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    <div class="sect1" title="Revision Specifiers">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.tour.revs.specifiers"></a>Revision Specifiers</h2>
      <p>As we described in <a class="xref" href="" title="Revisions">the section called “Revisions”</a>, revision numbers in Subversion are pretty
      straightforward—integers that keep getting larger as you
      commit more changes to your versioned data.  Still, it doesn't
      take long before you can no longer remember exactly what
      happened in each and every revision.  Fortunately, the typical
      Subversion workflow doesn't often demand that you supply
      arbitrary revisions to the Subversion operations you perform.
      For operations that <span class="emphasis"><em>do</em></span> require a revision
      specifier, you generally supply a revision number that you saw
      in a commit email, in the output of some other Subversion
      operation, or in some other context that would give meaning to
      that particular number.</p>
      <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Note">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
            <th align="left">Note</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>Referring to revision numbers with
        an <span class="quote">“<span class="quote"><code class="literal">r</code></span>”</span> prefix
        (<code class="literal">r314</code>, for example) is an established
        practice in Subversion communities, and is both supported and
        encouraged by many Subversion-related tools.  In most places
        where you would specify a bare revision number on the command
        line, you may also use
        the <code class="literal">r</code><em class="replaceable"><code>NNN</code></em>
      <p>But occasionally, you need to pinpoint a moment in time for
      which you don't already have a revision number memorized or
      handy.  So besides the integer revision numbers,
      <span class="command"><strong>svn</strong></span> allows as input some additional forms of
      revision specifiers: <em class="firstterm">revision keywords</em>
      and revision dates.</p>
      <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <table border="0" summary="Note">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
              <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
            <th align="left">Note</th>
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p>The various forms of Subversion revision specifiers can be
        mixed and matched when used to specify revision ranges.  For
        example, you can use <code class="option">-r
        <em class="replaceable"><code>REV1</code></em>:<em class="replaceable"><code>REV2</code></em></code>
        where <em class="replaceable"><code>REV1</code></em> is a revision keyword
        and <em class="replaceable"><code>REV2</code></em> is a revision number, or
        where <em class="replaceable"><code>REV1</code></em> is a date and
        <em class="replaceable"><code>REV2</code></em> is a revision keyword, and so
        on.  The individual revision specifiers are independently
        evaluated, so you can put whatever you want on the opposite
        sides of that colon.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Revision Keywords">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.tour.revs.keywords"></a>Revision Keywords</h3>
        <a id="idp9016784" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>The Subversion client understands a number of revision
        keywords.  These keywords can be used instead of integer
        arguments to the <code class="option">--revision</code>
        (<code class="option">-r</code>) option, and are resolved into specific
        revision numbers by Subversion:</p>
        <div class="variablelist">
              <span class="term">
                <code class="literal">HEAD</code>
              <a id="idp9021376" class="indexterm"></a>
              <a id="idp9022448" class="indexterm"></a>
              <p>The latest (or <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">youngest</span>”</span>) revision in
              the repository.</p>
              <span class="term">
                <code class="literal">BASE</code>
              <a id="idp9026832" class="indexterm"></a>
              <a id="idp9027904" class="indexterm"></a>
              <p>The revision number of an item in a working copy.
              If the item has been locally modified, this refers to
              the way the item appears without those local
              <span class="term">
                <code class="literal">COMMITTED</code>
              <a id="idp9032000" class="indexterm"></a>
              <a id="idp9033072" class="indexterm"></a>
              <p>The most recent revision prior to, or equal to,
              <code class="literal">BASE</code>, in which an item changed.</p>
              <span class="term">
                <code class="literal">PREV</code>
              <a id="idp9037680" class="indexterm"></a>
              <a id="idp9038752" class="indexterm"></a>
              <p>The revision immediately <span class="emphasis"><em>before</em></span>
              the last revision in which an item changed.
              Technically, this boils down to
              <code class="literal">COMMITTED</code>-1.</p>
        <p>As can be derived from their descriptions, the
        <code class="literal">PREV</code>, <code class="literal">BASE</code>, and
        <code class="literal">COMMITTED</code> revision keywords are used only
        when referring to a working copy path—they don't apply
        to repository URLs.  <code class="literal">HEAD</code>, on the other
        hand, can be used in conjunction with both of these path
        <p>Here are some examples of revision keywords in
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn diff -r PREV:COMMITTED foo.c
# shows the last change committed to foo.c

