

distrib > Mageia > 3 > i586 > by-pkgid > d450c3bd8661c38151ea728f380a6493 > files > 60



# this is a relatively small web-server, using coroutines for connections.
# play around with it but do not use it in production without checking it
# works for you. ask in case of problems, or if you are
# interested in a newer version (more useless features).

use Coro;
use Coro::Semaphore;
use Coro::Event;
use Coro::Socket;

no utf8;
use bytes;

# at least on my machine, this thingy serves files
# quite a bit faster than apache, ;)
# and quite a bit slower than thttpd :(

$MAX_CONNECTS = 500;			# maximum simult. connects
$REQ_TIMEOUT  =  60;			# request timeout
$RES_TIMEOUT  = 180;			# response timeout
$MAX_POOL     =  20;			# max. number of idle workers
$DOCROOT      = "/usr/www/htdocs";	# document root
$INDEXPROG    = "/usr/www/bin/dols";	# indexing program (nph-cgi script)
$SERVER_HOST  = "";		# host to bind on
$SERVER_PORT  = 80;			# port to listen on

my $port = new Coro::Socket
        LocalAddr => $SERVER_HOST,
        LocalPort => $SERVER_PORT,
        ReuseAddr => 1,
        Listen => 1,
   or die "unable to start server";

sub slog {
   my $level = shift;
   my $format = shift;
   #printf "---: $format\n", @_;

my $connections = new Coro::Semaphore $MAX_CONNECTS;

my @fh;

# move the event main loop into a coroutine
async { loop };

slog 1, "accepting connections";
while () {
   if (my $fh = $port->accept) {
      #slog 3, "accepted @$connections ".scalar(@pool);
      async_pool {
         eval {
         close $fh;
         slog 1, "$@" if $@ && !ref $@;

package conn;

use Socket;
use HTTP::Date;

sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $fh = shift;
   my (undef, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in $fh->peername
      or $self->err(500, "unable to get peername");
   $self->{remote_address} = inet_ntoa $iaddr;
   bless { fh => $fh }, $class;

sub slog {

sub print_response {
   my ($self, $code, $msg, $hdr, $content) = @_;
   my $res = "HTTP/1.0 $code $msg\015\012";

   $hdr->{Date} = time2str time; # slow? nah.

   while (my ($h, $v) = each %$hdr) {
      $res .= "$h: $v\015\012"
   $res .= "\015\012$content" if defined $content;

   print {$self->{fh}} $res;

sub err {
   my $self = shift;
   my ($code, $msg, $hdr, $content) = @_;

   unless (defined $content) {
      $content = "$code $msg";
      $hdr->{"Content-Type"} = "text/plain";
      $hdr->{"Content-Length"} = length $content;

   $self->slog($msg) if $code;

   $self->print_response($code, $msg, $hdr, $content);

   die bless {}, err::;

sub handle {
   my $self = shift;
   my $fh = $self->{fh};

   #while() {
      $self->{h} = {};

      # read request and parse first line
      my $req = $fh->readline("\015\012\015\012");

      defined $req or
         $self->err(408, "request timeout");

      $req =~ /^(?:\015\012)?
                (GET|HEAD) \040+
                ([^\040]+) \040+
         or $self->err(405, "method not allowed", { Allow => "GET,HEAD" });

      $2 < 2
         or $self->err(506, "http protocol version not supported");

      $self->{method} = $1;
      $self->{uri} = $2;

      # parse headers
         my (%hdr, $h, $v);

         $hdr{lc $1} .= ",$2"
            while $req =~ /\G
                  ((?: [^\015\012]+ | \015\012[\011\040] )*)

         $req =~ /\G\015\012$/
            or $self->err(400, "bad request");

         $self->{h}{$h} = substr $v, 1
            while ($h, $v) = each %hdr;

      $self->{server_port} = $self->{h}{host} =~ s/:([0-9]+)$// ? $1 : 80;


# uri => path mapping
sub map_uri {
   my $self = shift;
   my $host = $self->{h}{host} || "default";
   my $uri = $self->{uri};

   $host =~ /[\/\\]/
      and $self->err(400, "bad request");

   # some massaging, also makes it more secure
   $uri =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/chr hex $1/ge;
   $uri =~ s%//+%/%g;
   $uri =~ s%/\.(?=/|$)%%g;
   1 while $uri =~ s%/[^/]+/\.\.(?=/|$)%%;

