaration!

2006-09-28: innotop 0.1.152, InnoDBParser version 1.67
   * Make more efforts towards crash-resistance and tolerance of completely
     messed-up inputs.  If innotop itself is broken, it is now much harder to
     tell, because it just keeps on running without complaining.
   * Fix a small bug parsing out some information and displaying it.

2006-09-05: innotop 0.1.149, InnoDBParser version 1.64
   * Try to find and eliminate any parsing code that assumes pattern matches
     will succeed.

2006-09-05: innotop 0.1.149, InnoDBParser version 1.62
   * Make innotop crash-resistant, so I can declare it STABLE finally.
   * Instead of using SQL conditional comments, detect MySQL version.

2006-08-22: innotop 0.1.147, InnoDBParser version 1.60
   * Fix some innotop bugs with undefined values, bad formatting etc.

2006-08-19: innotop 0.1.146, InnoDBParser version 1.60
   * Make innotop handle some unexpected NULL values in Q mode.
   * Add OS wait information to W mode, so it is now "everything that waits."
   * Center section captions better.
   * Make R mode more readable and compact.
   * Make InnoDBParser parse lock waits even when they've been waiting 0 secs.

2006-08-12: innotop 0.1.139, InnoDBParser version 1.59
   * Add more documentation
   * Tweak V mode to show more info in less space.
   * Fix a bug in G mode.

2006-08-10: innotop 0.1.132, InnoDBParser version 1.58
   * Handle yet more types of FK error... it will never end!
   * Handle some special cases when DEADLOCK info truncated
   * Add a bit more FK info to F mode in innotop
   * More tests added to the test suite

2006-08-07: innotop 0.1.131, InnoDBParser version 1.55
   * Fix another issue with configuration
   * Handle another type of FK error

2006-08-03: innotop 0.1.130, InnoDBParser version 1.54
   * Fix an issue loading config file
   * Add heap_no to 'D' (InnoDB Deadlock) mode to ease deadlock debugging.

2006-08-02: innotop 0.1.128, InnoDBParser version 1.54
   * Parse lock wait information from the TRANSACTION section.
   * Even more OS-specific parsing... pain in the butt...
   * Add 'W' (InnoDB Lock Wait) mode.
   * Fix some minor display issues with statusbar.

2006-08-02: innotop 0.1.125, InnoDBParser version 1.50
   * Don't try to get references to Perl built-in functions like time()
   * Handle more OS-specific variations of InnoDB status text
   * Add some more information to various places in innotop

2006-08-01: innotop 0.1.123, InnoDBParser version 1.47

   * Enhance S and G modes: clear screen and re-print headers
   * Don't crash when deadlock data is truncated
   * Make Analyze mode say how to get back to whatever you came from
   * Display 'nothing to display' when there is nothing
   * Add ability to read InnoDB status text from a file (mostly helps test)
   * Add table of Wait Array Information in Row Op/Semaphore mode
   * Add table of lock information in InnoDB deadlock mode
   * Ensure new features in upgrades don't get masked by existing config files
   * Tweak default column choices for T mode
   * Enhance foreign key parsing
   * Enhance physical record and data tuple parsing
   * Enhance lock parsing (handle old-style and new-style formats)

2006-07-24: innotop 0.1.112, InnoDBParser version 1.36

   * InnoDBParser enhancements for FK error messages.
   * A fix to innotop to prevent it from crashing while trying to display a FK
     error message.
   * Some minor cosmetic changes to number formatting in innotop.

2006-07-22: innotop 0.1.106, InnoDBParser version 1.35

   * InnoDBParser is much more complete and accurate.
   * Tons of bug fixes.
   * Add partitions to EXPLAIN mode.
   * Enhance Q mode header, add T mode header.
   * Share some configuration variables across modes.
   * Add formatted time columns to Q, T modes.
   * Add command-line argument parsing.
   * Turn off echo when asking for password.
   * Add option to specify port when connecting.
   * Let display-optimized-query display multiple notes.
   * Lots of small improvements, such as showing more info in statusbar.

2006-07-02: innotop 0.1.74, InnoDBParser version 1.24

   * Initial release for public consumption.