$ svn log -r HEAD
# shows log message for the latest repository commit

$ svn diff -r HEAD
# compares your working copy (with all of its local changes) to the
# latest version of that tree in the repository

$ svn diff -r BASE:HEAD foo.c
# compares the unmodified version of foo.c with the latest version of
# foo.c in the repository

$ svn log -r BASE:HEAD
# shows all commit logs for the current versioned directory since you
# last updated

$ svn update -r PREV foo.c
# rewinds the last change on foo.c, decreasing foo.c's working revision

$ svn diff -r BASE:14 foo.c
# compares the unmodified version of foo.c with the way foo.c looked
# in revision 14
      <div class="sect2" title="Revision Dates">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.tour.revs.dates"></a>Revision Dates</h3>
        <a id="idp9050256" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>Revision numbers reveal nothing about the world outside
        the version control system, but sometimes you need to
        correlate a moment in real time with a moment in version
        history.  To facilitate this, the <code class="option">--revision</code>
        (<code class="option">-r</code>) option can also accept as input date
        specifiers wrapped in curly braces (<code class="literal">{</code> and
        <code class="literal">}</code>).  Subversion accepts the standard
        ISO-8601 date and time formats, plus a few others.  Here are
        some examples.</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn update -r {2006-02-17}
$ svn update -r {15:30}
$ svn update -r {15:30:00.200000}
$ svn update -r {"2006-02-17 15:30"}
$ svn update -r {"2006-02-17 15:30 +0230"}
$ svn update -r {2006-02-17T15:30}
$ svn update -r {2006-02-17T15:30Z}
$ svn update -r {2006-02-17T15:30-04:00}
$ svn update -r {20060217T1530}
$ svn update -r {20060217T1530Z}
$ svn update -r {20060217T1530-0500}
        <div class="note" title="Note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Note">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Note]" src="images/note.png" />
              <th align="left">Note</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>Keep in mind that most shells will require you to, at a
          minimum, quote or otherwise escape any spaces that are
          included as part of revision date specifiers.  Certain
          shells may also take issue with the unescaped use of curly
          braces, too.  Consult your shell's documentation for the
          requirements specific to your environment.</p>
        <p>When you specify a date, Subversion resolves that date to
        the most recent revision of the repository as of that date,
        and then continues to operate against that resolved revision
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn log -r {2006-11-28}
r12 | ira | 2006-11-27 12:31:51 -0600 (Mon, 27 Nov 2006) | 6 lines
        <div class="sidebar" title="Is Subversion a Day Early?">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <p class="title">
                  <strong>Is Subversion a Day Early?</strong>
          <p>If you specify a single date as a revision without
          specifying a time of day (for example
          <code class="literal">2006-11-27</code>), you may think that Subversion
          should give you the last revision that took place on the
          27th of November.  Instead, you'll get back a revision from
          the 26th, or even earlier.  Remember that Subversion will
          find the <span class="emphasis"><em>most recent revision of the
          repository</em></span> as of the date you give.  If you give
          a date without a timestamp, such as
          <code class="literal">2006-11-27</code>, Subversion assumes a time of
          00:00:00, so looking for the most recent revision won't
          return anything on the 27th.</p>
          <p>If you want to include the 27th in your search, you can
          either specify the 27th with the time (<code class="literal">{"2006-11-27
          23:59"}</code>), or just specify the next day
          (<code class="literal">{2006-11-28}</code>).</p>
        <p>You can also use a range of dates.  Subversion will find
        all revisions between both dates, inclusive:</p>
        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="screen">
$ svn log -r {2006-11-20}:{2006-11-29}
        <div class="warning" title="Warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <table border="0" summary="Warning">
              <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25">
                <img alt="[Warning]" src="images/warning.png" />
              <th align="left">Warning</th>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                <p>Since the timestamp of a revision is stored as an
          unversioned, modifiable property of the revision (see <a class="xref" href="svn.advanced.props.html" title="Properties">the section called “Properties”</a>), revision timestamps can be
          changed to represent complete falsifications of true
          chronology, or even removed altogether.  Subversion's
          ability to correctly convert revision dates into real
          revision numbers depends on revision datestamps maintaining
          a sequential ordering—the younger the revision, the
          younger its timestamp.  If this ordering isn't maintained,
          you will likely find that trying to use dates to specify
          revision ranges in your repository doesn't always return the
          data you might have expected.</p>
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for Subversion 1.7), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, and C. Michael Pilato.<br />
       This work is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.<br />
       To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the text, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>