   $uri =~ m%^/?\.\.(?=/|$)%
      and $self->err(400, "bad request");

   $self->{name} = $uri;

   # now do the path mapping
   $self->{path} = "$::DOCROOT/$host$uri";

sub server_address {
   my $self = shift;
   my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in $self->{fh}->sockname
      or $self->err(500, "unable to get socket name");
   ((inet_ntoa $iaddr), $port);

sub server_host {
   my $self = shift;
   if (exists $self->{h}{host}) {
      return $self->{h}{host};
   } else {
      return (($self->server_address)[0]);

sub server_hostport {
   my $self = shift;
   my ($host, $port);
   if (exists $self->{h}{host}) {
      ($host, $port) = ($self->{h}{host}, $self->{server_port});
   } else {
      ($host, $port) = $self->server_address;
   $port = $port == 80 ? "" : ":$port";

# no, this doesn't do cgi, but it's close enough
# for the no-longer-used directory indexing script.
sub _cgi {
   my $self = shift;
   my $path = shift;
   my $fh;

   # no two-way xxx supported
   if (0 == fork) {
      open STDOUT, ">&".fileno($self->{fh});
      if (chdir $::DOCROOT) {
         $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = "thttpd-myhttpd"; # we are thttpd-alike
         $ENV{HTTP_HOST}       = $self->server_host;
         $ENV{HTTP_PORT}       = $self->{server_host};
         $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}     = $self->{name};
         exec $::INDEXPROG;
   } else {

sub respond {
   my $self = shift;
   my $path = $self->{path};

   stat $path
      or $self->err(404, "not found");

   # idiotic netscape sends idiotic headers AGAIN
   my $ims = $self->{h}{"if-modified-since"} =~ /^([^;]+)/
             ? str2time $1 : 0;

   if (-d _ && -r _) {
      # directory
      if ($path !~ /\/$/) {
         # create a redirect to get the trailing "/"
         my $host = $self->server_hostport;
         $self->err(301, "moved permanently", { Location =>  "http://$host$self->{uri}/" });
      } else {
         $ims < (stat _)[9]
            or $self->err(304, "not modified");

         if ($self->{method} eq "GET") {
            if (-r "$path/index.html") {
               $self->{path} .= "/index.html";
            } else {
   } elsif (-f _ && -r _) {
      -x _ and $self->err(403, "forbidden");
   } else {
      $self->err(404, "not found");

sub handle_dir {
   my $self = shift;

sub handle_file {
   my $self = shift;
   my $length = -s _;
   my $hdr = {
      "Last-Modified"  => time2str ((stat _)[9]),

   my @code = (200, "ok");
   my ($l, $h);

   if ($self->{h}{range} =~ /^bytes=(.*)$/i) {
      for (split /,/, $1) {
         if (/^-(\d+)$/) {
            ($l, $h) = ($length - $1, $length - 1);
         } elsif (/^(\d+)-(\d*)$/) {
            ($l, $h) = ($1, ($2 ne "" || $2 >= $length) ? $2 : $length - 1);
         } else {
            ($l, $h) = (0, $length - 1);
            goto ignore;
         goto satisfiable if $l >= 0 && $l < $length && $h >= 0 && $h >= $l;
      $hdr->{"Content-Range"} = "bytes */$length";
      $self->err(416, "not satisfiable", $hdr);

      $hdr->{"Content-Range"} = "bytes $l-$h/$length";
      @code = (206, "partial content");
      $length = $h - $l + 1;

   } else {
      ($l, $h) = (0, $length - 1);

   if ($self->{path} =~ /\.html$/) {
      $hdr->{"Content-Type"} = "text/html";
   } else {
      $hdr->{"Content-Type"} = "application/octet-stream";

   $hdr->{"Content-Length"} = $length;

   $self->print_response(@code, $hdr, "");

   if ($self->{method} eq "GET") {
      my ($fh, $buf);
      open $fh, "<", $self->{path}
         or die "$self->{path}: late open failure ($!)";

      if ($l) {
         sysseek $fh, $l, 0
            or die "$self->{path}: cannot seek to $l ($!)";

      $h -= $l - 1;

      while ($h > 0) {
         $h -= sysread $fh, $buf, $h > 4096 ? 4096 : $h;
         print {$self->{fh}} $buf
            or last;

   close $fh;